  • Unknown A
    So President Elon Musk was at the first official cabinet meeting today. He's wearing a baseball hat and a T shirt, as you can see. And let's jump right in. You got to see this stuff for yourself. They're talking about what if you're unhappy with Elon. That was the first question here. Let's take a look.
  • Unknown B
    But we can do it and we will do it.
  • Unknown A
    Thank you.
  • Unknown C
    Would you have any questions of Elon while we're on the subject of those? Because we'll finish off with that. And if you would have any questions, please ask. You could ask me or Elon. Go ahead, please.
  • Unknown D
    Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Mr. Musk. I just wanted to ask you that. President Trump.
  • Unknown A
    So as you can see, which is really funny, everyone wants to talk to Elon, who wants to talk to Trump, because we all know Trump. You know, Elon's the president, right? So let's see what Elon has to say.
  • Unknown D
    Put out a truth social today saying that everybody in the cabinet was, was happy with you. I just wondered if that if you had heard otherwise and if you had heard anything about members of the CAB weren't happy with the way things were going and if so, what are you doing to address those, any dissatisfaction?
  • Unknown C
    Are you going to let the cabinet speak just for a second? If you are, well, throw them out of here.
  • Unknown B
    Is anybody unhappy?
  • Unknown A
    See, now notice how this is peer pressure. That's what this is, right? Is anyone happy? Is anyone happy? Right? And Trump's got loyal people right around him like, so, so how did the seating arrangement get the most loyal people to him? But you know, all of these people are essentially, yes, yes, boys and girls. But this is, this is what effectively sort of forced, you know, consensus looks like, right? Is anyone happy? And everyone starts clapping, right? And the guy hag said, I think the other guy is Ludnix's name. He's kind of like one of Trump's right hand men. We saw them in the, saw him in the, in the meeting with the green card thing. It was the same kind of stuff. He's like, if the President asked you to do something, you say yes. And that was actually in the, we talked about the Trump's gold card thing for $5 million.
  • Unknown A
    But this is, this is what it is. I just want you to see what peer pressure looks like. This is what many companies who are essentially the boys club look like. Dissenting opinions not welcome. Uh, you know, like for example, for these kind of meetings, these kind of boys say on Wall street will want to invite all of the, we'll say, ladies of the night, that kind of stuff, pole dancers into the meetings. And, you know, if you don't like that kind of culture, well, then get out. Right? That's, that's what the old boys club looks like. It looks just like this. This is exactly what it is. So peer pressure everywhere, respect for Elon.
  • Unknown C
    And that he's doing this. And some disagree a little bit, but.
  • Unknown A
    I will tell you, and actually, I mean, you can literally see right there from the clip, it's the boys club. Is there any den that. I mean, it clearly is. And I also want to mention too, with the whole Elon and the T shirt and hat thing, just, just imagine if Obama showed up and was wearing a T shirt and a baseball cap to these kind of meetings. Just, just think about how he would be treated. Right? And this is the world we live in. You know, I can get away with anything for the most part.
  • Unknown C
    I think everyone's not only happy, they're thrilled. So go ahead, grateful. I'd like to add that those.
  • Unknown A
    The next thing we're talking about is the firing of workers, right? So that's been. Elon sent out the email and basically you're supposed to respond and they're going to make all these claims about are we paying dead people or not? That kind of stuff. But just have a listen what they say regarding firing workers.
  • Unknown C
    Million people that haven't responded though, Elon, they are on the bubble. You know, I wouldn't say that we're thrilled about it. They haven't responded. Now maybe they don't exist. Maybe we're paying people that don't exist. Don't forget, we just got here. This group just got here. But those people are on the bubble, as they say. Maybe they're going to be gone.
  • Unknown A
    So I think it's unlikely that we're paying people that don't exist. But hey, if you can find some that don't exist, please show us the evidence of that. I think that's highly unlikely. But that's the kind of stuff these people do all the time. They make all these claims, don't particularly show you any convincing evidence, and then they get angry if anyone calls them out on that. Like, say if you do a story on it and say, hey, I looked at the documents, the numbers don't add up. They get really angry and then they'll sue you. In fact, Trump got really angry. He is threatening to sue the Wall Street Journal because the Wall Street Journal came out and said, hey, it looks like Your terrorists are going to be pretty awful for everyone. This is what a lot of people are saying. It's not.
  • Unknown A
    It's not just, you know, just random people. You can see it. And I think today the news was, is Trump was threatening 25% tariffs on Europe. So I guess we're doing tariffs on everybody. And remember, these tariffs are essentially taxes on you so that they can fund their pet projects, right? Get your money, put it into the sovereign wealth fund, take that money, give it to Musk so he can do a stupid MARS projects, give it to, you know, whatever big company that wants to do their AI stuff or crypto, whatever. So, you know, I think they want to fire as many people as they possibly can in order to make it so that they can run free and be free of regulation, so they can do whatever mergers and monopolies. So that's what this is all about. Here's some more about the firing of everyone, what they say, to be clear, like the.
  • Unknown B
    I think that email perhaps was best interpreted as a performance review, but actually it was a pulse check review. Do you have a pulse? You have a pulse and two neurons. So if you have a pulse and two neurons, you can reply to an email. This is, you know, I think not a high bar.
  • Unknown A
    So in this kind of boys culture or this kind of, you know, mafia kind of world, it's kind of like, hey, the mob boss said something. We have to laugh at his stupid jokes, right? And if you've ever been in a company like that, you'll know exactly how that is. Oh, I got. I have to laugh at the boss's joke. I have to. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Another way you can look at it as well is they're all on some sort of substance and they find everything funny. That's a possibility as well. I don't know in this particular meeting, if anyone's on anything. I don't know, but I'm just telling you, you can literally see they're laughing. And I'll let you guys be the judge of why they're laughing, right? Is it because they're kissing up to the boss, the president, Elon, or is it because they're on something or they just find everything funny?
  • Unknown A
    Who knows? I will say, though, when you're talking about firing workers and these people are supposed to be. Normally when you come into office, you talk about creating jobs for people, right? But we're all about firing everybody because who cares about workers? They're going to make all sorts of claims about this stuff. I'll just tell you from Elon's past. The kind of stuff that he'll pull. This is the kind of crap is he'll say like, okay, if you don't answer my email, you're fired. But they'll shut off your access to your email, right, so you can't answer or they'll push you out. And the only way for you to answer to your emails, if you actually come back into the office, but you're already put on leave, so there's no way for you to respond. They're not going to tell you this kind of stuff.
  • Unknown A
    But I'm just saying these guys pull shady tactics and then they try to make it seem like, oh yeah, look at all these terrible workers that I have. These guys are anti worker. I've told you that from the beginning. I know it from their history. And you can see it in the stuff that they do. He's going to go on and talk about sort of his philosophy of running the government. Just like a company, move fast, break things. That's how they're going to treat important services that you need, be it Social Security, Medicare, be it virus and disease protection, these kind of stuff. Have a listen. They're talking about Ebola in the next part here.
  • Unknown B
    Mistakes. And we, and I should say also, we will make mistakes. We won't be perfect, but when we make mistake, we'll fix it very quickly. So for example, with usaid, one of the things we accidentally canceled very briefly was Ebola. Ebola prevention. I think we all want Ebola prevention. So we restored the Ebola prevention immediately and there was no interruption.
  • Unknown A
    So he claims that they, you know, will make mistakes. They're not going to be perfect. But that's, that's the thing, guys, with something like say Social Security, you've got to be perfect. Send out, send out the payments to make sure people get it. Send out, send out the money that people that need it. Because some people, or Medicaid or whatever, you know, some people can't afford to miss a single payment. You can't just, oh, well, we're going to move fast and oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. That's why we have, you know, the systems in place that we do to protect people. It's slow on a purpose, so you don't make mistakes. It's redundant on a purpose. From Musk's point of view, he's like, why do I need redundancy? I hired one person to do a job or whatever and that person should do their job.
  • Unknown A
    Why do I need someone to check them. Why do I need redundancy? And for anyone who's ever worked in something that is crucial or critical, yes, you want redundancy. It's built into the system to make sure that you don't break things. But Musk is about cost cutting, moving fast, breaking things and profiting off it. Right. And when in doubt, fire employees to sort of, you know, convince the investors of the bottom line is awesome and fudge the numbers. Right. So I just wanted to show you guys their culture and you'll see it live. Musk goes on to talk about how this is essentially like the Avengers best cabinet ever. Have a listen.
  • Unknown B
    President Trump has put together, I think, the best cabinet ever, literally. And I do not give false praise. This is an incredible group of people, but I don't think that such a talented team has actually ever been assembled. I think it's literally the best cabinet that the country has ever had. And I think the company should be very appreciative of people in this room.
  • Unknown C
    Go ahead, please.
  • Unknown A
    Best cabinet ever, guys. And I'm actually quite curious if there are. Seriously, this is a serious question and I understand there's people, and this is probably how it goes. People in the maga, they don't pay enough attention to the news anyway. What they do is they just watch social media, look at memes, smile at the shiny objects. I know I'm being a little bit mean, but I'm just telling you how it is. And some people think that the only way I participate in politics is I vote once every four years. I don't watch the debates, I don't watch anything and I don't read the news because everything, you know, if I don't agree with it, it must be lies, right? So they're not going to watch my video. I understand that. So I guess I can make fun of maga, but I know I'm being mean.
  • Unknown A
    But I just want you guys to honestly ask yourself this question. Is this the best cabinet in history? Seriously, I mean, can you honestly say that? And if you don't know what we're talking about, I'll just give you a couple examples. The easy ones. That low hanging fruit. It's hard to argue that Hagseth is that good. He's picked from. Because he was on Fox News, right? The secretary of education person, McMahon person. She's like professional wrestling CEO, had tons of terrible scandals over there with her husband. Those are, those are the most obvious ones. If you want to go into Kristi Noem, the kind of the conspiracy crap that she says, who else is sitting at that table? Was it the Lugna guy? I mean, there's any number of people, the RFK guy who's all about conspiracy theories also. They assembled just like as many conspiracy theorists and loyalty.
  • Unknown A
    Yes. People as possible. It's a boys club. I mean, essentially is what it is. And you can tell by the way that they're all laughing at everything. If you want to watch the whole thing, I'll just say this. I'm surprised they didn't bust out the cigars. Right. I don't know why they didn't. I mean, just get cigars there and be like, ah, we got control of the country. Ha ha ha ha. Right. That's, it's, it's just that kind of world. The thing that was interesting, there's one part that was fascinating. I don't know if the news will pick up on it. I'm mentioning because it was obvious to me Trump calls green energy a scam. And Musk is supposed to be part of this green energy stuff. So it's going to be interesting. If the subsidies to Tesla get cut, if we cut the whole carbon credit stuff, cut the EV tax credit st.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know what's going to happen with that. The rumor on the streets they're going to cut it. That would affect Musk directly. But he's leaving Tesla. I mean, he's not even there. I mean, it's obvious. Where is he? The stock is down like 39, 40% last I checked. From the top. And I want you to see this, though, what Trump says about the green energy thing, all of the other things.
  • Unknown C
    The inflation which he caused because of energy and stupid spending to spend hundreds of millions, trillions and trillions of dollars on.
  • Unknown A
    And he's referring to Biden, you know, Biden to spend all this money there and there and there and there. You know, Trump just blames Biden for everything. It's funny.
  • Unknown C
    Green new scam, a total scam. I have the best energy people, the best environmental people in the world around this table, and they can't even believe he got away with it. And then in leaving office to send $20 billion here and $20 million there and $10 million and $5 million, and they couldn't spend the money fast enough. And let's get it out before Trump gets in. Let's just get it out to anybody. This is a disgrace to our nation. And you don't write the fair thing. But look, you know, the good news, the people see it and that's why we won the election by so much. Thank you very much, everybody.
  • Unknown A
    All right, so that's, that's the conference call thing or cabinet member, I should say. Guys, these are the people in charge and there's a couple major things that are going on right now, right now, and I want to bring to your attention. We had the first measles death in Texas. There's a measles outbreak there. I think the count now is like 142 people are infected. The person that died was a child. And unfortunately in Texas, it's just how it is. I guess the vaccines, like the things that we usually get, shots to go to school, these kind of things. I guess you can claim whatever exemptions in Texas. So I think it's like they said, in some counties it's up to like 18% exemption, so people are not vaccinated. And so you're going to get measles and people who are older. It was pointed out to me, I mentioned the last video that measles is no joke.
  • Unknown A
    And I said, because I'm not that old, I'm 49. And it just wasn't a thing. It just hasn't been a thing. We were just, you know, we're past that. I guess the measles was more of a thing back say maybe the 60s and before, like 1960s and before, like a long time ago. But it may be, you know, making measles great again under the Trumps of. I laugh, but you know, this, it's a serious thing. It's not a joke. Actually. It can be life threatening. And like I said, someone just died. And so that's what we're facing with this kind of administration. Basically what it is is they're all going to get the vaccines, they're all going to protect themselves and they're just going to have their MAGA people die off. I know it sounds mean, but that's what it's going to end up being.
  • Unknown A
    They also have the bird flu, which is a serious thing as well. I saw that two people were infected recently. I saw cats were infected. Why are we talking about cats and people? Because when it jumps from birds, cats, people or cows, I think that they get infected also. It can be a real, real problem. So take this stuff seriously. I saw the Trump people that are cutting epa, you know, regulation stuff. So who cares about clean air and clean water? But that, that's the, you know, performance. That's the, the prior to these people. Musk hates the epa. He wants to launch his rockets, poison your water do whatever he can to get, you know, as many rockets in this place to blow up your tax dollars. Because he's got some weird delusion that he's going to go to Mars. Maybe he is. Maybe he's going to use all our tax dollars and go to Mars and go live there.
  • Unknown A
    Who knows? Please do. And that's, that's what it is. I just try to show you guys what it is. I get frustrated when I watch this stuff because to me, the, the corruption, the, you know, incompetence is obvious. It should be obvious to everyone. Just look at the way that they behave. Look at the express on Trump's face, look at the people that they choose. And this is clearly not the most talented cabinet in history. It's, it's quite the opposite. This is the worst in history. And the sad thing, the people who disagree with me, they don't know history. And I challenge you, right? Look at the resumes of any of the people in the Trump's cabinet. Look at the amount of scandals, et cetera, and be honest about this stuff. These people are awful. And you can see it in the way that they behave.
  • Unknown A
    Or in Musk's case, you can see this guy that shows up, special government employee, no financial disclosures. He's only supposed to work 130 days. They'll probably extend that and we'll have no idea what kind of payoffs or financial stuff that he's getting in terms of full disclosures. And that's what it is. It's corruption right out in the open. And President Musk is ruling the roost, as you can see. So if you disagree, they're going to pressure you to quit. I guess they'll throw you out anyway. Just want to hear your thoughts on this one and I'll catch you all the next video.