  • Unknown A
    I have to give this some mention because it's so funny and embarrassing that it's. It's kind of difficult to ignore. So you know how Ashley St. Clair, the employee of Babylon be just a few days ago, announced impromptu on Twitter that she had given birth to Elon Musk's son some time ago, like, whatever, five months ago. And she just dropped this on Twitter. And following that, both she and Grimes made public tweets saying to Elon, essentially, like, why won't you answer my DMs about our kid? Like, Grimes literally, in response to an Elon tweet, was like, I'm sorry, this has gone on long enough. There's, like, an emergency, and you literally won't answer my calls. Or something like that. Just truly phenomenal stuff. Baby mama drama. You know it. And he's got a lot of them. Ashley St. Clair has sued for sole custody of the sun, which is extremely funny.
  • Unknown A
    And the paternity suit revealed a bunch of leaked messages between them. One jarring text exchange. In the paternity position, St. Clair shares a photo of herself and her newborn son in a hospital bed to Elon Musk. All well, he's perfect. I look forward to seeing you and him this weekend. Oh, there's more texts. Show me more texts. Where's the other texts? Hold on. Elon Musk, Ashley St. Clair texts, paternity suit. New York Post cut it. Because they hate fun. What happened to free speech, man? Pedestrian tv eight minutes ago. How can you be so bad of a person? Well, Elon is much like his father, a believer in a fertility cult. The idea that they're like an ubermensch, it needs to spread their seed as far and wide as possible. Here you go. Yes. Hi, cutie. Hi. See you soon. I want to knock you up again.
  • Unknown A
    I am often saying this, so I can't really fault Elon for this. Oh, he freaks out. He's having, like, a anxiety meltdown over assassination. Remember the assassination coordinates thing? I get credible death threats every day. I'm number two after Trump for assassination. Wake up. This is not the time for sentiment at the expense of safety. If I make a mistake on security, R will never know his father, the kid's name. That's why the father spot on. His birth certificate is blank right now. Elon. That's why he has my last name. Necessary for now. Only the paranoid survive. So he's essentially saying, leave the parentage off of this child's records, don't legally associate him with me. And the reason is for security. It's very important for security reasons. You. You have to complete. You have to make him a bastard child. You have to completely detach me from this kid.
  • Unknown A
    It's the only way for them to survive. The threat level will reach insane levels until the election is decided. Loose lips sink ships. Hi. I feel like a lot broke down when Jared got involved. He said a lot of pretty horrible things to me that attributed to you, and I feel as though there was a rift in our relationship with that. If you were in New York would like me come to dc, I'd really push you. Okay. All righty then. Well, we do have a legion of kids to make. Can you honestly? It's like, it's more embarrassing for her than it is for him because we know how he is and she them or apparently all of his kids are via ivf. Is that true? I haven't investigated that. Is that true that Elon has, like, a broken dick? So all of his children are via ivf and they're all male or something, except for Vivian, who transitioned.
  • Unknown A
    So is he having, like, sex, selective IVF and like, forcing abortions if they're female? Can you do that? Yeah, you can do that. Did it in China. It's funny. So it's true? Yeah, it's all. They're not all male. Some are girls. Okay, okay, so that wasn't true. But it is all like ivf, right? Has he ever had sex? Do we know? Even if. Even if they say it wasn't via ivf, what if it was? What if he's never had sex? Maybe. God almighty. You'd think if Elon Musk was actually interested in propagating like his super seed or whatever, that he would be prominent intellectuals and not mid tier right wing shit posters or something like. Like he wouldn't be just going after every girl who passes by his orbit based on her tweets. My impression is that Grimes might actually have an Elon level IQ as well.
  • Unknown A
    So I don't know. They're kind of like selecting for the Jesus Christ. The new child with conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair would extend Musk's brood to 13. Fascinating. Here he is with Strider X and Azure Strider. Like Half Life 2. I don't know. Anyway, the only reason I decided to talk about this now is because the funniest clip in the world just dropped. Look at this. Look at this, man. We don't have too many, but that one is a good one. Now, I watched this rocket come down. Wait, you're leaving a little boy? Incredible. You have to forgive the dude. He was on drugs. Yeah, but it's literally like he brings the kid around as a shield, but he just forgot about him. The kid, the poor kid, just like stumbling down after he forgot his human shield like this. I. Okay, just. Look, I know I'm not a father, but just like operating on instinct here.
  • Unknown A
    The idea of walking down a set of metal steps and leaving your like 2 year old behind you without a glance back actually like insane. Like. Like it's like genuinely like an insane thing to do. Like, I feel like it would take active effort to do this. Like, I can't even imagine it being forgetting. You know what I mean? Like, you'd have to like put effort into not doing anything. He is no. Paternalistic. Well, yeah, he's. He doesn't raise any of these kids, literally. The insight we have in his home life from. From Vivian is literally just like. He was an abusive piece of who occasionally tried to impose, like, you know, the importance of masculinity, but wasn't really there because of course he's not. He doesn't have any paternal instinct. Remember when he was in the Oval Office and the kid who he was using as a human shield was just there at his feet, not looking up at his father again?
  • Unknown A
    That's crazy to me. Literally, like, children are so flighty. Like little kids in public. They're like always looking to their parents for protection, approval, whatever else. Same kid, right? I don't know. He's got so many of them. Wait, somebody said they had a link to another message and I missed it. Where was it linked it again? Hasn't Grimes been begging him to stop taking his human shield in public? Yes. She was also begging him to respond because there was like, like a emergency and he wouldn't answer his phone or something like that. King Chud. It is incredibly funny, the IVF male thing. Like, maybe he was having sex at first, but now that he's really gotten into the breeder cult thing, he's like the. He's like forcing abortions and pre selecting for sex with. With the kids to like raise an army of. Because, you know, he thinks he's doing some like, Genghis Khan or whatever.
  • Unknown A
    He's like, I will raise an army of high IQ elite males or something to that effect. Wait, here it is. When Elon said he hasn't had sex in years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is. This is. This is older. Haven't even had sex in ages. Sigh. Here's the Grimes message on X. She deleted it. Please respond about Our child's medical crisis. I'm sorry to do this publicly, but it is no longer acceptable to ignore the situation. This requires immediate attention. If you don't want to talk to me, can you please designate or hire someone who can so can move forward on solving this? This is urgent. Elon. So funny. You know about the white supremacist, sperm donor cult group thing or whatever. You know, Elon's involved in that circle? Oh, God, absolutely. 100%, like, the same ideological. You know, why would Elon be needed? I mean, he's legally their father.
  • Unknown A
    There's a bunch of. See, I. I know it's. It seems like, kind of antiquated in the context of this situation, but theoretically, like, you are supposed to have both parents involved in the child's life. She doesn't have sole custody over them. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, pretty grim and funny that he's doing the, like, Nazi, you know, white supremacist, superior progenitor seed cult bullshit, but, you know, at least we know he's not happy. Don't you mean pretty Grimes, dude? People do need to stop treating Grimes like she's a victim in this, though, because she has defended and played into this so many times. I'm not saying she's as bad as him. Not even close. But people. Yeah, she's. She's really. Yeah. These women all chose him. To be fair. I. I mean, there is a great deal of coercion, and we know that he pressures people into.
  • Unknown A
    We don't really know the story of the dynamic in all these cases, but with Grimes, at least. Yeah. Apparently, Elon's first five kids were via ivf. Maybe he really does have a broken dick. I believe it. It's funny. So I believe.