  • Unknown A
    All right, guys, so this clip right here is wild. So Omar Badar, who is a friend of the show, he went on cnn, and I gotta be honest, I'm surprised they let him on. Last time he was on, I was like, I don't think they're gonna let him back on because he's dropping way too many truth bombs on their head. Way too many. Right. Well, he's gonna talk about Trump's Gaza plan. Feels wrong to just call it Trump's Gaza plan. It's fucking total ethnic cleansing. Right? It's 1800 style imperialism. It's not just a plan. Well, anyway, he goes in there and, man, he runs circles around the CNN host and just relentlessly drops truth bombs on his head. Here we go.
  • Unknown B
    He is a member of the National Policy Council for the Arab American Institute. Omar, thank you so much for being with us. What stood out to you from what you heard there from President Trump and King Abdullah?
  • Unknown C
    What really stood out is the incredible arrogance with which Donald Trump is speaking about Palestinians. He's talking about how he and a group of other people get to decide where Palestinians live rather than actually allowing Palestinians to make that decision for themselves about whether they stay in their own land or not. And you have all this rhetoric about how he's no longer even talking about buying Gaza. He's just going to take it and no one is going to question it. I mean, just the level to which he's detached from reality, it's really hard to put into words. The entire world questions under what authority Trump is allowing himself to basically take ownership of Gaza. It's completely bonkers. And the fact that it's framed as concern for Palestinians, I think, is what's most distasteful about those comments. Because the only reason why Gaza has become unlivable is because the United States has allowed Israel to destroy Gaza in atrocities that are documented by every major human rights organization in the world.
  • Unknown C
    Now Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both describing Israel's onslaught in Gaza as genocidal. If you want Palestinians to be able to live, all you have to do is basically put an end to that onslaught and allow them to live as a free people of their own land. But that seems to be off the table for Donald Trump, who is choosing instead to fulfill Netanyahu's worst fantasies about emptying Palestine of any Palestinians for Israel to take over the entire territory.
  • Unknown B
    I do wonder, Omar, how you would then approach the issue of Hamas, because, as you know, they're threatening to delay the release of these.
  • Unknown A
    They're so fucking Predictable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok, so Palestinians are experiencing a genocide and Trump is talking about ethnic cleansing and brazenly stealing their land and going back to 1800 style imperialism and colonialism. But what about Humus, bro?
  • Unknown B
    Trump and Netanyahu both seem inclined to restart hostilities if Hamas delays that hostage release. Clearly they want a future where that group, a terrorist group, is not in Gaza's future. So how do you reconcile those two ideas?
  • Unknown A
    Which, by the way, yeah, sure, that'd be great. No more Hamas, you know, ruling over Gaza, but also no more Likud and no more Netanyahu and no more Ben GVIR and no more Smotrich and no more current Israeli government. Right. If you're going to say Hamas are terrorists, they can't have control, they can't have power, period. Okay, Netanyahu is a terrorist, he can't have control, he can't have power, period. Right? I mean, the body count is super clear. And one side has way, way, way, way more death and destruction and blood and violence on their hands. Right? So it's just, it's just a really stupid, really dumb point to.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. What Netanyahu and Trump want is the defeat of Hamas, something they have not been able to achieve militarily on the ground. And now they're trying to force through negotiations once more, saying either Hamas accepts this total defeat.
  • Unknown A
    Look what it says on the screen. Trump's Gaza takeover plan. US would own Gaza deal would be a real estate transaction. Palestinians wouldn't have a right to return to Gaza. I love how, like again, passive, passive language. Like if this was any other enemy country of ours, it would be like you're advocating for 1800 style imperialism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, colonialism, illegal land theft. Like it would be way more clear not we would own Gaza or else.
  • Unknown C
    We'Re going back to the onslaught that again, nobody says is actually targeted at Hamas. Nobody's serious. Certainly everybody talks about this as an assault on the entire Palestinian population of Gaza and making Gaza unlivable as punishment until Hamas capitulates and buckle. And what we're seeing right now is clearly an effort by Israel seeing that they finally have in Donald Trump an endorsement of this idea of displacing Palestinians. Israel has lost any interest in that cease fire and they're looking for an excuse and a reason for it to fall apart, which is why we've seen dozens of Palestinians get killed throughout the so called cease fire, why we're seeing Israel drag its feet on moving to the next phase of negotiations that could turn that cease fire into a Permanent cease fire. All of that is deliberately designed to force Hamas's hand, to basically make it so that Hamas cannot comply without seemingly completely giving in to to Israel's wishes in violation of those terms.
  • Unknown C
    And that does mean that we're effectively imminently going back to hostilities that are aiming to displace Hamas from the picture entirely. And the issue is here is that there is a double standard with which we look at this, is that if Hamas is disqualified from being in Gaza because of the atrocities they've committed in Israel, and certainly they have committed atrocities, there's no denying that. Why isn't the opposite true? Why aren't the far infinitely greater atrocities that the Israeli government has committed in Gaza disqualifying of the Israeli government remaining in power? And that's what we're looking at here, is a situation of dominance in which Israel gets to impose its will on the Palestinians. And they seemingly have Trump's complete endorsement in pursuing that. And that is not a recipe for peace.
  • Unknown A
    Congratulations, Omar, on your last appearance on cnn. They're definitely not letting it back after this.
  • Unknown C
    Actually looking for a way in which we resolve this crisis. We have to start recognizing that Palestinians are equal human beings who are deserving of the same dignity and freedom that Israelis enjoy. And that requires a completely a fundamentally different approach from the United States towards this entire issue in which we do start demanding that Israel abide by international law and recognize Palestinians as people who deserve to be free in their own land.
  • Unknown A
    So, just so we're clear, he's 100% correct. So Israel has violated the deal a thousand times over. Here's just some of the facts on that. They were supposed to let in 12,000 aid trucks. They let in 8,500, supposed to be 50 fuel trucks a day. They let in 15 a day. They were supposed to give 60,000 mobile homes. There was no mobile homes. 200,000 tents, and it was only 20,000 tents. So they have all these violations. They've still continued to attack from time to time and kill Palestinians also, by the way, in Lebanon as well. They displaced 40,000 people in Lebanon at the same time. Again, it's supposed to be, oh, ceasefire, deal. So they violate the deal over and over and over and over. And then Hamas goes, okay, well, we're not going to release the last hostages. And like, oh, how dare you.
  • Unknown A
    You violated the ceasefire. It's just a tale as old as time. Noam Chomsky talked about this two decades ago. He was like, this is what Israel does. They'll violate the deal all the Time. And then when the exact same energy is given back to them by the Palestinians, it's, oh, how could you? Now we need to kill more of you. That's what it is, right? That's what it is. So shout out to Omar for going on cnn, dropping some truth on their head. But as I said, it'll be his last time on there. Look, the facts are very clear. It's sort of very black and white. Who's at fault, why we are where we are. And that's just not in the nature of CNN to give you that reality. The best you're gonna get from them on this topic is both sidesism, right? And false equivalence.
  • Unknown A
    That's the best you're gonna get. You're not gonna get a painting of the picture that, hey, man, the Palestinians are the ultimate victims in this scenario. You're not gonna get it. You're not gonna get it. But that's the truth. And it should be particularly easy for people to realize at a time when the President of the United States is. Is saying, we're gonna steal all of Gaza and build some hotels and build some casinos and ethnic cleanse the region. Finish the genocide. Ethnic cleanse the reason the region. And you're gonna deal with it. Well, I mean, shit, if you can't. If you can't be honest and describe the situation for what it is now, then you just are incapable of honesty. Right? And look, I shouldn't complain because I'm just happy CNN had on Omar, but my guess is you're not going to get this particular perspective going into the future anymore, even though it's the exact perspective that's needed to call out just the absolute insanity that we're now witnessing with the complete and utter destruction of international law.
  • Unknown A
    The Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Tribunal, the un, Any semblance of human rights, like, that's all up in flames. And instead of being honest about that, they want to do some both sides thing and pretend like we're in a normal time. It is not a normal time when the President of the United States is like, we're gonna steal that land that's not ours. Build some casinos and stuff, ethnically cleanse it. Whatevs, bro. No big deal, bro. Jesus Christ. Hey, y'all do me a favor and like and subscribe. It helps out big time in the algorithm. Click the bell as well for notifications when videos drop. And watch that video on screen right now. You know you want to.