  • Unknown A
    Courts have ruled over the years. In other words, the courts say, there is a space for independent agencies, there is a space for civil servants. And Trump is saying here, no, there isn't. So this is a two for one. Number one, he's saying, I'm going to defy the courts. Fuck the courts. My word is everything. No judge can tell me what the law is. And number two, it's, we're going to replace all of the civil servants, all the apolitical people in government, all of the experts in government, and we're gonna replace them with complete MAGA loyalist sycophants. Now, by the way, the same day, the same day, Trump comes out and gives this speech saying, I alone determine what the law is. Look at this. The Trump administration has just told a federal judge in a court filing that it will not comply with the court's order to resume funding for USAID and State Department foreign assistance.
  • Unknown A
    So in other words, all of the illegal stuff that Doge did, where Elon Musk hacked into the back end of the treasury, was collecting data, putting it on a private server, collecting everybody's Social Security information, bank account information, hacking into different government agencies, dismantling those government agencies like the Department of Education, like usaid, all of this wildly illegal, wildly unconstitutional. Every federal judge says, yeah, you're not allowed to do this. It's not even close. Even right wing judges, even the judges appointed by Trump said the same thing. This is Trump responding to one of these federal judges that said, hey, you can't just dismantle USAID on a whim. That money was appropriated by Congress to go in this direction, to go for this agency. It was signed by the President. So now you can't just willy nilly say, I want to get rid of it myself personally.
  • Unknown A
    That's not how it works. He's like, I don't care. I say, that is how it works. And what are you going to do about it? You're going to do nothing. I'm going to defy your court order to, you know, reinstate these USAID jobs and the USAID funding. I'm just going to be in open defiance of you. And again, you can thank the Supreme Court for saying, as long as you think your action is official, you can do whatever you want.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And so now what we're going to see is, and truly a constitutional crisis, truly a coup. But what we're going to see is just this is gonna work its way up through the court system, right? And every judge is gonna say the same thing, and then it's gonna get in front of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court, if they're being honest, they will say, yes, every other court was correct. You're not allowed to do this.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And then Trump may just say, fuck the Supreme Court too. We're not gonna abide by the Supreme Court either.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    Or what may happen is the Supreme Court notices, hey, they're never gonna. If we rule against them, they're never going to abide by it. Trump has made that perfectly clear. So since that's the case, we're gonna go ahead and give them some sort of intellectual and legal cover and say, actually, technically, maybe they're allowed to do this because of reasons X, Y and Z.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    And the Supreme Court would do that in order to try to keep the perception of their power knowing, hey, if we rule against him and he overrides us, it's very clear the emperor has no clothes or the emperors have no clothes. The Supreme Court justices have no clothes, and we have no real power.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    So, as I said, this is a deep, deep constitutional crisis now, because they're gonna. They've abided by some little parts of some court decisions here and there, but clearly there is a broader plot here to get away with whatever they feel like they can get away with. And this is Trump overreaching and acting like, no, if I do defy your court order, I am justified to defy your court order.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    It's that simple. And so two for one, destruction of democracy. The other day, literally calling a press conference to assert the powers of a king or an emperor or a tyrant or a dictator, and also the destruction of the civil servants and the apolitical experts in our government, non political experts in our government who, who do all the grunt work, who do all the real work, who can dot the I's and cross the T's and figure out how to actually implement the laws that are passed by Congress. You need experts to fill in the blank spaces. And now he's saying, fuck that, we want nothing but sycophantic loyalists. And I mean, this is all of the groundwork for, I'm just gonna stay in power, right? I'm just gonna stay in power. And so, I mean, I feel like a broken record coming out here every day saying the same goddamn thing.
  • Unknown A
    Constitutional crisis, coup attempt, et cetera. But they keep making it more and more and more and more obvious. There is no like, again, there is no dog whistle anymore. This is a fucking foghorn directly in your face. And so we'll. We'll discuss it in a little bit. But the people understand what's going on here. The people understand what's going on. Everybody's blood is boiling and everybody is flooding into the streets and calling, calling this out for what it is. And so we need to bring that kind of energy forward. We need to make sure we have Democratic politicians who stand up to this nonsense, which they're largely failing at this point. Most of the party. There's a thousand different ways we can go about fighting back, and I'll do a segment on that tomorrow as well when it comes to Elon Musk and how to defeat him in particular.
  • Unknown A
    But understand, this is a turning point. This is, as I said, we crossed the Rubicon. And if we just lay back and let it happen, that. That bodes very, very dark for the future.
  • Unknown C
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