Unknown A
All right, guys, I'm going to show you just how much people have lost their fucking minds. I'm going to prove that to you here. So, as you all know, Wokeness was a big, you know, debate over the past five years or so, and the right wingers are anti woke and the left wingers are, quote, unquote, woke. But, you know, part of the problem with this debate is nobody really defines terms. It's just, like, assumed everybody knows what we're talking about and we're all operating off the same definition, but we're not. Most of the time, we're not right. Well, this is such a great example of, like, anti wokeness gone wrong to the point where you end up in just the most absurd place imaginable. So this is in the Salt Lake Tribune. Look at this. Nazi flags can fly in Utah schools, but not pride flags.
Unknown A
GOP lawmaker says a new bill would allow for Nazi and Confederate flags to be displayed in some instances in Utah schools and government buildings, but pride flags would be better banned. And so they go on to explain here that like, to fly a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag, they're like, bro, look, if it's just in the context of some historical lesson where you're learning about these things, then, yeah, there's a benefit to, like, having the Nazi flag in the classroom, having the Confederate flag in the classroom, whatever it may be, so that they see no problem with but a complete and total ban on the LGBTQ flag. So they're not even willing to be like, hey, apples to apples here. If you're doing a lesson about gay rights, you're doing a lesson about the history of the LGBTQ community or a famous LGBTQ person.
Unknown A
Well, yeah, in that instance, why wouldn't you have the flag? For historical accuracy's sake and for just information of as you educate people. Right? No complete and total ban on the gay pride flag, but not a complete and total ban on the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag. So here's what they say. An ongoing fight in Utah to ban pride flags in schools has entered new territory Thursday after Representative Trevor Lee proposed new legislation to ban the flags not just in public schools, but in any government building or any government property. So this is how much they don't like the gay pride flag. The bill, HB 77, originally applied only to schools, but an update to the bill, released ahead of Thursday's House Education Committee hearings hearing, expands the ban to all government buildings or property. The updated bill was favor was favorably recommended by the committee, with the committee's two Democrats casting the only nays.
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It will now be heard on the full House floor. Approved flags for displaying government buildings in schools would include the Utah state and U.S. flags, military flags, flags for other countries, flags for Native American tribes, and official flags for colleges and universities. The bill also allows for the flying of a historic version of a flag that is temporarily displayed for educational purposes, which Lee said would include the Confederate and Nazi flags. Quote we are starting to see increasingly more hostile type interactions between different political factions that we have within our society, and that is no different than what we're seeing, than what we're starting to see a lot within our education system, lee said while presenting the bill to the committee Thursday. Our schools should be a place for children to learn to not feel like they are being pushed or seen as agendas in one way.
Unknown A
In one, in one way, other, another, as it pertains to in one way or another, I think that's supposed to say as it pertains to political beliefs. When he first introduced the bill, Lee said on the social media platform X that his goal was to ban pride flags. But Nazi and Confederate flags, he told the committee Thursday would be included in the approved flags. Quote There are instances where in classrooms you have curriculum that is needed to use flags such as World War II, Civil War, he said. You may have a Nazi flag, you may have a Confederate flag, and so you are allowed to display those flags as part of the curriculum, and that is okay. In a phone call Thursday night, Lee disputed that he ever said a Nazi flag could be displayed, and he argued that would not be that would not be allowed under his bill.
Unknown A
Quote There is a difference between displaying flags in curriculum when you're teaching on them. You don't, you don't censor history here. That's not what we're doing. Oh my God. The bill drew significant attention during the committee hearing, with dozens of people appearing both in person and online to speak both in favor of and against legislation, including parents who said their kids had been offended by pride flags in their schools, the parents of queer children in the students offended by pride flags. Look, I know, look, we're dipping into the five year ago machine here, but tell me again who the snowflakes are. Tell me again who the snowflakes are. Tell me again who the perpetually offended are. You are offended at a fucking pride flag. Offended at a pride flag. And clearly they're not offended by a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag. What does that say about your priorities?
Unknown A
What does that say about your beliefs? This quote, this Ban is unconstitutional only serves as a means of control over the people. Millie Dworkin, a senior at Salt Lake center for Science Education, said during the public testimony. You all argue semantics, but you all know this is wrong and immoral. Queer people commit suicide at a higher rate than everybody else. This is not because they are inherently prone to commit suicide with their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is because of how they are treated. If you pass this, you will have queer blood on your hands. This is where you end up. If you are this committed to anti wokeness, it actually doesn't end in like, bro, I believe in egalitarianism, I believe in equality. I believe, like, we should treat everybody equally. Bro, judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
Unknown A
Like that would be the steel man argument for where anti wokeness could take you, right? But in reality, it ends up more in a place like this where you find yourself arguing that like, pride flag should be banned in school. But hey, yeah, if you want a Knox flag or Confederate flag for a specific lesson where you're giving everybody the history, then it's totally fine. Yeah. But then by the same logic, why wouldn't you be able to fly an LGBTQ flag? For the same reason. For some historical ass shit. I. I'll say this, guys, I'll say this. I don't know about this particular lawmaker here, right? And what, what his motivation is, but it should have been an eye opening experience to all of you out there. I don't know how plugged you, how plugged in you guys are politically, but if you've spent any time on Twitter over the past two years, it is genuinely shocking how many like, card carrying Nazis there still are.
Unknown A
Right? I was blown away by it because I was one of the people more inclined years ago to be like, come on. If somebody on the left is consequently on the right, a Nazi, it's like, ah, you're straw manning them. That's not real now. It's like on a daily basis I will see some like, Best of Hitler compilations where he's given speeches and shit and it's translated into English at the bottom. And people are like, oh, this man was misunderstood. This man was right. We owe this man an apology. I see it all the fucking time. I see it all the fucking time. There is like a loud, aggressive, angry faction of outright Nazis and guess what? They all love Elon and they all love Trump. Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? So it turns out again, the, the whiniest, loudest screechiest, annoying ultra liberals who were calling everybody racist and calling everybody sexist and calling everybody.
Unknown A
Turns out they were kind of right. And all of, like, the. All of, like, the veneer of, like, no, I'm not a Nazi, bro, that all just melted away because now they feel like they can come out of the closet. They feel like now's their time, and so they're letting it all hang out. They're letting it all hang out, and so I have zero tolerance for, like, this now, bro. You're just telling on yourselves, right? You're just telling on yourselves if this is. If this is what you're spending your time on in Utah. Ban pride flags, but also, loophole. You can use a Nazi or Confederate flag. It's like, it says a lot about who these people are and what they prioritize and what they care about. That's for sure. Hey, y'all, do me a favor and, like, and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm.
Unknown A
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