Unknown A
All right. What the hell did he just do? Ensuring accountability for all agencies. Well, that sounds good. Oh, this is from yesterday. Are you providing me stuff from yesterday? Aren't you, aren't you aware of like, the pace at which the news is cycling these days? Previous administrations have allowed so called independent regulatory agencies to operate with minimal presidential supervision. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Accelerationists, we are eating heartily tonight. The collapse is incoming. No more independent regulatory agencies. No more oversight. No more anything for anyone. Ok? It's just the stupidest, most arrogant men in the world. With no one around to tell them otherwise, the President now has full control of the election of elections through the fec. Sure, man, why not? How would that work? Don't states run elections? Yeah, there are some guidelines. Just a second. This is from yesterday. Why are there news articles reporting on this from like 50 minutes ago?
Unknown A
TRUMP seeks greater control of independent regulators with his new executive orders giving the White House direct control of independent federal federal regulators such as the securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. Yes. Are you guys ready for like, FCC fines to be issued to like, every news broadcaster who reports what Doge is doing? The SEC was already completely captured, so I don't know, I don't know how much they could possibly change there. But you know, it's so over. It's, it's actually like insanely over. You all know that, right? Like, there's nothing anyone could do to, to fix this. It's, yeah, it's, it's pretty much never been more over. I had an ape political friend message me and say it's been a good run. Not so apolitical now, huh? I don't understand how there hasn't been a giant stock market crash yet.
Unknown A
The stock market floats entirely on the vibes and hype of incredibly stupid, incredibly wealthy white men. So they're all like, let's go in this. They're all like, yo, Trump's directly controlling the SEC. Finally. Now we can do 2008 again. Trust me, when I gamble on subprime mortgage loans, when I package a bunch of like, you know, poor people's bullshit mortgages together with AAA certified credit mortgages and start gambling with them, I'll do it properly and I believe them. The Trump White House maintains that independent regulators could undermine the President's agenda and the will of the voting public. I like, I like, it's pretty direct. Pretty direct. See, the problem with independent regulators is that they might contradict the President. You know, the problem with their independence is that they're independent and they're not dependent. Actually, man, oh, man, independent agencies go back to 1887 with the creation of the Independent Commerce Commission.
Unknown A
Oh, this is what Trump meant when he said, like, make make America great again in the first term meant the 50s, and make America great again this term means the 1880s, which he said over and over again before we, you know, before we had the irs, or maybe around the time we had irs. Nelber stressed he could understand why Trump might wish to bring a stock market regulator, such as a sec, under greater White House control. But he said, we'll have to see if this is the right approach in the long run to make independent agencies more politically responsible. What the hell does that mean? Having a White House liaison at the SEC could potentially make an independent agency more politically responsible. How? I hate Reddit as much as the next person, but this is a really good summary of the order. I. I don't want to, like, be one of those guys, but Reddit's probably the single best social media site because it's possible for subreddits to operate more or less autonomously without being completely Hitlerite.
Unknown A
Like, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are just Nazi sites. You know, there are plenty of subreddits that are just, like, kind of the same as they were a decade ago or less. You know, I know it's soy, but, like, life is soy. Now get woke, motherfucker. You're drinking soy? What, you think you're going to be drinking meat with? With RFK Jr. As the department Secretary of Health and Human Services? Are you insane? Dark soy? Let's take a look at this Reddit summary. Oh, they've got, like, emojis. Okay, I can follow this. I'm capable of following this. All federal agencies subject to direct White House control regulations cannot be issued without presidential approv. The Office of Management and Budget can now withhold funding from any independent agency if they don't align with White House priorities. All federal employees must follow the President's and Attorney General's interpretation of the law, eliminating legal independence.
Unknown A
A White House liaison is to be installed in every independent regulatory agency to enforce direct presidential control. Biggest power grab in U.S. history. Yeah. This underpins the concept of an independent regulatory agency. Dismantling one of the last barriers to absolute executive power erases the restraints, and executive power no longer operates with checks and balances. Regulations and laws are now dictated solely by the President. No longer a democratic republic. I don't want to. I don't want to be hyperbolic, but it's kind of true. Trump and Elon have been like directly questioning the ability for the judiciary to interpret the laws set forward by Congress. And also they have been both writing executive orders that overlap with congressional authority and enforcing them. So we kind of are in the unitary executive theory era. Stock market is now subject to White House control, enabling insider trading, favoritism, targeting of political opponents.
Unknown A
Antitrust laws can be selectively for. You guys ready for the most annoying people in chat and in like on Twitter to be like not a democracy as if it was before. Wow. Thank you. Allowing administration friendly monopolies to expand unchecked. Political opponents in the tech center media finance can be targeted with regulatory action while allies are protected. Elections are now influenced by direct White House oversight of the fec. The fda, EPA and consumer protection agencies are fully politicized. Drug approvals, food safety regulations and environmental policies can be rewritten for political or corporate interests. Climate change regulations can be erased overnight. Scientific research is now subject to White House approval before public release. Yeah, that all sounds about right. Wow. America isn't a democracy. My teachers were lying. Well, it was this kind of does it in though. Like this one specifically, like I'm actually demarcing this, this, this one itself kind of.
Unknown A
This kind of does it in a little bit. You know. Unfortunately there's just no system that can survive being taken over by fascists. They've already done a ton of shit that's against the law. You know, like it's, it's not like they've been cleverly taking advantage of legal loopholes. They've just been doing whatever they want. How do you do this in one month? I mean, Hitler did it happens all the time. Maybe not all the time, but like, you know, other, other countries looking at America first time. South Korea looking at America first time. Spain looking at America first time. Greece looking at America first time. Italy looking America first time. Germany looking America first time. Ah, you know, it's the first time that it could feasibly be the last man or. Sorry, the last time though nothing ever ends. So is it even possible to win so hard they can't rig it?
Unknown A
No, if they want to rig it infinitely, they can. But there are upper caps on this, you know, so like what if voting is impossible? Okay, come on guys. We've done this talk before. We've done this talk before, okay? Laws are just legal pretext for assigning the authority of the state to whoever has like the, the, the rules written on their side, okay? There's nothing divine or innate about them. Okay? We're talking about. We're talking about power here, not about law. And while a lot of power is concentrated in the government, all power stems from the people. There is no power independent from the people. Okay? No matter what, in every government, everywhere in the world, all power is ultimately dependent upon the compliance, acceptance, or defeat of the people. And I maintain everything that I've said. You know, I just don't think America can survive the austerity that true fascism would bring.
Unknown A
You know, I think the worst case scenario might be for us. I mean, the worst case scenario might be that Trump really doesn't do the tariffs and the economy remains more or less stable because they clamp down on the stock market, they prevent any big crashes in the future by more or less, like, enabling, like, very specific regulatory action. And as a consequence, things just get worse forever. Or not forever, but for a long time, you know, which is why I'm an accelerationist. In this specific. This specific instance, you know, you kind of need to snap out of it. We need to rip the band aid off now, is what you're saying. Well, we need to ferment public unrest and discontent, basically. That's the gist of it. That's the important part. Yeah. Would mass strikes dethrone them? Okay, you're pissing me off, folks, and I know it's not your fault.
Unknown A
Not all of us can be really cool Live streamers. You know, this isn't about dethroning. It's not about any specific action. Okay? It's about material conditions. Material conditions. If the power of any dictatorship is built on the willfulness of the public, then you have to ask what degree of unwillfulness is. Is necessary to begin dismantling things. This has happened in every authoritarian government in history, except for the ones that are still ongoing. And in the ones that are still ongoing, they have to manage it aggressively. Look at what goes on in Belarus. Look at what goes on in Hungary. Look at what goes on in Turkey. Look at what goes on in Russia. Look at what goes on in Georgia. Look at what goes on in, I don't know, Uzbekistan. Okay. Look at what goes on in Iran. It's hard to talk about North Korea because we don't get a lot of information out of there.
Unknown A
But Iran, China. Yeah, except those times they weren't the richest country to ever exist in nuclear weapons. Shut your damn mouth. Okay? Russia and China both have nuclear weapons. Turkey has. Does Turkey have nuclear weapons or did they just have nuclear weapons during the Cold War? I don't think they have Them. Does Turkey have nukes? No. Okay, sorry. India and Pakistan have nukes, okay? They're not exactly robust democracies. Anyway, what I'm saying basically is don't be a pussy, okay? Even these authoritarian governments, okay, they have to kowtow to the whims of the people. It's a balancing act, all right? We're not talking about one set of authoritarians. We're talking about an incredibly complicated dynamic, an intricate, you know, tapestry of dialectics where you have power and counter power resolving themselves through, you know, action, inaction. Sometimes it's. It's a. It's a big dance and we're all on the, on the dance floor, okay?
Unknown A
I know some of you socially anxious motherfuckers, you know, you think you're not on the dance floor, you are on the dance floor, okay? The chairs in the back, that's the dance floor too. You're just in the chair on the dance floor and all your friends are embarrassed by you because you won't get up there and dance. We need to dance. As powerful as the Chinese Communist Party is, they have worked for decades to placate the unrest of their population. That, that, that placating is predicated largely on the fact that they have legitimately improved the quality of life of most middle class Chinese people. Hundreds of millions of people. With Iran, there's a lot at play. Iran is not that bad of a country to live in, depending on where in Iran you are. It's not fully destitute. It's not like Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever.
Unknown A
And at the same time, you know, there have been degrees of capitulation from the radical Islamist government towards their more agnostic population. That is to say, Iran's government is run militantly, Islamically, you know, but their population doesn't necessarily act like it. In Saudi Arabia, their government is insincerely religious, but out of practicality, they lean it back for tourists because they want Western investment in Iran. Their government is sincerely religious. They roll it back because they knew that if they applied all of these standards full force, the people would revolt. So with all of this, okay, just don't, don't with the. What do we need to do to get out of this? I don't know, man. Learn how to garden. Don't annoy me. You're annoying. You're tiresome. I get asked this question a lot, man. People need to be discontented. People need to be upset. So what can you do?
Unknown A
Discontent people? There is absolutely no way. The clowns that are currently running our executive Branch are competent enough to not fuck this up. They are going to make mistakes. They are going to break this country in ways that are beneficial to essentially no one except for like five guys. And it doesn't matter how well they control the media because people are Americans, especially entitled and conscious of their own living conditions. They will cut back on the Medicare, the Medicaid, the Social Security. They will lie in ways that hurt people directly. Just keep that in mind, all right? Our goal is to accelerate the conditions that hasten the development of that antagonism towards the government. And that can be done in a million ways. Promoting labor, strikes, unions. You know, unions come before strikes, of course. Local organizing. Participate in your town halls, get active locally.
Unknown A
Talk at length about the deprivation of your community at the hands of Trump's regime. You know, try to reform things on a local level where the federal government can't really reach you. Talk to people, get to know your neighbors, learn how to cook. There are plenty of things to do. Don't ask me dumb questions, okay? That's, that's the one thing you can't do, okay? You're not allowed to do that. Sure, join a, join a tenants union, whatever. I don't give a shit. Whatever makes you, whatever makes you happy. Toe the line, you know, be intelligent. Don't get yourself lined up with the, with the powers that be, you know what I mean? Don't be a dumb ass martyr or anything. Don't be stupid. Don't go throwing bricks at cop cars unless they ask you to. Are you clipping your nails? Yeah, I am. Because I'm practicality oriented.
Unknown A
I'm pragmatism minded. What are you doing right now? Just watching a stream. Been sleeping well? No. Is anyone listening to me? Fuck you. Latest economic indicators are showing we're seeing signs similar to the dot com bubble. Dude, inflation is going up and he's literally pressuring the Fed to lower the interest rate. Okay, there's, there's like, there's some math to this. Look, the SEC now has a White House liaison and I guarantee you that White House liaison is going to be a 22 year old broccoli haired fake, like Russian Orthodox church adherent who thinks that it's gay and cringe to tell wealthy people to not invest how they want. Okay? And insider trading is based. Where is the inflation coming from? It's magic. Read a textbook. Sorry to be dumb. Can you explain what the interest rate says? I can't. You know, it's actually pretty complicated and I don't want to undersell the issue.
Unknown A
But generally speaking, the Fed controls the Fed. Okay, correct me if I'm wrong here. Okay. The Fed controls the rate of interest that is set at default for borrowing through the government or through exchanges the government regulates. So that kind of sets the limit on what banks and other institutions that have interest rates of their own can do. Like if you hold stuff in bonds or savings account or whatever else. So it basically kind of like floats the default level. And as a consequence of that, if the Fed lowers interest rates, you incentivize stuff like new mortgages because the interest rate is lower, which means that you'll pay less money on the interest and more money towards the principal over time. And if the interest rate is higher, the goal there is to incentivize saving and less spending. Generally, a higher interest rate is like, kind of indicative of a response to a recession because you want people to spend less big.
Unknown A
Right. It's actually quite complicated. I'm sort of. You know. No one who asked what interest rates are will be any wiser now. Yeah, I suppose that's true. Numbers are good until they're not. That's the gist of it. No, it's easy. You explained it. Okay, thanks. I appreciate that. Sets the overnight exchange rate for all banks between each other. They need to make money on the financial products they offer. The higher the federal interest rate, the higher the rate they have to offer. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for explaining that in a way that made me sound less. Yeah. Fundamentally, it's the cost of borrowing money, which the whole economy is based on.