  • Unknown A
    So the Elon Musk Donald Trump Clown show continues. And effectively what they're trying to do is create the world of Hunger Games, Squid Games, the Running Man. Pick your favorite sci fi dystopia and effectively remove all rules, right? Make everything about making money all day, every day. And forget about government. We have business because they are business people. That's what they want to sell you. This is Musk. He's obviously got conflicts of interest, but who cares? He. He's in Dubai selling them a, I guess, hyperloop thing. They're going to call this the Dubai Loop, which is.
  • Unknown B
    Today, we're going to announce the joint project of Dubai Loop, which is a loop project that is going to cover Dubai's most densely populated areas for people to go from point to point in a seamless manner. So thank you for your partnership and thank you. We hope it changes people's lives.
  • Unknown C
    That'll be cool. I think it'll be very exciting. I think once people try it out, they'll be like, wow, this is really cool. As it's. It's going to seem so obvious in retrospect, but until you actually do it, you know, you don't know. So it's. It's going to be great. It's going to be like. Like a. Like a wormhole. Like, you know, you just wormhole from one part of the city, boom, and you're out in another part of the city.
  • Unknown A
    This won't make the headlines because they try to bury these headlines, but this is what it's all about. It's about making them money. He's also trying to. The banks are selling off the rest of his Twitter debt, essentially. I think people are trying to build relationship with Elon Musk. Be it in Dubai, be it Russia, wherever. And you got this. It gets even more wild. Donald Trump Jr. This is actually a real story. I thought it was Onion, but it's not. It's real. Donald Trump Jr. Is pushing for the Steroid Olympics because the world isn't dumb enough already. I know it sounds like a Saturday Night Live skit, whatever, but this is Financial Times running the story. Donald Trump Jr. Invests in steroid Olympics. This is Associated Press. Guys, this is actually a real story. Donald Trump Jr. Enhanced. They call it the Enhanced Games, right?
  • Unknown A
    But the nickname would be Steroid Olympics, an Olympic disruptor that allow some steroids in sports. And again, this goes back to. They just are in it for the money and they want to remove rules that hinder them from making money. So the argument would be, guys, if we can use performance enhancement drugs, we can break all kinds of records, we can set all kinds of, you know, human, you know, new performance feats, we can jump to the highest bound, et cetera. And this is the actual quote from Donnie Jr. From the website. It says the Enhanced Games represents the future. Real competition, real freedom. Again, you can use any, you know, performance, Hanson drug and real records being smashed. This is about excellence, innovation, and American dominance on the world stage. Something the MAGA movement is all about, right? We're going to use as much substances as possible.
  • Unknown A
    And I guess the CEO of this thing even mentioned Elon Musk. It says here we are in the age of disruptors. The disruptors are in the White House. There are people like Elon Musk front and center in administration. And I think this is a time where new ideas front and center can come to be. And guys, that's a question I posed to you. Is that the world that you want? Where I guess now athletes are going to be all doped up, et cetera. And on top of that, I'm showing you guys a picture of this. Elon Musk is to sell you a whole bunch of robots. Like they're really. And it's true, they're trying to push us in the new direction, but it's not necessarily the direction I want to go in. I don't want all my athletes all doped up, but that's just me.
  • Unknown A
    On top of that, do you want to have robots take your jobs? Because that's what, that's what they're thinking about. So again, in their world, it's about removing rules so they can make more money. On top of that, the boils down to understanding this is, do you think Elon Musk is a genius? Do you think Elon Musk is God and does he care about you? Today Elon Musk is tweeting out, I guess now he's the master of economics, saying he's going to bring treasury yields down. And your mortgages, small business debt, credit card loans and credit cards are all going to go down. That's according to Elon Musk. This is actually a real tweet. And I keep having to say that because, like, the stuff they say is so ridiculous every single day. Remember, Elon Musk is promising you his robot company is going to be worth, you know, 30 trillion.
  • Unknown A
    That's Tesla, because the cars are getting trounced. So now he's going to start selling you the pipe dream of robots. And that was their actual Tesla marketing. That's why I'm showing to you guys, on top of that, guys, I guess now they're in the irs, they're going to start messing with people's taxes. So this is Senator Wyden. Says here my office is hearing that Doge is now at the irs. That means Musk's henchmen are in a position to dig through a trove of data that every taxpayer in America. And if your refund is delayed, that could be very well the reason. This is another reported. Again, I show you multiple sources. A top MUST staffer goes to the irs, examine operations again. The MUST people are about removing rules, making that profit and looking out for themselves and creating the Hunger Games world where all the poor people dance and fight for their entertainment.
  • Unknown A
    And I guess we're going to be all doped up. That's crazy, right? And this is all stuff I got to show you guys, because I want to remind you, they try to bury the news. They want you to talk about trans this, trans that. They want you to talk about Gulf of America, you know, renaming from Gulf of Mexico. But this is actually the stuff you need to focus on, is the money, right? They want to do some sort of new games thing. They want to get some sort of new hyperloop in Dubai. They want to build their wealth fund. I told you guys about this. So basically, why would you go to the irs? Why would you make a new ers, right? The External Revenue Service, they're trying to collect money, collect that slush fund and to invest it in all of their products to keep themselves afloat.
  • Unknown A
    That's what this is all about, getting your money. On top of that, they're trying to sell you. We're going to go to Mars, et cetera. It's all the same song and dance, but you have to track it every single day because they flood you with all sorts of nonsense information. But this is sort of what it is. And to get more of your money, right? Trump is already having many people. It says here Trump orders federal agencies, right? So many, many people, federal agencies to study reciprocal tariffs. So we're talking about trade war here. If other countries raise their tariffs on us, we'll trade war back, raise their tariffs on them. But effectively, it ends up being a tax on you. If you understand how tariffs work, the products come in, the American company pays a tax and then passes that tax on to you.
  • Unknown A
    You pay the cost, essentially. On top of that, it gets even more crazy. This is something I want to point out, that Musk is a big supporter of substance abuses. These kind of things, because he's on stuff and effectively it hurts his government clearances. Right? So why does Musk then complain about the government and complain about rules? Because he wants to continue to use his substances to make sure that he's happy, whatever he's taking. And there's been reports of all kinds of stuff that he's on. You can ask Musk exactly what that is. He could be sleeping on the floor, he could be sleeping on the couch. We've seen reports of that stuff in his office. But this is effectively why he wants to get rid of government and get rid of rules, is because he wants to just make money any way possible, any substance possible.
  • Unknown A
    And why are you holding me back? Why are you holding Musk back? Right? I want to be able to do substances and have security clearance. I want to be able to talk to Putin whenever I want, call, pick up my Putin phone and say, hey, Putin, what's up, buddy? And, you know, essentially, why are you bothering me? FBI and CIA, you're all fired. That's why they do the things that they do. It's all to enrich themselves. And this is what you're faced with, is what I'm showing you guys the news. Credit card Debt hit a record 1.21 trillion, right? So basically, you're going, going further into debt. You got all these people who are really struggling out there, and this is the debt mounting up. I can see it here in the charts. I show you guys what's going on. And I want you understand why people look to the Musk and the Trump, because frankly, people are desperate and they look to Musk and Trump and they think, oh, well, that person's rich.
  • Unknown A
    They must have the world figured out. But essentially the world that they figured out was that, hey, if I just lied everyone and con everyone, then I can be, quote, successful. But I always question what that means, because if you actually look at those guys lives, they're always in shambles. Like, they have multiple women, multiple kids, these kind of things. And I just want to put it in this way. Imagine if Musk didn't have any money, just for example. And imagine if some, you know, he's your crazy uncle, and he tweets out conspiracy theories nonstop on Twitter, right? And he's got multiple wives and multiple kids. What would you call that person? And essentially, that's what Musk is. And on top of that, right, I get it, guys. I totally get it. The regular person's struggling right now. You got credit card debt going through the moon.
  • Unknown A
    You Got credit card rates at like 20%, default rates are going up, and even got like a system that is designed to abuse you. So, for example, they were VIP gamblers with betting problems. Now they're suing DraftKings. So remember, the Musks and the Trumps want a world where it's all about making that money. It doesn't matter who you hurt, it doesn't matter who you steal from. Just make that money. And effectively. This is an interesting story. I'm not in the gambling world, so I didn't know about this, but places like DraftKings or casinos or whatever, they have VIP hosts is what they call it. And essentially they're customers who, you know are frequent, who spend a lot of money, et cetera. They use these hosts on you to essentially get you to gamble more. That's frankly what it is. And in some situations, it could be as much as 14 times your annual income, which is frankly, really, really insane.
  • Unknown A
    And this would be the question I pose to you is, should we regulate this kind of stuff or not? Or should we just have the Wild west where, you know, these VIP hosts at gambling, you know, companies or casinos, remember Trump was a casino owner, just have free reign. It's all about freedom, guys. Freedom to do whatever substances, to break whatever records, freedom to make as much profits by abusing people with casinos. And effectively, this goes back into the Hunger Games kind of world where you have the wealthy using the poor for their amusement. So I do point this stuff out because I want you understand what's going on and how to understand it. Or you can read the headline like this. CFPB New leadership Begins Staff Purge with dozens of employees terminated. Right? So what this was, if you guys remember the great financial crisis potentially, when all the banks crashed and then Wall street got bailed out, right?
  • Unknown A
    You guys remember this stuff? Basically, this agency was created after that to protect people, right? Protect people from mortgages that might cheat you, protect people from credit card companies that might cheat you. Or I told you guys before, something like, say, an app store that you sign up for and you can't cancel it and just keep taking your money, that kind of stuff. You don't want companies to cheat you, but essentially the Musk and the Trump want to cheat you. So they want to delete these kind of companies and say, guys, we're here to help you because we're going to delete the companies to protect you, or stuff like this. Musk wants to push out prosecutors, right? Because why do you want people, you know, charging you with Corrupt stuff like, say, the gambling casinos or whatever, just push them out. So this is something that happened today.
  • Unknown A
    This is in New York. This is someone who is doing the Eric Adams case. She was on other cases as well. But again, the criminals like the Musk and the Trump want to kick out the cops, basically is what it ends up being. If you guys haven't seen this movie, please check it out. It's called the Apprentice. It's about the early days of Trump. And it kind of goes into this kind of stuff because you'll actually see it the more that you see the news every day, and you'll be able to read it better. You're like, okay, I get it, right? The Musk and the Trump want to get rid of any sort of controls on them. Want a steroid Olympics. They want a bunch of casinos everywhere, et cetera. For example, this is must tweeting out today why 90% of America loves Doge. And this is the quote.
  • Unknown A
    Watching Trump federal programs, knowing it doesn't affect you because you're not a member of the parasite class. So they want you to think of people that are protecting you. And I'm talking about government agencies to protect you from corruption, be it in casinos or whatever, that these people are parasites and the government is evil and the police are evil and that kind of stuff. That's how criminals talk. That's essentially what we've got today. And I want to show you guys this. I'm just showing what's happening today because the more that you see their world, it should be obviously, what's going on. So this is Modi. So he'd be the leader of India. And Musk is leading. Not leading, but meeting them there. And there's Musk, and I guess he's got a couple of his. I don't know if these are nannies, wives, or girlfriends or baby, you know, mamas.
  • Unknown A
    I don't know who these people are. You guys can tell me. But he's got multiple kids with him, and he's got both the women dressed in the same purple colors. I'll just be honest, guys. It's a cult. There's no other way to say it. Musk has multiple women, multiple kids. He's building a compound. He's got. It's a cult. And he's got all these paid followers to promote his, you know, beliefs and stuff on tv. It's like, it doesn't get any more culty than that. I'm gonna bring my, you know, multiple women and kids with me to meet the World leader of India. That's what they're talking about there. And you can't make this stuff up. This is Modi tweeting this stuff out again, multiple pictures, etc. This is the crazy, crazy crap world that we live in. On top of that, Musk is now saying we need to delete agencies.
  • Unknown A
    And this is what he says. Remove the roots of the weed.
  • Unknown B
    You know, do you think it's going to be so impactful that it won't be reversed? Is there any ways that you can, you know, ensure that the progress is going to be continuous?
  • Unknown C
    Well, I think, I think we, we do need to delete entire agencies as opposed to leave part of them behind. Because if you leave part of them behind, it's easy. It's kind of like leaving a weed. If you don't get remove the roots of the weed, then it's easy for the weed to grow back. But if you remove the roots of the weed, it doesn't stop weeds from ever growing back, but it makes it harder. So we have to really delete entire agencies, many of them.
  • Unknown A
    So that's Elon Musk. He wants to delete government agencies out to protect you. But I disagree. For example, this is the headlines today, bird flu signs found in three veterinarians suggest wider US spread. Now, in my opinion, I think this is a serious problem and that we should make sure everyone is safe, make sure our food is safe, and make sure no one gets sick. But, you know, my point of view may be different from yours. It's up to you. I laugh because some people think, ah, Chris, you're so dumb. I don't want regulations. I don't care about healthy food. I just believe in Elon Musk because he told me I'm going to be rich. And if that's what you believe, good luck with that. All I can do is keep you informed and try to educate you to the best of my ability. Me, I don't necessarily want a world where athletes can use any kind of dope that they want.
  • Unknown A
    And I don't necessarily want a world where casinos can abuse consumers. But that's just me. But I want to hear your thoughts. What do you think? Thanks again for watching and I'll catch you on the next video.