Unknown A
Elon Musk took over the first cabinet meeting of the Trump administration. Why was Elon Musk there? Why was he dressed like a little kid? Why was he giggling like a schoolgirl? Why was he saying things that don't make sense? Well, some questions you can only hope to answer. Elon Musk hear his video as he presides over the cabinet meeting, not really defeating allegations that he is the person truly in charge and that is putting it charitably. Elizabeth Warren said, I don't even think that he's the co president. I think he's just in charge. Take a listen.
Unknown B
What is your target number for how many workers employees you're looking to cut total?
Unknown C
We wish to keep everyone who is doing a job that is essential and doing that job well. But they if the job is not essential or they're not doing the job well, they obviously should not be on the public peril.
Unknown A
Min so Elon taking and answering questions. Now maybe one of the most Kafka esque moments was when Elon Musk admitted they accidentally stopped Ebola prevention. But then they noticed and they fixed it. And this is part of Elon's very honest listen, we're going to make some mistakes but the point is we're going to fix the mistakes as well. We will set fires but then we will put them out and we will say to you, tell us how great a job we are doing at putting out fires that we set to begin with. What a world.
Unknown C
And and I should say also we will make mistakes. We won't be perfect but when we make mistake we'll fix it very quickly.
Unknown A
Unknown C
So for example with us ID one of the things we accidentally canceled very briefly was Ebola Ebo prevention. I think all want E prevention so we restored the E prevention.
Unknown A
It's a very interesting pronunciation also Ebola, but I don't even want to focus on that immediately.
Unknown C
And there was no interruption. But we do need to move quickly if we'if we're to achieve a trillion dollar deficit reduction and financially year 2026 it requires saving $4 billion per day every day.
Unknown A
And it's not going to happen. I hate to tell you it's go going toa happen. You know it's funny we act shocked when people just do the same thing they've always done. This whole we accidentally got rid of the wrong stuff, the wrong people. It's the same thing happened that happened when Elon Bough twitter and made it X and tweets became excretions and he went holy hell on engineering. And then all of a sudden, they had no one who even knew the infrastructure of the site. And in a panic. There's a story about it actually in books that have been written about the Elon purchase of Twitter. I forget what books, but was it Ben Msrid or was it. I don't remember. In any case, there are stories about how after firing way too many engineers, they needed to on like a Friday night, start just rehiiring people and saying, we need to fix this.
Unknown A
Like right now. It's the exact same thing that's happening with Doge.
Unknown B
What a shock.
Unknown A
The same stuff that happens with Elon Musk's companies is happening when he gets his hands on the government.
Unknown B
So he seems to be in charge.
Unknown A
Absolutely. Now, in another moment that's reminiscent of when Saudi women are asked, you love covering your entire body and face with black fabric, don't you? Yes, yes, I do like it. Trump goes, anybody in my Cabinet worried about Elon being here? Anybody worried about Elon's presence? And nobody says a word. And we're supposed to accept that as proof that everybody thinks this is a good idea?
Unknown D
You can ask me or Elon. Go ahead, please.
Unknown E
Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. Musk. I just wanted to ask you that the President Trump a true social today saying is that everybody in the cabinet was. Was happy with you. I just wondered if that if you had heard otherwise and if you had heard anything about members of the you weren't happy with the way things were going and if so, what are you doing to address those any dissisfaction you.
Unknown D
Un left the cabinet speak just for.
Unknown A
A second, unappy, if you are will throw them out of. This is not a group of hostages. This is a group of people who can speak freely. You can imagine for a moment if Bobby stands up and says, I think this guy's presence here is completely farcical. Elon Musk should have nothing, nothing to do with these cabinet meetings. How long do you think Bobby Kennedy Jr. Lasts as secretary of Health and Human Services? And so this is why it's sort of like when we hear, oh, no, no, no, no. Just go and ask Saudi women in Saudi Arabia do you like having to dress like this? And they'll tell you, we love it. Go in, in Moscow and ask people, do you like what Putin is doing? And they'll go, oh, yeah, I love it. Absolutely. They go, see, look, they love Putin. They absolutely love the guy.
Unknown A
Not exactly a group that is positioned to speak freely. And then finally, Elon Musk saying, We are trying to figure out are there.
Unknown B
Dead people or people that don't exist.
Unknown A
That are currently collecting government paychecks.
Unknown F
About half of the government employees so far responded to your request for what they've been doing over the past week. Is there a timeline in place for next moves for people being fired and one can there people expect to see results with that?
Unknown C
Yes. Well to clear like the I think that email perhaps was best interpreted as a performance review, but actually it was a pulse check review. Do you have a pulse? Do you have a pulse and two neurons? So if you have a pulse and two neurons you can reply to an email. This is you know I think not a high bar is what I'm saying. This is should be anyone can could accomplish this. But what we are trying to get to the bottom of is we think there are a number of people on thego government payroll who are dead which is probably why they can't respond.
Unknown A
And they also might not be able to respond because Cash Patel told them do not respond to this email and because other manager, supervisors and government head said do not respond to thema email. It is as chaotic as you think. But now let's dig into the substance of what DOGE is supposedly accomplishing. It is evaporating into thin air.
Unknown B
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Unknown B
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