Unknown A
Alright guys, this right here is absolutely infuriating. Now I remember when Trump got in the White House the second time, there was a good debate to be had. Hey, is he gonna let all of the Biden victories stand? So in other words, all of the policies that Biden got through that genuinely will have a positive impact on this country, like for example, the infrastructure bill, right? The ira, is he gonna let those stand and then take credit for it? Right? Take credit for all the jobs that are created and all the positive things that happen. Is he gonna do that or is he gonna try to kill this legislation? Now my best guess at the time was that he was gonna let the policies go through and then just hop in front of the parade and be like, hey man, look, we created all these jobs.
Unknown A
Aren't I amazing? It's how me, it's how me. I did all of it. Look, look at how the economy is driving because of Trump. I really thought that's what was gonna happen. But instead u it looks like now he's go going toa do the dumbest possible thing and effectively try to kill all of Biden's legislation, which is gonna hurt the economy, which is in turn gonna make him look like the super shitty leader that he is because people are gonna be worse off as a direct result of what he's doing. So here's a good example of it right here. This is, I'm telling you man, this is crossing a new line. He's already crossed a bunch before. This is a new line that he's crossing here. So Trump is effectively gonna kill the CHIPS act by gutting NIST T employees. So this is his way of effectively trying to kill the CHIPS act by gutting the people who would implement the CHIPS Act.
Unknown A
That's what he's doing here now remember, what's the CHIPS actk? The idea behind the CHIPS act is very simple. We get most of our computer chips from Taiwan and there's this concern that, you know, China is at some point going to try to like take back Taiwan, even militarily, right? And so do we really want to be so reliant on Taiwan for our chips when China can take it over, stop all the exports and then like we're sort of screwed where we get our chips from then, right? And so the idea was let's build up our manufacturing base here at home and create a bunch of jobs and make our own ships. And you could even make the argument, I think they did, they like made the argument around national security, like, hey, this is important for national security in the same way that like when Covid hit and we realized we have to import all of like our important, like masks and shit, we had to import all that stuff.
Unknown A
And it's like there are some real national security concerns if there's a pandemic and we don't make certain things here. And it became clear, hey, CHIPS is one of those things where maybe we want to take a more proactive role and we want to start building our own ships. So they got the CHIPS act passed. Phenomenal. Great piece of legislation. Trump is now trying to kill it. So what exactly are the effects of this? Its very simple. The Chips and Science act is expected to create over 115,000 manufacturing and construction jobs. The act has also led to billions of dollars in private investments by semiconductor and electronics companies. By some metrics, the Chips act is a roaring success. After awarding over $30 billion to 15 companies, the Commerce Department reports that incentives will create more than 115,000 jobs, 78,000 construction jobs and 36,000 production jobs and incentivize over $350 billion in private investment.
Unknown A
Look, let's call it what it is. This is the stuff that Trump pretends like he can get done, but he can't get done. Trump acts like if we just do tariffs, we'll get all these factory jobs here. All these jobs, we will come roaring back. People will Invest in the U.S. bullshit. Bullshit. Part of the equation is industrial policy. You need the US Government to invest in building said factories. You can do some targeted tariffs, that would be fine. Trumps are not targeted. So it's not fine. But targeted tariffs plus industrial policy? Yes. That would mean tremendous job creation. And that's exactly what we saw. Which the CHIPS sac. This is tremendous job creation. Trump just killed it. So yet again now were're what at example number 4,000, 312, that this guy is the worlds s fakesst populist. This guy doesn't even care about bringing back U.S.
Unknown A
manufacturing jobs. In fact, I was literally one of the only people to continue to bring up this fact after Trumps first term. But look, during Trumps presidency, 200,000 jobs were offshore and corporations involved awarded $425 billion in federal contracts. In other words, so he's offshoring the jobs. Right. So the jobs are being outsourced. And there's a way you can punish these companies for outsourcing. The way you punish them is to say Im cutting off all of your federal contracts unless you create jobs here instead. No, we lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs under him and he still awarded those companies $425 billion in federal contracts on top of, as you all know, his massive tax cut bill where the benefits overwhelmingly went to the top 1%. Total fraud. Total fraud. Everybody needs to know this. Anybody who voted for Trump thing, oh, with the business acumen and he'create jobs here and he says he wants to bring back manufacturing jobs.
Unknown A
He slammed NAFTA back in 2016, so he must want to create jobs here. Lost 200,000 his first term. In his second term, he's killing a bill that would have created 115,000 jobs. I got one more for youa. Do you remember this guys? Again, this just shows you how much of a total lying hack fraud he is. Donald Trump in his first term. For those of you who might not remember this, Trump in his first term made a big deal about saving the Carrier factory, right? He put on, it was a big show. He put on. He gave a speech at the plan and he was saying like so important to have the jobs here. That's why we made a deal to keep the jobs here. I'm saving all these jobs. I'm saving all these great factory jobs. Did a whole show about it. And he also gave subsidies to Carrier to keep the jobs here, this country.
Unknown A
Well, guess what happened within a year or two, Carrier shipped the jobs out anyway. They outsource the jobs anyway. And so you got robbed in the process. We gave them tax money which they then stole and then they outsourced the jobs anyway within a year or two. And Trump never said another fucking word about it. Not another word. This is what a conman looks like. Again, We've been trying to warn you. This is what comm. Don't take my word for it. There's been a thousand articles written of people who work directly with Trump that Trump contracted with these people. Plumbers, electricians, all sorts of people. They will tell you this motherfucker stiffed me. He stiffed me. The person who built one of Trumps U golf clubhouses said, yeah, he paid me the first half, he never paid me the second half. And I couldnt t go to corks.
Unknown A
If I went to court, I didnt have the money, I might end up losing more than what I would gain. So I, I just ate the loss. This is who this guy is, bro. And whats the reason he would do this? Oh my God. Its the most straightforward reason in the world. Hes bitter at Biden. He wants to snub Biden even though a better move for the country even though they still wouldnt be good. But its a better move for the country. Leave these policies in place and then just you brag about it like you brought us these jobs when you didnt. But no, hes not even doing that. I mean look, hes a fcist. Hes a con man and apparently hes also a massive idiot because he shouldve kept the jobs and given credit. Of course he never wouldve done that. But at the very least keep the jobs and you jump in front of the parade and act like you delivered.
Unknown A
But no, youre killing the chips act which is horrible for American workers. Its like I cant say enough negative stuff about this. And again, this story alone, if I didnt have 80,000 other stories but this story alone proves that this guy is a total con man. Hey y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop and watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.