Unknown A
So, look, I've been telling you guys, man, that this moment is different. This moment is different because for the first time in my life, you have liberals are distrusting of mainstream media and they're distrusting of Democratic politicians. There was literally a 37 point swing among Democratic voters with how they feel about their Democratic politicians in 2017, after Trump won the first time and how they feel about now after Trump won the second time. 37 point swing, where now Democratic voters are like, these Democratic politicians aren't doing anywhere near enough. They need to step it up, they need to fight, they need to be aggressive, right? So that's fertile ground, man. That's fertile ground. The numbers were similar when you had the Tea Party rise up on the right with how Republican voters felt about Republican politicians. So it was effectively a version of a grassroots coup within the Republicans when this happened on their side.
Unknown A
And what we need right now on the Democratic side is a grassroots coup, right? And so the ground is fertile for, like, a Democratic version of Trump who's not interested in bipartisanship and is interested in implementing our policies for that person to rise up and fight MAGA relentlessly and deliver on things the American people need, like higher minimum wage, for example, like Medicare for all, et cetera. So this is a great example of how clearly fed up the grassroots is. Here you have Rachel Maddow, who's one of few remaining liberal MSNBC hosts, who I would say is in relatively good standing with the Democratic base. She's one of the few that they trust, and she's actually garnered in audience in her own respect. Right. This is not like one of those people who's, you know, preaching to seven people on their show. Right. Like, she actually has a following.
Unknown A
So what she's going to do here is question Hakeem Jeffries. I was shocked at how aggressive this was from Rachel Maddow. Clearly, Rachel Maddow is feeling a similar way. Like many in the base are, where she's like, really? What the fuck are you doing? Really? Like, do you understand the gravity of the moment? She's effectively gonna beg Hakeem Jeffries here, hey, be better. Fight harder. This is ridiculous. Here we go.
Unknown B
The other thing that Americans are stressed out about, though, right now is that policy doesn't feel like it's the main conversation right now. It feels like we are in the middle of a ketamine fueled, middle of the night, autocratic power grab that is rendering Congress irrelevant, that's rendering policy irrelevant, and that's rendering the rule of law an afterthought. If not a joke, to those who are planning on staying in power indefinitely without benefit of further elections. I mean, it is not about. I mean, it is about a bad budget. That's one of the things you have to contend with. But the fight here feels like it's on a different scale than the kinds of legislative point counterpoint stuff that I think Democrats and Republicans are used to fighting over. And I think what Americans are sort of clamoring for is to hear from you personally, as the senior Democrat in Washington, in the House, where the margins are so narrow, to hear from you that you understand the scale of the threat and you have ideas about how to interrupt what feels like something that we have not experienced since the Civil War in terms
Unknown B
of the threat to our Republic.
Unknown A
Damn, son. She's basically like, hey, man, are. Are you really the person for this moment? I don't think the base thinks that you know what the fuck you're doing, and I kind of think they're right. That's what that question was. That question was oozing with anger and contempt and, like, are you really prepared for this? Do you even understand what's going on here? And my guess is she's seen a lot of the things that the rest of us has seen around Hakeem Jeffries and how he's simply not prepared for the moment. Wait until you hear his answer. His answer is abysmal. Here we go.
Unknown C
Well, it's certainly the case that we understand the scale of the threat. That can't be doubted. The cbc, which I'm a part of, definitively understands the scale of the threat. Our communities have been under siege, as you pointed out, since before the Civil War. I'm a direct descendant of those very communities. So we understand the struggle, the history, the strength of people like John Lewis, which we're going to channel. That's my experience. That's my personal experience. That's my family's experience.
Unknown A
That's such a standard answer that he had just waiting in the chamber to release. Just standard politician talk. He's not done. It gets worse.
Unknown C
And as a caucus, it's definitively the case that we understand that. Listen, we. We launched the Rapid Response Task Force and Litigation Working Group. It's going to be led by Joe Negus and of course, a brilliant constitutional lawyer, Jamie Raskin, to be able to respond to and work with our allies like Tis James and others in part of what we are responding to.
Unknown A
Listen, he brought up his task force, his task force. You have got to be kidding me. By the way he mentioned two people on that task force, he didn't mention the other two. The other two, one of them is 81 years old on the rapid response task force, and the Other one is 74 year old Gerry Connolly, who, who has terminal esophageal cancer, who also was able to knock AOC out of the running to be the head of the oversight committee, which is one of the most visible committees to fight back against maga. He launched a task force, a rapid response task force, with maybe three of four or four of four people not being hyper online and ready to pounce, not being plugged in enough. I guess I'll give Jamie Raskin a pass because he's actually been pretty decent on this stuff and he's been very front and center.
Unknown A
But the other ones, are you kidding? You're. Rachel Maddow is basically like, hey, man, there's a robber baron coup going on right now and this is the biggest threat that we face since the Civil War. And he's like, don't worry, I got a task force with a terminally ill cancer patient and an 81 year old. Oh, my God. Just validating everybody's fears. We're going to do a story on Hakeem Jeffries tomorrow, too, about how, remember how he went to Silicon Valley, hat in hand, begging for donations from tech oligarchs after Trump took office, which is a horrible sign in the first place? Well, guess what? He ended up getting some of that money. He ended up getting millions of dollars from those people, which is the heart of the problem. How are you going to directly describe the issue that we're facing if you're taking money from the enemy?
Unknown A
The enemy are the tech oligarch robber baron billionaires. That's the enemy. They're the Elon Musk is doing a coup of our government. And you are going to Elon Musk's buddies and in some sense to Elon Musk directly, and you're getting money from him. How are you going to fight against these people effectively if you're begging to be bought by them? Oh, my God. More on that tomorrow. I'll do a full breakdown on that tomorrow.
Unknown C
Donald Trump. They're flooding the zone in part to create distress, to create a sense of invincibility and inevitability. But the reality is there have been more than 75 different lawsuits that have been filed by democracy reform groups, civil rights reform groups, by attorney generals like Tish James and others. And we're winning in court. They're losing more than 35 different unconstitutional and unlawful executive orders and administrative actions have been challenged. And they're not winning those cases in terms of the Trump administration. They're losing over and over and over again. That's been a forceful pushback. And that, of course, will continue. The congressional battles will continue and the mobilization in the communities will continue.
Unknown A
That was not a sufficient answer to say the least. It just wasn't right. Look, the fact of the matter is, yes, you need to wage endless lawsuits, and right now there are a lot of lawsuits being waged. But that's one piece of this. The other piece of this is bodies in the streets. You also should call Congress so much, you break the fucking phones, call the Democrats and tell them you gotta fight. Call the Republicans and effectively call them traitors and say they've sold out to robber barons and they want to live in a fascist country. I would go as far as to say it would be a great idea to form a human chain around these government buildings that they're illegally hacking into, that Elon and Doge are illegally hacking into and physically try to prevent them from, from getting in there and stealing our data and taking our Social Security numbers and cutting government agencies that Elon doesn't like because it regulates him.
Unknown A
Also, he should be saying very loud and clear, every single penny of subsidies that Elon Musk gets, they're cut off. They're done. And we want him to pay us back with interest for the over $20 billion he's taken for his companies. Say he's never going to. How can we? Why would we, when this guy is effectively part of the administration, the Republican administration, illegally, but he's part of that administration. Why would we ever let him get us taxpayer money? I don't want my money going towards that. That motherfucker doesn't represent me in any way, shape or form. So cut off all of his subsidies. And also they should be clear, every legislative tool that we have, we are going to use. We are going to. In the Senate. They should filibuster absolutely everything they possibly can. Right? Raise hell, raise hell, get out there and make the case, too.
Unknown A
Like, there's this meta conversation happening around strategy. We're not really getting to the meat of the issue where Hakeem Jeffries, if he's a Democratic leader, you got to get out there directly in front of people and say, here's exactly what they did today. They cut the cfpb. That's the anti scam police. They want robber barons and corporations to be able to scam you. That's what they did. They slashed the Department of Education. They're firing flight safety officials as planes are falling out of the sky on a daily fucking basis. Trump signed an executive order to raise drug prices. Trump signed an executive order to allow corruption among his Cabinet, the closest people to him. Right? Get out there, have your talking points. Hammer away. Make it so you drive. You have to. You have to focus on moving the poll numbers and moving the American people and waking them up to what we're witnessing.
Unknown A
But they're just. They're just not good at. He's not good at it. I don't want to say they're all not good at it, because that's not true. There are plenty of fighters. Maxwell Frost has been fighting phenomenally well. Jasmine Crockett has been fighting phenomenally well. AOC has been doing the same thing. Bernie is literally doing an anti oligarchy tour and he's got overflow rooms of 800 people because so many people are interested in a fighter who's going to call out this shit for what it is and deliver for people. And so, look, I'll say I said it before. I'll say it again. He's not the man. He's got it. He's got to resign. He's got to step down. He doesn't know what he's doing. He can't lead. He can't lead. He doesn't understand the moment that we're in. He thinks it's just another political moment.
Unknown A
By the way, again, we'll talk about this tomorrow. But guess who he decided to shit on in the midst of what's going on now? The far left. You can't make this up. And it looks like even Rachel Maddow is sick of it and is fed up with it and is channeling the anger of the base and basically telling him, are you really ready for this? Are you prepared for this? Do you have any idea what's actually going on right now? And so, wow, quite a moment. But everybody's waking up to the fact that the Democrats are not prepared to have this fight. And it's very simple. If you are not built to lead in this moment, step aside. Step aside. Because there's plenty of us who are ready to lead. Plenty of us who are ready to lead and willing to fight and willing to put it all on the line.
Unknown A
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