  • Unknown A
    So surprise, surprise everybody. But it turns out the top US Election security watchdog was forced to stop doing election security work. So let me walk you through this cause this is really, really dark. As you all know, after the 2020 election, Trump was claiming fraud, claiming it was stolen from him and all I want is secure elections. All I want is secure, safe elections. He would say stuff like that all the time, but you and I both know he's got no interest in safe and secure elections. He just wanted the result of him winning. He doesn't care how he got it. That's what he wanted, right? Well now we're seeing what these guys are up to now that they actually have power and is dark the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has frozen efforts to aid states in securing elections. According to an internal memo viewed by Wired, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure security agency has frozen all of its election security work and is reviewing everything it has done to help state and local officials secure their elections for the past eight years, Wired has learned the move represents his first major example of
  • Unknown A
    the country's cyber defense agency accommodating President Donald Trump's false claims of election fraud and online censorship. In a memo sent Friday to all CISA employees and obtained by Wired, CISA's acting director, Bridget Bean, nice name. Said she was ordering a review and assessment of every position at the agency related to election security and countering MIS and disinformation, as well as every election security and mis and disinformation product, activity, service and program that has been carried out since the federal government designated election systems as critical infrastructure. In 2017, CISO will pause all election security activities until the completion of this review. The agency is also cutting off funding for these activities at the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, a group funded by the Department of Homeland Security that has served as a coordinating body for the elections community. In her memo, Bean confirmed that CISA had, as first reported by Politico, placed employees initially identified to be associated with the election security activities and the MDM program on administrative leave on February 7th.
  • Unknown A
    It is necessary to re scope the agency's election security activities to ensure CISA is focused exclusively on executing its cyber and physical security mission, she told employees in the memo. So this article goes on. You can go read the rest of it, but this should be a slap in the face. This should be an eye opening moment for you because Trump never had any concern about election integrity or finding the fraud. He just wanted to have an excuse to say I won. That's all he wanted. And look, we have to call spade a spade here. Something I apparently say a lot according to you guys, but a lot of questions are being raised about the last election. And honestly I think they're legitimate questions because there's a whole bunch of things that don't really add up about the last election. And it makes you wonder just how much control of crucial voting systems people linked to Trump had.
  • Unknown A
    Right. So here, let's start by taking a look at the shout out to Cody at some more news. Just, just listen to what was said leading up to the election. Some of these things are quite eye.
  • Unknown B
    Opening, more ways than one.
  • Unknown C
    And he knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good. It was pretty good. So thank you to Elon.
  • Unknown A
    He knows those computers, those vote counting computers. There was also a moment where Rogan said something that was kind of curious. He was telling a story about how Elon on election night was on his computer looking at the results. And very, very early on in the night, before anybody knew what was happening, Elon closed his laptop and said, it's done, and walked away again before anybody actually knew what was going on. Okay, all right. We're not done. There are some new gems in here that I have to show you.
  • Unknown B
    What an odd way to say that, to thank Elon Musk because he knew about the vote counting computers. He didn't have anything to do with the computers, but okay, it's Trump dude says a lot of stuff. Stuff just pours out of his wobbly little mouth. It's hard to know what's true. Do we have anyone who could clarify this?
  • Unknown D
    Okay, I guess so.
  • Unknown A
    All right, we'll get mini Me here.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, we're in SpaceX and quietly just do whatever we want.
  • Unknown A
    When we're at SpaceX, we just quietly do whatever we want. He said, all right, we're not done.
  • Unknown D
    What's your assessment? Is this, did this work? Is he gonna win? Yeah, yeah. It is not for. I think it's done. You think it's done?
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, yeah.
  • Unknown D
    But never know, huh?
  • Unknown A
    He just said, they'll never know. The kid just said, they'll never know. Elon goes, I think it's done. His kid goes, they'll never know. They'll never know. What? What'll they never know? This is like when they were in the White House the other day, Elon and Trump and X was there with him and X said to Trump, you're not the real you're not the president and I want you to leave. It was something along those lines. You're not the president, you're not the real president, and I want you to leave. A kid this age, this is what you need to understand. A kid this age, they kind of copy whatever people around them are saying, whatever their dad is saying, whatever their mom is saying. So when Elon says, I think it's done, and the kid goes, they'll never know. They'll never know what? Wait, it gets. It gets darker. Ready?
  • Unknown B
    I'm not fluent in child. I'm taking night classes. But did Elon's son just say, at SpaceX, we quietly do whatever we want? And then when Elon said he's confident about the election results, did the child say, they'll never know?
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    Listen, I'm not a conspiracy guy, nor do I think Elon is smart enough or that anyone could use satellites to hack an election. But that's extremely weird, right? Equally weird that the version of this clip that Tucker Carlson posted abruptly cut all of that out.
  • Unknown A
    Should we help President Trump?
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, well, you have, you have. I mean, it looks.
  • Unknown A
    I started.
  • Unknown D
    I like your laugh. That's a laugh of an honest man.
  • Unknown A
    Hey, not only did they cut it out, they cut it out in like a very. In a very inartful way. They cut it out in a very inartful way. Like, it was very clear there was a hard cut there. Why would you cut that out? Oh, boy.
  • Unknown B
    It's like cutting out the Nazi thing before. It's just weird. Like, again, just speculating, but it seems like Elon had perhaps said the words they'll never know to his child in relation to the election. And then Tucker cut out the part where he repeated that. And maybe someone should perhaps investigate that.
  • Unknown A
    You know, I gotta be honest, in the wake of the election loss, I didn't necessarily put much stock in this particular conspiracy about, like, hey, maybe Elon directly got involved and was doing stuff with the vote counting computers, et cetera. Because that is a very. It's such a difficult undertaking, and I think Elon's a bit of a fucking idiot. Not a bit of an idiot. I think he's just a colossal moron. Right. But there were other variations of this conversation which I thought were much more interesting. But is it, Is this possible? I mean, those clips are weird. Those clips are very, very bizarre. And there's been other ones, too. But let's, let's dive into the more mainstream issue here, which this is less speculative, less conspiratorial. More based on hard data. And again, keep all this in mind. At the same time, we're learning yet again, Donald Trump is basically taking an ax to our election security watchdog.
  • Unknown A
    Right? That's what he's doing. Now that he has power, he says, oh, I care about, you know, I care about clean elections. I wanna make sure everything runs well. I don't want any fraud. He says stuff like that. And then boom. So why are you going after the election security watchdog? Okay, here we go. This is Greg Palast, legendary journalist Greg Palast.
  • Unknown D
    First of all, again, I get the 4,776,706 purged. That's from the United States Elections Assistance Commission.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah, that's not a multiplier.
  • Unknown D
    You're saying, okay, 317,000 people challenged by these vigilantes. Just so you know, that came from the group that did the challenges. They proudly announced 317,886 voters challenged by August. They were aiming for 2 million 2.12 million mail in ballots got disqualified. That's by the way, if you're wondering, you know who gave me that number? National Petroleum Radio, npr, which did an analysis, a very good analysis. And by the way, they found, they found this year, this year that rejected ballots, that 13.8% 1 in 7 mail in ballots are rejected. Now, whose ballots are they, according to the State of Washington? Again, this isn't Greg palace coming up with this stuff. The State of Washington did an analysis of mail in ballots rejected, and again, it's one in seven that you're 400% more likely to have your ballot rejected if you're black than if you're white.
  • Unknown D
    That study just came out. It's not 2006. I wish it were 2006 and all that were gone. Provisional ballots. The United States Elections Assistance Commission, not Greg Palast says that 42.3%. A lot of numbers here. Oh, that's about half. Close to half of all provisional ballots are rejected. So that would be over a million ballots thrown in the dumpster. Now, whose ballots? Again, according to the government, your chance of you being shunted to provisional ballot is 300%. More likely if you're black, Hispanic or Asian American. And how did this happen? We've always had these Jim Crow effects. But why was it worse this year, According to the Brennan center for justice at NYU Law School, they're the best at this stuff. They said that in 30 states, almost all them red states, 30 states passed laws making it harder for people of color to vote.
  • Unknown D
    Thirty states in the past four years, passed laws that are targeted at removing black voters. In one case, we did have one judge, thank God, who actually said, this is so clearly targeted with black people, it's gotta go. That was in North Carolina. But for the most part, the courts have said states can do what they want. There's no right to vote in the United States Constitution. That's left up to the states. You have no constitutional right to vote. And that's one of the big problems we have.
  • Unknown E
    I mean, these challenges that you described, these vigilante challenges, are just bone knowingly awful. I mean, it's just. It's insane. You lay it all out there in Vigilantes, Inc. But what I really wanted to get to, and we get some of it in our chat today, is that these are hard numbers you have. These are not. You're not looking at a small sample size and then multiplying it times some kind of existing understanding about how in.
  • Unknown D
    Some cases we have to use statistical corrections. And one of the big things I have to do is that there's a lot of, you will notice in all the numbers I gave you, like 4.7 million purge, couple million challenged, 2 million mail in ballots disqualified, etc. Yeah, all up. It's way more than three and a half million. But I'm taking out all the double counting. I'm taking out the fact that a lot of Hispanic men voted for Donald Trump. So you don't want to double count. You want to be very careful. You want to make some adjustments to make sure that you're not overstating. The Jim Crow effect is bad enough at three and a half million.
  • Unknown E
    You don't need to plant evidence at that crime scene. Exactly.
  • Unknown D
    No, no, no. It's real bad. And you know, and my fellow journalists, come on, this stuff is sitting there for you to do. If NPR could do an analysis saying one in seven ballots are thrown in the garbage, mail in ballots are thrown in the garbage. Why don't you tell us what the effect was on an election?
  • Unknown A
    The reason why they don't want to do that is because everybody just spent four years correctly saying Trump was an election denier and he was saying things that were factually untrue about how he won when he didn't. Right. And they feel like, oh, my God, we'll be hypocrites if we talk about this, because then we're election denying. But the difference is here we're talking about actual facts and information, real data, real numbers uncovered by a legendary journalist. And in Trump's case, it was just lies. In fact, they had over 60 court cases. A lot of them couldn't even get it to fucking trial because they had zero standing. There was absolutely no evidence for the claims that they were making. When they got in front of a court, Rudy Giuliani said, we're actually not claiming fraud. What happened? You're claiming fraud everywhere in the media, but now when you get in front of a judge, oh, we're actually not claiming fraud.
  • Unknown A
    When they did the audit of Arizona because they were convinced Trump actually won Arizona, not only did Biden win, he won by more votes than what he, we thought he won by on election Day. So their claims were bogus. Their claims were untrue. What Greg palace is talking about here is real data. What's the exact number again? I think it's 3,565,000 votes short. The votes that were thrown out, the votes that were axed. And this is not the same theory as the, oh, Elon hacking in and, you know, changing the results in the machines. That's not. This is a different theory. It's the piecemeal approach that Republicans always take where they try their best to dismiss votes of communities that they know go overwhelmingly Democratic. And they don't for their own communities, of course. So you'll see this all the time. There'll be one polling place open for a giant population of black people, and then there's like 17 open for a smaller population of white people because they want all those to count.
  • Unknown A
    The older white people. We want your votes to count. We don't want the votes to count for the minority community. This is all a matter of record. We know that they do this when, if they find one little thing off, they can just throw out the ballot. Right? Nearly half the provisional ballot is not counted. This is real data we're talking about here with real consequences.
  • Unknown D
    Never go back after an election. Say, remember we told you about the, you know, voter IDs, long lines, provisional ballots. I mean, New York Times ran a story about provisional ballots or mail in. They ran a story, mail in ballots. And my number, 2.2 million mail in ballots are in the garbage. According to MIT, my number is way low. Massachusetts Institute of Technology did a report carried in the Times, and they said it was far, far higher than that. So I'm trying to be as conservative as possible and maybe someone else has different numbers. Great. Come. You know, again, I'm always happy. I am a statistician by training, an economist, and so I'm more than happy to get Suggestions on how to sharpen these numbers further. But I think you're not going to.
  • Unknown E
    I've seen your math that you've displayed. You really are good at showing the math. So that's one of the things that I think sets you apart from a lot of others who just are full of allegations. See the movie I'd recommend to everybody, Vigilantes, Inc. And you'll see the process that palace is talking about. And it's so offensive to you, probably as an American, that you'll want to do something.
  • Unknown A
    So everybody go check that out. Vigilantes, Inc. America's new vote suppression Hitmen. So I'll give you one more while we're talking about this. And there's, by the way, there's compilations that are like four or five minutes long where Trump said this so many times on the campaign trail. Listen to what he said here.
  • Unknown C
    I tell my people, I don't need any votes. We got all the votes we need. I don't need votes. All I want to do is make sure that we guard our vote. It's guard. We stop the steal, okay? You know, there's a lot of expressions. I want the vote guarded. I want the steel stopped. Because we don't need the votes. We have the votes. We have more votes than we need. What we need, I tell these guys, I tell even rnc, I tell Michael, I tell Laura. I don't care. We have all the votes.
  • Unknown A
    This was one of his go to talking points. We don't need your vote. We don't need your vote. He would say that all the time on the campaign trail. What a bizarre thing to say if you're trying to win an election, bro. Now, you could pawn that off to just Trump riffing and doing what Trump does. But I don't know, man. There's a lot of real interesting open questions that I'm seeing here, and the conclusions are staring us in the face. But a lot of people are too fucking afraid to say it, aren't they? All right, guys, that's the show, y'all. Everybody do me a big favor. Please subscribe to the channel. You know the drill. That helps out big time. Cost you. Nothing helps. Push our videos out through the algorithm, which is, you know, a big help to the show. You can click that bell icon so you get a notification every single time a video drops.
  • Unknown A
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