  • Unknown A
    So James Carvill is, I want to say he's about 128 years old and he's a very well known Democratic strategist. And he was the one who was responsible or one of the people responsible for help helping get Bill Clinton elected. Right. He's the guy who came up with the it's the economy, stupid. Right. And u so in some ways he had some genuine political talent, but he's been looked at as like this Democratic guru for a really long time. But the problem is all of the horses he's backed from the year 2000 onward have been abysmal. Right. I think he supported fucking like Michael Bennett or somebody like that in, what was it, the 2020 race or 2016? 2020. I think that would d be like, I don't know, dog, if you're instincts are that bad now, I'm not really interested in what you have to say right now.
  • Unknown A
    We had a lucid moment the other day, you know, after the election this time around, where he said, you know, I think maybe Bernie was right on some things. Right. He admitted that, like, why weren't Democrats talking about raising the minimum wage and hammering away on that? Because that impacts so many people and it shows that you're fighting for workers. And Kamala didn't mention the minimum wage. And so he had some moments where he was, you know, being honest and telling the truth. But as I said, the guy's ancient. He still looked at as some guru, like, you know, like he's kind of the end all be all of like, hey, let's run our strategy by Carvel and see what he thinks. As if, like there's any, there's any value in that. Well, look, im'm here to tell you there's not. Right? So he just made some news here for his uh, his new idea.
  • Unknown A
    Ready that this is his idea for, to lead the resistance. You ready for this? You're gonna think it's a joke. It's not a joke. Here we go. James Carvill. The best thing Democrats can do in this moment. A New York Times opinion piece. With no clear leader to voice our opposition and no control in any branch of government, it'time for Democrats to embark on the most daring political maneuver in the history of our party. Roll over and play dead. That's a direct quote, ladies and gentlemen. If your're just listening to this podcast Stisle, and youre re not seeing what's on the screen. Roll over and play dead. Allow the Republicans to crumble beneath their own weight and make The American people miss us. Only until the Trump administration has spiraled into the low 40s or high 30s in public approval polling percentages. Should we make like a pack of hyenas and go for the jugular.
  • Unknown A
    Until then, I'm calling for a strategic retreat. So a few things on this. First of all, there already is a poll that came out that had Trump at 43% approval rating. He collapsed in a very short time frame. Okay, so we're already there. We're already there, right? But second of all, even if we weren't there, look, I get it. They re, you gave them enough rope and they hung themselves. And you know, it looks like you could run like a literal mule or a hamster on the Democratic side and win with FDR numbers in the next election. I think that's true. I think thats s true. But for the love of God, bro, do you believe in anything? Do you believe in anything? No. There'a famous old saying from Martin Luther King. The time is always right to do whats right. The time is always right to tell the American people the truth, fight for policies that will improve everybody's lives, expose the charlatans and the conn and the frauds on the Republican side.
  • Unknown A
    The people who are actively trying to make everybody's life worse. At no point in politics should you ever unilaterally disarm, roll over and play dead. Cause the fact of the matter is, yes, the Republicans are hanging themselves. They will be hanging themselves even worse if there is a contrast and you go out there and tell people the truth about what they're doing. Use your megaphone to blow up these claims, which are really bad for Republicans, which is literally everything that they're doing. Let me ask you question, is it better for a Democrat to say absolutely nothing or for a Democrat to say holy shit, Trump just signed an executive order on day one to raise drug prices. What the fuck? Would it be better for Democrats to say nothing or to have all the Democrats go on the Sunday shows and go on the news programs and scream through a megaphone.
  • Unknown A
    Can you believe he signed an executive order that raises drug prices? He got rid of an executive order that was signed by Biden which lower drug prices. He rescinded that. He's raising drug prices. Which is better? Which is better to go on the shows and say, oh my God, he just signed an executive order to fill the swamp. He got rid of the anti corruption rules for his cabinet members. That or nothing. Which is better? Saying nothing or saying that? Which is better? Pointing out that the 1500 January Sixers who were pardoned, many of them assaulted cops, literally over 100 of them. And some of them are also fredophiles and have committed sexual crimes as well. Is it better to say nothing or scream that through a megaphone about how rabid and insane these people are and how fascist they are? Is it better to say nothing when Donald Trump comes out and says, I signed an executive order that says only I can determine what the law is, the courts can fuck off and Congress can fuck off?
  • Unknown A
    Should we say nothing or should we say, holy shit, look at what he just did? You know, it's bad when all you have to do is factually restate the thing that they say they're doing. And it's like devastating. You know, it's bad in that scenario. But bro, that's where we are. The idea that you do nothing. Have you ever, ever, ever, ever, ever in your lives heard this from a Republican, ever? Never in a million years would they say this. This is the last thing they would ever say. Why? Because they actually believe in something. They actually believe in making your life worse. It's true. They believe in making governments so small you can drown it in the bathtub. They believe in, give the robber barons all the power. They believe in, let's invade 78 more countries. They believe in this stuff. They believe in fuck the immigrants and fuck the trans people.
  • Unknown A
    They believe it in their core. And you gotta ask yourself about James Carvill. Does he fucking believe in anything? This is the last moment I would ever give this advice. I would take every negative thing they're doing, put it under a fucking microscope, scream it through a megaphone, make sure every American knows it, so that whenever the word Republican comes up or MAGA comes up, or Trump or Elon comes up, immediately, people have a revulsion, a revulsion to these people and these things. So what is the actual plan here? I'll la it out for you. It's very simple. First of all, endless lawsuits, Endless lawsuits. I would fucking sue em for taking a piss in the wrong bathroom. Endless lawsuits. And Democrats should be leading the charge on that. They should be the ones filing those lawsuits. There should be class action lawsuits against Elon Musk.
  • Unknown A
    This is something Raskin talked about the other day. The next thing, bodies in the streets. I want bodies in the streets. Right? Like these Republicans. Many of them are scared of MAGA violence. They need to be more scared of the rest of us than they are of Trump and maga. They need to feel like, holy shit, if I go along with maga, that's way worse for me, right? Also, break those fucking phones in Congress that you call so much. Break those phones. The popular pressure moves these politicians, right? That's another thing, another thing. And Warren pointed this out. There are people down the chain of command that don't have the same sort of legal protections that obviously Trump does. Cause he's President, he can only be impeached, he can't be arrested. Right? There are people down the chain. When Doge or Elon Musk says, hey, I want you to do X, Y or Z and X, Y orz is illegal, make clear to those people who are carrying out the dirty work.
  • Unknown A
    If you do this, your ass is gonna be locked up. Yeah, maybe eventually Trump gets around to try to sign a pardon for you or something or get you out, but I'm still gonna ruin your fucking life. I'm still gonn ruin your life. All these low level Doge staffers, all of them should be arrested. We should be forming a human chain around the government buildings where they're illegally hacking in and taking our information. That's what we should be doing. Democrats, every time they do a media appearance, they should be saying, elon Musk is not getting another penny of federal government subsidies. Taxpayer money. And also we want him to pay back the ones he already took with interest. $20 billion. He took $20 billion. Pay a bag bitch with interest. And don't you ever ask for another subsidy ever again. Right. Boycott their businesses like crazy.
  • Unknown A
    Tesla's already imploding. 60% down. The sales are in Germany, they're down like what, 15% or so here in the US you got cybertrucks all over the place getting tatted with graffiti, with people saying fuck off, Nazi to these people. Right? You got a lot of Tesla owners having to put bumper stickers on their car saying I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy. Right? Tank his businesses. Tank them. Boycott, boycott, boycott. And then the other thing is, you gotta fucking lead with all the legislative tools that you have available in the Senate. They should filibuster every fucking thing they possibly can. Everything. Specifically target the Republicans in purple districts who are on shaky ground. You run a thousand ads there exposing what their agenda is, exposing how they're voting. Put pressure on them. Don't you dare fucking vote for Medicaid cuts. Don't you dare fucking vote for food stamp cuts.
  • Unknown A
    How dare you do such a thing. Put all the pressure in the world on them. So they are more scared of the resistance than they are of maga. Right. All you got to do, they don't have a big, a big lead in the House. All you got to do is chip away a few of their people and then we actually can block a whole bunch of shit. So I like, what is he doing? And by the way, I haven't even touched on the most important shit. I'm just talking about the basic resistance shit here. The most important shit is making clear the American people, we represent something now. We have an ideology now. Us Democrats are gonna lead us out of the wilderness. And the way we're gonna do that is just like what Bernie Sanders is doing. He's going on an anti oligarchy tour explaining to people exactly what's happening with Elon and Trump.
  • Unknown A
    And also at the same time, he's saying, here's the real problem in your life. It's not the immigrants, it's not the trans people. You've been lied to. The Republicans have been lying to you all along. The real problem are the robber barons, the oligarchs, the billionaires, the corporations, the corruption, the money in politics, that's the real problem. I'm gonna take on your real enemy. I'm gonna tax the shit out of these robber barons. I'm gonna arrest the ones that committed crimes. That's what we're gonna do. So point out the real enemy, call out the real enemy, and then give people the solutions. We're gonna get money out of the political system. We're gonna raise them minimum wage. We're gonna pass the pro act so you can be in a union and you can get better wages and better vacation time. We're gonna do universal healthcare, Medicare for all.
  • Unknown A
    We're gonna get rid of student loan debt completely. We're gonna do free college. Give people a vision, a vision of the future, that, hey, we're really gonna represent you. Like, if you look at the polls, you guys agree with us. We are gonna fight for those things. And by the way, none of us are ever taking another penny from a billionaire ever again. Cause they are the enemy. They're the enemy. This is what he has to do. This is what these guys have to do. And instead he's saying, roll over and play dead. Be basically absent completely until Trump gets low enough and then you can attack. It's like, dude, we're already there. And plus, again, if you believe in something, the time's always right to tell the truth. The idea that you sit back and say nothing and do nothing. If Trump has, like, let's say for argument's sake, a 47% approval rating.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, don't say anything about the fact he's trying to steal Gaza because I don't know strategy or something. Like what? What? We have an unhinged psychopath who's saying we're gonna take Greenland, we're gonna warmonger with Denmark, we want Canada to be the 51st day, we're gonna take Panama, we're gonna coup Venezuela, we're gonna go to war with Mexico, we're gonna to war with Iran, we're gonna steal Gaza. He's saying all these things and your reaction to that is, I'm sorry, bro, you got toa wrap it up. You gotta wrap it up like, it's over, it's over. I'm sorry're you're part of the geronocracy. You are one of the geriatric losers who s stuck in a previous generation and you don't know how to handle this moment. You just don't. We are now, for the first time in my life, we are now seeing grassroots enthusiasm on the Democratic base side, which is akin to what the Tea Party was for the Republican side where the grassroots rose up and kicked out some of the old guard.
  • Unknown A
    Right? We're now seeing that on the Democratic side. Democratic voters are pissed off at Democratic politicians for not fighting back hard enough. They're pissed off at the media for not. They feel like they've been betrayed by the MSNBC's and the CNN's. The ground is fertile for a real grassroots takeover with real people with vision who can lead the party. And you got this guy, the advice he's given at this moment is do nothing. As I said, if they do nothing, I still think Democrats would crush in the midterms. Right? But it its s not about that because strategy brain is leading you down an immoral path where you refuse to tell the truth and speak in moral terms. But more importantly, however big the wave is, if you say nothing, it would be way bigger if you say the right things, have an agenda and fight back against the robber barons and the fascists.
  • Unknown A
    That's what we need to do. Hey, y'all, do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.