  • Unknown A
    So today, Elon Musk gave a disastrous interview where he really exposed himself. And I want to show you guys what we're talking about. This is him, and I feel like he's on something. That's my first thing that I saw, so I want you guys to see it as well. So check this out. That's Elon Musk is giving a chainsaw by Melee, right?
  • Unknown B
    This is the chainsaw for bureaucracy. Church. That's.
  • Unknown A
    So chainsaw for bureaucracy is what he says. And that's the first thing I was like, are you on something? That's the first thing that I thought. Also, if you saw that he was given the chainsaw by Mele, right, The Argentine president. That is trouble in Argentina for pumping up crypto. So basically a scammer. That's who he's partnering with. And on top of that, I want you guys to see this. I'm going to go through the various questions that he was asked, but basically, whenever he's asked anything serious, he'll just make a joke and kind of play it off. You'll also notice in this interview, the. The host guy, whoever that is, he basically kind of. He's got this list of things. They have a, you know, narrative that they want to go through. It's all a script. And basically tries to kind of COVID up for him on all these controversial things.
  • Unknown A
    And as you guys know, Musk may be in it. Musk or Trump, maybe Musk. Maybe the most hated person in the world right now. Check out some more. And then look how Musk is dealing with it.
  • Unknown B
    I am become meme. Yeah, pretty much. I'm just. I'm living the meme. It's like there's living the dream and there's loving the meme, and it's freaking much what's happening.
  • Unknown C
    You know, you're like, I think you're bigger.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, Doge started out as a meme. Think about it. Now it's real.
  • Unknown C
    A lot of it's.
  • Unknown A
    It's crazy, right? And like I said, I want you guys to see this stuff, because this is supposed to be the smartest guy in the world, the richest guy in the world, the most awesome guy. This is the guy that is in charge of, like, your tax data, your Social Security, they're getting into Medicaid, all this stuff. Like what? And this is how he's dealing with all the pressure. Like I said, I think he's on something. And he just makes jokes about everything. It's frankly ridiculous. And then again, when he gets to ask anything, tough he'll make a joke again and deflect. So, for example, this is going to be a question about Social Security. The question is, hey, are you stealing Social Security? What are you doing with that? Watch how he answers this stuff. Check this out.
  • Unknown C
    Them are saying right now that the reason that you want to get into Social Security Security, that you want to get into all of these different. Into treasury and things like that, is that you're looking for personal information and you're trying to make more money. Yeah, I. I've never met anybody as rich as you that cared less about money in my life. Every time I hear a story about you, you're sleeping on a couch of some other guy in a city that you could buy the entire thing.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I'm like, I don't think you.
  • Unknown C
    Care about money, do you?
  • Unknown B
    No, actually, I mean, listen, like, if I. If I steal some Social Security, I can finally buy nice things.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown A
    Did you guys see that? So the host guy is basically telling the line, telling the script of, you know, these. These people's script of like, okay, here's the game plan in Milan. We're gonna just say that you're really rich, you don't care about money, and we're gonna ask you about Social Security. But remember, we're gonna say that you're really rich. And then Elon Musk is like, you know, just plays along. It's like, oh, yeah, if I can steal Social Security, then I can buy nice things. Like, that's how they handle these serious questions. Just think about that. If you had allegations against you that you're stealing the nation's Social Security, I mean, would you make jokes about it? Would you wear sunglasses? Would you wear gold chains? Do you understand how insane this whole thing is to me? It's obvious what's going on here, but unfortunately, sadly, I guess people buy into this narrative that he's the richest dude in the world and doesn't care about money.
  • Unknown A
    But that's the kind of narrative that they're trying to put out there. And this is what I'm saying. And you can see how Elon is like, okay, my script writers wrote that for me. And so I'm just going to play along and I'm going to make jokes. And it gets worse. They actually ask him about Russia of like, hey, are you getting, you know, bought off by Putin? That kind of stuff. Watch how he responds to this one.
  • Unknown C
    So we're going to go bankrupt. Yes, we are. Couple minutes left here, Russia. There's a huge push from this.
  • Unknown A
    Oh, yeah.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. People are like. So I was like. To end this, say, like, yeah, you know, I. I'm a. I'm a bought asset of Putin.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    I'm like, he can't afford me.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, I think. I think you're worth more than Russia.
  • Unknown B
    Think about it.
  • Unknown A
    So do you see that again? So this is. This is their game plan. This is their game plan. Whenever you get a serious question, we're going to have a script set up and we're gonna tell the joke, right? Hey, Elon, are you getting bought off by Russia? Are you getting bit off by Putin? And he'll just make a joke, oh, he can't afford me. That's his answer. It's pretty insane. And you can see. And that's why I want to show you guys this stuff, because they'll cut this out of. When you say, watch mainstream media or when you watch or read any articles about this thing, they'll just talk about what Elon said. They won't necessarily show you. That's why I'm showing you guys all. Show you how the host is kind of leading Elon. You can see this. It's. It's in cahoots, right? It's obvious.
  • Unknown A
    But you have to watch this stuff for yourself. The thing that's really disturbing about it as well. And if you want to watch the whole dang thing, you can, but I'll just say it's just a bunch of nonsense by Elon. But they ask him about, like, what do you think about the war? And he just starts putting out pro Putin propaganda kind of stuff, pro Russia propaganda stuff. So basically it's like, oh, why would you, you know, why would they want to keep fighting? People just keep dying, et cetera. That's the kind of point of view they take, which would be. The point of view of the Russian view would be like, hey, just let us take your land. Stop fighting. That kind of thing. Right? And obviously, you know, people in Ukraine feel differently. Like, hey, you're invading our home. We're going to fight and protect our home.
  • Unknown A
    Of course. Right. You know, and I. I'll just say this about. About Musk and Trump. We do know that. That Musk does get money from Russia. He got some money from Russian people when he bought Twitter. That was reported because they had to disclose, you know, where the money was coming from. There was foreign money going into Twitter on the Twitter deal. He didn't use all his own money. He had to borrow money from Wall Street. He got money from Twitter. Even Sean Combs. Daddy, was it Piff Daddy or whatever stupid guy's name is, he was part of the people in buying that, you know, other disclosures. He tries to hide his financial stuff. So that's why they tried to change his classification on, you know, are you a federal employee, special employer, whatever? There's a lot of shady stuff going on with this stuff.
  • Unknown A
    That's why I want to show you guys these things. And like, again, you're showing up with sunglasses, gold chains, and you're making jokes about stealing security, and you're making jokes about, you know, Russia, can't afford me kind of stuff. Opposed to, like, these are deflections and jokes. You see it? Here's another one. He. It's very clear that Elon knows that people don't like him, right? You guys know this. Like I said, the most hated person in the world. Watch how he. He talks about this. And again, I think he's on something to deal with. All his stress largely vilified by the media.
  • Unknown C
    Like, you're.
  • Unknown B
    What? No, really.
  • Unknown C
    I mean, you turn on some of these channels, brother. I mean, they don't.
  • Unknown B
    They're angry at you.
  • Unknown C
    Does it bother you at all?
  • Unknown B
    I mean, when they're chanting for my death, I suppose that's a little, you know. And then, like, the song's not even that good. And it's like, he calls that a death chant. That's nothing. Please.
  • Unknown C
    They've been singing a lot lately.
  • Unknown B
    Good music.
  • Unknown A
    There's a lot of music lately. So again, he plays it down. He just jokes. And this is. This is real, guys. If you're Elon, right, and you're getting involved in politics in multiple countries, you're cheating people because he cheats his workers. Like, really, like, on a personal level, you know, firing people in person, cheating people, or, you know, not paying people when you need to be. This is how he deals with it, right? For me, his response is. Seems pretty obvious that he's on something. That's my opinion. I'd like to hear yours. And again, you show up in sunglasses, don't want to show your eyes, you're wearing gold chains, and you just make jokes the whole time. And these are actually really serious issues. Again, talking about Social Security, Russia, people don't like you. How do you feel about that? And it's like, I think he's on something.
  • Unknown A
    And then now, this is actually kind of interesting one, if you guys don't know. I did a video a while ago, it was reported six months ago, where he's got, like 20 or so bodyguards. He even has Bodyguards to go to the bathroom. And even the host mentioned what about your bodyguard situation? It's kind of interesting. Have a listen to what he says about this.
  • Unknown C
    I saw that the security detail that you had come in is enormous.
  • Unknown B
    Well, it's that enormous, maybe it should be bigger.
  • Unknown C
    I think you could probably afford it. But I mean, how concerned are you about your safety, dealing? I mean, you are a wanted man. Are you? Are you nervous?
  • Unknown B
    So, look, I'm open to ideas for improving security. I have to tell you, I don't actually have a death wish. I think.
  • Unknown A
    So for me, when I hear him talk that I think he knows the threat is real. It's got to be real for him, right? If you're pissing off so many people, sure. To get all those bodyguards. I get that. I totally get that. Right. But you know, I would rather live a life. I would suggest this for you as well. Live a life where you're not pissing off everyone all around the world and threatening their livelihoods. But this is how he deals with it. And then I guess he got a phone call. It was the world leader guy, is it El Salvador? And is like, oh, what's going on with your security? That's seriously what he's talking about.
  • Unknown B
    You know, it's not that easy. So, yeah, I mean, but I have like, I've had even like, people like President Bukele from El Salvador who managed to put in prison, like, I don't know, 100,000, like, murderous thugs. And. And he was like, he called me, he's like, I'm worried about your security. I'm like, you're. You're worried about my security? I'm like, what?
  • Unknown A
    So it's kind of weird too. They. Then they start going on Fort Knox. And there's different ways you could read this. Does he want to go steal the money or the gold at Fort Knox? You could read it that way. Another one would be like, do you want to show America's security system to the world? Because they're talking about, hey, let's make a TV show inside Fort Knox. Generally, we don't ever show this kind of stuff, like, what's your interest in gold? Like, like. Or, you know, I don't know. I don't know this one. I don't know. It's weird. Or is this completely just a complete smokescreen and get us to talk about gold in Fort Knox, and maybe they'll run the stories on that so we don't talk about his deflections on Russia, and we don't Talk about his deflection on Social Security, or we don't talk about how people don't like him and how he deals with it.
  • Unknown A
    I think he's clearly on stuff. But let's watch a little bit more. You guys will see what I'm saying here. Gold.
  • Unknown C
    Tons and tons and tons.
  • Unknown B
    5,000 tons of gold or something are.
  • Unknown C
    There in the ground in, like, this. I mean, it's a very secure.
  • Unknown B
    We all want to see it.
  • Unknown C
    I'd love to see it.
  • Unknown B
    Like, this is your gold, by the way. It's the public's goal.
  • Unknown C
    Do you think it's not there?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know, but I think we.
  • Unknown C
    Just want to see it.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, we want to go see it and just make sure, like, somebody does bring spray paint, some lead or something.
  • Unknown A
    You know, I don't know. I don't know what to. That one. I don't know what to make of. As I said, I could read a couple different ways. One is that it's just a smokescreen, just to talk about other things. Or they're really interested in go taking our gold. I don't know. Or they want to see how our security systems work. And then they do this last thing. And when you put this all together, you'll kind of see the narrative they're trying to build for Elon. And this is something that he's done throughout his whole career, is work on his public image. Right? So here they're trying to figure, oh, you're a genius. Tell me what it's like to be a genius. Blah, blah, blah. Right? And listen, I says, it's actually. It's interesting.
  • Unknown C
    You've got the rockets, cars.
  • Unknown A
    Well, interesting in the sense of, like, he's definitely on something. But have a watch here.
  • Unknown C
    I've always wanted to ask you, what is it like inside your mind like this? Is it just a thousand miles an hour? I mean, are you.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown C
    Is it just not. I mean, does. Does it ever stop? Do you sleep? How much do you sleep? What's.
  • Unknown A
    Does not just seem like someone who's on something or. I mean, other people say, no, no, Chris, you're so dumb. Elon's just got a sense of humor. But I don't know. You don't. You don't joke if there's allegations. Got you. That, you know, you're paid by Russia, like, Russian asset. You make jokes that you're stealing Social Security. Do you make these kind of jokes? And then he's just. His behavior, I think. I don't know. So here's what he says when he says, what's it like to be inside your mind?
  • Unknown C
    Paint us a picture of inside of the mind of a genius. Like, how do you.
  • Unknown B
    How do you do all this?
  • Unknown C
    Can you answer that question? It's not an easy question.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, my mind is a storm. So it's a storm. But I mean, let me maybe tell you something. Like, you didn't ask the question, but I think it's worth nonetheless, maybe just elaborating on something which is, you know, I grew up in South Africa and. But my morality was informed by America. I read comic books, you know, played Dungeons and Dragons.
  • Unknown A
    And so that's Elon, the supposed genius, right? And he's literally telling you, wow, you know, I grew up with comic books and dungeon dragons, and that's who I am today. And guys, I like comic books and dungeons, right? I get that it's fun to talk about this pop culture stuff. I get that. But you have to understand, he kind of never grew up from that. And on top of that, I've seen Elon Musk a lot, right? We talk about him a lot on the channel, stuff like that. He never portrays anything that would signify genius to me. And I mean never. Now I understand this. People say, well, Chris, you're so dumb. He's so rich. Yes, but that doesn't equate genius. It just means he's rich. He's good at conning people. He's good at playing this kind of game. This is a game, right? It's been a shell game for years.
  • Unknown A
    And it's actually interesting because will this actually finally run out? The Tesla party will be over. The SpaceX party will be over. And then now he's rotating over to government to try to bail himself out. And he's got so many financial connections all over the world and people are calling him out now. And now he's got like, maybe even, I don't know how many bodyguarders he has now. I would bet he's got more than before. And then the other thing, too, I was thinking about when people were mentioning it. There's two things. One is he takes his kid with him around all the time and actually surprised the kid's not here today. You know, people say this is a body shield. The other one would be he lives within the White House compound, essentially, or grounds, you could say. And you know, he could be there just mostly for personal safety reasons.
  • Unknown A
    And I'm, you know, I'm actually quite curious. I'm assuming he's got Social Security, Secret Service protection. I would assume so. But I don't know that part. I don't, I just don't know that, that thing because, because he's going to have his private bodyguards and maybe he's got other government people, I don't know. But I do know that was reported today that his department, or whatever you want to call it, does have a budget. It was 40 million at least as of now. That was one report I just saw today. And then the White House is trying to skirt around how they're funding this thing. Is it an agency? Is it not agency? Where are you pulling the money from? I guess they're pulling it from multiple different sources. And so I'll be curious how much of that money is going to Musk Security, et cetera.
  • Unknown A
    And then all the time it's like, how, how can we put our faith and trust in this guy? Which I think, I think the whole thing's nuts. But you know, that's my opinion on this stuff. To me it's obvious. But I guess to his fanboys and fangirls and all the, you know, the right leaning Republicans out there, they think he's just the awesome dude and they want this kind of dude who appears to be high to me, in charge of like cutting your Social Security and Medicare. I, I find it deeply disturbing and perfectly frank and how he, how he answers, you know, any question about Russia is he's like a pro Russia kind of answers and evades, you know, very simple questions, which should be simple, but you know, if you're guilty, you're probably going to try to do anything you can to get out of it.
  • Unknown A
    And then the host again, it was all a script. It's pretty easy to see. So please share your thoughts on this one and I'll catch you on the next video.