Unknown A
You know, we've talked a lot about just how chicken shit the media is in Trump's second term, but this one right here is up there. This is. This is so obnoxious. Ready? Washington Post backs out of Fire Elon Musk ad order. Fire Elon Musk is too risque for you. Fire Elon Musk is too extreme for you. This is humiliating, bro. This is such a classic example of the right drags the Overton window super far to the right, and then, like, what's considered left is not even really left anymore. It's like center right. I mean, think about how tepid it is to say, fire Elon Musk. This is a guy. He's an unelected bureaucrat, a the richest robber baron on planet Earth. He literally spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get Trump elected. He owns the Republican Party, he owns the Trump campaign and the Trump administration, and he's making illegal cuts all over the place to our government agencies as he's getting more subsidies, right?
Unknown A
And so to say fire, guys, the real conversation is, number one, deport Elon Musk because he allegedly came here as an illegal immigrant, according to his own brother and this administration that's so anti illegal immigrant, nobody's fucking talking about deporting him. But more importantly, arrest Elon Musk. Arrest him. He's already committed 500 fucking crimes. And Fire Elon Musk goes too far for you. Fire Elon Musk. All right, here we go. Let's run through some of this. The Washington Post this weekend backed out of a Fire Elon Musk advertising order that was to run as a wrap on some of its Tuesday editions, according to the advocacy group Common Cause. The group said it signed a $115,000 agreement with the Post to run the ad that would have covered the front and back page of the Tuesday paper, as well as a full page ad with the same theme inside the paper.
Unknown A
I said it planned. It said it planned to purchase the ad in collaboration with the Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund. The ad's design features a large picture of Musk with his head tilted back, laughing, along with a cutout image of Donald Trump and large white text, who's running this country? Donald Trump or Elon Musk? Lower down on the page, it features smaller font texts stating, since day one, Elon has created chaos and confusion and put livelihoods at risk. And. And he is accountable to no one but himself. The Constitution only allows for one president at a time. Call your senators and tell them it's time. Donald Trump. Fire Elon Musk, it says, followed by the URL firemusk.org Common Cause President Virginia Case Solomon Solomon said the Post's advertising sales representative was informed of the nature of the ad and seemed confident that running it over the paper wouldn't be a problem.
Unknown A
The paper with the Wrap the paper with the RAP ad was supposed to be delivered to subscribers at the Congress, Pentagon and White House, which we submitted the artwork back on Tuesday of last week. I'm assuming it went through a legal department or other kind of review. They said you can have something inside the paper, but you can't do the wrap. We said thanks, no thanks, because we had a lot of questions. Common Cause learned Friday that the Post would not run the outside the paper ad criticizing Musk, quote, is it because we're critical of what's happening with Elon Musk? Is it only okay to run things in the Post now that won't anger the president or. Or won't have him calling Jeff Bezos, asking why this was allowed, she said, referring to the Post owner, who was also the founder of Amazon and the space company Blue Origin.
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She said the Post did not provide an explanation for why it decided not to run the RAP ad. A spokesperson for the Post declined to comment, as the publication has a policy of not talking about internal decisions related to specific advertising campaigns. The Post General Guidelines for Advertising say advertisers are responsible for complying with applicable law and regulation for political advertising, including using any required disclaimers. And while the Post says it accepts advertising on all points of view, it reserves the right to require substantiation of factual claims, and it requires advertisers obtain the requisite permissions when using the names or likenesses of individuals. Look, let's just call it what it is. This is Jeff Bezos being afraid. Oh my God, Trump's going to be pissed at me. Trump might end up fucking me over where I get rejected, some sort of corporate welfare that I'm looking for, some sort of government contract that I'm looking for.
Unknown A
He's afraid of retribution. He's afraid of retaliation. He's afraid of revenge from Donald Trump. And so instead of giving himself the headache, he's like, let's just not run. Let's just not run it. Let's just ax it completely. This is crazy, bro. This is crazy. And it's again, especially because look at how tepid the shit is. This shit is so tepid to say something as, as simple, as tame as fire. Elon Musk, I'm sorry, but I'VE seen this too many times in my life. Where you get this rabid, insane administration. Like take George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. They go in there, they wage multiple illegal wars. They do torture, which is against both U.S. law and the Constitution and basic human decency. They crashed the economy with their deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. Everything was horrible, everything was bad. They lied us into a war.
Unknown A
We wasted trillions of dollars in these wars and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, never mind our own soldiers who died. They go in there and do all that and they dragged the Overton window so far to the right, the Democrat, the Democratic position was like, I'm in favor of the war. I just want to do it better than you do it. That was John Kerry's whole 2004 campaign. I'm more competent at doing this craven, illegal, disgusting, offensive war of aggression. And like, they never learn. They never fucking learn. Because not only is it the Democratic politicians that'll go to the right when the right goes to the far right, but also the media. They, they guys don't take my word for it. Crystal has been doing this every day. She's been showing me, hey, look, here are the New York Times headlines. And you go read it and it'll be like, Donald Trump makes big bold action in a short time frame in his administration.
Unknown A
Like they, that's how they discuss destroying the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and dismantling the Department of Education. That's how they talk about it. That's how they talk about it. It's like, you're not, you are. This is journalistic malpractice. You're doing a disservice to the people who are reading you for the news. When you can't call a spade a spade, tell the truth, right? And this, it's a little different in this instance because it's an advertisement. It's not just, you know, like a news article or even an op ed. But that's even more, all the more reason why it's like, of course you should be allow them to run this because it doesn't even by definition, it doesn't necessarily reflect the views of the paper. It's whoever's putting the advertisement in there, that's their point of view, right? And it's Common cause, a liberal group, they're saying it.
Unknown A
But again, we're not talking about deport Elon Musk. We're not talking about arrest Elon Musk. We're not talking about make guillotines. Great. Again, this is literally fire Elon Musk, a guy who has a fucking fake job anyway, but he's illegally hacking the treasury and looting it. Like, what have we fucking become? Jesus Christ, the media, they're such bitches, bro. They're such bitches. Whether it be the LA Times or the Washington Post or whoever. Like, no, very few people are objectively and accurately describing the current moment that we're in where we are literally witnessing a fascist coup of our government. Like, that's what we're witnessing. We are witnessing a fascist coup of our government, and very few people are saying it in plain language and explaining exactly why that is factually the case. Like, that's just what's happening. So. Jesus Christ. Oh, but hey, you know, at least you have other.
Unknown A
Other outlets now where you can go, right? At least you guys can spread the word about this channel or, you know, other great, great YouTube channels. You know, think of Humanist Report and Rational national and outlets like that. Like, there are. There. There is a silver lining in this horrible moment. But I got to be honest with you guys. I would rather grow at a slower rate, but also have a media infrastructure that is doing their job well. I wish the New York Times was killing it. I wish the Washington Post was killing it. I wish CNN and MSNBC were killing it. Like, because it's so important to have just a chorus of. Of reaction and resistance and defiance to this fascism. But instead, you get a lot of this. You get a lot of this happening, which makes me feel like. It makes me like, am I the crazy one, David?
Unknown A
What happened here? Am I the crazy one where I'm the only one who's willing to call a fucking spade a spade? It really makes you question your own sanity when you see stories like this all the fucking time. Hey, y'all, do me a favor and, like, and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know, you want to.