Unknown A
Doge finds a massive bombshell in usaid. Michael Saylor goes so hard on Bitcoin that even Satoshi said, damn white people. Twitter call for Elon to be guillotined, and there was no winky face emoji. Trump bans trans athletes from women's sports. Google quietly removes their pledge not to put AI in weapons. Plus, we're back in the streets with more relationship reactions, and we're taking some rather aggressive community questions. All right, now, Drew, take it away.
Unknown B
This USA thing is not going away, man. We have seen some bodies. Yes. So Chelsea Clayton has gotten exposed. I'm a wait for the receipts to get verified before we share that.
Unknown A
It's got a lot of commas and zeros, though.
Unknown B
But what we definitely could see is that politico and the $8 million that it received from US aid has been in the spotlight now. I've been hearing rumors that they have closed their doors. They stopped paying people. It seems like USAID was funding Politico. Yeah, Like, I thought we were doing foreign aid. Now we're doing, like, magazines. What is this? What's your temperature on this?
Unknown A
Yeah. So I think as things roll out, what we're going to find, they were doing a lot of propaganda. And so that propaganda could be in another country, that propaganda could be here. And I think as we increase the level of transparency, we're going to realize more and more that Snowden was onto something, that all the things that we're supposedly doing to foreign governments, we are also doing to our own people. And I hope that makes people deeply unhappy, because these are your tax dollars being put to use against you. And there was a tweet that Elon put out that I thought was really interesting. I don't expect that it will be well received, but that the same people that are freaked out by what we're doing auditing USAID and other entities were excited that they were going to add 87,000 new IRS agents to audit you.
Unknown A
And so it was like, wait, what? What is the logic of being absolutely okay with us being audited and not being okay auditing the people that are spending our money? Like, I legitimately don't understand the energy. I'm okay with people being like, hey, we want the extra agents to really make sure that everybody's above board, that everybody's paying their taxes as they're supposed to. There's been so much outcry about the rich aren't paying their fair share.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Let's get the agents. Let's see how it goes. But then to be weird about the fact that we're auditing the government, like, I can't, I can steal man it, but I can't internalize the logic set that would make me go, oh, it's bad to audit these people. So again, going back to something people are going to hear me say over and over and over, this is an emotional reaction to which they put words, but the words don't actually line up with why they're having the emotional reaction. The reaction that I think we're seeing right now. And the freak out over USAID is twofold. One, USAID is essentially a front for the CIA. And so they're doing covert things. So they're saying that this is something to help with the water, but in reality, it's us wanting to control the water supply in that region to make sure that we've got our thumb on it or that they feel like they owe us a favor or whatever.
Unknown A
And we may even people are not going to like this answer, but we may even want the government doing some number of things like that to keep us in a strong position such that we are well placed around the world. The right people owe us favors. We have control of the right things, so that if things were to pop off, we would be able to make problems go away without anybody ever even realizing that we put, you know, back channel pressure on people. Such is the game of global politics, which is a game of strength, period. End of story. Okay, so there's that angle of. It is a way in which we have done covert operations under the guise of humanitarian aid. And people that know that that's what's going on are like, ah, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's not really about dancing squirrels in Nicaragua.
Unknown A
It's like, you know, this whole covert thing, but we can't come out and say it. Then I think there is also just, I hate Elon Musk and Donald Trump more than I can possibly tell you. And this is my opportunity to tell the world that these two are oligarchs. They are going to ruin our country. This is everything that we warned you about. See, Republicans, you were wr. All you fools that voted for these guys, they told you who they were. They want to rule this country with an iron fist. They do not care about you. This is all about them going in and stealing funds. Their words, not mine. Getting access to your data. Their words, not mine. And that, I think, is what's really playing out. This is a political theatrical play that we are watching. And they know that they can rouse People's emotions.
Unknown A
What I hope people turn over the. Or turn the page on and really start looking at is, is the government spending money the way that you want? Are you comfortable with the level of COVID actions your government is taking? Are you comfortable with the things that they are spending money on? Or when you hear those things just read off, do you go, wow, okay, wait a second. We've got a lot of people here in America that are struggling. They're not able to make ends meet. We've got an education system that is broken and not working, and people screaming about, you need to pay teachers more. And it's like, well, guess what we could do if we weren't spending all this money in those other places. And so it. If people can step outside of the stream of their emotion, which I think is incredibly important, and go, okay, what's the objective that I'm trying to achieve?
Unknown A
Hopefully, their answer is, make things better for the American people. And is the money that we're spending on usaid, is that actually the thing that's helping? Or could we begin to reallocate that? Or could we be using that money to. To reduce people's burden from a tax perspective? And if DOGE is really getting to the point where they're saving somewhere between $1 and $3 billion a day from all of these reductions, what amount of disruption would we be willing to put up with to get those kinds of big changes? And so it will be interesting. I just really worry that I am going to learn a very powerful lesson, which is this is all propaganda. This is all spin on both sides that the game is propaganda and spin. The game is presenting things in a way that get people to go along with your agenda.
Unknown A
And if that's the truth, we come back to something that I think about a lot, which is the reason people manipulate using the media or a position of power is because people are so manipulatable. And we are all looking for a heuristic. And the heuristic that most terrifies me is tribalism. So heuristics, just a fancy word for rule of thumb. Like, just give me the quick thing like, how do I vote? Just tell me, how do Republicans vote? I'll vote that way. Just tell me how Democrats vote. I'm gonna vote that way. Instead of going in, looking at each of the candidates, seeing what they depend for. Yeah. Like building a mental map of the world that says, okay, these are the issues that I think really matter. And because I understand how these dots connect, then I understand the policy that's really going to matter.
Unknown A
This is a big reason why I think we're having this moment right now is when Covid kicked off. I think a lot of people had the same experience that I had, which is, wait, the world doesn't work the way that I thought it does. My mental model is broken. I realized that my prediction engine was non existent. Now that I know that I was not able to predict how things were going to play out, I want to begin to build a model that actually does have high predictive validity. And so that's going to require transparency. That's going to require people to make decisions on their own. And I have asked this community, and I will ask again to please view me as an AI that has a strong, sincere take, but is meant to be taken in concert with a bunch of other people that you're using in the same way for you to build your own sense of what is a high functioning model of how the world works.
Unknown A
So for me, I want to see the transparency happen. I want to see people be outraged by how we're spending money. And I want everything coming out of the government, with very few exceptions, for national security to be things that we all look at and go, no, no, I don't want to see things being spent that way. That's crazy. So I'm going to make sure that I'm calling my local congressperson and telling them that's absolutely unacceptable. This is madness. So that collectively we can start getting funds moved in the direction we want to see them go. That will have the greatest good for Americans.
Unknown B
No, 110%. And the interesting thing, as we like dig down into this political data, is that you start to see now, yes, they got this foreign aid from, they got this U.S. aid. And then you go one level deep and you're seeing that it's hs, hhs, the Department of Education, Department of Agriculture. So within the agencies, they're also commingling funds. So then it just becomes like this big mess of, I don't want to call it payoff money. I'm trying to, you know, assume good intent. But there's this, there's this entanglement of this agency is connected to this agency is connected to this agency. So to your point, it's not that it's shadow, it's straight to I'm using this money to go assassinate somebody in a small farm. But it's this, this agency is using my bidding and extending my power where I might have some limitations or there might be a gate that's withholding.
Unknown A
Yeah, they Found a loophole. They found a way to shovel very substantive amounts of money to pet projects, to scratch somebody's back, et cetera, et cetera. And this is where we get into. Is this going to work in a world with high velocity information and people wanting just a quick rule of thumb to make sense of things? Will it work? Will people be able to navigate a world where there's this much level of information and I don't yet know the answer. I don't know that people are going to be able to sustain the energy that we see right now for looking into all this stuff. In fact, somebody asked a really good question today in our Twitch stream where they said, okay, wait a second. What I want to know is how is like, where do I go to see all the things that you found?
Unknown A
I don't want this to just be another propaganda arm where Elon finds something, finds a whole bunch of things, and goes on X and only talks about the three that are going to outrage people. Like, that's. That's not going to cut it. I need something where I can go see this stuff for myself. I want a nice, simple place to go log in and check this stuff out. I thought that was a really smart request because at some point it becomes untransparent again, opaque. Just based on. They're going to pull things out, they're going to tell a story to make it simple, which people crave, and then it's just going to break tribally again. And you're going to get the left saying one thing, you're going to get the right saying something completely different. And if nobody takes the time to go look at the things that matter the most to them, you're just going to be in this weird space.
Unknown B
We'll definitely keep monitoring the situation. I feel like we're getting something new every day. So who knows the next agency that is going to go down.
Unknown A
Here's the thing, dude. As AI and technology is poured into the government and we modernize the government, you really are going to see how the government actually works. Not everybody is going to avail themselves of it. But this feels like an absolutely incredible moment. I tweeted out that this is. Transparency is an act of revolution. That's really what it feels like. Like, I am fundamentally changing my mental map of what the government is, how the government functions. And just like I built a mental model of the financial system that really changed my sense of how to solve some of these problems. I think the same thing is going to happen on more individual levels of, like, Money allocation within the government, how money should be acquired and spent from taxpayers, what taxpayers need to be notified on. And now we're going to have the systems by which we can notify them.
Unknown A
And so the people that want to avail themselves of it are going to have a never ending stream of, you know, like we had the Twitter files. It's just going to be a never ending stream of all these different places, what's really been going on. And my hope is that we get a new elite class and that the elite class is instead of being rich, instead of being close to a politician, the elite class become the most knowledgeable about how things actually work. And so just like you would go to an elite class of academics if you want to understand something about history, or you'd go to an elite class of academics that are going to tell you about economics, that there'll be this new elite class that are just so close to all the data that's being kicked out that they can really start to put data together for you to connect the dots of how the government has historically worked, why it feels like more and more barnacles on a turtle.
Unknown A
What is this? Why are we drowning the turtle? What are going to be the barnacles that we need to remove in order to increase the engine of the economy? Because ultimately that's the only way out of the moment that we're in, other than war.
Unknown B
Sheesh. I. I'm so optimistic, though. So I feel like we're gonna come around. I feel like this is not the end of the story.
Unknown A
Is that anchored on something or do you just choose as an act of faith to be optimistic?
Unknown B
I'm choosing as an act of faith because I really thought that because of the decisive victory over the election, people are going to be like, okay, I'll give Donald Trump the chance. But to your point, we are three weeks in and he's already. Articles of impeachment have been introduced.
Unknown A
Like, that's crazy.
Unknown B
Yeah, like they're already trying to figure out how to dismantle things. And he hasn't even started the presidency yet. So I could just see this getting more and more perverse, more rather than more and more better.
Unknown A
And so you're forcing yourself as an act of faith.
Unknown B
Oh, then I'll be depressed every day. Then I'll be a heavy drinker and this show will be go a lot differently. In other news, our boy, Michael. Michael Saylor. I was gonna say Michael Strategies. Our boy Michael Saylor dropped the micro and is now just strategy B. He is a full Blown Bitcoin Treasury. The first and largest bitcoin treasury company. I remember you kind of called this during our interview with him where you said that he was genius putting his company on the rails of bitcoin. And I see now he kind of went all in. What's your first reaction?
Unknown A
Yeah, so I know one of the things that I say that people take umbrage with is that the entire stock market is gambling. And once you understand the stock market as gambling, then suddenly all these fancy names that people put like puts and calls and all the options trad and all that stuff is really just people finding more and more creative ways to place bets with the market against the market. And the, the thing that is really brilliant that Saylor did was he understood that people would want to gamble that same way on bitcoin. And so he pulled the entire financial system, all those options and things like that, on top of bitcoin by becoming a public company whose product is holding bitcoin. And so now you can bet against bitcoin going up, going down. It's really, really smart. It's one of those. It's a way of being smart that is very impressive.
Unknown A
But it has to do with the very thing that I want this show to be, which is we as a community are exploring how the world really works. And I think Saylor identified that you have an extremely high volatile asset that matches what he calls monetary physics. And so from his perspective, it is an inevitability that more and more money is going to flow into that. That it is, from his perspective, it is an inevitability. And given the inevitability of that and given the fact that the real nature of the stock market is to allow people to gamble, if I can pull that on top of that, I can build what I believe has been the, the highest performing company of the last five years, seven years, I mean, some crazy number of years. And again, what's his real product? His real product is giving the average person the ability to use all of the gambling mechanisms of the stock market.
Unknown A
But on bitcoin, it's genius. It's literally genius.
Unknown B
And it is working for him.
Unknown A
It's working for a lot of people. Man, this is a, this is why I wish I've really tried. I've talked to a lot people about this who are trying to convince me that this is not gambling. And every time I walk away going the right way to see this is gambling, it has way more higher predictive validity because the big dollar movements on all of this stuff is not tied to fundamentals. I'm not saying there aren't fundamentals there. I'm just saying that's not how these companies are valued. They're valued based on sentiment. They're valued based on how people feel about it, not based on the fundamentals. And if you know that people want to gamble based on sentiment and you can give them this ultimate thing to gamble on that has this high volatility, there's always something happening. It's trading 365, 24 hours a day. Like, yeah, gangster.
Unknown B
Yeah. And to your point, one of the highest performing stocks of the last five years because it was $12 in August of 2020 and it just closed at 336.
Unknown A
So that is.
Unknown B
That's more than 3,360x. Like, it's crazy. So we shall see how that works out. I'm bitcoin long, so I feel like it's the right move.
Unknown A
So, yeah, I mean, look, not financial advice, but in terms of thesis, like have a thesis and unless something breaks in your thesis. Yes. And the thesis on bitcoin seems very simple. More people over time will believe in a digital future. Money is one of the most important things. When you think about what your future is going to be, making money digital. Clearly people are literally rushing to make money digital. It's already been digital in a weak way, and now it's becoming digital in a sound. I won't fractal into that, but that is, that is, I think, the thing that you can bet on just, even, even if you just look at from a wealth transfer perspective, you got a lot of boomers are about to die. They're going to hand that money to their kids. What are their kids going to do with it?
Unknown A
Kids are going to put some percentage, maybe small, but they're going to put some percentage of the wealth into bitcoin. So as long as that is true, then that number is going to keep going up because it is finite. And so you have people competing for a scarce resource, trying to get away from inflation. And if we can't GDP our way out of the inflation, then that's really going to be a thing. Now a bigger question is what if AI does all the things that I think it's going to do and we literally drive all that inflation, all that debt down by having such a technological boom that we unlock 4 or 5% GDP and now there's just money flying around Everywhere, it's roaring 20s and everything is great. Then bitcoin, I hope, becomes boring, where now it's just a commodity. It's more like gold.
Unknown A
It's a great place that you can sock your money away. You don't expect it to swing in, like, these huge ways. But we'll see. We'll see if that plays out. But that is that I feel like I can see pretty clearly that over time it is going to lose its volatility. Is that four years? Is that 40 years? I don't know. But I think it will lose its volatility slowly over time, and it'll just be a great place like gold, where you can store wealth. Store wealth, not build wealth. Store wealth.
Unknown B
Copy that. Copy that. Okay, let's take a trip to a dark corner of the Internet I did not know existed. And this is white people Twitter. The subreddit.
Unknown A
White people Twitter.
Unknown B
Let's go on Reddit. So this has gotten increasingly more dark since the Doge announcement. USA kind of sparked it up. So we're starting to see some scathing comments. F you, Elon. We're bringing out the guillotines. I vote for Elon. Seeing Elon in the. In the guillotine in Capitol Square. He could kill somebody, but he can't spell check. Who wants to drop off a Guillotine at the obn Building in D.C. tonight? And then here goes another one. This is more recently a bunch of. We should store in the White House. So I. How do you.
Unknown A
That sounds familiar.
Unknown B
Yeah. Right? So how do you feel about, I guess, Democrat insurrectionists? Like, is this a thing?
Unknown A
I mean, look, in the same way that I looked at January 6th, and I was like, look, I get it. There were people that did bad things. If you attacked a cop, you should go to jail 100%. He shouldn't have pardoned the people that went to jail for attacking cops. But if you put the shoe on the other foot, one should not be changing their opinion about it. So to me, it's like, whether it's your team or the other team that's saying, hey, look, I feel so disenfranchised. I feel something so bad has happened that I want to see my voice be heard. As long as it is not people showing up with weapons and, like, going crazy, I get it. Like, hopefully it doesn't go too far. Hopefully people bring in the Guard. If they really think the National Guard, if they really think that this is gonna pop off, way better.
Unknown A
Keep it controlled. No FBI agents trying to rile people up. Unless people are calling for violence or one of the other things that the Supreme Court has said violate free speech, you've got to let people say what they're going to say. Now, admittedly, a lot of what you just showed me are direct calls to violence. And so I think a lot of that already crosses a line. But I want to see as much grace given to anybody that feels disenfranchised, that feels that they need to speak up, that's scared. I will assume these guys aren't trolling. So, yeah, I, I'm not mad at it. People need to be very careful with their language. That's something I think on both sides. People need to dial the rhetoric back.
Unknown B
So, yeah, I remember we saw it with the Luigi United Healthcare assassination where we saw kind of this bubbling of eat the rich, it's time to take back guitar type thing. I look at some of these, you know, posts and I'm seeing that same type of like, it's time to take to the streets and do something. Do you think that this temperature is kind of gaining steam? Like, to me this is like, it's.
Unknown A
Well, so this is the thing I was talking about in our previous episode. You are driving on black ice and I don't yet know if the car is going to spin out of control when it hits black ice and people really take to the streets or if just every now and then you're going to lose a little bit of traction but you get back on. So a lot of this is going to have to do with what are the results of his policies. So if we are doing all of this and Elon gets caught that he did something that he profited by and like he went into this department and did this thing and it jumped his stock price, who that's going to be a bad look. People are really going to have a problem with that if that happens and we've gone into a recession from too many tariffs or, you know, whatever the case may be.
Unknown A
Now this stuff starts to add up and it goes the wrong way. If they start doing this and it's like, oh, we're saving $3 billion a day. They figure out how to message that really cleanly. This is how much you're saving from the amount that we've reduced. This is how much each of you owed against the national debt and that number's going down. Like we're actually delivering for you guys. We're bringing manufacturing back. We've already gotten concessions from Mexico and Canada. So it's like, if he's able to deliver enough good stuff, you're in really good shape. You're going to have people that are disgruntled you're going to have people that are very angry. And boy, oh boy, would I like to see people inherently distrust themselves if they find themselves calling for violence. So at that, like, if I found myself about to tweet something like that, I'm going to slow down here, pump the brakes.
Unknown B
How am I feeling today? What's going on in my life?
Unknown A
We'll get back to the show in a moment, but first I want to tell you guys about the food that I eat more than anything. And that is the meat from Butcherbox. Now, why do I love Butcherbox so much? It is very simple. I need my meat to be very high quality. I care a lot about what I eat and I care a lot about what I eat. 8 especially with what I went through with my wife Lisa and her gut issues. I realized very quickly that you can actually tell the difference between something that is grass fed and something that is not. And ButcherBox offers 100% grass fed beef, organic chicken, wild caught seafood, and all of it is delivered straight to your door. It's not a bunch of marketing talk. That's real convenience and quality that they focus on. If you sign up right now, you're gonna get your choice of top sirloin, ground beef or chicken breast free in every box for a year, plus $20 off your first box.
Unknown A
Go right now to Butcherbox and use code impact at checkout to see what I'm talking about. Again, that's butcherbox.com impact and use code impact at checkout. Now back to the show. I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill. This is just people popping off online. I don't want to live in the UK where people are getting arrested for things that they tweet. People do need to dial it back. So basically, if you put out a tweet that directly calls for violence. Honestly, I'm not a run out and get them right now kind of guy. You're just begging for pain. You got to give some amount of, like, sponge it up, keep things from getting out of hand, give a little bit of grace. But people need to make sure that they're attached to reality. So far, nothing crazy has happened. So we're getting transparency.
Unknown A
We're seeing things we don't like. They are shutting down departments, which they said they were probably going to do. So none of this is out of step with what they promised to do coming into office. I think it is very shocking for people, the rate at which it's happening. So I think that's ruffling some feathers. But the thing that I worry about, the black ice that scares me the most is the people that hate Trump have not stopped hating Trump. And so now that he feels like Trump on steroids, it's like, where does that go? And if they run out of logical ways to pursue it, because before they always had, like, they were trying to do the impeachments, they were trying to get him arrested, and they just. All the bullets are out of the gun now you're shooting blanks at this point. And so if they feel truly impotent that they're not able to make change, how rapidly does that spill into?
Unknown A
My only recourse is violence. And I don't think I made a secret that. It is certainly possible that the internal cold civil war, we start seeing pockets of violence now. I don't think it'll be much more than that. Like, I don't. I'm not reading the situation and thinking, oh, like, things are getting so bad. That's where this goes. But we'll see. I mean, I guess keep your eyes on white people Twitter, which.
Unknown B
And see where it goes.
Unknown A
Unknown B
All right. Speaking of white people on Twitter, Trump released a video.
Unknown A
That's how we. That's our transition. The President of the United States is white guy on Twitter. All right, cool.
Unknown B
He signed an executive order banning all boys and men in girls and women's sports. Let's watch the video with my action this afternoon. We're putting every school receiving taxpayer dollars on notice that if you let men take over women's sports teams or invade your locker rooms, you will be investigated for violations of Title IX and risk your federal funding. There will be no federal funding. So this will effectively end the attack on female athletes at public K12 schools and virtually all U.S. colleges and universities.
Unknown A
I don't think we've missed anything, but.
Unknown B
If we do, will make it up very quickly. Wow. And said that filled with a bunch of women and athletes behind him clapping in solidarity. What's your take?
Unknown A
Yeah, I mean, this, to me, is. Is a pretty obvious move. Now, admittedly, five years ago, this would have felt like really radioactive, and it would not be a topic that I wanted to touch. Seeing how this has consumed J.K. rowling, I am very sad. I'm very glad. Obviously, she cares about this so deeply, and knowing her past, I get it. But seeing how all consuming it became to stand up and. And speak out against this, that's. That's pretty brutal. And so I'm very glad that we're past that. This, though, does seem like the most self evident move of all time. Why do I think that? Because the reality is that men and women are biologically different. It you can't imagine how surprised I was to hear that that was controversial. So I had my head down for, I mean, two decades just building companies and I one day say like, well, obviously men and women are different.
Unknown A
And somebody was like, whoa. Like I don't think you understand. I was like, wait, what? That's controversial? Like I had no idea. I think that Jordan Peterson is right, that it is possible that from the architecture of the human mind, it is the most detail, deep seated, biologically encoded division that we have. And when you think about from a survival standpoint, you have to understand the difference between men and women. And so that one always felt like, whoa, I did not expect to end up here. I don't know if we're all the way to the idea that they're doing it simply to completely erode the foundations of modern thought. That's like the take on the French postmodernists. Maybe yes, maybe no. I haven't looked closely enough at it to say one way or the other. But just look at, from an evolutionary standpoint, men, men and women are very different.
Unknown A
And for me this is the most clarifying thing ever because women are the sexual gatekeepers. Men are the answer to the question of what do women want? And so women want not, not in like we did this kind of way, but in a blind watchmaker way of throughout evolutionary history, it behooved women to grant sexual access to men that were stronger, certainly in physical upper body, that were more aggressive, that were more risk taking, all of that. And so now you create this thing that's just going to be better at most sports that use fast twitch fiber, explosiveness, strong upper body, like all of those things. And we're not talking at the averages here, we're talking at the end of the bell curve. So the best of the best. So the greatest male athlete in the vast majority of sports is always going to outperform the greatest female athlete and buy a lot.
Unknown A
And so once you know that, then it's like, okay, well hold on a second. If we know that that is true and you're talking about letting biological men compete in female sports, you're going to see a very obvious thing take place which is all of the biological males will begin to dominate in those sports. So then it becomes a question of do women want to compete in sports against the best players regardless of sex, or are they more comfortable being like, look, I'm never going to be as good as those guys. And so I want to play with people that are more naturally grouped around my talent set. So this is a big thing in gaming where if you're playing a competitive game, there's something called an ELO score. So you get a rank based on the people that you beat by how much you beat them, who beats you by how much.
Unknown A
And they, you know, kind of like in chess they give you a ranking. And so you in fact literally ELO score comes from chess. So you now get this rank. And so you're always playing against people that are roughly in your rank. And so if you ballpark it too, they're trying to create a situation where you win 50% of your games. So it's like cool, it's a great place to be. Work a little bit harder, maybe you can increase that number. And now you have a winning season and fantastic. So it really feels like if I work hard, I can get ahead. And now you're putting them in a situation where no matter how hard they work, they're going to be going up against people that are so far outside of their ELO score, they're, they're just going to dominate on them. And so if I had to play video games against a world champion 14 year old, that's not going to be fun.
Unknown A
Like he's just going to be able to do things physically that I can't do given my age. And so you want, that, you want some arbiter of why I play against this person or that person. Now one easy way to do it is to just do it by sex. Now the reason I think that's better than giving every sport an ELO score is that it is just inevitable that. Take soccer for instance. The greatest female soccer player of all time will never make a professional male soccer team. It's just not going to happen. And so there's footage, it's horrible, of the like I want to say 15 year old team beating the professional women's team. I think it was the team, don't hold me to this, but I think it was the team that won the World cup and they dominate all the women in the world, but they get their asses handed them by a bunch of 15 year olds just because of the physical power, street speed, aggression, all of that.
Unknown A
It's just a totally different game. So that's where I would love to see just some, hey, we do encounter the real world. We want to be compassionate, but we're just up against the Truth of biology here. So you can give a, a man all the hormones you want in the world, but if they grew up with male hormones, they go through puberty as a male, their tendons are thicker, they have more fast twitch fibers. Like there's just all these different things that go into it. And so the great example, I forget if it's Dave Chappelle, but was like you could give all the estrogen in the world, all the female hormones in the world to LeBron James and he's still going to score 125 points in a WNBA game. And so then the next question becomes, well, then we should be stopping them from going through puberty.
Unknown A
That's where I throw a very aggressive flag on the field. I think that, that for reasons that are probably beyond the scope of this conversation, that that is. Do I want to say criminal? I want to say criminal. I'll say that I'm using that as a temporary word for now. I'd want to think through that more. But that legitimately feels criminal to me. Just as I would be aghast if somebody let their kid get a tattoo at nine. I would be aghast if they put them on hormone blockers. We just do not know the long term consequences. The stuff that's coming out of Europe on the studies that they've done on this, because they were really early to that trend. They are not good. And I know that certain clinics have stopped offering transition surgeries to people because they've ended so badly. It's just, yeah, for better or worse, man, we, we do not have biology mastered like that yet.
Unknown A
Now if one day we do and you can go through a process that legitimately changes you at the cellular level and there's no ongoing side effects, I could not care less if somebody wants to switch gender. I don't think there's any moral problem with that. It's not weird like, hey, do your thing, but we're not in that moment. And so you're taking these incredible risks at an age that I just think is absolutely insane. And, and start throwing in Munchausen syndrome by proxy. And you get parents that want their kids to go down that path. And now parents are encouraging. Oh God. So that one just strikes me as a very bad idea. So yeah, I think I expect that to be very popular.
Unknown B
I feel like it's popular now. But you kind of struck it in the head when you first started in the sense that this, this was a toxic idea for him to even come out and say it wasn't. Easy to. And I'm sure there's a lot of people who feel attacked and violated because of this statute, but I don't know it. I think The K through 12 thing is where I kind of draw my line. Because if this was a 21 year old professional league, like, yeah, if you guys want to intermingle, to your point, do your thing, it doesn't really matter. But to your point, instead of it being okay, little girls, little boys competing, there's a difference between those two sports. So instead of us separating them, let's make the little boy go on these medications and then now he's okay to be to.
Unknown B
And it's just like you're. You're trying to medically intervene on something that hasn't even been fully developed yet and just let it cook. Like, let that person. They can't even drink yet, but they know they can, like switch gender. Like, I feel like that's a little bit too, too soon. It's a little bit too soon for me.
Unknown A
Aggressively agree. But let's go back to the one that you don't have a problem with, the 21 and they're going to change their league. Would you be okay with a woman in that league saying okay then? I would like to take testosterone, like, inhuman amounts of testosterone.
Unknown B
God bless you.
Unknown A
So you're cool with that?
Unknown B
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown A
So that one's like the open field. Anybody transgender? Come on in. Females on testosterone, I'm all, I'm here for it.
Unknown B
You can go in and you can try. Because I definitely think that you will get exposed, because I think there are.
Unknown A
When you say you will get exposed, what do you mean?
Unknown B
Because I was thinking, like, a lot of times I have seen people try to cross over because they underperform in their biological gender. So they go to the opposing gender to try to get a leg up to your point, they're trying to become. They might be 1 34th in their gender, then they go to the other gender and they might be number three or four.
Unknown A
They're gonna move up or one by a country mile or one.
Unknown B
And I was gonna say you get exposed, but then I thought about like the Olympic situation where it was alleged but she just had higher testosterone levels. But is that enough? Is it an XY chromosome? And now we're like doing blood analysis on people and I'm just like, what happened to just like sport? Like, but what do you mean?
Unknown A
We blood analysis on people all the time for doping?
Unknown B
No, no. But I'm saying is that like, we created girl sports for A reason. So the fact that now we're trying to undo that and act like the people who did it before were completely idiots.
Unknown A
But did you just go back to the young kids? Because I. I want to be in the most problematic of the things that you said, the hardest one to.
Unknown B
You just want to stimulate my problematic view. Well, I'm talking.
Unknown A
No, no, hold on, hold on. Not your problematic view. It's the hardest one to answer because, yeah, it's not kids. These are adults. Let them do what they want. So I'm saying that's a much harder question to answer. So let's look at the hard one. Because I think neither of us are going to get as much backlash for saying, yeah, don't do on young kids, but let's really lean into the backlash. So in that 21, because I have what I think is the silver bullet. This is. You cannot do what you're talking about. But I have to understand, like, for instance, how do you feel about Lance Armstrong doing all the blood doping that he did to win at the Tour de France? Like it. Hate it.
Unknown B
It's. It's illegal. So I hate it. And the only reason I'm putting the quotes is because, like, I wasn't checking for bicycle, like, doping. I didn't know it was that big of a deal. I didn't know it was that rampant. It's just like baseball. I like baseball. When they're on steroids, it was more fun. They hit more. Home run.
Unknown A
Okay, so you are cool with that? Like, I want to see the biggest freaks in nature doing whatever, perform at.
Unknown B
The absolute highest level. I had somebody who used to play baseball growing up. They said people think you take steroids and now all of a sudden you're good at something. You still have to have skills, you still have to have talent. A needle isn't going to magically solve all your problems. Now. It can separate you from other people who might have the same talents but didn't take that extra step.
Unknown A
So do you want to see the boards do anything to limit the harms to the players, even though it would make them better?
Unknown B
Limit the harm.
Unknown A
I. If you do a bunch of growth hormone and stuff like that, it is going to shorten your life. I mean, that. That is basically a guarantee. So knowing it, but there will be more fun to watch.
Unknown B
I didn't know that steroids kill you. I didn't know that it was.
Unknown A
I didn't go that far.
Unknown B
You said it was short in your.
Unknown A
Life, so you don't have to look a lot farther than bodybuilders to see, like, what happens when you're on that stuff. It's can affect the size of the valves in your heart and does all kinds of crazy stuff. So I don't think anyone is going to say that. The unchecked use you will see in professional sports when there is a financial incentive to get bigger, faster, stronger. It will go crazy if people just say, do whatever you want. In fact, can people. It's made legal. Can people play coked out so that they don't feel the pain? And they're way more aggressive?
Unknown B
I'm not mad at that either.
Unknown A
You're being very consistent.
Unknown B
So I can't be really not bad at that either. I heard there was rumors certain basketball players are playing high because they play better high. Yeah, it was just like a conversation with the coach. Don't ask, don't tell. Look the other way and I'll drop my 30 points.
Unknown A
You're perfectly happy. Hey, it's consistency. I love that. So as. Who was it? I think it's the guy from Prageru, Dennis Prager, I believe, who said, I don't mind disagreement. I just look for clarity. And that is very clear. Drew. I think that there is something to be said about what I'll call, like, the robot league, where humans can augment themselves, go crazy. But to me, that's very separate. If I'm watching, say, the Olympics, what I really want to see is, what can a human do? Not what can an augmented human do? Which that, hey, that could also be cool. Maybe that's way better. Maybe we all get into it and we just accept, hey, when you go into that, like, you're going to shorten your life. You're going to do things that are absolutely terrible for you. But if you want to do it and we want to watch you do it, great.
Unknown A
I legitimately have no problem with that. If it's an adult and they're making their own decisions, don't care. As long as it's all above board, it's out there. Like, let them go, ham. Neurological implants. I'm here for it. Like, do your thing. Yeah. That to me, I'm not weirded out about that. But that to me needs to be its own separate thing. Like, if somebody said, hey, like, when Vince McMahon launched the XFL, we're doing an all transgender league. Yeah, word. Let's go. Like, why? I don't know why anybody would have a beef with that now. You might watch it and go, well, it. They're faster and stronger than women, but they're not, like, all the way to, like, a full male who's using all of their natural testosterone and pushing themselves. Uh, and so I'd rather watch that, but at least that makes sense.
Unknown A
Like, even playing field, I just want to know what the playing field is.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And for me, I would love to see a league where it's like, this is humans, like, as close to unadulterated as possible. But, like, if it's training, I'm all for. Yeah, they can use steroids if they've been injured, to overcome an injury or something like that. I don't have a beef with that. So. And I think they have ways around that now where it's like, you have to be clean for six months or something. So, anyway, that is my take. This is. I think this one will be way less controversial than it was before, but at least now we can talk openly about the deal.
Unknown B
Yeah. I'm curious to see the ripple effects as, like, you. Like you pointed out, the Olympics was the biggest one. I think that we can remember the boxer who was knocking everybody out, and then the one lady, I think she was from Ukraine, who, like, protested, didn't even want to fight her because of this. So. Yeah.
Unknown A
What did you think about her protesting?
Unknown B
I feel like you have that opportunity. I don't know if you should use it to be political. Personally, like, I would have went out swinging, but that's just all ego talking.
Unknown A
So that's tough because it is a impact sport. And so if you're going up against somebody that can really, like, give you permanent brain damage, for instance, that's tough because there are male fighters. Male fighters. Fighters that can kill other male fighters. So if you're going in with somebody that has the genetic profile, through a twist of fate, whatever, they have the genetic profile of a male. And you don't. Yeesh. The connective tissue, the strength of the muscles, the explosiveness. You're taking a lot of shots to the head to prove a point. That's. That one starts to worry me. That one I don't know what to do about, though. If she is genetically female but just happens to have ridiculously high testosterone. But if I remember right, there were markers that she was not clearly female.
Unknown B
Yeah, it wasn't X, Y. It was X, Y. Not an XX or something.
Unknown A
Yeah, it was a. Wasn't like a. I didn't look closely enough at it, but it was my understanding that this was like a rare genetic thing. It wasn't like she was trans. But anyway, I don't know if that's true.
Unknown B
In a news Google secretly removed something off their website. They were trying to be a little bit tricky. Tricky with it. Originally they had a guidelines about all their AI promises and one of the promises was they would not use AI for weapons that has mysteriously been removed from their website.
Unknown A
Must have been a typhoon.
Unknown B
How do you feel about AI warfare? And I feel like Google is now announcing that they probably just did a deal with the Fed or something like yeah, we're going to see a Pentagon release soon or something.
Unknown A
AI in weapons is the future 100% guaranteed. There was never a question. It was never going to be any other way. But hold on. It should be. You want that. You don't want to kill human life if you can avoid it. I get the Terminator scenario. The thing that freaks them out is like this thing is going to become sentient and then it's going to come after us. But just like having self driving cars is not going to turn into Christine, the movie about the car that ran around killing people or overdrive, maximum overdrive where the car is turned on people and start killing them that no one's worried about that rightly so. They're going to be far safer than humans. They can read data so much faster. And so you, you will have a huge blow up when they accidentally kill somebody. Because the human psyche says being accidentally killed by a human.
Unknown A
I have somebody that I can point it at and blame it on and just pour my grief at. And I don't get that with an AI it's just this cold killing machine. And so there is something extra horrible about that happening. But the reality of vastly smaller numbers of people dying is, is a well worthy trade off. Also imagine being in a scenario where you have some sort of sensors or whatever where it knows that's friendly. I'm not going to kill it. And so you very much want to be in that situation. Because I think we would all be shocked to know how often people die of friendly fire. Like I just can't imagine. It's dark, bullets are flying everywhere. You see a target, you take them out. Only later to find out or you're. You call in a strike but the coordinates are wrong and boom.
Unknown A
You get bombs dropped on your own people. It those kinds of things should all but go away. I think people are forgetting that narrow AI is so much better than humans. Just like by a country mile. If you are only asking that thing to do one thing it is going to be just orders of magnitude better, safer. All of that So I get the initial alarm, but the reality is you want AI getting into if you're going to have weapons, and we are. You want those to be very good AI, clearly, but you want them to be driven by AI for sure.
Unknown B
Yeah. And to your point, there's a stat that it reads right now that 17% in operation Desert Storm was like friendly fire casualties.
Unknown A
17, 17. I thought it would be high, but I didn't think it was that high.
Unknown B
Yeah, crazy. But does this fundamentally change warfare? Like I'm thinking of back in the Roman days where everybody said line up on one side and say, 1, 2, 3, go. And then they started to fight, then the guns, and now it's drones. Like, is there going to be a new level? Where is this? A bunch of people in control rooms and it's just robot army versus robot army or drones versus drones.
Unknown A
Okay, let me really, really. I'm gonna put my sci fi writer hat on here. Okay. So if I am trying to beat you in a war, I am probably going to do something like what Israel is doing. I want to avoid the international condemnation. So I'm going to send you letters, I'm going to tell you to get out, and then I'm going to absolutely destroy everything in your country. I'm going to tear apart your, your infrastructure. I'm going to laser target the people that are marked for death. And we're going to go in and it's going to be way more surgical. And it will be absolutely horrifying because when you see the whatever hundred thousand Chinese drones that lift up over into your neighborhood and they just carpet bomb everything, or you're a battleship out in the ocean and you see those hundred thousand drones coming for you, there's, I mean, we'll develop countermeasures and stuff, but man, that's going to be a real terrifying sight.
Unknown A
And so there will be a level of just psychological horror that goes along with all of this. You know when the robot dogs with machine guns roll into your neighborhood and they speak to you and they tell you like, lay down, do this, don't move, whatever. And people are laser targeted. If they move in any way, anything seeming like the wrong thing and it just, and they just take all those people out, there's something horrifying about feeling like you cannot outsmart them, like you cannot run, you know, whatever. That, that Terminator whole quote is. So, yeah, look, that's going to be scary. But it will allow warfare to become far more surgical. But it will probably also make warfare just way more devastating. Because in the early days of this, you can get caught off guard to a level that's terrifying because drones are so easy to rapid deploy and get them to move in these swarms.
Unknown A
It's. Yeah, it's going to get pretty crazy. But I do think it will be very precise, pinpoint strikes.
Unknown B
I think the opposite. I think when you can, like push a button and like level a neighborhood, I think it gets easier to push those buttons than it did if you had to send in Seal Team 6 and 8 people. And, you know, it's more collateral damage and things like that. So I, while I agree that technology is going to proliferate warfare, I think that it's going to remove the humanistic aspect of it of like, okay, what's the most strategic way we can do it? Where it's going to be now, all right, let's just send the drones and blow up everything up and we'll get the report.
Unknown A
Yeah. So now play that out. So the reason that I think that this is actually a better scenario is wars historically have been devastating in human, human life to a degree that's, that's really hard to comprehend. And I, I think you're going to see that go away. Now. The cost of infrastructure and all of that is going to be very horrific if what we just saw happen to Gaza is any indication of, okay, we got as many of the people out as we could, but we have the weaponry to just really level things. So your infrastructure costs are going to be horrible, but I would much rather that than loss of life. Also. I'd really like to see this battle being played out in technological ways where we're trying to dismantle their drones, they're trying to dismantle ours, we're trying to attack their critical infrastructure, their military posts, they're trying to attack ours.
Unknown A
But it feels way more like a game of chess than it feels like a game of demoralize based on the loss of human life. And so in a fantasy land, a lot more of this becomes this clandestine battle where we're constantly like, they're trying to fuck up our economic system, we're trying to fuck up their economic system. It just, it is a horrifying, still horrifying form of war for sure, because if one of those systems were to go down, you could make it really gnarly, really fast. But in many ways, I think that is going to be better, given that my value system is human life trumps everything. And so I would rather it be robot on robot when it can be, I'd rather be robot v robot for, you know, protecting the different things, to intercept these things before they get to us. And that in essence, it becomes an intellectual battle that's happening at the level of technology that is.
Unknown A
I don't know, it feels like, yes, it gives us that distance and it maybe makes people more likely to press the initial button, but it will be such a back and forth, fourth battle at the level of technology that I think we can spare a lot of lives. We can spare a lot of the ptsd, though. From what I hear, drone operators still suffer from a lot of ptsd. You would think maybe they wouldn't, but I. We'd need to look this up. But I'm pretty sure I remember coming across an article that said that the rates of PTSD are either on par or close to on par with people that are actually on the ground. And there might even be something about. With. When you're on the battlefield, you're there with, there's camaraderie. It's people that you feel you love, you have this deep connection to, versus like you're alone in a headset and you're like, I just killed those people.
Unknown A
And so there isn't that same sense of like, I'm. I'm in a theater of war and then I come back out. There's something far weirder about, like, I'm halfway around the world and then I just go home to my wife and kids. So we need to look up the actual stats on that. But I have a feeling that humans are still not going to be quick to kill and destroy, that we're going to try to exhaust all diplomatic, all technological solutions before we get to that. So for me, it seems like a way, way, way, net good to be more surgical, to be more technological in nature. You just don't want to find yourself in a situation where one side has artificial superintelligence. They get a quick takeoff. They're able to make technology that so outpaces what you have to defend yourself with, that you just get subjugated overnight like it's just done.
Unknown A
There's. You don't even have a mechanism by which to fight back. So that would be the nightmare scenario. I don't expect that to happen. But that would be the only time where it's like, okay, wait a second. That did not go well.
Unknown B
Copy. Okay. The percentage of drone operators who suffer from post traumatic stress varies depending on the study, but is generally low to moderate.
Unknown A
Okay, that's great.
Unknown B
Okay, so I've seen that 46 to 48 number as well. That's the one number I pulled up.
Unknown A
All right, so speaks to your thing that, yes, people are going to be less empathic if they're doing it from far away. But again, the hope is that you're putting fewer and fewer humans in the way that your soldiers become robotic, your pilots are robotic. And so if you think about all the people that were lost in the bombing raids during World War II is a pretty catastrophic loss of human life, both on the receiving end of the munitions, because it's very hard to be precise, and just with all the people that had to fly these insanely dangerous missions.
Unknown B
Yeah, future warfare. We shall see. And now time for relationships. Because dating is trash.
Unknown A
That was a nice transition from robots.
Unknown B
Are going to kill you to my.
Unknown A
Robots are going to fuck up your dating.
Unknown B
Yeah, my dating life is going to kill me. So, you know, it's a slower day, that it's a slower, more painful death. Our boy Alex Hero had a great clip. Let's close.
Unknown A
I love this quote by Idris Elba. He said, men fall in love with.
Unknown B
What they see, women fall in love.
Unknown A
With what they hear, which is why women will always wear makeup and men will always lie. Oh, man. So this is why you say it again.
Unknown B
I say no notes. For me, that. That seems accurate.
Unknown A
Oh, yeah, Bang on. So getting people to understand that you are having a biological experience is like one of my missions in life. Life. Because if that quote is born of somebody that just steps back and goes, oh, this is true, and it has these consequences or it predicts these consequences, and I look into the real world and do I see that? Yes, of course I do. And that's why it always feels weird to say to Lisa, like, look, as you age, you're going to have self esteem issues because you have unknowingly been valued and thusly valued yourself for your beauty, for your youth, your attractiveness. And that just inherently fails. And it's all going to fail you. Just as I'm gaining access to more resources, that I'm farther in life in a way that people respect for a man. And so it will create this really weird imbalance where you feel like you're on the decline from the world looking at you.
Unknown A
And the world looks at me as somebody who's ascendant. And so you have to start building in these mechanisms to deal with that now. So if you can come into a relationship and say, listen, I understand that I'm going to be drawn to things that are visual, so I'm going to need to find a way to make this relationship about something more than that. So like I will often tell people when I look at a really attractive 22 year old woman, nature reaches into my brain and squeezes. And it's a really fascinating thing that it can trigger such a strong response. But because I know it's coming, because I know that that's how the human mind works, I've made sure that I've taken the time to lay out what my value system is like. Do I value the sexual conquest or a new sexual experience more than I value sharing a life with somebody and having a partner that's building things with me, that's created things with me that I can be vulnerable around, that I can be sick and know that I'm going to be taken care of.
Unknown A
That if I were to lose the things that the world considers valuable in a man, like access to resources, that she's still going to be there with me, love me. Because we have agreed and reinforced in each other that sharing the life through the ups and downs is the juice that is the thing that gives us the best emotional well being. Now if you haven't thought through it and you find yourself in a situation where all of a sudden somebody you never thought that you would be able to get sexually is coming on to you and is like no, no, no, I really want this to happen. And you haven't built a value system and you haven't thought about that stuff. And that hand reaches into your brain, the invisible hand of nature reaches into your brain, squeezes those neurochemicals and gives you, you feel alive, you're exhilarated, you feel desired and then people act on it.
Unknown A
And so that's where I think people get into trouble, is not recognizing that those are the ways that nature is playing on us. So a woman is looking at a man and judging him for are you? I'm going to be in a really vulnerable position, first of all, just being far weaker than the male of the species at the extremes obviously. And that if I get pregnant, I'm going to have to be taking care of this kid. I'm going to be super vulnerable. I won't be able to go out and do the things that I would otherwise do to care for the kids. So I need to know that you're going to do that. And so there's a book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts that calls the female brain the Miss Marbles Detective Agency, which I always thought was a brilliant way to think about it.
Unknown A
So a woman is constantly trying to Assess. How do you think about me? What do you feel about me? It's all about relationships and connection and so understanding that, oh, if I want to make you feel good, like, if you flip his quote, if I want to make you feel good, instead of lying to you, I'm going to invest in the relationship because I know you're trying to suss me out. I know it's going to matter to you profoundly how I make you feel about the stability of our connection. Now, if you want to really make your relationship feel awesome, you want to make sure that she feels secure, you want to make sure that she really feels. Feels, not has heard intellectually that she feels that you're going out of your way to keep stoking that fire of passion and attraction and that you're constantly letting them know, by the way, that you find them attractive.
Unknown A
And I'll be interested to see how this plays on YouTube. But in my life with my wife, I made a promise to myself very early on that if I look at her ass and I think, yo, your ass looks good, I'm going to say that out loud every time. And some people think, oh, that's so demeaning, you're pointing out. But I'm like, listen, my brain is triggered in a way that that's a very positive experience for me. And I know regardless of what the fucking Internet tells you, that that's going to feel awesome for her to be like, you're beautiful. I'm drawn to you. I'm sexually attracted to you. This is the crazy thing. Women do not get turned on seeing a flaccid penis, but they do an erect penis because an erect penis says, yo, I'm attracted to you. Obviously, context is everything.
Unknown B
Don't go sending dick pics, everybody. Yeah, just dick pics.
Unknown A
Or if you're sending dick pics, you are. First of all, you're a man. Second, you do not understand women. So this is not me saying that simply seeing an erect penis. It is. It is a sign that you're attracted to that woman. And so if the context is right and that's the moment that you've created, like, that is an exciting thing and can be a very unnerving thing for a woman if you're not getting a wreck. Because now it's like, oh, wait, am I not attractive? And so having all of that out on the table and being like, look, this is how you're going to read these cues. This is what these cues actually mean coming from me. This is what those cues mean coming from you. And so by communicating that kind of thing to Lisa, it makes her feel desired, it makes her feel seen and sexual.
Unknown A
And coming from her husband, this is obviously a very positive thing. And so if I didn't say those things out because I didn't want to be rude or I didn't want her to think that I was objectifying her, now I'm missing a trick because from her husband, that's. These are the exact cues that, that she wants. Now this was transformative for me. I don't know if this is going to hit you the way that hit me, but I was suddenly like, you know me, I'm always trying to build a predictive engine. My wife loves it when I like take stud leave photos or whatever. And she wants to like take photos from different angles. And she wants me to like dress up. Like, she used to love me dressing up at Halloween as like a SWAT member and shit like that. And I fucking hated it.
Unknown A
And I'm like, I feel so ridiculous. You cannot imagine how, how uncomfortable I am doing this. Because she one, she does like to see that, right? It's a turn on for her. It's part of a fantasy. Great. But she was also projecting her onto me because this is the insight women like to be the center of sexual attention. Again, wanted sexual attention. But this is why women like to pose when the camera's out. They want to find that like, most sensuous angle. They want to dance for you, they want to seduce you. All things that, like, I would feel absurd coming into the bedroom and being like slowly unbuttoning my shirt because I don't want to be the center of sexual attention, right? I want her to be the center of sexual attention. I want to pay attention to her. And so then I was like, oh, that's why women do all the posing and all that.
Unknown A
They want to be the center of sexual attention. Utterly fascinating. So once you begin to realize, okay, the male brain works in a predictable way, a certain way, and if you judge it and say, oh my God, he's a loser, whatever, because he's looking at my ass, yada yada, you're fundamentally missing the architecture of the male brain and why evolution has shaped it to be that way. And then same thing. Men will often miss the female cues and understanding what they want. So the Idris quote is revealing in a bit of a negative way. But there are so many other things like that that once you go, okay, wait, this person is not a man with breasts. I am not a woman with a penis. My brain works in a very different way. Her brain works in a very different way. Neither one is good or bad.
Unknown A
They're just different. And now, once I understand that, the predictive validity skyrockets. Because I remember in the beginning of my marriage, I was very confused. My. My wife, because I assume she thought, like, I did act in ways that I legitimately thought were crazy. Because I was thinking if I did that, it would mean this, but it doesn't mean that when she does it. And so, reading the book, the female brain really beginning to understand the differences. It's like, whoa. Okay, this is enlightening. And has very much allowed us to. This is one of the reasons we've been married so long is like, one. We don't judge the other person for being like that. This is why my wife is not weirded out. I told her, literally on our first date, whoever I end up getting into a relationship with, she's going to have to understand I will forever find other women attractive.
Unknown A
And it is crazy to me that men will lie to their woman's face and say, I only have eyes for you. Get the out of here. That is not true. So an attractive woman is an attractive woman. So my wife will be like. Like, yo, that one was hot. And I'm like, yeah, that one was hot. There's no two ways about it. And she's not insecure about it because she knows my whole thing is I'm committed to you. I'm not committed to you because I think you're the most beautiful woman that's ever walked this earth. I'm committed to you because I'm in love with you. I want to share this life with you. It's like a totally different thing. Don't get me wrong. I love that my wife is in her mid-40s and has remained extremely attractive, but one day, like, it always wears out, and I'm going to be just as into her in that moment as I am now.
Unknown A
And if you can make your woman feel that, not intellectually, but, like, in her bones now, you've got a level of safety and security on her side, and then she's going to want to do more for you.
Unknown B
I think from a, like, educational perspective and from like, a philosophical perspective. No notes. I completely in. In this, like, in alignment with you're saying. I think, comma, however. Yeah. In the. In the realities of 2025. I have to actually give Lisa this credit as well. Like, what she said on our last episode where she was saying that some people wear their traumas and then it kind of turns into modifications of their personality. Where on paper, I feel like a lot of women would like to be affirmed in that way and will like to be told those things. And if we were starting at zero, that's how it would be to kind of navigate and get us to marriage. But I think a lot of times two people meet, one person is at 5, the other person is at neg 30, and you're trying to figure out what part of your journey you are in, how into this you are.
Unknown B
Do you want a person or do you just want temporary company? Do you actually like me or are you. Am I the transition so that you get yourself confidence back to go somewhere else? Like, there's all these extra nuances and layers that I think muddies the waters that we can't get to those authentic, like, what do you actually need to hear from me to fill in my bones? What do I actually need to hear from you and feel in my bones? So that way we can get together and prosper. We have to kind of get through all this minutiae on top of, like, our past trauma, our past hurts and things like that. So I like it on paper, but it's just like, I don't know if that's everybody's lived experience just because we're wearing our traumas. Like, I'm wearing this hoodie.
Unknown A
You're triggering me with lived experience. Okay. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna take the full trigger here. Okay. So here is how I would approach it. Yeah, the red pill community will give you a really big truth that you ignore at your own peril, which is that you need to control the frame. So women date across or up. It's known as hypergamy. So a woman is going to be likely. There's no universals, but a woman is likely going to find it attractive if you can playfully create a frame and hold it. And so if you can playfully is very important. If it seems overly serious, it's not going to be interesting. But remember on my first date, I said to the woman who is now my wife, like, yeah, I look at porn. I don't understand why people get weird about that. Yeah, I'm always going to find other women attractive.
Unknown A
People that lie about that, they're out of their minds. I'm like, if Brad Pitt walked in right now with six pack. This is like, this was during fight Club. Brad Pitt, okay. I was like, if homeboy walked in with looking like that, and you said, oh, I don't find him attractive. I Only have eyes for you. I'd be like, you are lying. I know way too much about biology. So if you can playfully hold a frame, you can get away with, like, crazy truth. So here's how I would play the game. If I encountered a woman that was negative. 30. First of all, I'm going to be very honest, and people can hate me if they want to. There is a level of trauma that somebody could be going through where I'm like, yeah, I'm not interested in this, so they haven't done enough work.
Unknown A
They should come back to me in a year or whatever when they've gotten themselves to a more reasonable level. So just to be clear, there is a level of trauma where I just be like, let's have a nice dinner, and then I wish you the best.
Unknown B
Goodbye, never see you again. Yep.
Unknown A
I'm not a social worker, okay? I'm. I'm here to find social worker. I'm here to find a peer. And so that's. Yeah, so. But if we're there and, you know, she's talking about, like, trauma, lived experience, which lived experience for me is a trigger because it's somebody saying, I need you to validate my emotions. And that is. That does not make sense to me. That is not a way to live your life. Anybody who is sitting there waiting for somebody to validate their feelings, I'm just telling you, I get the impulse. I have the impulse, too. I'm just saying it's not useful. Now, my wife gave me a line that I thought was incredibly powerful, and I'm in my, whatever, mid to late 20s, and I'm just complaining endlessly about I have not become the man that I want to become. And she goes, after the 856th time of me complaining about it and her telling me, I believe in you, she goes, insecurity is not sexy.
Unknown A
You know that, right? And I was like, oh. And that changed my life. Now she hates when I tell this story because she was like, no, it wasn't like that. Yes, it was. And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Now, going back to playfully holding a frame, that's a wife who's got years of making me feel supported and encouraged. She can play that card. But I'm going to get to the same idea, and I'm going to start asking questions like, okay, if somebody experiences trauma, whose responsibility in the relationship is it to deal with that trauma? Trauma? Is it the significant other who. It's their job to just hold space every time that flares up and just make sure you're okay and just always give you a soft place to be. Or is it they create that space, that soft space where you can feel, okay, I've got a partner in this, but that the expectation is that you use that space as a way to begin to climb your way out of the hole.
Unknown A
Yeah, you have to do that. Okay. It is an injury that has been done to you that you did nothing to deserve. But unfortunately, you're the only one that can solve this problem. And I would find the most fun. I would have to know something about her and I would queue off of things that she talked about in the night or, you know, whatever shared knowledge. We have to try to do that in a fun way. But like, really getting down to whose responsibility is it when they get hurt and there's nobody that can help them other than themselves? And if that person is like, oh, I need a man that's going to show up for me every time, no matter how many times I'm in that dark place, they're just going to be for me, be there for me time after time. They don't judge me.
Unknown A
They're not pushing me to be better and be like, man, I wish you the best. Have fun. But dude, this is why mindset is like the number one thing that I would look for in a partner. If that person isn't obsessed with trying to get better for their own sake. Yeah, that, like, I want to be in more in control of my emotions. I want to find a way to dissipate this trauma. Like, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to alleviate this. And I understand that it's a burden I have to carry. Look, of course I want a partner that's going to be understanding and they're going to be nice. Well, I just, I can't get it together and I want them to hold that space for me. Yeah, that's what a partner's for. If I feel like you're doing the work that only you can do because you can't give her her self esteem, you can't give it to her.
Unknown A
You can make her feel great, you can make her feel awesome, but it will be a literal empty pit that you will just keep pouring into and it doesn't go anywhere. She's got to shore up the holes in that bucket so that as she's in a relationship with somebody who loves her and respects her and sees her as a peer and challenges her and pushes her to be better and wants to be challenged and wants to be pushed, that suddenly she sees, okay, there's safety here. But I am expected to be a peer. I don't get to be a child. I don't get to outsource my healing. I've got to do it now. If I feel like I've got that, I've got somebody who's like, yeah, I'm going to do the work that understands that. Infinitely wallowing in a problem again. I get it. Bad shit has happened to people.
Unknown A
Really horrible. Horrific. But partnerships are about peers, full stop. End of story. And so people have got to do their own work to get to the point where they can be a peer.
Unknown B
Well said. All right, I got some homework. I like that. I'm not a social worker. I was a jumping off.
Unknown A
We'll see how people feel about that one in the comments.
Unknown B
All right, we got some community questions for you. We going to kind of rapid fire these. All right. All right, Bill you. Every time you say we can't beat Dalio, and every time you say investing is gambling, I find myself muttering corrections into my headphones. So listen up. One, investing isn't a 1v1 deathmatch. We don't have to beat Dalio any more than you have to beat other meditators or healthy eaters. Dalio's success doesn't affect ours. And he isn't some final boss at the end of investing. If I make a hundred, if I make 10, he makes 100. I still made 10. Stop telling people that they can't do something simply because you think somebody, someone else is better at it than they are. Number two, investing properly isn't gambling. It's more educated. It's more similar to dating and marriage than it is to Vegas. Educated selection based on your ability to know what to look for and what to avoid as well as cultivating the conviction strong enough to override fear.
Unknown A
Okay, everything they just said there is false. So Ray Dalio is the final boss that you were going up against. People are. It isn't a 1v1 deathmatch. That's the only thing that I will give him. But it is player versus player. And so you people have to understand that when a stock goes up, that's paper money. It's not real. Can't spend it, nothing you can do with it. Maybe you could borrow against it, but what you're borrowing against is the idea that someone at a future date will pay more than you pay. And people like to put a lot of fancy language around this. But one of you won or lost in that exchange. Because if you sell and they buy and they say, this guy's an idiot for selling. I'm going to buy this because I know that it goes up. They just captured more of the gains than you did.
Unknown A
Now you may say, hey, I was perfectly willing to not get as much out of this as that person did. Fine. But if they end up capturing more value, they have won that exchange. Also, I want people to understand that the way that the stock market works is the reason that I call it gambling. It is not based on fundamentals. If a stock was put in a position where no matter what people thought about it, it had a static price based on the fundamentals of the business, then I wouldn't say it's gambling. I mean, it'd still be a form of gambling in that the future is unknown and you're betting on an outcome, which again is the defin. The literal Oxford Dictionary definition of gambling is to take a risky behavior for an expected positive outcome. So hey, literally, definitionally, that's what you're doing in the stock market.
Unknown A
Okay, so going back to this being player versus player. So the example that I gave where he's like, well, if somebody makes $100 and I only make 10, like, hey, we both won, fair enough. But how does the stock market usually work? The way that the stock market usually works is somebody buys something, they have an expectation that it's going to go up. It doesn't go up, it goes down. They sell in a panic and they lose that money. The reason that people say, hey, just hold your stuff in there in an index fund is because on a long enough timeline, if you don't try to get in and trade and all that stuff, then you really might be able to make money slowly over time. So if we are talking about set and forget index investing, you're limiting your risk. But again, I want to make abundantly fucking clear.
Unknown A
US Treasuries are known as the risk free rate of return. So the only thing that people are saying is quote, unquote, risk free is government debt. Now, U.S. government debt, to be very specific, now U.S. government debt has been downgraded from AAA status to double A plus. So the bodies that judge these things are saying, well, is it really risk free? So even the thing that is supposedly the most risk free is not risk free.
Unknown B
Yeah, it's taking a step back now.
Unknown A
This also comes down to, I'm not saying, first of all, I think the stock market is a miracle. And I want to be very clear that people are, we are all very glad that we live in A world where the stock market exists because it allows people to aggregate capital. But the way that you aggregate capital is you sell a piece of your company into the market and then basically whatever happens, happens to that could go up, could go down. But you as the company were able to capture some of that resource and then hopefully you're applying that back into the company and you're using it to build the company into something better that gives the world the thing that it wants, whether it's iPhones, whether it's Starlink, whatever the case may be. You aggregated the capital of the people that are betting on your company doing better in the future.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Now that's like the really sort of basic part of the stock market that I would really love to know what percentage of gains come from like really long term holding. I'm going to guess that it's not a lot. When you hear about people really winning in the stock market, what you have are people that are doing all the options trading. So a day trader is not in any way, shape or form thinking about the fundamentals of a business. What they are thinking about is sentiment. That's why they say that you sell the news, meaning as soon as the news gets out, it's gonna move the sentiment. So you want to get out. Once you understand that like the swing in the market that we just had, that was a trillion dollar swing from deep seek being dropped into the market. Not. And it caused a massive hit to Nvidia's business.
Unknown A
Nothing changed about the current state of Nvidia's business. Nothing. All the fundamentals are still there, still making all the money that they were making before. What changed was people's guess, their sentiment about how their future business will be perceived, not even how their future business will actually be, how people will perceive their future business. Because at any time, a stock's price is not based on fundamentals. It's based on how people feel about it in that moment and what they're willing to pay in that moment. Which is why stocks will swing wildly very fast. People are often doing this on leverage, which means that they can get absolutely obliterated. They can make a ton of money on the upside. They can lose literally infinite money on the downside, depending on the kind of trading that they're doing. Okay. I don't know how people look at that and go, that's not gambling.
Unknown A
Even taking the most basic I'm going to buy and hold.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Guess what? There is no guarantee that the stock is going to continue to go up. So while the best indicator of future performance may be looking backwards. What's the very thing that they tell you? Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. What are they trying to tell you? You're taking a risk. What is that thing again? That's taking risk for a desired outcome. It's known as gambling. Look it up in the fucking dictionary. I actually cannot transport myself into what people are trying to fight for. To try to tell people that they're not taking risk. I don't understand, I don't know what they like. If I were to go, it's not gambling. How does that help people update their mental model? The reason that I beat this drum so hard is I want people to understand, cut through all the bullshit, cut through all the fancy words.
Unknown A
If you want to get ahead financially, you either have to work at a job where you make more money, more money, more money. So you trade your time for money. Great, tried and true. A lot of people do it. Not a great way to get rich, but you can live your whole life doing it. The next way is ownership. This is how I got rich. You start with a nothing company. You make something that's so valuable that people want to buy it from you. You actually have just a ton of revenue coming, coming in. And so I turned protein bars that cost less to make than I could sell them for. I aggregated all that capital that way. Then another company came along and said, I bet in my hands I could make even more with that company. I'm going to pay you a crazy multiple on what's known as ebitda.
Unknown A
And so basically I'll round it to profit. So we're going to pay you a crazy multiple on your profit. And that's how I got rich. Another way to get rich is being in the stock market and holding for a long period of time. It's still gambling. But you're reducing your risk by saying over time, all those little fluctuations that a lot of people make their money on. I just know that even though there's going to be a lot of swings, if I can go out 20 years, if you look back 100 years over a 20 year period, you're basically always guaranteed to make money. It's not always true. There's sometimes words will little dicey, maybe flat, but for the most part you're going to be pretty safe. You will have made some money. Okay. Then the question becomes, does that somehow become not gambling because you held it for a long time?
Unknown A
Not in my book. Now every time that you are buying a stock or selling A stock, you are saying, I know something that this person doesn't know, or fuck, I just need the money. And you're just selling in that moment, but the person that's buying from you is betting that they know something that you don't, that this stock is going to go up in price, or that they get to take advantage of your misfortune for needing to sell right at that moment and they're going to be able to ride that up again. There's no guarantees anywhere in all of this. So I think it is. Especially like when I talk about player versus player. I am admittedly thinking about options trading, where it is literally people will bet. In fact, let me be very clear about when this becomes PvP. If somebody is shorting a stock, the mere fact that they short the stock can cause the stock to go down because it fucks with people's heads.
Unknown A
They see, whoa, whoa, whoa, there's a lot of really smart people with shorts against this stock. And that makes people go, ah, maybe I want to sell, maybe I want to get out of this. And so then the price starts coming down. So here you have a system that to some degree can be manipulated. Not sure how. We don't think that that's player versus player. But if I still can't convince you that being able to short a stock which then causes the stock price to go down isn't PvP, then let's talk about what happened with WallStreetBets on Reddit, where they literally put a company out of business because they saw what they were doing and they knew if we can get people to keep buying the stock, it will get to the point where it trips all of their leverage and they go bankrupt. And that's exactly what fucking happened.
Unknown A
How's that not PvP? I. The only thing I can think when I get comments like this is they want to make sure that people invest. God bless you. We want to make sure that we get people into the system. I'm saying you're going to get more people into the system if they feel like, oh, I actually know what this is. Oh, if this is gambling, my job is to remove as much of the risk as possible. What are the places that I can go to where there's low risk? Okay, this whole US Debt, that's known as the risk free rate of return. Okay, how much do I get for that? Let's say right now you get 4%. Okay, cool, that's not great. But like, if inflation right now is 2.15%, like, okay, I can deal with 4%. That feels pretty good. I'm outpacing inflation. I understand this is all gambling.
Unknown A
I don't have a big risk for a big appetite for risk. So I'm going to take this nice low volatility thing. Great short term, no, not even a lot of long term risks. So short term Treasuries I can get out if I see something going wrong. Great index fund. I don't want to day trade. I don't want to lose a bunch of money in fees. I want to be in index funds because I understand that this is gambling. So I don't want somebody who thinks they're a real fucking savvy gambler coming and messing with my money. And now because I only picked a few stocks and I've got somebody actively trading and they're losing money, which PS the vast majority of day traders lose money. Ray Dalio as the final boss. Ray Dalio and people like him spending hundreds of millions of dollars on research.
Unknown A
They get the brightest minds from all over the world. They measure their trades in milliseconds and you're trying to day trade against them. Not saying it's impossible, there's plenty of people that are going to do it. But that plenty of people accounts for some ridiculously small percentage. Call it 5. So it's like 95% of people that are trying to win at the day trading game because they do not know who they're up against. They don't understand how all of these markets work. They end up getting beaten up. So I'm just saying recognize it as gambling. If you understand the rules of the gambling so well that you can actually go outplay people, rad, go gamble. I think people should be able to gamble. And again, because the stock market allows us to aggregate capital, it's a miracle. God bless it. This is the thing that drives the economic engine of America.
Unknown A
I'm not trying to scare people off of it. I'm trying to get people in because they actually understand what this is and they can decide, okay, where do I want to put my money, where do I not want to put my money? All of that. But I don't know how people look at shorts, short squeezes and don't admit, oh, this has got an element of PvP. It's not all PvP all the time. It is not an unwinnable game. It's a very winnable game and basically everybody has to play it. So my only beef is that they're being forced to gamble because of inflation. If it were purely Optional. Do your thing. But, yeah. Anyway, that's my takeaway. I continue to feel exactly the same.
Unknown B
And last one, Tom. Think about what you know of history. Does a government run by the wealthiest as the ruling class ever do what's right for the working class? Ever?
Unknown A
Okay, everybody's going to pursue their own interests and somebody in power. Ironically, their largest driving force is to retain power. Oftentimes you will see people pursue power, and they never really make that much money doing it, but because they really are powerful, they feel good. This is actually one of the things I think is going on with USAID is, okay, I'm not making a lot of money on Capitol Hill, but I'm able to influence where millions of dollars go to different groups, and I'm a hero to those groups. In fact, let's talk about Karen Bass for a second. She gets flown to. I forget what. There was like a inauguration or something that she went to. Was it in Ghana?
Unknown B
It was in Ghana during the fires, right?
Unknown A
Unknown B
Unknown A
And I'm like, I get it. You're not making a ton of money. You've got a ton of responsibility, but people fly you around and they put you up in incredible places. That's power. Because if you're able to direct attention, influence money, like, you're. You have a thing that people want, and for that you get something. And when you can get laws passed, like, I'm not even talking about the. The corrupt people. Like, maybe Nancy Pelosi is just ridiculously corrupt because she's way too good at the stock market.
Unknown B
Way too good.
Unknown A
So either as somebody tweeted, and forgive me for not remembering who, that Nancy Pelosi should run the America's Sovereign Wealth Fund. I thought that was hilarious. Set that aside. I'm not even talking about people that are corrupt. I'm just saying being able to be like, hey, you're doing a really wonderful thing there in Ghana, and I want to make sure that I help support. I'm not saying she allocated dollars to them. I don't know that she did. I have no reason to believe. I'm just saying it's things like that you really want to see them do well. And it feels really good to you that you're going to be able to reallocate those resources from one place to another. So this is where we have a hard truth to be faced, which is all throughout time, always and forever in human history, in every single government that has ever existed, from feudal lords to the days of Genghis Khan to hippie communes to Communism, socialism, there's always a ruling class.
Unknown A
And the biggest reason that there's a ruling class is just the logistics of getting a whole lot of people to agree on anything, just not going to be able to do it. And so we all want it to be simplified. I don't want to think about all that. I've got this thing I have to do over here. I got to take care of my kids, I've got to put food on the table. Whatever the thing is that's pulling you away, hey, you do that. You like reading about that stuff. You understand it? I don't like it. I don't understand. I don't want to think about it. It just, it does happen always. Not most of the time, all the time. So. And it isn't even always the quote unquote ruler of the country. This is why people often refer to who's the power behind the throne.
Unknown A
So the person out front's the figurehead, but the person actually holds the power is, you know, off camera somewhere. So understanding the, the nature of the human mind, understanding societies, the structure of societies, understanding man as a political animal and what all that means, you are always going to have the elites. Now, do the elites have to be pricks that are manipulating the masses to get what they want? That is a very different question. And I think history shows us that it's. There's always going to be a certain amount of corruption of grift. I don't think you're ever going to get that to zero. There are times where the honor of it all does seem to take center stage. And so there do seem to be times where it's better than others. But if you went back and read people speaking at that time, they're going to sound distressingly similar to now.
Unknown A
It just. You want one where the abuses aren't so grotesque that they're making your life worse. But there are always going to be uneven outcomes. And I think those uneven outcomes can often be attributed to malice when it's.
Unknown B
Really just self serving self interest.
Unknown A
Well, not only that, yes, but the, the reason you will never get away with unequal outcomes is intelligence and a whole bunch of weird personality traits that just make somebody better at something than somebody else. Like there are people that I meet, they're just so much better at the easy like meet and greet of getting to know somebody. And I think if I had a better memory, like if I remembered, really remembered people that I met, this was supposedly something that Clinton was ridiculously good at. He would meet you once five Years ago, he would see you instantly, remember you, remember your name, remember what you talked about. And it just made people feel seen in a way that, like, people just couldn't imagine. I'm closer to Brad Pitt, who was like, brad Pitt has taken a photo with somebody, turned around and asked them if they wanted another photo.
Unknown A
Like, he had never met them before. And he was like, I feel like such a dick. And he was like, people think that I'm this who's just above it. And he was like, he. He said, I literally believe I have something called brosobagnosia, which is the inability to remember faces. I don't have an inability to remember faces, but God damn, do I have a hard time. I'll be like, where do I recognize this person from? So if I had just that better thing, that I would be way better at networking, which is like my Achilles heel, which you as my producer know all too well. You'd be like, hey, reach out to so and so. And I'm like, they were on the show. You're like, yes, motherfucker. So yeah, that. That is why you're always going to have unequal outcomes. We are not. We don't have equal talents.
Unknown B
Yeah, well said. That's all I got.
Unknown A
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Unknown A
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