Unknown A
So Elon Musk and Doge seem to be sinking today as people are quitting Elon. That's the subject of today's video. Check out the headlines. 21 civil servants working for Doge resign. That's what's going on. They're quitting him. 21 Doge staffers resigned, saying they refuse to compromise core government systems. Basically, Elon is like, hey, can you help me crack the safe? Can you help me crack that government data? Can you help me break laws? People are quitting. That's what they're doing. Let's read through the details of this stuff together. This is breaking right now. And I expect pretty much everyone to quit on Elon eventually. If you have any backbone, any morals, get out now. Do not associate yourself with Elon Musk. You don't want to be breaking the law. You don't want to be betraying your country. You don't want to be betraying your fellow citizens.
Unknown A
Don't do it. This is what it Sundays. It says 21 federal employees who had been working with the Elon Musk Department of Government Efficiency resigned, writing in a letter that they wouldn't offer their expertise to overhaul the government if it meant undermining essential services. So basically, like, they don't want to destroy the government. That's what Elon wants to do. They say they don't want to undermine essential services. Here's a quote. We will not use our skills as technologists to compromise core government systems, jeopardize American sensitive data, or dismantle critical public services. And this is a joint letter that came out Tuesday. It was addressed to the White House Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles. That's who they're resigning to. We will not lend our expertise to carry out or legitimize Doge's actions. Wow, this is strong language. Again. This is 21 employees are writing this together.
Unknown A
They're quitting en masse. Says the ex employees who didn't list their names criticized the Doge process, saying a day after President Trump's inauguration, they completed interviews with, quote, individuals wearing White House bad visitor badges who decline to identify themselves. Interesting. Okay, so let me explain this. So the letter came in. We know 21 people resigned. They didn't sign their names to the letters. So I want to make that clear. But it says, like, during the. And probably to protect themselves. Right. This is all about anonymity. It sounds like, though, that when they interviewed to, you know, be part of Doge or whatever, the people at the White House didn't identify themselves. In the interview, which is pretty unusual. We've known this stuff before with the Doge stuff to where I've read reports where Elon Musk people would go into, like, an office in, you know, whatever administration slash agency, and then they would just use first names like they.
Unknown A
And they wouldn't say, like, their title or last name. So essentially, they're trying to keep, like, themselves secret in a way. Here's more from the letter. I guess, quote, this process created significant security risks. Right? They wrote, they said that firing one third of the USDs. So that was the department before Doze George came in and transformed this thing. Firing one third of the colleagues on February 14th endangered millions of Americans who rely on services to modernize. Social Security, veteran services and tax filing. These are all vital systems, right? Social Security, veteran services, tax filings. There's another quote from the letter. Doge's actions, firing technical experts, mishandling data and breaking critical systems contradict their stated mission of modernizing federal technology and software to maximize government efficiency and productivity. So they're saying all this stuff that Musk is doing is against their mission. Right. Which is to make things better, modernize federal technology.
Unknown A
There's more. This is a crazy story. Like I said, I expect many people to quit. You got to get out. Don't associate yourself with Musk or Trump. Don't be on the wrong side of history. So some of the roles that we're quitting are engineers, data scientists, project managers and designers. And I've told you guys this stuff before. Some people are not political. Many of the actually better way to say it is many people who work in the federal government, the civil servants, they do their job regardless of who's president. So it said here, some of these people worked through the first Trump administration, through the Biden administration, and now, you know, under Trump again. But then they're resigning when Elon Musk steps in and basically politicize everything and ask them to destroy the government. That's. That's basically what we're talking about. In response, Elon Musk, you know, he's been tweeting out this stuff today saying that the news.
Unknown A
Right. The Associated Press is all propaganda. Elon Musk said their new name is much more fitting. That's the sign of stuff that Elon Musk puts out. Don't believe the stories, don't believe the news. I'm just telling you guys what it says. And this is something that you do want to pay attention to. This again, is Elon Musk and a Doge trying to dismantle the government. And people are pushing back. They won't work with him. Here's another report of it. It says 21 civil service employees resigned en masse on Tuesday. They don't want to compromise core government systems, jeopardize American sensitive data, or dismantle critical public services. Here's another quote from the letter. I guess we swore to serve the American people and uphold our oath to the Constitution across presidential administrations. Right. However, it has become clear that we can no longer honor those commitments at the United States Doge service.
Unknown A
So they swore to protect the Constitution, but working with Elon, it's not doing that anymore. These are very strong words. And I just want you guys to know this. When we have these conversations, the things that you're seeing, I'm seeing it, too. People are commuters seeing it. Other Americans are seeing it. People work with Stoage are seeing it. You're not crazy. Elon Musk is corrupt. Trump is corrupt. You don't want to associate with these people. And people are stepping away. And again, guys, these are just people who are civil servants who want to serve their fellow country. People want to serve their fellow citizens, want to serve the Constitution. This is what it should be. Not everything is always about left, right. It's about, you know, doing what's lawful, doing what's constitutional, and people are getting out. Moreover, it says here in the letter, the 21 employees laid out three specific grievances against Doge and the White House.
Unknown A
So three things they didn't like. They claimed they were. And this is more details. They claim they were subjected to a 15 minute interview by individuals wearing White House visitor badges on January 21, like a month ago. Visitor badges. That's interesting. So the people interviewing the Doge staffers weren't really official White. Well, they weren't part of the White House staff because they're saying they had White House visitor badges. That's interesting. The people refused to identify themselves. And these are the ones interviewing the Doge staffer. Right. They had these White House visitor badges. They refused to identify themselves, asked questions about political loyalty. Wow. Attempted to pit colleagues against each other and demonstrated limited technical ability. God, this is crazy. So let's think about this. Break this down. So the people who quit are the data scientists, engineers, et cetera. They're called over to the White House or wherever.
Unknown A
There's these people who have White House visitor badges. Who knows who these people are? They refuse to identify themselves is what it says here. And then they're going to start asking you about who you're loyal to. Are you loyal to Trump? That kind of stuff. And we've heard about these loyalty tests before. And then they go on to, like, try to get you to, like, rat on your colleagues. It says, pick colleagues against each other. I can see that. And then the people who are interviewing you don't understand what you're saying. It says, demonstrate limited technical ability. It sounds like Musk actually, too really frank, because Musk is basically a poser. He doesn't understand any of this stuff, and he can't do any of this work himself. So when these data scientists, engineers, designers, et cetera, leave, Musk can't do it. He's not a genius.
Unknown A
He's an idiot. And so he hires people. And then the people sound like the hired weren't even really official. They have, it says right here they had visitor badges. That's pretty sketchy. So that was on January 21st. Document everything, guys. If you're witnessing any of this stuff as a civil service, you know, worker, as a federal employee, document everything. Because, I mean, I'm telling you, a lot of people are going to, are going to go to prison over this, I promise you. There's so many illegal things going on. We've known about this stuff for a while. We're seeing it live. We're seeing Musk also. He's got all sorts of substance problems. Stuff's going to leak out. You got to jump off the boat and don't do anything illegal. Don't follow illegal orders. I'm just telling you saying advice. Don't follow legal orders. Okay, here's more.
Unknown A
Then on February 14th. So this is just a week or so ago. According to employees, one third of the USDS colleagues were indiscriminately terminated by an anonymous email. Okay, so must send out whatever email and just fired a bunch of people, right? One third of them, the employees said those employees were working on services such as Social Security, tax filing, disaster relief, and, quote, their removal endangered millions of Americans. Which, again, guys, you know, I just, I just want to make jokes about this. There's people who just want to do their job well, serve their fellow citizens right, show up to work, do the right thing. And Musk is coming here, shaking up things, asking for, like, you know, your passwords and asking for, how can I crack into this, crack into that? And you're just like, who are you people? And some of these people that work with Musk won't identify themselves.
Unknown A
They're these young hacker types. It's all shady. As Hell. And so, like I said, my advice is identify as much as you can. Like you see, document it, don't follow illegal orders. Right? And as you can see, many people are stepping down. You remember the whole thing in New York where all the lawyers are like, man, I know the law well. I'm not getting involved with this stuff. And this is not a surprise. When you have Trump, who's a felon and basically had a bunch of people in his cabinet who are ill equipped, unqualified, all these things, this is what happens. And again, protect yourselves, protect your country, protect the Constitution. Also says here Doge representatives started integrating us into their efforts on February 16th. The employee said, quote, Doge's actions, firing technical experts, mishelling sensitive data, and breaking critical systems contradict their stated mission.
Unknown A
As we talked before, but let's mention again, modernizing federal technology and software to maximize government efficiency and productivity. Here's another quote here. The original US Deers who are still there have basically been locked away in a room to go play with Legos. Like, they're being set off into a corner and being told, wow, that's crazy. Don't do anything. We'll get back to you when we need you, okay? And that's a quote from Amy Paris, a former USDS staffer. Wow. And this is sort of what I've heard before, is where the must people show up to whatever agency and then, how can I say, like, commandeer. That's a good word. Yeah. Commandeer offices, these kind of things, and then sort of not communicate with other employees. I've read reports on this stuff as well. To where, like, the employees at various agencies will, you know, like, set a meeting time to meet with the Musk people.
Unknown A
Right. Because that's kind of normal. What you would do at work is like, hey, you know, give us an update what you're doing. And then the Musk people don't show up. Or we've heard it say, Department of Education. The Musk people will take over an office, rearrange the furniture, and then have these white noise machines to mask what they're doing. We've heard reports where Musk has, like, competition among his hacker people to, like, hey, who can find the most quote from fraud, Right. I'm sure he's giving bonuses or whatever. Who knows? You know, that's why you'd have competition. This whole thing is shady, guys. You don't want to be involved with this stuff.
Unknown B
This is what we're about. We're running this country like Jamie runs the business. Like President Trump runs the Trump Organization like Elon Musk's running X. That's what we're doing. And if you want your budget balanced, if you want to not have a deficit, who better to do so so than a businessman that understands how to make money, how to spend money, and how to get out of debt? And that's what we're going to do. Yeah.
Unknown A
Another thing worth mentioning too is who is head of Doge? That is actually an interesting question, because the way it's set up, you're supposed to have this Doge administrator person, but the White House actually refuses to name that person because effectively then all the lawsuits will be directed to that person, which is likely. Elon Musk. Have a listen to this.
Unknown B
A federal judge yesterday was saying that they didn't know who the Doge administrator was and was asking the lawyer for the administration who it was. And the lawyer responded, I don't know.
Unknown A
The answer to that.
Unknown B
Can you tell us who the administrator of Doge is? Again, I've been asked to answer this question. Elon Musk is overseeing Doge. There are career. There are no. Elon Musk is a special government employee, which I've also been asked and have answered that question as well. There are career officials at doge. There are political appointees at doge. I'm not going to reveal the name of that individual from this podium. I'm happy to follow up and provide that to you, but we've been incredibly transparent about the way that Doge is working. John.
Unknown A
So I can see she won't say it right. She won't say who the Doge administrator is. And so there's going to be some liability with this stuff. Already employees are quitting and it's time to get out. Guys, don't do anything illegal. Don't. Don't follow legal orders. Get out now.
Unknown C
You know, it's been fast paced and I keep coming to you with what we're doing. And today I've got a number. I got some big news for you. And look.
Unknown A
And then top of that, they're hurting veterans. And I want you to hear a little bit about how they describe the stuff that they're doing. This is the Doug dude over at the va. Have a listen.
Unknown C
But, hey, you got to see this. I've been giving this report. So we were taking millions of contracts and dollars in contracts to create things like PowerPoint slide and meeting minutes. Folks, if you don't know how to run PowerPoint slides, learn. It's a tutorial on your computer. Go learn for free. It's okay. Take your own notes. Wow. I'll send you one of my pencils if you need one, but we're not paying millions of dollars for consultants to do this for us. Also, I found out coaching and training. Millions and dollars in contracts for coaching and training. If you need coaching and training, that's what you have in a supervisor. And if your supervisor can't coach you and train you in their job, then I tell you what, let me know. I'll come help you. We'll be ready to go. And also, this last one kills me.
Unknown C
It was millions of dollars for executive support. You know, I love you and I support you, but we can figure out how to do things on our own. We don't need outside people coming in to help us with executive support.
Unknown A
And so if you pay attention to kind of the stuff that he says, this is the strategy of Elon Musk and them is they may misrepresent the programs that they're cutting. So the way the guy describes it is like, oh, why would you need coaching and training? Oh, why would you need to learn how to do a PowerPoint? And they're not really clear on that. And I think, honestly, it's gross misrepresentations. This is stuff that they've done before. So I don't know exactly what they're cutting, but what I do know is, yeah, I'm sure there's a possibility that there's whatever program you might hire third parties to maybe develop, you know, presentations to veterans on how to, you know, take advantage of your benefits or. I don't know. I really don't know. But I know that, yes, I could see PowerPoints being part of whatever training or whatever, but I don't know exactly if that's, like, the entirety of the part or just a small portion, because they've done this before where they misrepresent how the money is spent, and then they act like it's this big scandal.
Unknown A
And one of the ways that they sort of smoke screen you guys is very interesting, is while this, you know, Doge quitting and stuff like that is happening, to try and say, hey, guys, we have a big sex scandal over at the nsa that is literally what they're running right now. Elon's tweeting about this thing Fox News is talking about, and they want you to talk about these, like, chat board, you know, messages that people were sending each other. Whether or not this is a real serious conspiracy or serious thing, you know, I'll let you guys be the judge of that. So, basically, what's going on again, Doge staffers are quitting. Elon Musk is being exposed. And their defense is don't believe the news. And they're also, the defense says, hey, look at the sex chats. That's. That's their game plan. And they won't tell you who's the official Doge administrator because they want to avoid liability.
Unknown A
So that's what's going on. And I want to hear your thoughts on this, and I'll catch you on the next video.