Unknown A
All right, y'all, welcome to the show. Welcome, welcome. So in just a second, we have a CNN host is left speechless over Trump's lie. Tsunami. Since getting into office. He. He made a list of the 13 biggest lies, in his opinion, and he said, look, it was hard to even narrow it down to 13 because he told, like a thousand already. So we'll talk about that. We have some hard numbers proving yet again that Doge is a complete and utter scam. I'll break that down for you. Um, MAGA is no longer bothering to hide its fascism at cpac. I mean, they were really letting it all hang out. Um, then we'll get to Israel's doing more Israel stuff, y'all. They are rolling the tanks into the west bank. And then wait until you hear what they're also doing is in Syria. So the whole Greater Israel project, it looks like it's upon us.
Unknown A
And then Claudia Sheinbaum, the president of Mexico, torches Trump. That's glorious. I'll give you the real reason why Joy Ann Reid was fired. We also have Trump spending hundreds of millions of dollars on ads to thank himself. I. I got nothing for you, dog. I got another for you. And then also there was this abusive cop registry that existed. It actually was created in the first Trump administration and Biden added to it. Well, Trump just got rid of it, so that's good. Pro abusive criminal cops. That really says a lot about where we are. So you guys know the drill. Everybody please subscribe to the channel that helps out big time and cost you nothing at all. And of course, much love to everybody who supports the show on Patreon and pays five bucks a month or whatever it is. Could not do the show without you.
Unknown A
This is real independent media. I. I've never had a conversation with an advertiser, a corporation, or a billionaire or a government like so many other others in this space. And I'm very proud of that fact. So thank you guys for making this show work. I literally could not have done it without you. We've been going strong since 2012, man. We are OGs in this game. As much as I don't like to admit that. All right, let's go ahead and dive into it. I have to admit, it almost feels like kind of quaint to have conversations about fact checking in today's day and age. Like, things have gone so far off the rails. Things are so insane that we have the world's richest man illegally deleting government agencies on a whim. We have Trump threatening 1800 style imperialism. However, Bad the first term was. Trump has really, really ramped it up in the second term and made everything worse.
Unknown A
So it almost feels like this is something from a bygone era. Right? But at the same time, I mean, I know it's kind of cheesy to say, but like, shouldn't the truth matter? Like, shouldn't that matter? Shouldn't it matter what's accurate? I mean, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I mean, it should. It should. Right? So here we go. We got a little segment here. The biggest lies Trump's told so far. And some of these are a doozy, y'all. Some of these are a doozy.
Unknown B
Fact Checker in Chief Daniel Dale is with us. And Daniel, on CNN.com you list what you call the 13 biggest lies of the first month. We can't do all 13, but what are some of the ones that jump out of you?
Unknown A
This is part of the problem with CNN, isn't it? We can do all 13. Why, why can't you? You're a 24 hour news network. 24 hours. You gotta fill time all day, every day, like you have nothing but time. We can't, we can't fact check all of his insanity, but go ahead. We need to make sure we cut to that ad for diapers. Like, come on, man, this. Part of the problem, part of the problem with CNN is the, is the false equivalence the both sides is, you know, but what, at least we got, at least we got some of a breakdown then. I'll, I'll give you the whole list though, too, John.
Unknown B
There were so many lies from the President of the United States in his first month that I had a hard time making that list of 13, which I think is bananas if you take a second to think about it. I did make a list, though, and I had it done. It was edited and then the President dropped in. Probably the biggest lie of the whole month. You've been talking about it on your show this morning. Listen to what he said about the war in Ukraine.
Unknown C
I think I have the power to end this war and I think it's going very well. But today I heard, oh, well, we weren't invited. Well, you've been there for three years. You should have ended it. Three years. You should have never started it. You could have made a deal.
Unknown B
Russia started the war in Ukraine. This is obvious. It barely needs a fact check. I think the brazenness of this claim, John, is an example of a president's willingness to lie about even obvious stuff. Some of the lies on my list are about complicated policy subjects like tariffs. But he's also lying about things we witness with our own eyes.
Unknown A
It's part of his strategy. This is something everybody needs to understand. And Steve Bannon vocalized this perfectly. He said, look, flood the zone. When you do your policy agenda, do like 10, 10 things in one day and make it so that they can't focus on all 10, that they have to focus on one or two of the 10 things. And Trump does this same strategy when it comes to lies. It's like if every time he opens his mouth, his l he's lying, then like that requires a response every single time he opens his mouth. And that's obviously a difficult thing for people to do unless they eat, sleep and breathe this stuff and care immensely to break it down. And yeah, this thing about Ukraine, I mean, we've seen this a million times. It's weird. There's so many people in the political landscape who just sort of flip the reality of it and act like it was Ukraine that invaded Russia.
Unknown A
No, Russia invaded Ukraine. You could say whatever you want to say about how we got to that point. You could say, hey, there should have never been NATO expansion and Russia felt like they needed to be defensive because they felt like they were. The west was coming after them. You can make any argument you want to make from that angle. But at the end of the day, it was Vladimir Putin who decided we are going to invade Ukraine. And even if you go, go, don't take my word for it. You go watch the speech he gave right before they invaded. And it is brutal, it is devastating. He basically admits, look, this is a fake state, this is not a real state, and we think it's ours. Okay, well, it's pretty clear who's to blame in that scenario, right? And a lot of people just flip the reality and pretend like it was Zelensky and Ukraine that invaded Russia.
Unknown B
When that didn't happen, I'll give you another representative example. It's an example of the President's years old habit, something I call Trumpflation, and that is making his inaccurate stories more and more inaccurate over time. So listen to how the saga of the imaginary Gaza condoms evolved over the course of about a week.
Unknown A
Okay, I want to toot my own horn here. Horn here. Maybe I'm dating myself, but this. I was tweeting about this a lot and I was talking about it a lot on the show. Did they just. Was the lie so egregious and so brazen that they just heard him say it and they were like, We're. We gotta talk about the. Basically how the lie gets worse and worse as time goes by. And this is the exact example I use. Or did. They actually did. Somebody did a CNN producer here for me. And then they added in the thing. I don't know. Again, maybe I'm dating myself. I would venture to say it's not from me, but you guys have heard me make this exact point because this was just such. Oh, it's such a classic example of Trump's insanity, bro. It's just such a classic example.
Unknown A
Watch, you'll see it out of his own mouth here. But this is what I've told you about many times.
Unknown B
Doge and OMB also found that there was about to be 50 million taxpayer dollars that went out the door to fund condoms in Gaza.
Unknown C
He identified and stopped $50 million being sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas. 50 million. And you know what's happened to them? They've used them as a method of making bombs. $50 million, plus another $50 million for condoms for Hamas.
Unknown A
You know about that?
Unknown C
$100 million for condoms.
Unknown B
So we went from $50 million in condoms for Gaza to $50 million in condoms for Hamas to make bombs to 100 million in condoms for Hamas. None of this was true. The White House had no evidence whatsoever of any condom purchases for Gaza or. Or for Hamas. So this was quite a tale.
Unknown A
How do you fight back against this? Like, it's one of those things where the second he says it the first time, you're sort of relying on everybody to laugh and be like, that's not fucking happening, right? But his people just. Wherever he wants them to go, they're following, right? And so that's how you get 50 million in condoms to Gaza becomes 50 million in condoms to Hamas. For them to make bombs becomes 100 million in condoms to Hamas. And then even after Trump was in the White House next to Elon, a reporter laid out, you knew that this was factually incorrect, Elon. And he goes, yeah, you know, sometimes I'm going to get things wrong. But, you know, whatever, we'll fix it if we get something wrong. Trump was listening to that right there. The next day, he goes out there and repeats the lie, even though he knows it's not true.
Unknown A
The reporter fact checked it and he heard it. And Elon even agreed that, yeah, the fact checker is right. He still went out there and said it. This is this guy's connection to reality. It's nonexistent. I told you before. But he's our first Postmodernist president. To him, there is no such thing as the truth, the empirical, objective truth that doesn't factor into the equation. In his mind, there's only my truth. And his truth is whatever suits his purposes at the time. That's how he thinks. It's pathological lying.
Unknown B
The President has been repeatedly deceptive about the subject of birthright citizenship, the constitutional right he's trying to end. And he keeps saying that the US Is the only country in the world that offers birthright citizenship. In fact, that's not even close to true. There are dozens of countries that also grant automatic citizenship to people born on their soil. And you don't have to look far. The list includes Canada and Mexico. Now you might say the President might be confused about this. Well, he's been making this same false claim, telling the same lie since at least 2018. We've been fact checking this for more than six years.
Unknown A
It's funny he mentions that, cuz that's also one of the ones. I remember I heard him say that too. He was like, we're the only country that does birthright citizenship. And I thought, that doesn't sound right. Let me look it up. And yeah, if I remember correctly, it was like a little over 30, maybe like 33 countries have birthright citizenship. And it's like, how do you even come up with such a silly thing? Like we're the only one who does it, right? Like, and you have to know he lies like a guy in a bar in 1975, right? If a guy lies in a bar in 1975, you just like, people just take him at their word, right? What are you gonna do? Go to the library and, and find a book that on page 78, you, on the bottom, you see it like, no, you just, it's like people used to bullshit and you would.
Unknown A
People just go along with the bullshitting or they might think maybe that's not true. But if you heard it, I don't know, you might repeat it and start thinking it's accurate, right? He lies like that. But it's like, dude, we all have Google. Like, how can. Oh my God. Oh my God. Shamelessness. Look, this is one of the things people need to realize in today's America, both economically and politically. Some of the biggest indicators of success in the traditional sense is how shameless are you? If you're willing to be the most shameless and the most exploitative, you're probably going to get ahead in life. I use these terms loosely, right? Like make the most money, have the most Connections. But there's a direct correlation between how shameless you are and how far you go. I mean, the guy's political strategy from day one has been lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
Unknown A
And by the way, people were making fun of this because the New York Times had, you know, they did an article the other day, and the headline was something like, the key to Trump success is like, relentless lies. And everybody was like, you know, this article's ten years too late. But I guess better late than never. So, anyway, here's what we have here. As you know, the condom lie, blaming Ukraine for starting the war, birthright citizenship. He does more January 6th stuff. So they say here now, Trump. Trump said that nobody assaulted officers. If anything, the officers assaulted them. They didn't assault. They didn't assault. This is what Trump said. Now, of course, that's not true. Um, the Justice Department has said more than 140 officers were assaulted on January 6, and more than 170 people pleaded guilty to such assaults. So this is when he's trying to deflect, because what people did is they said, hey, man, you pardoned 1500 January Sixers.
Unknown A
We looked at their cases, and you even pardoned the violent ones, even the ones who assaulted cops, even the ones who were Fredophiles. This is all on the record, right? And when he's trying to deflect, he's like, nobody assaulted any. I don't know what you're talking about. Nobody's assaulted anyone. It's like, again, bro, we can look this shit up, dog. He talks like nobody is allowed to respond. And in his ideal world, nobody would be allowed to respond, but he acts like we're already there. Then you have that this is a doozy. The California water lie. So, as you all know, he kept, like, saying to Gavin Newsom, like, I don't understand. Why don't you just. Why don't you just turn the water on? Just turn the water on. I don't understand. You keep the water off. Just turn it on. And in Trump's mind, there's water in, like, Central or Northern California, and if you just turn the water on, it'll get all the way to la.
Unknown A
And in fact, Trump ordered the army to go and release some water there and turn the water on. Well, guess what? The water that he turned on, turned on. It's not water that even has the ability to reach Los Angeles. So he. Here, they say right here, after ordering the sudden release of billions of gallons of water from Central Valley reservoirs for no apparent good reason, Trump declared that some of this water was heading to Los Angeles, even though it wasn't heading to Los Angeles and couldn't go to Los Angeles. So he wasted a lot of the water from the Central Valley reservoirs that the farmers there need for the winter, for the long dry season. He just wasted it all to make a point about like, you just should have turned the knob on and then everything would have been great. Why didn't you understand that?
Unknown A
Oh, my God, it's a. He's a psychopath. Like, this guy's a psychopath. Lied again about the 2020 election. Lied about. Remember the. Was it a Moroccan boxer who they said was a man but is not a man? Lied about that. Lied about this this one's nice. You know how he's been saying Canada should be our 51st state, they should be our 51st state. And then Trump went on to say, actually, people, people there agree. They actually want to be our 51st state. And of course, they did a poll. And like, hardly any Canadians want that. Here's another good one. He blasted Biden for a program that was launched under him after the deadly January collision between a military helicopter and a passenger jet. Trump blamed Biden administration diversity initiatives at the Federal Aviation Administration without providing any evidence FAA diversity policy had anything to do with the crash.
Unknown A
He added in a fictional story about a frantic last minute Biden push to hire people with significant disabilities as air traffic controllers. What an amazing l. Failing to explain that the FAA pilot program was actually a years old initiative launched during his own administration in 2019. And then again, as he's blaming Biden, what's he doing cutting more FAA officials? There's been two rounds of layoffs at the FAA. So we're losing flight safety officials even though we're 3,000 short in the country and 90% of airport towers don't have enough air traffic controllers. I mean, it's. Oh my God. Lies about tariffs, lying about the autism rates. And of course he's trying to do the RFK thing of like linking autism to the vaccines. You can go read the rest of this yourself if you want. He said Panama is controlled. The Panama Canal is controlled by China.
Unknown A
That's not true. He invented. He keeps saying he won the youth. I won the youth vote by 36 points. I won it by 36 points. Actually, Kamala won it by 11. It's like, bro, what do you do with this? And more importantly, like, at what point do we actually assign responsibility to the people who are still gargling this guy's nuts? That's a serious question, right? At what point do we say, you know what, you kind of bear a little responsibility for this if you still voted for this fucking guy after everything that happened in his first term, both the three campaigns, like the lying about the last election, the fake elector slates, the authoritarianism, the tax cuts for the wealthy. If you're still on his nuts, I don't, how am I supposed to help you? And it's almost like the honest ones will tell you, I don't care that he lies, right?
Unknown A
I don't care that he lies. And they would say that because in their minds they feel like, yeah, he lies, but he's right on the broader picture. And the broader picture is the reason we're struggling is trans people and immigrants and these stupid liberals, right? That's what people think. And so since he has a narrative and he has a story, they overlook the particulars, they overlook the lies, right? And that's why they end up supporting him. But look, I hate to tell these people his grander narrative is also not true. The problem is not trans people. The problem is not immigrants. The problem is not the liberals and the leftists. The real problem are the robber barons like Elon Musk who just hijacked our government and is cutting cancer research for kids. That's the real problem. The real problem is the guy dismantling the Department of Education.
Unknown A
The real problem is the guy killing the anti scam police. That's the real problem. And the real problem is the President who's saying, let's go back to 1800 style imperialism and steal Gaza. What happened to America first? What happened to ho? We got to take care of our own country before we take care of others. Well, guess what? Trump hasn't even issued a disaster declaration for West Virginia who've been begging for an extended period of time because they had horrific flooding. Trump hasn't even signed their disaster declaration. He hasn't even unleashed FEMA funds. In fact, he's talking about abolishing fema. So it was America first, but now, sorry, we're gonna not help US States that are struggling massively because of natural disasters, but we're gonna try to take over Gaza. Jesus Christ, bro. It's. It's horrific. What we're witnessing is horrific. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe.
Unknown A
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