  • Unknown A
    Republicans are in a bit of a pickle at the moment, y'all. They really and truly don't understand the wave that's already hitting. Right? And so they have this smug, arrogant disdain for the people who showed up to the town halls to press the Republican congresseople about the horrible job they're doing and disdain for these federal workers who are just being destroyed and terrorized by Elon Musk's lunacy. Right? So I have a couple examples of this. Here's Laura Ingraham. As minus touch points out, they literally can't even hide their disdain for working people. Here's Laura Ingram on the federal workers.
  • Unknown B
    How do you resurrect your party though? By protecting red tape and the bureaucracy. By trying to gin up sympathy for federal workers who need to get real jobs in the real world. Like most of America ever heard of it. Now do Democrats really think that Americans will stop liking Trump because he fires these people?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, get a real job, Mr. Biomedical Researcher who's trying to cure child cancer. Get a real job, Mr. Uh, flight safety official. Air traffic controller who was just laid off after we had another three plane crashes. Can you believe these people? Can you believe these people? They literally fired the people who protect our nukes. They fired the top official who does nuclear safety, the top guy. Then they had to bring him back tail tuck between their legs, begging. Did you hear how she talked about that? I m playing one more time. Even I struggle to wrap my mind around this, that some human being can be this fucking dense.
  • Unknown B
    How do you resurrect your party though? By protecting red tape and the bureaucracy. By trying to gener he calls it red tape.
  • Unknown A
    Protecting red tape. Cause you know, I want child cancer research funded. I want the anti scam police funded, which Elon killed. I want the Department of Education to exist.
  • Unknown B
    Sympathy for federal workers who need to get real jobs in the real world. Like most of America ever heard of it. Now do Democrats really think that Americans will stop liking Trump?
  • Unknown A
    We have to point it out too, bitch. You make millions of dollars a year to sit in an air conditioned studio and pretend to be holier than now. To spew hatred for immigrants and trans people. To spew the robber baron's agenda. You think you have a real job. The difference between me and you, we do a very similar thing. The difference between me and you is I know I don't have a real job. This is not a real job. I know what a real job is. I've had them before. This is not a real job. The arrogance, acting like these federal workers. Actual people who make the government function. Every good thing about the government functions because of these federal workers. You should get a real job like me where I give my opinions in an air conditioned studio and I'm an asshole five days a week.
  • Unknown A
    Alright, we got more. Republican Representative McClean. Listen to what she ended up saying about these town halls. Right? All these town halls where angry voters are showing up. Many of them are Republicans who were showing up who are mad at these Republican congresspeop for not holding Elon and Trump accountable. Ready? Listen to what she says is incredible.
  • Unknown C
    So good morning everyone. I want to start with last week videos of protesters yelling at members of Congress went viral. Right. But the content focused on the confrontation, not the why. Some of the people that hijacked those town halls are happy hijacked be with the bloated status quo.
  • Unknown A
    That's how you describe what they're mad at. They just want the bloated status quo. That's how you describe. I remember back like four or five years ago when you had all these right wing commentators who would smugly state in order to be a serious personion you need to steal man your opponent. Don't straw man them. Present the best version of their argument. Ye Yay. Does that seem like a fair description of why those people were there? I wanna protect the bladed bureaucracy. Oh my God. We're not done. Wait, it gets worse.
  • Unknown C
    They want the bloated status quo to continue. They don't want to get our country back on track yet. Democrats are soliciting sob stories from bloated bureaucrats with six figure salaries. Give me a break.
  • Unknown A
    Sob stories from bureaucrats with six figures. Again lets be very specific. Lets be very clear why people are furious. They are furious because the Doge idiots were hacking into our nuclear information. They are furious because Elon Musk killed the anti scam police, the cfpb. Theyre furious because theyre dismantling the Department of Education. Theyre furious because theyre cutting NIH funding which includes biomedical research, which includes cancer research for kids. This is why they're. They're furious because of the fact that this is all illegal, all unconstitutional. Congress has the power of the purse. The President signed the bill. You can't go in on the back end and say I'm just gonna delete what I want to delete. Elon is deleteing agencies that regulate him him. You're hearing all these sob stories of people who've been like working a government job and doing a good like again Flight safety officials, FAA Officials.
  • Unknown A
    These are the kinds of people you're hearing all these soab stories. Soab stories. They were already understaffed and now they did two rounds of firing firings for FAA workers, flight safety officials. Now we've had like nine plane crashes. Sob stories. We want a functioning country, you dumb bitch. And also a lieus. Not all these u. You know, these government bureaucrats who do the real work. Not all of them make six figure salaries. But guess what? The ones who do probably fucking deserve it. They probably fucking. This is what you get guys. When it's anti government fundntalism, it's anti government extremism, it's slash and burn, it's anarcho capitalism. But it's actually worse than that. Cause it's not just that. It's only that. For you, it's only that. For working people it is. Let the robber barons loot the treasury for the rich, right? They get to do whatever they want.
  • Unknown A
    Corporations get whatever money they want. Military industrial complex gets whatever money it wants. But sorry, we gotta slash your Medicaid $880 billion cut in Medicaid 880 billion. And she voted for it. She voted for it. One more for Y. Representative Mark Alford tells Kansas City federal workers God has a plan. Don't worry, I know you guys park rangers be like, I know you're losing your jobs. I know you're being illegally fired by the world's richest robber baron. Dont worry, God has a plan. If I said the thing I wanted to say right now, I would be guaranteed to get banned. So Im not gonna say it. Im not gonna say it. Im not gonna say it. But Im thinking it. But Im fucking thinking it. Hey y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop.
  • Unknown A
    And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.