Unknown A
Elon chainsaw. Yeah. You have the link? Yeah. You have the link. You have the link. You have the link. That's great. That's great. I don't. Man, I don't want to look at this, man. They had a CPAC conference. Elon was there. Javier Millet was there because he was given, I guess, a bit of respite between his crying meltdown sessions on Argentinian state media where he denies any responsibility for the rug pull that he supervised. Yeah, Elon got his Doge chainsaw. It's super cool. See? Ah.
Unknown B
This is the chainsaw for bureaucracy.
Unknown A
Get it? Because he's like, cutting federal spending. This is so cringe. I know. I just, I don't want to like, overanalyze this because I can't handle it right now. I have a headache. I don't want to.
Unknown B
All right.
Unknown A
Though I do appreciate, I guess, the, the earnest straightforwardness of holding CPAC and very early on having the head of State of the world's only like 5th world country there to present a gift to the shadow president. Anyway, Elon showed up in sunglasses, even though it was indoors, partly because he wanted. It made him feel cool. Like that ancient meme of the sunglasses that slowly drift down onto the eyes of a like pixel gif of a dog dancing or something like that. And partly because he's a ketamine addict and the light was probably hurting his eyes.
Unknown B
That was something I am become meme. Yeah, pretty much. I'm just incredible. The dream. And there's living the meme and it's pretty much what's happening, you know, Like, I can't.
Unknown A
You. I can't go over all of this. He is probably also super cooked up. It's, it's. It's just a level of anti charisma that. I don't know. I don't know if there's any like, parallel to it. I genuinely can't think of a person less suited for speaking publicly than him. But, you know, that's not stopping him.
Unknown B
You know, and have like a sense of humor, you know, so like, like, I mean, the sort of left wanted to make comedy illegal, you know, you can't make fun of anything. So there was like, comedy sucks. It's like nothing's funny. You can't make fun of anything. It's like legalized comedy. Yeah, legalize comedy. And we, we've. We've shifted the entire culture and just.
Unknown A
We're really lucky in a way that the, the, the strongest proponent of the worsening of this country, like the agent Of. Of. Of destruction is also the least charismatic man in the world. Like, if you think about it, the odds are almost unimaginable. It could have been any other person and they would have been less soy. You know, we did luck out a little bit. Anyway, the thing I actually want to talk about besides all this and, and obviously, like, I. I caught snippets of the entire thing, because why wouldn't I? And it's. It's exactly what you think. It's just senseless gloating over things that they haven't done and won't ever do. There's not really much to analyze there. I guess apart from their willingness to lie, which we're all pretty familiar with. You've probably seen the part that I actually do want to talk about, which is, hey, Steve Bannon.
Unknown A
This guy. And we're not going to retreat, we're not going to surrender, we're not going to quit. Fight, fight, fight. That's weird. He didn't say my heart goes out to you. He forgot that part. So is he autistic? Yeah, you know, it's just. He's just awkward with his gestures. His arm just did that, etc. You guys remember the. The okay sign and like, drinking milk and all that other stuff that alt right types back in, like 2017 were obsessed with doing as a performative gesture? A dog whistle, you know? You guys do understand this is very different, right? Because the okay sign wasn't innately a right wing symbol. They just chose that on an Internet forum and ran with it. This is already a hate symbol. There's so there is not really a dog whistle. Some people are, like, comparing it to the okay sign, but I don't think it's like that at all because it's a matter of, like, expansion versus consolidation.
Unknown A
Right? The point of the whole okay sign thing is, like, we're gonna epically trigger the libs by making them get really angry over a thing that they correctly identify as an indicator of me being a Nazi. But because it's like an innocuous symbol on its own, they'll look crazy calling it out. It's the point of a dog whistle, right? This is just a Nazi salute. So it's not really like. It's not really. You can't really do that. The point of this isn't to, like, epically upset the liberals in a way that makes everyone laugh at the liberals. Okay? The point of that was to make a mockery of the liberals. This is just to normalize. Sieg heiling again. It's. It's very different. It might seem similar, but it's very, very different. This isn't about, like, making a show of people's responses. This is about going like, okay, we've had our fun, but, like, this is what we're really about now.
Unknown A
There are going to be conservatives who deny, deny, deny, and a lot of them are lying, obviously, and a lot of them are just delusional and think they're telling the truth. But that is the goal here. It's. It's just to normalize neo Nazism. Le Pen didn't like this. That's very funny. Oh, not Le Pen. French far right leader cancel CPAC speech over Steve Bannon's Nazi salute. Jordan Bardella canceled a scheduled speech after seeing the Nazi salute their hours before. That's quite funny because it's German. They hate Germany. Ah, that's funny. Yeah. I don't know. We're going to be seeing a lot more of this stuff moving forward, you know? Steve Bannon accused of making Nazis salute during CPAC speech. At least they're not calling it a Roman salute. How is this liberal news running ambiguity for Bannon? This is Newsweek, the annual conservative gathering in Gaylord National Resort Hotel and Convention Center.
Unknown A
You said it, not me. It's funny. The ADL also class this one as a Nazi salute. You know, I. Steve, the. The thing that gets me a little bit is that Steve Bannon is a smart guy. Would never call the man stupid. Unimaginably evil, not stupid. I feel like this is a stupid move because, dude, even with the Republican constituency, they're just not that on board with Nazism. There are a lot of Republicans who will be led to it like animals to the slaughter. Sure. But, like, overt, like I. And people will run defense for Elon Musk because he's the guy on top of everything. People don't like Steve Bannon. Like, Steve Bannon's fan base is made up of, like, perma online Nazi wonks. You know, he doesn't have a cult of personality, so if anything, he's denigrating Elon by associating himself with him. Bannon thinks he's the leader of this.
Unknown A
You know what? No, I actually think something else is more likely. And I'm gonna. I'm gonna throw a little curveball at you guys. I think Bannon might hate Elon because Bannon's a smart guy who's been intelligently working to bring about the furtherance of far right goals within the Republican Party. And I think he might be embittered by the fact that he's been kind of left out to cold by Trump, by Elon, by Doge. And he probably hates the fact that Elon is like a poser, you know, opportunist retard. I think he might actually be deliberately denigrating Elon by, you know, drawing attention to how obviously Nazi that is. It might, it might be vindictiveness. Now, do I know this for sure? No, of course not. Yeah, Bannon does hate Elon. I. I think this is a slight. He keeps calling him a billionaire, illegal alien, parasite.
Unknown A
In interviews, Elon is very unlikable. To be fair, during the Twitter war in January, Bannon was openly anti Elon. Can you check if AP News's website is still up? Yeah, it's up pretty normally, I'd say. Anyway, I think this is good for us. Personally. I think that Bannon legitimately wants to normalize Neo Nazism. I don't know if Bannon himself is a Nazi or if he's just a fascist. I don't really care, to be honest. But as is so often the case, his vindictiveness towards Elon might actually be more. I think, I think one of the reasons, I think this is because of the way he did the Sieg Heil, you know what I mean? It didn't look like a triumphant, like, aggressive gesture meant to like proudly signify America's emergence into the Reich. It looks like this like conflicted, embittered, kind of weak. Like, like he, he.
Unknown A
I don't know, maybe I'm. Maybe I'm overanalyzing it. It looks like he half assed and kind of winced his way into it. You know what I mean? I don't know. I don't know. How far away, how far are we from them just saying the N word openly? Can hope they do. The more they dispense with the artifice, the better it is for us. Okay. Did you feel the earthquake we just had? No, in Washington. Well, presumably that's where I am. Oh, man.