  • Unknown A
    Ms 13 gang members who they knew that they were in jail and they were told it was policy not to inform ICE that they were in a holding Z.
  • Unknown B
    When ICE did that giant sweep in Aurora a couple weeks ago, it actually was a failure because, because they got a heads up that there was going toa be a roundup soon. A lot of them left the whistleblow. So right now it appears that they're just going toa go underground, they're going to go to ground and just kind of see if they wait it out. But yeah, eventually that's the concern, especially with Weeksak. Right. That, you know, they might want to do like a last stand type situation. And again, this is, I mean, it's hard to truly like game it out because it's so unpredictable. But I think. And that's why, but then that's why it's funny when leading up to Trump getting back into office, you had people saying, you know, the sanctuary city saying no, we're, we're going toa fight back, we're not going to allow this.
  • Unknown B
    And Denver'mayor had ##ally, saidd'nna use the police to stop them at the county line. But then as soon as's like, okay, well then you're gon toa lose your funding and then they start sayinging a different tune. So I, at a minimum know, at a minimum they're going to just not help. They're not going to help. They're not going to like, you know, Florida, my home state, they, they just pass a law requiring a certain number of, of officers within police forces to be ready to be assigned to help ICE and really that obviously the federal government has vast resources. Obviously it has the ability to carry out a lot of people, a lot of removals. But in order to really reach numbers that people really want to see, it's going toa have to fall in the states too, to actually do more than just not get in the way.
  • Unknown B
    They actually have to go out and help because they do have the local intel, they do know their communities better. But obviously not every single state is going to do that. Right. I can see Texas doing that and other other red states, but it s. It's going to take more than the federal government to reach those numbers.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, I have a friend who was a prosecutor in a county surrounding D.C. in one of these sanctuary counties and it's just, he was infuriated. He originally was like, came into that job coming from the left and it immediately changed his perspective when he saw these like Ms. 13 gang members who they knew that they were in jail and they were told it was policy not to inform ICE that they were in a holding cell. And so the MS.13 dudes would then get let back out into the streets without federal charges, without ICE coming in. And they would be like laughing at the prosecutors being like, oh yeah, see, they let me right back out. So that's obviously gonna. I think with. He used my buddy as a proxy, he went from being a lefty to changing his views completely because he was like, this is completely insane.
  • Unknown A
    So you can only have that insanity persist for so long before normal people are just like, yo, this isn t absolutely wild.
  • Unknown C
    I agree with you. But doesn't that take the experience? And when I say the experience, I don't know that the average person that would go ahead and say, oh, get on the Internet and say, oh, this is messed up. They don't, they don't see that. They don't have the actual realistic experience of it. To them, it's just another anecdote, is't it?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, it'your typical lefty who's like, they just do it because it's virtuous. And that goes back into the peer pressure associated with BLM with the immigration issue. Unless you've beennd down to the border and you've seen the situation down there. It wasn't until they started arriving by the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands in all of these left wing cities. I think my favorite article of the last four years, it was a New York Post article about all of these Williamsburg residents in New York, which is in Brooklyn. It's like more expensive than Manhattan now. They were infuriated because their dog park was being used to house these migrants. And so it wasn't until that finally happened once they were actually in their backyard that they were like, wait a second. So I do think that the issue has gotten so bad where average people are like, okay, well, maybe virtue you.
  • Unknown A
    It's a little bit different. When actually the pragmatic reality is that your own city is getting destroyed by a massive flood of people who, yeah, just want to stay in the Roosevelt Hotel.
  • Unknown B
    There was a video that was circulating a couple weeks ago. I think it was an AJ podcast from where this interview was taking place. And this woman, she was, she was saying that Mexico can't absorb all those deportees. They can't absorb all those millions of people that are coming back. All of a sudden I was like, you don't say. Really? Like, that's, that's interesting. I that. Thank You. Thank you for making that point. And that's why it's also funny because. Because you had, like, Mexico's president as well, referring to the Mexicans that are in the United States as Mexicans. Right.
  • Unknown C
    They just view them as seniorit A. Shinebaum.
  • Unknown B
    Right. Yeah. So it's, it's, it's, it's just funny that. But, you know, they're Mexicans, but we want to keep in the United States. And obviously, I think that's just because of remittances. Mexico's economy is like, has. There's a lot of money in that too. So that's, that's why there's so much pushback. It's not justh. Because Trump is being racist.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I mean, every, every country that has, you know, a sizable population or a sizable plurality of their population in the United States working and sending American dollars back, that's a significant economic incentive, isn't it?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. And actually the bill that the Florida State House passed, that it didn't. The bill that Governor DeSantis initially proposed, that it actually, it wasn't a tax on remittances. It was requiring people who were sending remces back to provide proof of U.S. citizenship at these financial institutions. You it'to step in the right direction. Unfortunately, that, for whatever reason, again, I think it's because the money talks that was included in the final bill. So they're probably saying they're gonna address that later on down the road. But the fact that we don't even tax remittances is.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. 24% of El Salvador in 2023, 24% of El Salvador's GDP was remittances. Wow.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, you wantn to fund all your little pet projects. There you go.
  • Unknown A
    Well, I lived in a mon. Jordan in the Middle East. 1/6 of their GDP is foreign aid from the United States. So, I mean, which is not saying much. It's not like they have a crazy big GDP, but it's like $600 million a year.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And I mean, before, aside from Afghanistan and now Ukraine, the number one recipient of military aid from the United States was Israel, and number two was Egypt. It was like 3 billion and 2 billion. So it's like, it's crazy that you would have a conflict over there and not only are we funding one side, we're funding both sides to play both. So we come out on topeah, I guess. Or American citizens just end up on the bottom.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, it's typical that the US does funds both sides of whatever conflict because.
  • Unknown B
    I'M getting the emails. You got to fire your taxes. And I don't really want to actually, like, even more so, I don't really want to really. I don't want to do TurboTax right now. Block or whatever.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I imagine the average American, you know, right now, they're hoping for some kind of movement on taxes because u with all the talk of the IRs, but that's another topic for another time. So the, the. The riot season that we're looking at this year, it kind of feels like, I mean, clearly you're hoping for something interesting.
  • Unknown B
    I'm bored, man. I've been bored for a while.
  • Unknown A
    I just pretend to be in retirement.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. This guy. Guy. Every time I post about it, he goes, oh, I'm retired.
  • Unknown A
    He's like, stop freaking L. It's like Tom Brady, you.
  • Unknown C
    You're retired.
  • Unknown A
    Because it's just like, like football.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. Don't get wrong. I mean, I was cold covering the inauguration protest and that was like, absolutely nothing happened on that. So it was kind of.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I mean, well, I was surprising.
  • Unknown A
    I was surprised by that.
  • Unknown B
    Well, it was really cold. Yeah, it was really cool. Like, I know people were talking about security with Trump and think. I think that had s something to do with it. But also it was. It was really, really cool.
  • Unknown A
    It was cold.
  • Unknown C
    It was the coldest it's been in D.C. since 1988 is what the. Is what I saw.
  • Unknown B
    Right? Yeah. Because it was the windshield too.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I mean, a lot of people were making a whole big deal about it because they were like, oh, look at Donald Trump is weak and he's a pussy and we're gonna go ahead and talk about him because it's cold out and blah, blah.
  • Unknown B
    But it's like, I don't see you out there.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, Obama's first one was pretty cold. I was there is actually caus you L. I ended up.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, y caus. We were change.
  • Unknown A
    And I was like, okayah, open change, folks. Nope, nothing changed. But yeah, I was at Obama's first inauguration and it was definitely cold. But nobody shot Obama in the ear.
  • Unknown B
    Right prior to before.
  • Unknown A
    And Reagan was the last time that it was inside. And that was a couple of years after Reagan's assassination attempt. So even if it were inside for those reasons, I would say that that's justified. So everyone's like, oh, he's a wuss. It's like, well, same thing with the Bible. So St. John's church, that whole weekend before that, like all of the left wing media, CNN were saying, oh, Trump is such a wussf for going into the bunker. And it's like the Secret Service were up on the roof and I talked to guys who were there that night and they were like, ready for them to overrun the front lawn. And if that had to happen, then there would have been a lot of.
  • Unknown C
    People that took rounds. Yes, exactlyuse the Secret Service if people.
  • Unknown A
    Don'T realize how close that was to happening. Yeah, I mean, the Secret Service is overwhelmed and they're getting bricks thrown. There were dozens of them that were injured. And it's like, isn't that warranted to put the President into the bunker? Isn't that what I at that point.
  • Unknown C
    The President doesn't have a choice point. There is a level, a certain threshold that once it's met, the President doesn't get to tell Secret Service what to do anymore. The Secret Service is like, no, Mr. President, we're running the show right now until the situation has is under control again. But, you know, the leftist media isn't gon toa ever. I mean, that was their.
  • Unknown B
    That was an insurrectioneah.
  • Unknown C
    Clearly, clearly I was attempt.
  • Unknown A
    I would argue that neither of them were insurct.
  • Unknown B
    No, no, I know, but just using the prying Adam Kzinger's know, emotional outburst. Because you can say the same thing about the Portland courthouse because it's a rebellion against the federal government. Obviously not. Not theit building, but it's still a federal government property with federal agents.
  • Unknown C
    And how many, how many nights was the Portland courthouse under siege and siegeges legitimate?
  • Unknown A
    They were 100 over a hundred.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, it was, it was for a while. And they continued because they, once they were done with the federal courthouse, they went back to targeting the Portland police precincts. So. So it was. Yeah, it went for.
  • Unknown A
    I mean, it was crazy. Like straight up garbage fires every single night. I'd be like, well, that's important. I'BE like sitting around a garbage fire, like, talking to these dudes, like, trying to get, you know, some semblance of why they were out there. And it's like, literally, we're right in front of the Portland courthouse, on the street in front of it, and we're around a garbage. I definitely lost years off my life breathing in whatever plastic was burning. I'm not even kidding you. There was a moment where in the plaza, so they would use saws, like actual metal saws, saw open the fence y they ripped the fence open and they go into the plaza and light a garbage fire. And it's like the first night that I was there a dude threw a plastic fan into the flame and I was like, I guess that's a new definition of fanning the flames there.
  • Unknown C
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