  • Unknown A
    What we are seeing potentially, and I don't want to get too ahead of my skis, but if we do our job, we could be entering a Pax Americana.
  • Unknown B
    So that was Charlie Kirk, and he's saying basically, hey, guys, we're gonna have an awesome time with Trump and Musk. And we got this great opportunity to have Pax Americana, biblical kind of thing, thousand year period, golden era, whatever you want to call this thing. And I want to go over some of the rhetoric they're saying over there in the, we'll say that universe of podcasts and YouTube, etc. And some of the stuff they say is frankly strange, but you have to understand it to understand the world that we're in today. So first, have a listen to this.
  • Unknown A
    But we have an opportunity with this combo, world's richest man, President Donald J. Trump, to do something that we never could have dreamed. But there's no guarantees. It could get derailed in one day. We could make one bad decision, just like Nixon taping himself. Watergate. Nixon was one of the most popular presidents ever till the intel agency took him out. We must stay on our toes, understand the intel agencies are gonna do everything possibly can asymmetrically take out President Donald Trump.
  • Unknown B
    So Charlie's basically saying, Trump and Musk are awesome. They're gonna build the most awesome team in the world. They're just like, God, we should worship these people. That's basically what it boils down to. And then they got this weird version of history where he was saying stuff like Nixon was really popular and he was taken down by the deep state. And the deep state, I guess, is after Trump as well. I think he refers it to the intelligence agencies or something of that nature. I want to just talk about facts here. So the claim that Nixon was really, really popular, I didn't know that was a thing. In right wing podcasters, that's what they talk about. I didn't know that. But these are numbers. These are popular ratings throughout history. At the highest approval rating in terms of Gallup. So Biden was 57. That's his highest approval.
  • Unknown B
    Trump was 49, his highest approval. Barack Obama, 69. George W. Bush, 90. Bill Clinton, 73. George H.W. bush, that would be the first. Bush, 89. Ronald Reagan, 68. Again, these are the highest approval ratings in terms of Gallup. Jimmy Carter, 75, Gerald Ford, 71. And then you got Nixon there at 67. I mean, it's clearly not the highest in history. I don't know what he's referring to. That means the Charlie Kirk guy. Then you got Johnson, 79, Kennedy, 82, Eisenhower, 79, Truman, 87, and Roosevelt at 83. I just want to show you guys some basic facts. The problem is that when you're the right wing media kind of thing, facts aren't really that important to these people. They mostly just repeat the same sort of themes, talk about kind of religious sort of things. Believe in Musk, believe in Trump, believe in money, which is a big other big part of their sort of thematic language.
  • Unknown B
    Have a listen to this.
  • Unknown A
    The most powerful person on the planet with. With the richest person on the planet. Elon Musk is so wealthy he could buy Spain. Not an exaggeration. He could literally buy Spain and not even think about it. It's like a rounding error for him. He could just buy countries. And what he is deciding to do with his wealth, which you're always gonna have wealthy people, is the opposite of what our elites have done the last 30 years.
  • Unknown B
    So he's bragging about that Elon Musk is so rich that he could buy Spain. Like, where do people come up with this stuff? So I was just kind of curious. Just for fun, we'll do a little brain exercise. Okay, so if I wanted to buy Spain, Spain, this is according to chat GBT, Spain would cost. Well, we'll start with GDP, I guess. 1.5 trillion. GDP, right? Something like that. I mean, I don't know if that's really a cost of Spain because it's not really for sale anyway. If you wanted to talk about actual land of Spain, they did a calculation of this. And I guess theoretically, if you had enough money to buy all the land of Spain, maybe 83.6 trillion. So regardless, we're talking in the trillions of dollars of the cost of Spain if you wanted to buy that. And the thing is, when you talk about people who like Musk, like Trump, I think a lot of these people don't understand actual numbers.
  • Unknown B
    So Musk's net worth at the moment, according to this, as of February 24, 2025, is 384 billion. So I just want to make it really clear. 384 billion is less than 1 trillion. Okay. And I know it sounds really stupid to say it in that way for those of you who understand numbers, but there's people out there that actually don't understand numbers. I know it sounds mean, but that's the kind of audience that Charlie Kirsch, those kind of people, right? There's like, oh, yeah, Elon Musk is rich in the world. He could just Buy any country he wants.
  • Unknown A
    Couple minutes left here.
  • Unknown B
    Russia. There's a huge push from the. Oh, yeah, yeah. People like, sort of like to end this war.
  • Unknown A
    Say like, yeah, you know, I'm a. I'm a bought asset of Putin.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown A
    I'm like, he can't afford me.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I think, I think you're worth more than Russia.
  • Unknown A
    Think about it.
  • Unknown B
    It's funny, right? I think I want to mention, well, is much of Musk's net worth is based on Tesla stock, and Tesla stock is grossly overvalued, and this thing could collapse any moment now. I'm just showing you guys some basic metrics. One could argue 10 times overvalued, one could argue 20 times overvalued. But it's definitely overvalued when you compare it to other car companies. And I get it. The idiots who love must are going to say, but, Chris, it's not a car company. It's going to be an AI and robot company. And I was like, all right, show me your robots. That's what really people say. They actually believe he's going to build my robots. Regarding Trump, I just want to show you guys this as well, because again, much of Charlie Kirk's spiel is you got to worship Musk, worship Trump, because they got a lot of money.
  • Unknown B
    Trump has a whole bunch of bankruptcies. 6. You can see them right here. I just have it listed there. The Trump Taj Mahal, bankrupt. Trump Plaza Hotel, bankrupt. Trump Casinos, bankrupt. Trump Hotel and Casinos Resorts bankrupt. And Trump Entertainment Resorts, bankrupt. By definition, I would think that means not a good business person. But there's that, if you don't know. The whole Trump story basically is they wanted to do a TV show. I think it was NBC, and they needed, you know, a popular face, that kind of stuff. All of the good business people were busy. Trump was available. That's the truth. Trump was available and they put him on tv and they kind of constructed the story for the TV show that he was so awesome. And the producers actually regret now that they created a monster, essentially. But that was the mythology. And Trump's been really good at what Trump is good at.
  • Unknown B
    He's been really good at selling his brand, right? Living off debt, pumping up valuation, selling his brand very similar to Musk, which is actually quite interesting. And I want to show you guys this too, as well. And we're just talking about this stuff. These are all of Musk's various failures at his companies. People always act like the guy does everything so awesome, but I'm just listening Here there's a whole bunch of this stuff you can talk about the explosions at SpaceX or they haven't landed on the moon. I think they're supposed to. He keeps talking about going to Mars. He hasn't said anything there. I don't know what he's up to. You got the Roadster, never showed up. What's going on with the Model X? Who knows? Then you got the Neuralink problems. More on top of that you got what, the Vegas Loop. You got the Chicago Loop.
  • Unknown B
    So these things were canceled. Didn't work. Oh, that was some sort of tunnel in la. Satellite problems, hyperloop problems. What else you got? Twitter's got a bunch of problems, as you guys know. And you also got solar city problems, Tesla semi problems, Tesla cybertruck problems, et cetera. I can make whole videos on this stuff if you want me to, but I just pulled this up quickly so you guys can see. The other issue is that Musk doesn't have as much cash as you think he does. It's actually interesting. He uses his stock to borrow money based on the value of the stock, essentially. And he's contractually obligated to not borrow too much. That's in his contract with Tesla. On top of that, his pay package and his stock are actually locked up in the courts because the court recently in Delaware ruled that his pay package was illegal, effectively that they cheated shareholders.
  • Unknown B
    And so it's hard to say how much money Musk actually has. He has a bunch of debt, but he's not as wealthy as you think he is. And that's part of goes back to attacking the Charlie Kirkhole thesis that Trump and Musk are both so awesome business people, they're so smart and etc. There's more to the mythology. I want you to have a listen to this.
  • Unknown A
    We have been talking about. We need better elites. You see, we reject the Marxist premise that we're going to get rid of all of our elites. It's not going to happen because of the Pareto principle and the laws of nature authored by nature's God, God Almighty. There will be people that end up at the top of your society. There will be people that end up with a lot of money, a lot of power, a lot of influence. They just have more talent. The swan song of egalitarianism is just that, it's a lie. What you're looking right there is a combo package that may never happen again. It's lightning in a bottle. It is grace from the heavens. The world's richest man with the world's most powerful man combining forces to deconstruct the administrative state, to restore us back to a constitutional intent.
  • Unknown B
    So again, it's a worship of wealth, right? You have the most powerful people in the world. They're teaming up together.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    It's lightning in a bottle. Awesome, guys. And it was interesting because I was thinking about this and you guys may not know this about me. I was going to be a youth pastor when I was younger. I was much more into that religious stuff back when I was younger. Today, not so much. But I grew up with this stuff. I read the Bible a couple of times. I just, I understand it, right? And it's strange that you have these sort of pseudo Christian people who just like really love money. It's weird to me. And I don't really understand that, to be perfectly frank. I mean, I understand why people love money, but I don't understand how these people pretend to be Christian and yet love money so much. And then I just don't. You know, I'll let you guys be the judge of that. But I, I want to say this.
  • Unknown B
    There's a big problem and fallacy with the way that these Charlie Kirks and other people talk, right? So the way they say it is that if you have money, therefore you must have more talents and you must have all these wonderful skills. Here's the thing. Trump and Musk are born rich, okay? If you're born rich, you have a lot more advantages than people who weren't. I just want to make this really clear. Let me give you a simple example. So let's say in my example, I was born at the end of the Vietnam War. My country was lost. I came and you can wanna read my stories, you can read my book called Positive Angle. But I lost my family at the end of the war and I had nothing. So compare to someone like my situation to say someone Trump or Musker, born with a family, born with money, emeralds in your pocket or real estate behind your back, or your dad can give you a loan of a million dollars or six million dollars in today's money.
  • Unknown B
    Not everybody has that. And it's, it's strange to me that this. People like assume that someone who's born rich suddenly has more skills or even in must situation, which I just make it a really simple terms, he was born during the apartheid in South Africa. So are you going to say that because he was born on the white side of South Africa that he suddenly has a bunch more skills than someone who's born on the Black side. I mean, part of, you know, the way that society is constructed is you're choosing your parents, right? My best advice to many people is choose your parents wisely. Now, it doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard. It doesn't mean you can't study. Right? You can, and I did. And actually I went to the same school as Trump and Musk, University of Pennsylvania. It's a good school. And when I got there, I realized, oh my God, that there is massive disparities in society.
  • Unknown B
    Some people buy their way in, some people earn their way in. There's different ways that people get to these kind of places. But this idea though, that wealth equals more talent, more skills is just simply not true. I'll give you a simple example. You guys all know, say, like a company, like a Walmart, so when the, you know, wherever the Waltons have kids, their kids are going to have a leg up over other kids because they're just born with like a crap ton of money. It's not that hard to figure out. I mean, you know, you can name any number of companies, like let's say, you know, the kids of Steve Jobs or say the, the kids of Bill Gates or whatever, right? Those kids are going to be born with a whole bunch of money. They're going to. And so like when you're born with money, then from Charlie Kirk's point of view, oh, well, people with money are more skilled and more talented, but it doesn't really make sense.
  • Unknown B
    Would you argue that Paris Hilton is more talented than everyone else? She clearly has more money than the average person. I don't know how much money she has, but I'm sure it's a lot. You're born to the Hilton family, so I just want you to think in that way that don't always equate wealth with more talent and more skills, but the way that the, these sort of right wing people, the way that they talk, they talk in that way because they want people to not question the wealthy elites, which is actually quite funny because he's like talking about how much he admires elites and oh, it's so good we have good elites. But you should realize when we see Trump and Musk on a daily basis that these guys are frankly idiots. You can see it from their tweets all the time. They just tweet nonsensical stuff.
  • Unknown B
    And the only way to keep this sort of charade going is to say, well, guys, but they're really, really rich, right? Pay no attention to the stupid stuff that they Tweet, pay no attention to these ridiculous memes that they do. Pay no attention to the horrible way that they treat workers. Just remember they're rich. It's like, what. And that's what this whole thing rests on, right? So I'm just showing you guys kind of what they say in the right wing media. It becomes like this weird, you know, churchy, culty thing where you have to get people to deny reality and just go with, hey, guys, they're rich. Just trust them. That's what ends up being. Watch more of this.
  • Unknown A
    The team of all stars that President Trump has assembled is historic and second to none. What President Trump has put together from Scott Besson, Pete Hegseth, Marco Rubio, but of course, the top is the Vice president.
  • Unknown B
    So on top of that, what they end up doing all the time is, okay, so Trump and Musk are so awesome and so smart, they must surround themselves with good people because they tell you they're good people. Which is kind of laughable because, like, the way that I determine someone's good, I. I listen to them speak, I look at their resume, right? Be it their experience, I look at their education, right? And I decide for myself, I don't need someone to tell me, like, if someone is good or not. But that's how it works on the right wing side, right? Is like, hey, they're good because I tell you they're good. And then like, when you look at someone like, hey, Seth is kind of one of the worst of them. And it's like, is this guy drinking on the job? He's clearly not qualified.
  • Unknown B
    It's obvious. But that's where sort of the right wing media goes, is they have to. Again, this is a religion. Forget about, you know, the Hague said, drinking, oh, he's a good boy, right? Trump picked him. Trump is rich, therefore it must be good. It's like, it doesn't really make sense logically, but if you treat this like a cold, it'll make more sense in that way. Have faith is sort of what we're saying. What I will say though, is that you guys in the community are awesome. We try to keep our sanity together. And I actually enjoy reading your comments. We got one of the best, or if not the best community on the on the webs. And let's read some of your comments here. So this is from aj. AJ says, I'm starting to think Americans voted for Trump just for the entertainment value.
  • Unknown B
    Could be. The guy makes a lot of noise, but doesn't actually improve anything. He's like, the loudest guy at the party who doesn't even know where the snacks are. That's actually a really good description of Trump. I like that. A.J. here's another one. This is from Chloe. Chloe says, how do religious Americans not see through the blasphemous messaging here? No way to heaven, but through the sun and all that. Yeah, that stuff is strange to me too. And I told you guys, like, I studied the Bible, I was going to be a youth pastor when I was a kid. And so when I see like today's Republicans and all that stuff, like, and they worship money, it's really, really weird to me, to be perfectly frank. It's really, really strange to me. It's not what I was taught when I went to Sunday school. I don't get it.
  • Unknown B
    I don't get it myself, but, you know, there's that. Here's more. This is from Kohed Coheed says my predictions for Trump's trajectory a la cult leader Jim Jones. One, declare himself to be a deity. Yep. Two, establish the church of Trump. Three, publicly be inappropriate with women. Four, as authorities ascend on him, he sabotages his closest cult members and himself rather than be arrested. Yes, probably true. That's how these cult things play out. And it probably will play out something like that. I don't doubt it. This is from qp. QP says for someone concerned with deficiency, must sure do like to waste every employee's time with bs. Which is totally true. Right. And actually he does that quite a bit. Right. He, you know, always asks for progress reports, happy to write stupid essays of why he deserved to get paid. That was a real thing, actually at Twitter you had to write an essay, like a one page thing of why you deserve your pay package or whatever, even though that's in your contract.
  • Unknown B
    But that's Musk. He likes it to deserve somewhat of control. Here is M. My one vice says as a taxpayer that subsidizes SpaceX, I need an email from every employee detailing what they did last week. That's really funny. And that's a hit on Musk because his companies take a lot of money from the government. And even though he complains about, you know, waste and spending in the government, et cetera, here's Kerry. Kerry says Musk doesn't even read his baby mama email. And that's a response to Musk complaining that people don't read their emails. And then you also got this from girl who cried aardvark tip. If any gold is missing from Fort Knox, the back bathroom at Mar A Lago is where Trump usually stashes federal property he shouldn't have. That's probably where it is. Guys, you know, I know things are pretty awful and you'll say, guys, I really, really know.
  • Unknown B
    I see the news every day. I see this stuff that in right wing media and it's like this strange quasi religious cult and you're like, how do we get through these people? And so my strategy and what we do with the news, I just say, guys, just be reasonable here. Look at what Trump and Musk are up to. Look at the way Musk treats his employees. And for me that's not really a left or right issue. It's about like, are you doing good by your neighbor? Are you treating your fellow humans in a decent and solid way? Look at the way Musk treats his baby moms where he ignores his kids. Like that shouldn't be a left right issue either. Like we talk about with the ad in my last video, if you do really believe in like, hey, you know, just being a decent person.
  • Unknown B
    And so this idea that, and why we talk about like their fragility of the Trump and Musk wealth, a lot of it is built on a house of cards. They pump themselves up, off and up, I guess considerably. And think of it this way, don't you find it strange that every interview that Trumpet must go to. There's a couple of things I want to point out. One is the interviewer, be it Sean Hannity be Achara Kirk, and these people always have to comment about how rich they are. It's really strange. You know, why does like supposed richest person in the world always have to have people tell them and tell the audience, hey, don't forget he's really, really rich. It's bizarre, isn't it? And that's why I had to mention, guys, much of Musk's wealth is built on the price of Tesla stock, which is gross overvalued.
  • Unknown B
    He borrows money based on that stock and a lot of his money is locked up and the guy has a lot of debt and he's got a lot of stress and just see what listen to him speaking. It's obviously he's an idiot, it's obvious. But the problem is a lot of his followers are. I try to be nice about this. How about this, we'll say it this way. If you have a intellect of a 13 year old, you just got to be smarter than your followers who are 10, right? That's kind of what it ends up being. That's sort of how the best way to explain Trump and Musk and it's hard to get through to these people. I really know guys, I really know because I'll see it out there. And when you read comments, how about this? When I get criticized by Trump and Musk followers, there's always grammarical errors in the comments, spelling errors, et cetera.
  • Unknown B
    And they just do name calling. That's all it ends up being. I see it every day and it's like, I mean, how can I? And I tried my best to be nice because I was a professor, I was an educator, and in my opinion, and I think it's a pretty reasonable one, the best way to help the world is to educate people. And I can't drink the water for you. Like you say, you can lead the horse the water, but you can't drink for the horse. But I can show you this stuff. So if just for your own curiosity, ask how many bankruptcies did Trump had asked, what is, you know, must net worth, et cetera, could he really buy Spain? Why do people talk about that kind of stuff and why do they always pump up his wealth, et cetera? And the other thing too, I mentioned before, I just want to mention again, simple question.
  • Unknown B
    It's a very simple question. If you think Trump is so awesome at real estate, did he design his own buildings? Is he an architect? It's a simple question and the answer is going to be no, he's not an architect. Same with Musk. Does he design his own cars? Is he the one who builds the engines? Is he the one who, you know, test everything in the thing? Does he design his own rockets? Is he like the key engineer for all of it? The answer is no, he's not. That he hires a bunch of people to do it. And if you learn the history of say, something like a Musk, he got really lucky, basically. He got some money, right? Invested it into PayPal. He got kicked out of PayPal because people don't like him at PayPal. He had some crazy ideas that he wanted to do and it was like an argument over software, I think it was operating system.
  • Unknown B
    They kicked him out. And then after he got kicked out, PayPal became a success and then he got a bunch of money from that. That's kind of like where he got the bulk of his money. And then essentially where we are today during the pandemic, he had a crazy, crazy pumping up valuation with ARK Invest. And there's a whole, what's the word to say? We'll say there's a whole marketing sort of effort to pump up Musk with that, and whether or not foreign money's involved, who knows? But I'll just say this. If the pandemic didn't happen, it's hard to say if Musk would have been at the wealth that he is today or the position he is today. And right now, he essentially knows that Tesla's failing, and so he's rotating to do other stuff. Anyway. There's always a lot to talk about these things.
  • Unknown B
    I know it's a complicated issues, but I just felt like talking about in terms of, like, how does you know someone like a Charlie Kirk pump these guys up and why they do it and how this whole thing works together. So do appreciate your time. Like to hear your thoughts on this, and I'll catch you on the next video.