  • Unknown A
    All right, y'all, welcome to the show. So in just a second, I'm going to describe exactly how we stop Elon. There's a new article out in the Intercept which lays out in incredible detail what to do. There are some pressure points, man. There are some weaknesses that they have that can be exploited. So we'll talk about that. We also have Stephen Miller, AKA the Maga Stooge, has a mental snap live on air, debating a CNN host. That's fun. She. She wasn't even looking to debate him. And he just starts, like. He starts, like, melting down. So we'll talk about that. Then we'll get to AOC versus JD Vance. His weird soy millennial posting is backfiring colossally. And now there are some bills that have been presented to ban vaccines and antidepressants. I mean, where do I even begin with that? Jesus Christ, that's crazy. And then later on, we got more sloppy Steve Bannon.
  • Unknown A
    Sloppy Steve versus Elon Musk. We have two grieving families that were charged $4 million for health care because that's what this country has become. And we have a certified mental illness moment on CNN for you as well later from. What's his name? Stephen O'Leary. I think his name is Kevin O'Leary. Oh, man, that guy is. That guy's a piece of work, isn't he? All right, so everybody do me a big favor. Please subscribe to the channel that's below. That helps out big time and cost you nothing at all. And of course, much love to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Literally could not do without you. You guys pay like five bucks a month and you keep us going. Remember, this is real independent media. It's not fake independent media. That means that it's grassroots funded, and we get the default ads on YouTube and that's it.
  • Unknown A
    You never see me doing an ad read for a reason. We want to keep the funding for this pure, and I feel like that's bad incentives when you go down that path. So, anyway, thanks again, guys, for supporting the show, and let's dive into it. Okay, here we go. So the Intercept released an article. Sanjeev Barry. Barry. Barry. And the title is, this is the Way to Stop Elon Musk. Senate Democrats have the power to block federal contracts to Tesla and SpaceX. It's the path to pushing Musk out of politics. So what he lays out is like, yeah, of course there's a number of ways that the Democrats are just cooked. Like, they don't have control of the House they don't have control of the Senate. The Republicans have a trifecta. But remember, the filibuster is still a thing. And there are certain things that still have to go through Congress, even though Elon and Trump are trying to change that.
  • Unknown A
    Congress has the power of the purse. Eventually they're going to have to pass a new budget. Right. And the argument here is, when the time comes, Democrats should take a stand and say, here's how much money Elon Musk is going to get in government subsidies. Zero, donut, zilch, nada. Not a penny. Not a penny. So right now he gets about $20 billion in subsidies and it goes to, you know, his various companies. He just got a new government contract the other day, $400 million to make armored Teslas. Even though, remember that thing where he, I think, was when he first launched the cybertruck, he said it's like indestructible. Then he took a sledgehammer and swung it at the window and the window broke. Like the guys is just a colossal fraud. But this is the way to fight back. The way to fight back is hit him where it hurts, hit him in his wallet.
  • Unknown A
    Right? And then the other thing is, it's a bit of a cascading effect too, right? You have that mixed with the boycotts that are real as a heart attack right now that are hurting Tesla and hurting all the companies associated with Elon Musk. And so they're getting smashed on both fronts. And that can apply pressure to basically make it so that he has to ease off of this anti government fundamentalist crusade where he's illegally cutting funding for cancer research for kids, illegally killing the anti scam police and the Department of Education. And look, the point here is it also gives the Democrats an opportunity to shift the narrative and say, hey man, you want to know who the real problem is in this country? It's Elon Musk. It's the billionaires, it's the robber barons, it's the oligarchs. They have way too much money. They have way too much power.
  • Unknown A
    They control the politicians, they set policy more than anybody else does. And you need to understand, that's why your life is tough. That's why it's difficult to make ends meet. That's why you don't have health care. Sorry, we had to give trillions of dollars to billionaires and multimillionaires in the form of a tax cut, so we had to underfund Medicaid. Tee hee hee. Our bad. And it gives you an opportunity. What does the right say, blame immigrants for all your problems? Blame trans people for all your problems. They're the core of it. This is the MAGA argument, totally untrue, but they've convinced a lot of people of that. The Democrats have not had a counter argument. And the counterargument, it could not be more obvious. The counter argument is, look at the income and wealth inequality numbers. Look at how much power these people have.
  • Unknown A
    You have three people with more wealth than the bottom 50% of the country combined. And you think there are no downsides to that? No, we're witnessing the downsides right now. And so to give you some more specifics on it, they say, quote, a walking conflict of interest. Elon Musk is. He takes $20 billion in government subsidies over and over again. He's involved in governmental actions that directly and substantially impact his own financial well being. Did you know he just waltzed into NASA and they started laying off people in NASA? Mass laying off people in NASA. Well, NASA is literally a direct competitor to SpaceX. And Elon said in the White House the other, oh, if there's any conflict of interest, I'll recuse myself. And Trump was like, oh, yeah, we'll get. If there's a conflict of interest, we won't let him act in those ways.
  • Unknown A
    Meanwhile, laying off people at NASA. Gee, I wonder if he's trying to get another massive Gargantuan contract for SpaceX to fill the void that's left by laying off people at NASA. Guys, this is a con. It's a massive scam. We're witnessing right in front of our eyes. And by the way, they're gonna do a worse job and they're gonna make you pay more tax money. That's how that works. Give me a bigger subsidy and I'll do a worse job. This is the crisis of mass privatization and neoliberalism. This is what it is. So they say. Again, Elon Musk is a walking conflict of interest. Federal law forbids any executive branch employee from participating personally and substantially in matters that will affect his own financial interests. Mother Jones. All seven of Elon Musk's companies, which include X Xai, Neuralink, Starlink, and the Boring Company, in addition to Tesla and SpaceX, have netted a combined 20 billion in US government contracts and subsidies, according to the Financial Times.
  • Unknown A
    So the other thing is, you could flip their logic on them when it comes to cutting off the subsidies. You say to him, well, hold on, wait, I thought you were Mr. Anarcho Capitalism, Mr. Sink or Swim. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. You got to make it in the free market, bro. Okay, well, if that's what you are, not only are we not giving you any more subsidies, you need to pay it back with interest. With interest. You're going around calling people, you know, welfare queens because they have food stamps and get like a couple dollars a day in food from the government. Well, hey, asshole, you took. You took 20 billion. You took 20 billion. So return it with interest and never again get another red cent from the government. This is what you do. It allows you to refocus the conversation. Put the spotlight on Elon Musk.
  • Unknown A
    Let everybody know the robber barons are the problem and he is a robber baron. And expose the Trump administration as a complete and utter fraud when it comes to helping working people. Cuz they are. They destroyed the nlrb. They destroyed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They're making it so nobody can unionize. Now, Trump and Elon were joking with each other during the campaign. Trump was laughing. The way you handed those workers when they tried to unionize, you just looked at them and said, you're all fired. It was really incredible. It was really incredible. Elon, we loved you when you did that. Elon, why are you not putting these things front and center? This is how you win. But you have to fight. You have to fight. You have the power to do a filibuster. This is a layup of an issue to fight. A layup of an issue to fight over.
  • Unknown A
    Because then what are you going to do? You're going to make Elon Musk go out there and argue? No, you have to give me government money. I need the government money. Okay, welfare queen. Okay. Okay, mister. You know, I take subsidies every. It's. Guys ready for this? This fact is incredible. Everybody should know this. Elon Musk gets $8 million a year. Wait, no. Is it a year or a day? I think it's a day. I think It's a day. $8 million a day in government contracts. But sorry, we got to cut cancer research for kids. Sorry, we got to cut HIV treatment for kids. Sorry, we got to dismantle the Department of Education. This can't stand. This cannot stand. So, look, take their advice. The intercept is 100% right. They even go on in this article. You can read the whole thing if you want to, but they go on an article to say, well, you know, here are the potential downsides of this, et cetera, but hit him where it hurts.
  • Unknown A
    Hit him where it hurts. It's his wallet. Now, the fact of the Matter is, since he basically bought the presidency for Trump, since then, he's had an increase in his net worth of like tens of billions or hundreds of billions, some preposterous number. So it's going to require. It's going to require a lot of force, a lot of arm twisting, a lot of fighting in order to basically drag him back down to where he needs to be. But the idea is you cut off all the corporate welfare to him, and then you also, because of the boycotts, you put so much financial pressure on him that the companies he's involved with, they realize he's so fucking toxic now, they want nothing to do with him. And it really knocks him down a few pegs and makes it so that he doesn't have this fucking authoritarian stranglehold over the government.
  • Unknown A
    And it's a very clear way of doing it. Don't stop protesting. Don't stop making the phone calls. Don't stop. There's 23 lawsuits now against Trump and Elon. Don't stop with that. But at the same time, we need some more tangible action as well. And this is one of the things right here. Look, in a world that made sense, if we're all being honest here, it's in a world that made sense, he would have been arrested, right? Literally, anybody else in the country illegally hacks into the back end of the treasury and starts stealing the private information and deleting agencies, that person would have been arrested immediately, right? Immediately he should be arrested. If not arrested, he should be fucking deported. South African billionaire randomly running the United States of America because he bought the presidency. Unacceptable. But the fact of the matter is, that's not the world we live in right now.
  • Unknown A
    And so whatever leverage we have, we need to use. This is one of those points of leverage. Cut off all the government money, continue boycotting, and make it a shit. I would propose a bill immediately. This is a bill Democrats could easily message around. No subsidies for Elon. And also he's got to return every penny he was given by the US Government. With interest. With interest. So it's a start. It's a start. You got to do something. Either that or sit back, relax, sip a mojito, and watch the fucking robber baron coup continue. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.