  • Unknown A
    Okay, so Doge is faltering really badly right now in a very funny way. So remember how. And I put out a quick segment about this. Remember how the Elon Musk said, hey, all 50 billion federal employees reply to this email with five bullet points of what you did. There's no way we're going to read through all of this. So it's basically just a test to make sure everyone who sent, everyone who received an email sends one back. And then multiple federal agencies then contacted their own workers and told them they don't have to do that. Like, I think this happened with the CIA, specifically where they were like, you don't have to do that. You don't have to listen to Elon Musk. As it turns out, CIA agents actually don't need to provide weekly report cards to FBI too. Intelligence agents probably shouldn't be giving weekly report cards.
  • Unknown A
    The email from Elon Musk literally said, don't reply with sensitive information. Like, what have you been up to? All 50 billion federal employees, by the way, do not disclose top secret information. So there are other members of, of of Trump's cabinet that are like, essentially ignoring Elon, which isn't surprising because again, it's a really stupid requirement to begin with. A Pentagon official called the email stupid and Elon got mad over it. Of course he did. Obviously he did. It's the smartest idea he's ever come up with. Anyone with the attitude of that Pentagon official needs to look for a new job. DOD and DHS order staff to ignore it. Silliest thing in 40 years has Pentagon officials, both agencies say they'll respond through chain of command. So basically they're ignoring him. Elon Musk said, okay, a lot of people ignored me the first time. The second time I'm sending you another email and if you don't reply the second time, you are definitely super duper getting fired.
  • Unknown A
    President Donald Trump did little to clear up the situation while talking to reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday. It's somewhat voluntary, he said, but added that if you don't answer, I guess you get fired. Which again goes to show how much Trump is checked into this administration. Like, I don't know, I guess, like Elon can just do that. Like he can just literally directly fire everyone. I'm not really involved. Just ask me questions like, Trump is basically Elon's liaison to the press at this point. Did we talk about Health and Human Services saying anyone who does reply to the email should treat it as if it would be read by malign foreign Actors. Well, of course. You think there's any like, security on this? Assume what you write will be read by malign foreign actors and tailor your response accordingly. Incredible. I again, like you could not.
  • Unknown A
    If Elon Musk and Donald Trump were enemies of the state that infiltrated the government in order to deconstruct it, they would not do anything differently than what they are currently doing. Stop with the link. Shut up. Oh my God, you people. I look at the text, it's all blue. Shut up. Shut up, Shut up. Shut up. Rude ass mother. White House says more than 1 million federal workers responded to Doge's ultimatum email. One million, huh? Uh, Jarvis, how many federal employees are there? You know what? We'll find out how many federal employees are there? Federal civilian employment, all agencies, 1.9 million. We don't know how many people have been fired by Doge because they haven't provided any official records. So, you know, who can really say? So about one half, maybe one half. Incredible. Musk continued to press the issue on X, his social media platform.
  • Unknown A
    I've heard about this and criticized people in the administration that stood in his way. The email request was utterly trivial, as the standard for passing the test was to type some words and press send. Good way of admitting that they had no way of actually evaluating the five bullet points that people were providing. And it was literally just like the emails themselves, which really undermines the the value of the perceived test because it indicates that the quality of the reply isn't what's being assessed. And it's yet another loyalty test. Yet so many failed even that inane test, urged on in some cases by their managers. All my friends who work for the government replied with insults. I don't know if I believe you. I choose to. Elon renews threat to fire federal workers despite pushback from various agencies vowing yet again to send them that damn email.
  • Unknown A
    The FBI and State Department told their employees not to respond. Yeah, it seems like it really is. Just whether or not people are willing to reply to an email, like it's literally just a U up text. My friends who do maintenance on nuclear delivery vehicles got this email and were told not to respond? I believe you. I choose to believe you. You up? Hey, guys. Does it make Elon Musk look weak that in his initial email he said failure to reply would be taken as resignation? And then half the people didn't reply and he's not resigning them, he's not firing them. Does that make him look weak? I'm just curious. It's day one of managing. I haven't begun reading how to Win Friends and Influence People or whatever the book is. Is this good? He looks like his wojack. He looks like a skull. But because he's the shadow president, I figure he's going to have the same effect on him that, like all presidents do, which is he ages really quickly, you know, red skull looking ass motherf.
  • Unknown A
    Er, but pastier. Senior officials work to provide employees guidance on how they should proceed, including freshly confirmed FBI Director Kash Patel, urging employees to pause responses. When this first happened, my initial assumption was that Elon Musk was just waving his dick around and he wasn't actually going to get upset when people didn't reply because there were other members of the Trump cabinet who were obviously going to ignore the request. The fact that Elon actually seems upset by this genuinely makes me wonder if there's about to be a power struggle. Like. Like, is Elon gonna try to get some of these department heads ousted like Kash Patel? That would be really funny to watch because Kash Patel is a massive Trump dick writer. Not so much a big Elon dick writer. You've been enjoying the show. Refill your popcorn. Please, God. Let it happen. Please, God.
  • Unknown A
    Anyway, following all of this, a bunch of Doge staffers have resigned. More than 20 civil service employees resigned Tuesday from Elon Musk's Doge, saying they were refusing to use their technical expertise to dismantle critical public services. Guys, is this good? Guys, Hello? Is this good for my. My. My new fascist regime? We swore to serve the American people and uphold our oath to the Constitution. Across presidential administrations, the 21 staffers wrote in a joint resignation, a copy of which was obtained by the Associated Press. Wait, give me the. Give me the copy. I want to see it. Hold on. Associated Press DOGE resignation letter can somebody find the text of that? Yeah, somebody find that for me. Google didn't help, so now he wants links. Yeah. What are you, a rapist? Why is it that sometimes people want me to touch their body and sometimes other people don't?
  • Unknown A
    Why? Why is it that the woman at the bus stop didn't want me to touch her body, but my girlfriend asked me to? What's wrong with you? You. It's about consent. We swore to serve the American people upon our own. Da, da, da. It has become clear we can no longer honor those commitments. The employees also warn that many of those enlisted by Musk help them slash sides of federal government. Trump were political ideologues who did not have the necessary skill or experience for the tasks ahead of them. Classic. Oh, do we have it? Okay, somebody linked me something, but I don't know if it. I don't. You. You didn't. You didn't link me the. You didn't link me the. Joint resignation. Here we go. Why don't they just link these on their own? Why you gotta make me work for it? I hate working.
  • Unknown A
    That's why I'm a streamer. Civil servants we remain committed throughout the presidential transition to delivering better government services through technology and stood ready to partner with incoming officials. Each of us left senior private sector technology positions. You know it's bad when these are people pulled from senior private sector tech positions. These aren't like just civil servants or whatever they. They. These are like Hitlerites. They pulled for their technical competence and even they're sick of it. We swore to serve the American people and uphold our oath, the Constitution. Across administrations, however, it has become clear we can no longer honor those commit. At the United States Doge Service on January 21st, we completed 15 minute interviews with individuals wearing White House visitor badges. Visitor badges. Some of these interviewers refused to identify themselves, asked questions about political loyalty, attempted to pick colleagues against each other and demonstrated limited technical ability.
  • Unknown A
    This process created significant security risks. On February 14th. Hey, that's my birthday. One third of our USDS colleagues were indiscriminately terminated by an anonymous email. These highly skilled civil servants were working to modernize Social Security, veterans services, tax filing, health care, disaster relief, student aid and other critical services. Their removal endangers millions of Americans who rely on these services every day. The sudden loss of their technological or their technology expertise makes critical systems and Americans data less safe. On February 16, DOGE representatives began integrating us into their efforts. DOGE's actions, firing technical experts, mishandling sensitive data and breaking critical systems contradict their stated mission of modernizing federal technology and software to maximize government efficiency and productivity. These actions are not compatible with the mission we joined the United States Digital Service to carry out to deliver better services to the American people through technology and design.
  • Unknown A
    We will not use our skills as technologists to compromise core government systems, jeopardize American sensitive data, or dismantle critical public services. We will not lend our expertise to carry out or legitimize doge's actions. We did not accept the fork in the road. Deferred resignation program. Many of our colleagues will choose to stay and continue the vital work of making government services and technology better. They have our full support in the work ahead. Respectfully, we resign. We. We resign. These were pre existing U.S. department of State people. No, they said they left. Oh, oh, there's the thing that makes it hard to copy. They're saying they left senior private sector tech positions prior to the Doge takeover. And then when DOGE took over, they were given these 15 minute interviews. Just insane to think about, man. Stephen Miller's wife is coping, saying they were fully remote workers that had trans flags hanging in the room.
  • Unknown A
    Really? If that's the case, why did Doge interview them and bring them on board? They didn't come to the office. Why are you taking anything she says seriously? She's the wife of a Nazi. They were technically competent members of the digital service that were drafted by Doge to help facilitate the deconstruction of the government. And now they've left. Doge workers are apparently working 120 hour weeks. Never believe them, ever. Never believe anyone who's associated with like tech fascism when they claim that they're working long hours. Oldest trick in the book, man. They always say shit like that. Yeah, Elon says He works like 21 hour days and he spends all of his day on Twitter. It's total bullshit. Look at this. Look at, look at my journalism AI Sleep pods take out pizzas and Red Bull. How Doge's engineers are pulling off 120 hour work weeks.
  • Unknown A
    And then we scroll down to the first paragraph. Elon Musk has claimed his acolytes at Doge. Reportedly a collection of youthful Tech Bros. Work 100 hours. Okay, so Elon Musk says so. Okay, so. No. Okay, yeah. Thank you. Thank you journalists. Great source. Phenomenal stuff. Meanwhile, Doge has deleted the big biggest savings it claimed. Oh no. DOGE quietly deletes the five biggest spending cuts it celebrated last week. Oh no. Yeah. 8 billion. 8 million. What's the difference? The last of the original top five disappeared from the site in the early hours of Tuesday, even as the group claimed in its latest update, the savings to date had increased to 65 billion. The website offered no explanation for why it removed some items or how it arrived at the higher total. Neither the US Doge Service nor the White House responded the questions Tuesday morning. Oh, man.
  • Unknown A
    These were the original five largest savings in the list. The 8 billion cut at ICE. It was actually 8 million. The 655 million cuts for the Agency of International Development. This was a single cut erroneously counted three times a 3. A 232 million cut at the Social Security Administration here. Mr. Musk's organization appears to have mistakenly believed the agency had canceled a huge information technology contract. Instead they only canceled a tiny piece of it, a half million project to let users mark their gender as X. The Doge site now shows that small cut again instead. 232,560,000. It's only 1, 500 of the estimated cut value. Yeah, I guess Elon's okay with kids being named X but not gendered x. Phenomenal. Nearly 40% of contracts canceled by Musk Stoge are expected to produce no savings. Yer, it costs 560k to allow X gender. Listen, it's the government, okay?
  • Unknown A
    Everything costs a lot. What a mess. What a mess. I would pay billions to allow non binary Americans to identify as X on their government records. Any patriotic red blooded American would agree with me. No cost is too great for woke X the everything gender. That's true. Better than treating non binary as a third gender which a lot of people do.