  • Unknown A
    People love slapping.
  • Unknown B
    They love slapping. Yes.
  • Unknown A
    Are you shocked?
  • Unknown B
    No, I'm not shocked because I have this sort of gut thing. I have. And when I first started watching it. What's crazy is two nights ago we did the event here, and the guy who won the world title was the guy that got me into it. When I started watching this stuff a few years ago, this guy named Dumpling out of Siberia, Russia. Okay. I'm not kidding you. I'm not kidding you. When we first paid him, he. I think he wanted 25,003 goats.
  • Unknown A
    Did you come up with the male or female goats?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, that's a good question. I don't know the answer to that question, but he got 25,003 goats. That was the first. The. Yeah, Dumpling from Siberia, the guy who got me into this became the world champion here in Saudi Arabia.
  • Unknown A
    I think it seems more painful than getting punched.
  • Unknown B
    I don't know about that. When you. What you're gonna watch tonight, listen, you take a minimum of three slaps and slap.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    You're gonna see shins to the face, elbows, kicks, slams. Yeah, you slap me all day. I. Shin to the face is.
  • Unknown A
    Nah, now you're right.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, you're absolutely. Or an elbow.
  • Unknown A
    I saw you two weeks ago on stage at the inauguration. What was that like?
  • Unknown B
    It was awesome. Obviously, you know, like me, you have a great relationship with this guy and see him to be this far away when he was taking his oath. How cool is that? I mean, it was. It was awesome.
  • Unknown A
    So I think you. I think you've known him better than almost. Almost anyone around him for longer.
  • Unknown B
    He and I are very close.
  • Unknown A
    I know. And have been for a long time. And that became pretty obvious late in the campaign when even though you're not political, you wound up kind of associated with Trump just because you know him so well. Do you think he's changed in the last. Since July when he got shot, do.
  • Unknown B
    You notice a change for the better?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I. I think that. Listen, at the end of the day, as resilient and as tough as this guy is, you know, when you almost get assassinated the way that he was, I think it messes with you a little bit. And the thing about him is, I talked to him. I was flying to Italy when he was shot at, and I called him as soon as I landed, and he had just got home from the hospital, and he seemed unfazed.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Which is. It's just not even. It's not humanly possible, but he did. But then after. After that he flew the next day to the RNC in Milwaukee and literally never, never rested, never took a break, never stayed out of the limelight after almost getting shot. And I don't know, I just felt like it for him, it affected him, but he made a complete recovery from.
  • Unknown A
    That thing he did. I talked to him also that night and he seemed totally unaffected. But how could you be totally unaffected, do you think? There were long term consequences, good consequences. I mean, he went on to be more successful than he's ever been. Right.
  • Unknown B
    It's just a testament to his toughness, his resilience, his grittiness. And I think, this is what I truly believe. I think that to his core, he believes that God spared him to, to, to run this country for the next four years. And I think that had a lot to do with his mentality coming out of that, you know, assassination attempt.
  • Unknown A
    Because he does seem calmer. He certainly seems more decisive and in command. I mean, that's just from watching it.
  • Unknown B
    Brilliant. I'm Tucker. I, I went to, to Mar a Lago to be with him election night. He hadn't slept in like 72 hours. Then he wins the election, I jump on a plane. I flew to, I flew to Las Vegas and picked up my wife and then I flew to Hawaii. And the guy's calling me the next, I mean, the guy doesn't sleep. He just keeps going and going and going and you know, the rallies that he was doing leading up to the election night. And um, I left election night. I jumped on the plane at 4 in the morning. He was still up when I left at 4 in the morning. And I literally, I don't know if the guy slept since then. It's, it's unbelievable.
  • Unknown A
    All of that is totally real and on a diet that you would not like recommend to any person.
  • Unknown B
    Never seen, still never seen him drink water. And, you know, I've been with him a lot since the election, still haven't seen him drink water. He doesn't, it's just, I, I, he's, he's, he's.
  • Unknown A
    What do you think that, do you have any guesses? I mean, you're in the business of like getting maximum performance out of body and mind and spirit.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And he's doing the opposite of everything you'd recommend, but, you know, running the world.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Do you have any guesses as to how that happens?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know. I just have. Unlike any human that I've ever met, you know, and I say it all the time. I've, I've never seen Anybody that. That operates the way that this man does and at such a high. And you know, what was what? Badass. The press conference that he had the other day. Right. When. When the helicopter crashed into the plane.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Rooms packed, he's calling off questions. People are jumping over each other, the hands are thrown up. When have you seen that kind of energy in the White House especially, you know, within the last however many years, you know, you had a guy who couldn't talk publicly. You had a vice president who couldn't speak publicly. You know, I know the. The girl who was the. In the last administration that, you know, the secretary of, you know, whatever the hell she was, that goes out and does the press conferences. She's taking a lot of heat. But could you imagine having that job during the Biden administration?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    It had to be absolutely brutal, horrifying. Right. The girls got to go out and lie pretty much every day. And any type of question that made sense, she was just shut it down and walk out and leave. I mean, that had to be the worst job in America. There couldn't be a worse job.
  • Unknown A
    She did the worst job you could do.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    At the worst job with.
  • Unknown B
    With what she had to work with. I actually feel bad for that woman. I actually feel bad for that woman. Cut that woman some slack, please. I mean, imagine that's your job, that you have to go out during that administration and face the media every day. But anyway, the. That's besides the point. That was incredible. The last press conference, when he was out there, it was like people were climbing over each other, and he gets right in there, fires away and answers questions, and, you know, he's incredible. There's. There's. There's nothing like this guy. What.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, it seems.
  • Unknown B
    And how much he's done.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Short amount of time that he's been there.
  • Unknown A
    So where's the opposition to him? It seems like all of a sudden, you know, we spent eight years hearing that, you know, he's evil tyrant who's going to suspend the Constitution and enslaved the nation, and then he wins and you don't. There's, like, kind of no opposition. What happened? Like, do you know any liberals still.
  • Unknown B
    Well, you know, it's funny, you know, I'm one of these guys, and you and I have had this conversation before. I don't judge anybody by their politics.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And I follow, like, CNN and MSNBC and all these other. And because I like to hear everybody. Msnbc. I don't even know how they're still on the air. They are the Nuttiest. I had to unfollow the me to do that. It's like, I love hearing everybody's opinion. They are nuts. It's. It's like I can't even listen to them. They're so. It's almost like a comic strip. Like, it's a. It's a cartoon. That network. It's. It's like a cartoon. It's so bad. It's unbelievable. And. And. And. And it's the whole. If Trump says it's blue, they say it's black. If it's, you know, it's just. It's. It's so bad. But, yeah. No.
  • Unknown A
    Any one.
  • Unknown B
    By a landslide.
  • Unknown A
    Anyone in your personal life, like, do you feel like there's been a change?
  • Unknown B
    Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There. There's not one person that I know that is a hardcore liberal and they're out there arguing about anything anymore. It's. It's. It's dead. It's all gone. Actually, the exact opposite. The people that I know that were very liberal, they're not very right, but they're definitely not very left.
  • Unknown A
    I know, right. And everyone seems to have accepted free speech as the status quo. Now, like, I think. So you've been sticking with that for. Well, through the middle of all of this, famously. But now people are like, yeah, okay, you know, I disagree. But you get to say what you think.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. No.
  • Unknown A
    Does it feel that way?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Well, it needs to be that way. You can never let that go. You let that go, and we're all in big trouble, man.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    But I feel like. I also felt like after the election, there was a sigh of relief, and not just in the United States, but all over the world here and other countries that we go to. It's just everybody is celebrating the fact that Trump won the election on both.
  • Unknown A
    Sides of the conflict.
  • Unknown B
    I agree.
  • Unknown A
    In Israel and the Arab countries, both people were happy.
  • Unknown B
    I agree. At the power slap event the other night, you know, there are fans here, and I was talking to people and taking pictures and stuff, and people were saying to me, you have to tell Trump to stop this war. Trump has to stop this war. You know what I mean? They're looking at the American president to help what's going on over here, and.
  • Unknown A
    I hope he will. And in Russia and Ukraine, I think the Russians and the Ukrainians, maybe not Zelensky, but I think most Ukrainians. I've never met a Ukrainian. That's not for Trump. I've never met a Russian. It's not for Trump. I mean, it's just, it's just interesting.
  • Unknown B
    Could not agree with you because they.
  • Unknown A
    Think that, I mean, you've got fighters from all over the world.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And the farther away they are from the United States, the more they are for Trump.
  • Unknown B
    Well, did you ever notice that every time I have Trump at a, at a UFC event, every fighter walks over to him and, you know, pays respect to him and all the fighters love him from all over the world. And it's been a huge sigh of relief since the election.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown A
    And if you use the code Tucker, you get up to 40% off on your purchase. You go to, use the code Tucker. Don't forget, if asked in a post purchase survey, let them know you heard about Cozy Earth from us. They're great. So the biggest change, I haven't talked to Mark Zuckerberg in a while. Then all of a sudden I see him, he looks completely different. He puts you on the meta board and he's like, he seems like a Trump guy.
  • Unknown B
    I think.
  • Unknown A
    What is that?
  • Unknown B
    I think what you saw, not just Zuckerberg, I think you see all the guys from Silicon Valley now that are, you know, having dinner with Trump, showing up at the inauguration and creating a relationship with him. I feel like a lot of these people were during the woke nutty madness that we went through, you know, I guess I would call it during the COVID era and a little before that, are also relieved that it's over. I think a lot of people, there was a very few people, there was a handful of people that actually stood up against us and weren't afraid to face I don't know, whatever we might have faced during that thing, a lot of people got canceled. A lot of bad things happened to a lot of good people during that. That. That time, and. But there was a handful of people that stood up to it, and I think everybody's relieved that it's over.
  • Unknown A
    Are you concerned that at your next meet, meta meeting, you'll lock eyes with Mark Zuckerberg and he will steal your soul?
  • Unknown B
    No, I love.
  • Unknown A
    Do you not get that alien vibe at all?
  • Unknown B
    I actually, like. No. Listen, if I felt that way about Zuckerberg, I would have never been on the board. I would have never. So my. My head of PR actually hit me up one day and says, hey, Mark Zuckerberg's looking for your number. Can I give it to him? And I said, yeah, of course. So he called me and he said, would you mind coming up to my place in Tahoe and having dinner? And I said, what's this place in Tahoe like? I'll tell you. So I don't know. Mark Zuckerberg. Never talked to him. Saw the movie. You know that. That's as much as I knew about Mark Zuckerberg. So I walk into his living room of his house, and they put me in the living room to wait. And he's got this American flag on the wall with, like, 13 stars on it or whatever, you know what I mean?
  • Unknown B
    And I'm like, we're off to a good start in the back. He's got a house right on the lake, the biggest American flag you've ever seen in your life ripping in the wind in the backyard.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    100%. 100%. Then he comes in, we sit down, we have dinner, and we probably talk for four hours. And I walked away from that first meeting liking Mark, and we started to create a relationship from there. We talked, and, you know, he's a UFC fan, and we became friends. Then the whole Elon vs Mark Zuckerberg fight thing, that was. That was going on at that time, that was real. And I was in the middle of it, and I had a blast doing the negotiations with that thing, talking to Elon for an hour every night, talking to Mark an hour every night. And then I was literally.
  • Unknown A
    What were the negotiations about?
  • Unknown B
    About the fight, where it would be, what, weight classes, this, that. What could you do? What couldn't you do? And I was literally doing conference calls with the government in Italy to do this thing in the Coliseum in Rome. And, you know, for the right number, the Coliseum was going to let us do that fight there and then eventually it. You know, it started to fall apart. But while it lasted, it was fun. And through that, Mark and I became even closer. And then I flew from Italy to. To the rnc. I spoke at the rnc.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And I flew back to Italy, my vacation with my family, and I got a text from Mark that said, hey, can you talk for a minute? Called him back, and he said. This is what he said to me. I think you're a great businessman. You always seem to be on the right side of everything, and my company needs a backbone. I would be honored if you would sit on the board for Meta and I.
  • Unknown A
    This was right after your RNC speech, Right after.
  • Unknown B
    As soon as I landed back in Italy.
  • Unknown A
    He gave $350 million to Joe Biden's campaign in 2020. That's kind of wild that he. He's watching you at the rnc, and it's like, I like what you have to say. I want you on the Meta board. Like, what do you make of that?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know. Yeah. I don't know.
  • Unknown A
    That's. That's interesting, you got to admit.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. But that's how it all went down. That's. That's the. That's the. The. The beginning, up until today of. Of my relationship with Mark. And. And, you know, I know a lot of people think my. My sister. My sister is as far right. My sister's like you. As far right as you could possibly get during the COVID era.
  • Unknown A
    She is a good person.
  • Unknown B
    Well, you met her. You and her headed off in New York.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    I couldn't get you two apart in New York, but my. My. My sister. During the COVID area, I'd have to say, kelly, stop texting me. I stop. Okay. The world's not gonna. The world is not ending. So my sister had her. You know, her feelings about Zuckerberg and a lot of other people that are far right. But I'm. I'm just telling you, my relationship.
  • Unknown A
    Kelly is not far right.
  • Unknown B
    Kelly's as far right as you are.
  • Unknown A
    So what did she think about you going in the Meta board?
  • Unknown B
    She. You know, she didn't love it, and, you know, but I said, listen, Mark Zuckerberg isn't. Is. Isn't what everybody thinks he is. He's not as bad as. As everybody thinks he is.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I do think it was. I mean, we're just watching it from afar, not talking to you about it. But I thought the one thing that everyone knows about you is you're opposed to censorship. You're clearly I mean, again, this week, you had. You came out and you said one of your fighters said something you thought was disgusting and you hated, but you're not firing him. Like, you've kind of taken a stand against censorship very publicly, again and again and again. You know, Facebook is known for censorship, so probably a good thing they're putting you on the board. Like, what's going to happen when you're sitting in a meeting, like, we need to censor stuff we disagree with.
  • Unknown B
    I think that's why I'm there. I'm not there for my, My technical capabilities, I can promise you that. And my, you know, programming, what my theories on AI are and how we should, you know, I know my role there, and I've already been, I've already been in it. I mean, we've already had some situations and some things that we've dealt with. My first board meeting actually in person, you know, up in, up in Silicon Valley, is a week after I, I fly from here to Sydney. We have a fight next Saturday, then I fly home, and then like a week later is my first board meeting where we're not on Zoom. So, yeah, I'm, I'm not. I know what my role is. And I, I'm the type of guy, I will speak at this thing when I can add value and when I think I, you know, I got a lot to learn.
  • Unknown B
    Never been on a board before. Run, run, run a company, big company now, that deals in, you know, hundreds of millions to billions of dollars. And a lot of the things that I do are by. I, I would guess I would just say gut and, and how I think we should handle it. You know, it's not like, um, again, my head of pr, pr, she's brilliant, and, and I respect her very much. But it's not like the other night when we. I found out what Bryce Mitchell had said. It's not like we got a bunch of lawyers on the phone and we didn't. You know, I did. I got on Google and I started looking up World War II and, you know, remind Bryce Mitchell on what a piece of Hitler was. Okay, let's. And, and why he's not a good guy and why you wouldn't want to go fishing with him.
  • Unknown B
    And, and, and that was it. You know, I saw people saying, oh, he read a can. I don't ever read can statements. Nobody writes anything for me. And lawyers are never involved. When I go out and speak, whatever. I'm writing down stats from World War II. You know, I wrote them down. So I, I I wouldn't forget, but nobody writes anything for me. Everything is exactly how I feel about it. Whether you like it or not. I don't care. I don't care if you like it. I don't care if you don't like it. This is my company and I'll run it the way I want to.
  • Unknown A
    Right. So when you say, you know your role at Facebook and you say Zuckerberg said to you, I need spine on my board, do you feel like your role is to oppose censorship at Facebook?
  • Unknown B
    No, I don't think that my role is to oppose censorship. I think that there's going to be decisions that need to be made on the fly. It's already happened. I mean, I've already been involved in, in a few things already in just a short time that I've been there. And I give my opinion on what I think should be done and how it should be handled. Everybody that I've met on the, on the board already, they're all actually really good people and smart people and we've all had really good interaction so far. So I'm actually really, I'm really liking it. It's going to be my first board meeting. It's a two day thing. I don't know how long we're going to sit in there in these board meetings, but that'll be different. New for me, a new experience for me. But my interaction with all the other board members has been really, really good so far.
  • Unknown B
    So I'm looking forward to it. And, and I think that when I can add value, I will speak up. And at the end of the day, Mark Zuckerberg runs Meta.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And he'll make the final decisions. I think it's brilliant in the way that he brings people in that he likes and respects and wants to hear from. And everybody gives their opinion. And at the end of the day, Mark Zuckerberg makes the decisions.
  • Unknown A
    So the whole point of market capitalism is consumer choice. You have a choice between products and services, and the competition between companies makes the goods and services better. That's the core idea. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of monopolies out there. Monopolies are not good for consumers. They are not good for you. And one of the places where there's effectively a monopoly is in wireless contracts, but it's not a complete monopoly. You're probably paying way too much to use your cell phone, but now you have a choice. You don't have to pay a hundred bucks a month just to get a free, free phone. That's not a Good deal. There's a company called Pure Talk, which we use, that has no inflated prices. With a qualifying plan of just $45 a month, you can choose a free phone, an iPhone 14 or a Samsung Gallery.
  • Unknown A
    Then you get unlimited talk tax, 25 gigs of data, which is enough for most people, a mobile hotspot, all for that low price. And it's got the most dependable 5G network. So you get your free iPhone 14 or Samsung Galaxy by visiting puretalk.comtucker and you switch to Pure Talk. Today, America's wireless company, Pure Talk. Do you think that we're at peak openness right now for the Internet?
  • Unknown B
    It feels like, yeah.
  • Unknown A
    People have more freedom to say what they really think than I've ever seen. Can that last?
  • Unknown B
    Well, I think that's a good question. You know, one of the things that I've learned in my short time at Meta is the far right think they're being suppressed. The far left think that it's too dangerous and not being policed enough. And the only place where there is true free speech is in America. And the rest of the world extorts them every day. That's what I've learned in my shorts. Then what do you mean extorts them? So if you are in some country that have whatever country that has, you know, Facebook or Instagram or whatever it is, and something gets posted and stays up that they don't like, they'll find them, you know, all kinds of crazy.
  • Unknown A
    Threaten to shut them down. Yeah, that's constant.
  • Unknown B
    Constant daily.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, well, it has political effect.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, yeah, there's no doubt.
  • Unknown A
    Those companies very powerful. They can bring down governments. Very powerful and probably have. Unwittingly or not, they are.
  • Unknown B
    So when you think about Facebook, Instagram, X, etc. Etc. I mean, this is the new media. This is, these are the, the Fox, the ABCs, the NBC's, you know, of the future. This, this is like owning a major network or the New York Times or.
  • Unknown A
    You know, more, more, more powerful.
  • Unknown B
    I agree.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like television plus newspapers. Because globally, the emotional resonance and the full penetration, like everywhere in the world, people are looking at this stuff. So.
  • Unknown B
    And it's immediate. As soon as something comes out, the whole world knows instantly.
  • Unknown A
    Right. So it's not surprising that country X, every other country basically other than the United States is going to be pushing Meta and Google and Elon at X to, you know, tailor this or that according to their demands. But the United States is based on the idea that citizens get to say what they Think, period. It's the first point in the Bill of Rights. So what matters is they stay firm here. And do you think they will?
  • Unknown B
    That's a good question. I think they will for the next four years. I think they will for the next four years. I think you see them all except for Elon. I mean, let's be honest. Elon was a superhero through this whole.
  • Unknown A
    That's for sure.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. You know what I mean? Where are we right now without Elon Musk? It's. What he did was incredible. And why do you think he did it? Because I think he's smart and I think he's. I think that something about him is fearless. The fact that he would go in and spend the kind of money that he did to. To buy that thing, basically just to find out what went on. I mean, he is literally a superhero in this country right now, as far as I'm concerned. And I think what he did also made a lot of people in that field, I guess I'd say braver and say, you know what? This. We should follow his lead. And then obviously, having this administration, there's nothing worse than when the government comes after you. When we were. When the Obama administration was in, they came after us for being a monopoly.
  • Unknown B
    So we bought this company that was bankrupt, turning it around, creating jobs and all these other things, and we got the government. We had to spend like 8 or 9 million dollars at that time to defend ourself against a monopoly suit from the government.
  • Unknown A
    Meanwhile, Google actually is a monopol.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, well, there's a lot of monopolies.
  • Unknown A
    Well, there are a lot of monopolies.
  • Unknown B
    Exactly. You know, but yeah, so, you know, whenever you have the government coming after you, it's not fun.
  • Unknown A
    So would you tell yourself, I'm sorry, missed. Would you tell your sister, she complains from the far right.
  • Unknown B
    What was that?
  • Unknown A
    When you said your sister complained about you joining the board, I forgot to ask you how you responded to it. Would you say to her, yeah, well.
  • Unknown B
    I told her the same thing that I just told you about how I felt about Mark. And let me ask you a question. Would you rather not have Meta and Mark Zuckerberg and everybody on. On. On our side? I mean, and by.
  • Unknown A
    By our side, I'd rather have you influencing them. I think that's good.
  • Unknown B
    By our side, I mean, the side of common sense.
  • Unknown A
    I agree. I totally agree.
  • Unknown B
    The side of common sense, you. You want the. The Zuckerbergs of the world and. And the Googles and the apples and, you know, the Elon Musk you want as many allies on the side of common sense as possible. You don't want to distance yourself from these guys. You want to embrace them and try to figure out how to bring everybody into the common sense world. Right? I mean, isn't that what we all want? Why fight and battle and say I would never sit on the board of Meta or whatever if he thinks that I can add any value, why would I not do it? And I'm very into social media and I think it's the future and obviously AI is too and I get to get inside and see and learn the future of this thing and have a hand in how it all plays out. Why would I not want to do that?
  • Unknown A
    I think that's fair. I think that's fair. So what, I mean, you say that for the next four years social media in this country following the lead of Elon is likely to be open and free and less crazy, more common sense oriented, less woke, etc. What about the other professional sports leagues like NFL, NBA, do they swing back in to the center of America or they continue on this self destructive path?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know. That's a good question. That's a good question. That's one I can't answer. I, I, what I do is I run mine the way I think it should. And again I, I, I run it with what I call common sense.
  • Unknown A
    Well, that's worked for you. So why wouldn't they try that?
  • Unknown B
    Well, I mean it's hard to say that the NFL is screwing up. I mean the NFL is as powerful as powerful could be. The NBA ratings are dropping. You know, they're having their issues, but yeah, it's hard to mess with the NFL. The NFL, you can not like the new kickoff thing. You can like some things they don't do, but the NFL absolutely kills it. It's, it's the most powerful sport.
  • Unknown A
    What do you think is going on with the NBA? Where are their ratings down?
  • Unknown B
    I just think an NBA fan, I just went to the Laker Celtics game a couple weeks ago and I'll be at another Celtics game and I just think that the NBA has gotten soft and everybody sees it.
  • Unknown A
    You, in what sense?
  • Unknown B
    We were just talking about this at dinner tonight. I mean if you, if you look at the NBA when we grew up. Yeah, so I'm a, I'm a lifelong die hard Celtics fan, New England. But when, when people ask me about idols and heroes and all these kind of stuff. So I've had people who've had influence on me like Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson and lots of other people growing up, but Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan to me is. I've never met Michael Jordan, and I don't want to meet Michael Jordan. I don't ever want to meet him. I am.
  • Unknown A
    That's probably good.
  • Unknown B
    Biggest Michael Jordan fan ever of his mentality, the way that he. I like killers, man. And Michael Jordan was a killer. And the stuff that his teammates say about him that everybody says, I love, love it. And the NBA just isn't like that. You haven't seen that since Kobe. You know, it just. It just doesn't have that. When you go back and think of the NBA from the 80s and 90s and all the different stars that you could remember from back then and how it was just a tougher game that. You know what I mean? It was. It was a lot tougher. And so many fouls and flopping and all the stuff that happens today isn't what the NBA used to be and what made the NBA big.
  • Unknown A
    You think they got you rich?
  • Unknown B
    It happens. Happens. My business, too. You get too rich and things change, but I wouldn't say that. Yeah, yeah, maybe you're right. Yeah, money screws up a lot of things. Maybe money did, but. But, I mean, the game changed and society changed and they did become richer. I don't know. That's a tough one to.
  • Unknown A
    Will that happen to you? We have soft fighters. Do you think at some point.
  • Unknown B
    Listen, everybody gets. Everybody changes. When you make a lot of money, no matter what walk, soft fighters lose immediately. No, but no matter what walk of life you're in, once you get to a certain level of success, you have to be a certain type of person to stay hungry and get out and fight every day. When we sold in 2016, 99% of the people said that I was going to retire and walk away. I'm not wired like that. I love Michael Jordan. Let me tell you what, you think I'm going to. No, I'm. That's the way that I'm wired, too. I'm still out building, you know, new brands and doing shit that I don't need to be doing, but I do it because I love it. But, yeah, I could see, you know. You know, how many people, you know, in a sale like mine in 2016, it just.
  • Unknown B
    You never see that guy again. They just. They're done, you know?
  • Unknown A
    And what happens to them?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know. I think you just go hang out. I don't know what the hell you do. I don't know what people like that Do.
  • Unknown A
    No, but, but that is actually kind of a big question since there are an awful lot of people in our country, you know, who, because there's so much money floating around, it was kind of just kind of checked out. They got too rich. Like, do you ever check up on them and see what happened to them?
  • Unknown B
    No, I never have. It'd be interesting. You should, you should, you should do a show on people who, who made it big and, and you know, where sold their company. Where are they now? What are they doing? What do you do every day?
  • Unknown A
    They're suffering.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Gotta be, right?
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Well, imagine.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I mean, once the fight is gone, life is gone.
  • Unknown B
    I will never retire, ever. I will keep dogging this out until the day I drop dead. Really? I love it. Yeah, 100%.
  • Unknown A
    You'll be like 80 years old at ringside.
  • Unknown B
    Hopefully. Hopefully. You look at. I hate him. He's an asshole. But Bob Arum.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    The boxing promoter.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    He's 94 years old. Right. I hate him. This guy's the biggest douchebag of all time. But I'm at.
  • Unknown A
    You're not for him. You're so.
  • Unknown B
    He's a douchebag. So I am at the Aces WNBA game, right? Bob Arum is 94 years old. 94. It's at 9:00 at night. He's sitting over there courtside. I'm like, holy. Bob Arum is here. This is crazy. This guy's 94 years old. No, I didn't. He wouldn't have seen it anyway. But he's sitting over there. It's 8:30. I, I you not. Two days later, I'm watching a fight. Bob Arum is in Saudi Arabia, ringside at a boxing event. Two days later, he's in London at a press conference. He's 94 years old. I hate him. But you got to respect it, right? How do you not respect that?
  • Unknown A
    No, but you said I, I would have. But then you said he was at a WNBA game.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And that kind of wrecked. Were you, were you watching that on tv? Because you weren't.
  • Unknown B
    No, I, I got, I got courtside seats at the Las Vegas Aces. Absolutely. Kelsey Plum is one of my good friends and I go there and I support her as much as possible. Not at all. No way. Love it. Love it. I'm an NBA fan. I'm an NBA fan.
  • Unknown A
    And it was wnba.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in.
  • Unknown A
    Dana White. Thank you.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Thanks for having me.
  • Unknown B
    You too.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown A
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