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All right, guys. So the right. I mean, I got to. I got to call for what it is. They've regressed. They've gotten worse and worse and worse in recent years where, you know, positions that in the past it would have been like, they never would have come out and said it. Now they're just screaming from the rooftops, right? So, for example, the argument from the right on the issue of abortion was always, look, leave it to the states, leave it to the states. The federal government should really have nothing to do with it. Let. If blue states want to allow abortion, let them. If red states want to crack down on it, let them just leave it to the states. But then when Roe v. Wade got overturned, they were like, oh, by the way, we were lying about that position we had. Actually, we want a nationwide abortion ban, right?
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So if you give them an inch, they take a foot. And actually it's not even. That's not even the case. If you give them an inch, they take 100 yards. That's who these people are, right? So now, as you all know, there's been this growing conspiracy movement on the right, this growing anti science movement on the right. What's so disgusting about it is they cloaked it in the guise of, bro, we're just against big Pharma. But in reality, they're not just against big pharma, they're against modern medicine. Right? I'm against big Pharma. If it was up to me, I would nationalize big Pharma today. Literally zero profit motive. Completely get the profit motive out of it. That's what I would do. Big pharma wouldn't exist if I was in control. So nobody's more anti big pharma than me. But the difference is I think antibiotics work.
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I think the overwhelming majority of the medicine that doctors prescribe, it works. It's good, right? So I'm not anti modern medicine, but I am anti big Pharma. Because the problem is the. Is the price gouging and the profit motive. They look at it, they're not in favor of nationalizing big Pharma. Mind blown, right? They're not in favor of nationalizing it, but they're just against modern medicine and they believe in junk science. So a perfect example of it right here. As you all know, RFK Jr got approved for Health and Human Services. Dark day in America, man, for that. I mean, that is wild that this guy's in that position. But look at this from Mother Jones. RFK Jr. Is already taking aim at antidepressants. The New Health Human Services secretary has made baseless claims that the drugs are addictive and cause violent behavior. Hours after being confirmed as Secretary of the U.S.
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department of Health and Human Services, RFK Jr. Issued a statement that laid out sweeping plans for his first 100 days in office. Chief among his goals, he wrote, was to combat what he called a growing health crisis of chronic disease. The document called for the federal government to investigate the root causes of a broad range of conditions, including autism, adhd, asthma, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis. Conspicuously absent was any explicit mention of childhood vaccines, which Kennedy has long railed against as the head of the anti vaccine advocacy group Children's Health Defense. But the document did zero in on another one of his fixations, a class of widely prescribed drugs that treat depression, anxiety and mood disorders. The government, he said, would assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. Let me repeat that. He's going to assess the prevalence of and threat posed by ssri.
Unknown A
So antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers. Kennedy has repeatedly railed against what he sees as rampant over prescription of SSRIs, which treat depression and anxiety and include medications like Prozac and Zoloft. As with his previous assertions about vaccines, many of his statements about these drugs are not backed by science. So anyway, they go on to explain that here, but they're taking aim at SSRIs. This is a man who has blamed mass shootings on antidepressants. He acts like this has never been studied. Right, this has been studied. It is preposterously incorrect to blame mass shootings on antidepressant drugs. In fact, what is more likely to be the case is if somebody's prescribed SSRIs and they end up going to shoot up a school. What's much more likely is they stopped taking their antidepressants and then they snapped. If they're on their medication, they're more likely to be stable and feel okay, because that's how this works.
Unknown A
Like, this is what drives me crazy about this guy. He flips everything on its head. Have you ever talked to anybody who's on SSRIs? Have you ever talked to anybody in that scenario? There are countless people who swear by them. Now, sometimes you got to get the dosage right. You got to get a different one. This one doesn't work. You got to use that one. But look, the layman's explanation of what these drugs do is they allow for more happiness. Chemicals in your brain. That's what they do. That's it. That's it. Some of them affect serotonin, some of them affect dopamine. Like there's different chemicals, right? And depending on which one you take, it can adjust basically the levels of those chemicals. That's what they do. This is life saving for so many people. And what does he do? He trots in and does his fucking bro science and acts like maybe they cause mass shootings and actually I say they're over prescribed.
Unknown A
What the fuck do you know? You don't know anything about this. You haven't even read the most basic fucking studies or articles about the studies that say there's no connection. To say antidepressants cause mass shootings is just as stupid as the people who say violent video games cause mass shootings. Just as dumb. Just as dumb. So here's one. Now we're only in the preliminary stages here of him doing a crackdown on SSRIs. And I feel horrible for anybody who depends on these drugs who now they might do something to make it much harder to get these drugs right. And that could be devastating for people. But to show you how extreme these people are and how far they've gone. You ready for this? Base Bill to ban MRNA vaccines passes out of House Committee A bill that would ban the use of MRNA vaccines, including for COVID 19, is on its way to the House floor after passing out of committee in a party line vote Wednesday.
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Sponsored by Representative Greg Commence and co sponsored by Northwest Montana Representatives Tracy Sharp and Lucas schubert, House Bill 371 would prohibit administering vaccines developed with MRNA or messenger ribonucleic acid technology on humans. The bill deems the technology which was employed to create the COVID 19 vaccines, a hazard. The House Judiciary Committee on February 12 voted 12 to 8 to send the bill to the floor. Sharp along with local Representatives Braxton Mitchell, blah blah blah. All these people voted in favor. The bill was amended to specify that the legislation would ban MRNA vaccines for infectious diseases and not gene therapy products used to treat cancers or genetic disorders. Supporters had previously testified that the vaccines cause more harm than good MRNA vaccines are the most destructive and lethal medical products that have ever been used in medical history, said this asshole. Opponents, though, said MRNA vaccines safely help the body build antibodies against diseases.
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They also argued that removing vaccine vaccines limits individual choice and involved the government in health care decisions. Think about how crazy this conversation is that we're having casually, flippantly, based on fucking dick. Except some Conspiracy bullshit that they probably heard on the Joe Rogan podcast. Like, oh, let's just ban MRNA vaccines. What happened? I thought originally what these people did is they would hide behind bro us. We just wanna give people freedom of choice, Brew. It's all about freedom of choice, Brew. You should have a right to deny a vaccine if you wanna deny it. That was the original argument. Now they're letting their freak flag fly. They're like, oh, is that what I said? Tee hee hee. I was kidding. I actually want to ban all MRNA vaccines. Tee hee hee. These people are disgusting. Do you have any idea the colossal mountain of science, the height of Mount Everest that they're ignoring to take this position?
Unknown A
Like, you literally have to be the least intellectually curious person in the world to be a lawmaker, vote for a bill that bans MRNA vaccines and act like what you know what the fuck you're talking about? They don't know anything. They don't know anything. Look, there is a rising tide in this country of conspiracy bullshit and there's a rising tide of anti science hysteria, right? And these are the same sorts of jackasses who will talk about natural cure, bro. We're all about what's natural about what's natural. Like to be a grown ass person and make decisions that impact other people's lives. And you don't know that. That's a fucking fallacy. Right? We've said this before, but what you know, anthrax is natural. Does that mean you should fucking ingest it? Anthrax can kill you, but. But it's natural. So is that okay? Taking a massive shit is natural?
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Should you fucking put that in your body? The idea, oh, natural is good. This is where the. Oh, we love raw milk and hey, pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is just burning off the pathogens. That's it. But no, we like it straight out of the cow's udder, bro. That's how. That's how God intended, bro. These people don't know the first fucking thing about science. And they're making decisions that impact everybody's life. Look, it is a maga at this point is a fascist death culture. That's what it is. It's a fascist death cult. And every day they take us closer to hell, we go further down the path to hell because they'd rather listen to like some fucking 4chan message board or idiotic Joe Rogan guest and get all their science information from that than the people who do it for a living and have the degrees and have studied it a thousand Ways to Sunday.
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It is incredible what's happened. We talked about the other day. Louisiana decided the health department is no longer going to push mass vaccinations. We literally have an outbreak of measles right now happening in West Texas because there weren't a lot of people vaccinated for it. All the unvaccinated people are getting measles. We have a breakout of tuberculosis. We got fucking 1874 style diseases coming back because of you fucking idiots. And now you're. You're trying to ban MRNA vaccines. Ban them. Ban them. I. I need you to stop thinking about this. Cigarettes are still legal. Cigarettes you're allowed to have. But MRNA vaccines they want to make illegal. I mean, now, look, I'm not in favor of banning cigarettes, to be clear. I actually believe in freedom. But it's just funny that, like, here's this thing which has very minor upsides and massive downsides and kills so many people every year because of cancer, etc.
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That we're cool with. But this product, which is to prevent you from having severe illness and die from a virus, we got to get rid of that. Get rid of that one. Like these people. As I said, these people shouldn't even be a manager at an Arby's. Never mind lawmakers, never mind making life and death decisions for other people. And again, there is no. We are way past the people who do the bro. Both parties are the same, bro. Like all that false equivalence, both sides bullshit. Never listen to anybody who does it ever again, ever. Because this is the sort of shit you get from maga. This right here is the sort of shit you get from them. An idiotic, moronic, fascist death cult trying to ban MRNA vaccines. I mean, it was Trump who gave us. He gave us the COVID vaccine. He did Operation Warp Speed.
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If I'm being honest, it was one of his biggest accomplishments. I give him credit for Operation Warp Speed. I give him credit for all that work done on the vaccine. These people are so insane. They look at the 1, 1, read it, 1 good thing Trump did, and they go, we should ban that. Ban that one good thing. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This is. I'm at a loss for words, bro. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.