Unknown A
Welcome, everybody to Crystal Kyle and friends. Today is a juicy one. This is a beefy, juicy, voluptuous. This is getting weird show that we got going on. We have a guy by the name of Greg palace coming on the show, legendary investigative journalist. And he is going to blow the lid off the 2024 election for you. You are not going to want to miss this one. Do yourself a big favor. You're only going to get, you know, like a little teaser clip on YouTube. Sign up on Substack below so you can get the full thing. You could sign up for free and get the full audio version, or you could sign up and pay five bucks a month to get the full video interview. But you are not going to want to miss this one because holy cow, we could get banned for this. We can actually get banned on YouTube for what we're about to talk about.
Unknown B
Yeah, totally. So he put out a film before the election called Vigilantes Inc. America's New Vote Suppression Hit Men. And it went through, you know, quite convincingly and interviewed some of the players involved, et cetera, focusing on Georgia, but across the country, the massive coordinated efforts to limit the ability of Democratic voters to actually cast a ballot and actually have that ballot counted. So he was laying the groundwork beforehand. Like, guys, this is a real problem and it could actually be. It could actually impact the outcome.
Unknown A
It could be determinative.
Unknown B
Yeah, it could be determinative. And then after the election happens, he waits. He gets all the numbers from the various government authorities, et cetera. He digs into them, applies his data analysis skills, which is something that he's really known for.
Unknown A
He's a statistician. Yeah.
Unknown B
And pulls the numbers and is like, not only could it be determinative, it was determinative. And here's the numbers to back it up.
Unknown A
Ooh, don't get our teaser clip banned on YouTube.
Unknown B
Ooh. So what Greg Palast is saying, we'll get him to back it up with all the numbers and all of the research that he's done, but I think it's going to be very eye opening.
Unknown A
Exactly. Now, before we get to that, though, we have some new really, really, really interesting numbers that have come out about the state of politics in this country. So there's a brand new poll that just dropped looking at how Democratic voters view their own party. And if you look at this and you Compare it to 2017, Trump's like, you know, first stretch in office in 2017. Holy cow. What we're witnessing is a sea change, man. So in 2017 Democrat Democratic voters approved of Congressional Democrats by a margin of 59 to 31. So there was still a lot of support for Democrats in the country. And I think the sense was like, oh, this is sort of a fluke that Trump won because Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. And so there was this sense of like, yeah, these Democratic politicians are going to lead us Democratic voters, and we trust them right this time around.
Unknown A
Oh, my goodness. So Democrats disapprove of Congressional Democrats, which, by the way, is kind of unheard of, that, like, your own voters, like, actually, by the numbers, more disapprove of you than approve of you. The numbers are 40% to 49%. So 40% approve, 49% disapprove. Guys. That's a 37 point swing against elected Democratic politicians. This is a huge deal, y'all. And this is something we've talked about that for the first time in our lives. You have Democratic voters who are just distrustful of the media and Democratic politicians. And there's a real, like, cynicism that's set in. And this is why you're seeing all these liberals. I said, did you see this the other day? Neera Tanden was like, man, this video from Bernie is phenomenal. This guy's, like, really leading the way here. Neera Tand, she was in the trenches of the 2016 primary wars, basically calling him a sexist, misogynist, racist, asshole, fucking traitor.
Unknown B
Never thought I would see the day. Never thought I would see you.
Unknown A
Now I'm seeing just run of the mill liberals posting videos on TikTok and stuff. And they're like, you know what the fucking problem is in this country? It's the goddamn billionaires. They're the main problem. We got to do something about these fucking billionaires. They. They are all lefty posting and Luigi posting at a tremendous clip.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And so this is a real opportunity in the same way that, like, Trump came up and broke the Republican Party and remade it in his image. You really have an opportunity for an outsider who's on the left to come in and do that with the Democrats and basically show the Democrats, like, hey, man, here's how you lead. Because when you look at Hakeem Jeffries, you look at Chuck Schumer, you're like, what are you like, what do you do? Did you see the Hakeem Jeffries? His nickname for Trump was Captain Chaos. Like, homie, what I have to say.
Unknown B
I think maybe the most pathetic thing that Hakeem Jeffries has done, because that's just like, Layman cringe. But the most pathetic thing he's done is when he gets asked about Eric Adams literally ceding control of New York City governance to the Trump administration. He's like, well, I don't know. We'll see what the voters think. It's like, are you. Can you imagine?
Unknown A
Never. Never in the reverse. Try ever.
Unknown B
Yeah. If there was a California Republican who was doing the bidding of Kamala or whatever, like, they would never just be like, oh, well, we'll see what the. No, they would call him a rhino. They call him a traitor. I mean. Yes, exactly. We've seen the treatment of, like, Liz Cheney or.
Unknown A
Unknown B
Even like Zelensky now is getting treated like, oh, you're a dictator and you're evil and you started the war, et cetera, et cetera, like, zero spine. And so I think that there were a number of sort of, like, critical moments in creating this very new and very different reality among the Democratic base. And I think one of them is the COVID up of Biden's age, his commitment to holding on.
Unknown A
Oh, that's interesting. You think that was a big factor?
Unknown B
Yeah, I do, because it just was such a rupture of trust that you. They're out there cheer, oh, this guy's the greatest guy ever and he's our best chance, blah, blah, blah. And then you have that debate and the reality becomes clear and it's like, oh, you. Like, we've been lied to. Okay. So I think that was, in retrospect, a real breach of trust with the Democratic faithful. Then, of course, there's the fact that they lost. So that's also going to lead to some hurt feelings. And there was no, to your point about 2016. Then there was a patina of like, oh, but she won the popular vote and it's a fluke. And Russia and whatever. James Comey. Like, there's this whole raft of excuses this time. You know, the post analysis with David Plouffe and the other comma senior advisors was like, we did our best. I think we did everything perfectly.
Unknown A
Yeah. That Pod Save podcast was a huge deal.
Unknown B
When you talked about the other, I think that was a big deal. The other thing I think was a big deal in terms of breaking the faith, not just with these Democratic quote unquote leaders, but also with their favored media personalities. Was the Morning Joe thing.
Unknown A
That was a huge deal. That was a huge deal. All these people were like, you told us the only thing that mattered was resisting Trump for four years. You called him Hitler, you called him a Nazi, you called Him, a fascist, all these things. And now the second he wins, you're having sushi with him at Mar a Lago, right? Like, what do you do? It's a betrayal. It's a betrayal.
Unknown B
It is a betrayal. Because they're like, well, maybe you didn't mean it when you were saying he was a fascist, but actually now he's in office, he's doing way more like dictatorial and fascist than anyone could have imagined. And you all are acting like everything is fine and this is no big. We'll just let him punch himself out and it's fine and it's no big deal and there's no plan to fight back. There's no ounce of. There's no strength, there's no energy. There's no sense that you understand how important this moment is and you're ready to fight back with everything you have. Even acknowledging, yes, the limits of you're in the minority, et cetera, et cetera. And I think you put all those things together and there is just a utter level of disgust that I think is only going to grow. I went back and looked.
Unknown B
So some of the polling that I could find about the way Republicans felt about Congress, like base Republicans felt about Republican congressional leaders leading up to the Tea Party numbers are pretty similar. Numbers are pretty similar. Oh, my goodness, we're sick of these people. They failed us. We got to do things different. We got to take matters into our own hands. And so, I mean, I think the ground is really fertile for exactly that kind of energy and grassroots movement against these lame, sorry, sad sack, decrepit Democratic leadership class. We'll see, you know, if anyone picks up the mantle.
Unknown A
And here's the thing. Who is actually fighting Trump? Who's leading the way in fighting Trump? We all know the answer to that.
Unknown B
The left.
Unknown A
Aoc. Yeah, Bernie Sanders, people who are actually on the left. They're the ones who are sounding the alarm. They are the ones who are punching back. They're the ones who are sucking up all the noise in the room. That's why you hear a lot of people talk about like, Maxwell Frost now is like, emerged from nowhere as like, oh, look, he's actually saying things against the opposition party.
Unknown B
Yeah. We have him booked for next week, by the way, which I'm excited about. So hopefully that'll come through. But that's been on the calendar for a minute now.
Unknown A
Yeah. And that's super exciting. So when you have these Democratic based voters and it's the same feeling, the same mindset as 2017, where they're like, okay, I will follow whoever will lead us out of the darkness and fight back against the fascists. And now it's clear the people who actually believe in that and want to do that and have an ideology to boot, it's the left. And so you're seeing this rapid transition. Yeah. The ground is fertile for like a left wing Tea Party. It's funny because I was a co founder of Justice Democrats. That was the whole idea of Justice Democrats. But as I said on my show, I think maybe we just didn't have the right timing.
Unknown B
Unknown A
That we were just, it was the wrong election to do that. Whereas now it's like, now, if you were to launch a brand new Justice Democrats now, or if Justice Democrats were to get an influx of, you know, grassroots donations.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Now, my God, people would be all in for it because they feel like, yeah, every single Democrat who's joining the Doge Caucus or trying to work with Trump on all these. Done, son, you're done. If you voted for the Lake and Riley act, you're done. Skis, it's over. It's a wrap. Like any cab, any cabinet member. If you voted for any Trump cabinet member. Over, done. Like, you would have primary opponents who would actually win in that scenario. And so, yeah, like, it's that you're not going to get that, like, swagger, that aggression, you know, the shitposting, the being edgy about it. You're not going to get that among these, like, these, these weak kneed liberals who are already like, sort of making peace with Trump or semi making peace with Trump or trying to like, oh, I'm going to politic my way out of this and split the difference.
Unknown A
Like, bitch, it is not 1992. It's not. That's not gonna work bipartisan here. I know this is controversial, but bipartisanship is dead. It's over, it's gone, it's done. When you have, on the Republican side, Susan Collins is the most reasonable Republican and every other day she goes, I'm very concerned about what's happening here, which is why I'm gonna vote for everything Trump wants.
Unknown B
Unknown A
It's like that's, that's the Republican side. That's what they're doing.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And we're supposed to, what, I'm supposed to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with these absolute psychopaths? What are you crazy?
Unknown B
Oh, could you do your coup in like a little bit more of a moderate, reasonable way and get on board with. It's like, no, that is not going to Work. There's no compromising with these people. They're. They're radical zealots who are trying to. I mean, they're effectuating a coup of the entire government and consolidating the hand power in the hands of a CEO dictator in Elon Musk. Like, that's what is happening. And there's no, like, middle ground on that.
Unknown A
Yeah, Russ. Russ Vaught supported the Doge cuts, and then Susan Collins voted for him. And now after the fact, she's like, I don't know about some of these Doge cuts. Well, then why did you support Russ Vaught who said, yeah, I'm gonna let these motherfuckers hack around in the back of the Treasury? Yeah, well, you had the opportunity. If you really believe that you could have been, like, on vote.
Unknown B
No, they're all terrified and cowed. I mean, anyone who's left in the Republican caucus has sold their soul long ago.
Unknown A
So true. It's so true.
Unknown B
And you, in addition to, you know, Trump and his force of personality, which is very powerful, and, you know, the way he's consolidated power within the Republican Party, you now have Elon, and you have his endless abilities threatening, hey, I will dump whatever it takes to take you out if you buck me and my priorities. And you also, I don't know if you saw this piece in Vanity Fair, you have a very real threat of violence, too. Like, they. These are people who, you know, everybody who was there on January 6th, like, they watched a violent mob take over their workplace. Right. Threaten the life of Mike Pence, and then all get pardoned by Trump. And many of them, you know, anytime they've even thought about, like, breaking with Trump, have received death threats and these sorts of, like, direct threats of violence against themselves and their families.
Unknown B
And that hangs over them, too, I think, very intentionally so.
Unknown A
But here's the thing. If they all banded together, if every Republican politician who had real serious problems with Trump, if they all banded together and said, we're going to do this in unison, they'd be fine. They'd be able to do it. They'll get away with it. But instead, what they do is secretly behind the scenes, off the record. I have a lot of problems because a lot of the jobs in my district are getting nuked by Elon's idiocy. So I have issues with it. But then in public, it's, oh, the glorious Dear Leader, Donald Trump. We love you so much. It's like, then what do you want me to say? Like, I have zero sympathy for you at that Point.
Unknown B
Unknown A
Right. I have zero sympathy for you.
Unknown B
Unknown A
So it's. It's dark.
Unknown B
And, you know, the thing is, like, think about aoc, Think about Bernie. One thing somebody on Twitter was. It might have been Sirota, I'm not sure. Was pointing out, like, the difference between Bernie Sanders. What is he, 84 years old at this point? He's 83 aged. Okay. He's up there still phenomenally, like, energetic and with it and whatever. But he's up there.
Unknown A
Unknown B
He's doing town halls in purple states to warn about the dangers of oligarchy and help to educate and activate people to fight back. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is, like, citing with CAA and totally mia. Right. So, I mean, again, the difference between the left leaders like Bernie and aoc, who have a plan, they know what to do, they have fight in them, they understand how to communicate with people, and they are out there trying to do whatever they can do. And then the sort of liberal establishment folks, it could not possibly be greater. And I think that also is what people are really responding to in this moment. You know, listen, we all understand the reality of you don't have the presidency, you don't have the Senate, you don't have the House. We get that. All people want is to see you actually fighting, like, to seem like you actually care about what's happening right now in the way that you pretended that you did before this election was over.
Unknown B
That's really all people are asking for.
Unknown A
Yeah. The people criticizing Kamala I see right now are Kamala voters, Democratic voters. They're the ones who are like, where are you? I don't. Like, where are you? Where'd you go? You just disappeared. Like, what? And now you want to talk about, like, oh, maybe you'll be the standard bearer in 2028. Like, if you wanted to do that, you really had to continue to be front and center.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And that's what Trump did. When Trump lost, he was still out there, like, every other day to. To an annoying extent because he's Trump. But that. You know, you're right about the Kamala thing. And liberal voters are the most pissed.
Unknown B
All right, wait, one last thing on this, because you'll find this funny. You might have seen it. Matt Iglesias and some other centrist types were sharing this poll and were like, there's an opportunity for a centrist takeover of the Democratic Party. Here's Iglesias. He says there's certainly a lane for anti establishment politics, but on grassroots level, way more people want Democrats to moderate than to Go further left. And I saw someone else who was responding to that, who was like, we need some unifying principles for a centrist takeover.
Unknown A
Democratic Party, they're using a poll just came out where Democratic voters said, like, oh, yeah, we want a centrist or a moderate over, like a progressive or something like that. That was the framing of the poll. Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything because when you ask people about the specific issues, they're like communists. You ask people about the specific issues, they're like, I want a higher minimum wage. I want unions all over the place. I want free health care. I want to raise taxes on the rich. I want to end the wars. Like, they don't know. People don't know what the labels mean.
Unknown B
Unknown A
So like, they're like Pullman's dick.
Unknown B
It means nothing reasonable to me are like Social Security and having universal health care. Like, that seems reasonable and moderate to me. So I want a moderate.
Unknown A
They mean centrist in the way that I mean centrist. When I say I'm a centrist, they mean they're like, that kind of centrism. Yeah, the kind that, like, looks out for everybody and takes care of them. That kind of centrism.
Unknown B
It's just incredible. Like the demo, like, you have your centrist takeover. Like, what do you think the Democratic Party is?
Unknown A
He was linked to the campaign. He helped fucking run the campaign. And now he's like, you know, somebody better come in here and clean this up. Like, homie, look in the mirror. Like, you drove the ship, dog. You're the captain.
Unknown B
Unknown A
You hit the iceberg. What are you talking about?
Unknown B
I found that. I found that rather incredible. And I do think that also is part of what people are responding to is like, we know that the Madagascases of the world were running the show. We know the way the campaign was, or we know the way that the Biden administration was oriented, the way the Democratic Party has always been oriented. And now you want us to believe that you're the ones who have the answers. Like, no, we tried it your way and it was. It ended in total and complete disaster.
Unknown A
Yeah. And you don't get to talk like you're an outsider. You know, this is what. The Republicans do this all the time. They act like they like, anti establishment post, outsider post as like, you have the presidency, the House and the Senate, and you got Doge doing illegal shit all over the place. Everything that's like your fucking political wet dream. And then you still act like, bro, we're the downtrodden, we're the little guy. We're the outsider. It's like, no, you're not. You are the epitome of the establishment in the elites.
Unknown B
Unknown A
And to Matt Iglesias, it's that point within the Democratic Party. Like, you don't get to pretend like this hasn't been your party since, literally, 1992 with Bill Clinton. You don't get to pretend that. All right, guys, you are not going to want to miss the rest of this interview. Sign up below. On Substack, Greg palace lays out for us Trump's sinister plan. Had the outcome of the 2024 race been different. He gives all the details in what went down. Just a phenomenal interview. Tremendous amount of evidence presented about what really happened in the 2024 election. You're not going to want to miss the rest of it. Sign up below.