Unknown A
So people are resisting Elon Musk all around the world. And check this out. This is the Tesla. The Swastikar goes from zero to 1939 in three seconds. That's the way of today's video is resistance to Elon Musk. And this story keeps getting wilder and wilder and I had to share this stuff with you guys because I know we need all pick me up to know that you're not alone and you're not crazy. The world is insane but this sane people are trying to fight back. Actually, Buzzfeed collected a lot of responses trolling responses to Elon Musk's request of five things you did last week and I want to share some of these as well. It says I was thinking of responding in this matter. Didn't vote for Elon on Monday, didn't vote for Elon on Tuesday, didn't vote for Elon on Wednesday, didn't vote for Elon on Thursday and didn't vote for Elon on Friday.
Unknown A
You also got this Responses to Elon's five things he did last week. Didn't do ketamine. Didn't ignore my children's mother. Didn't golf. Didn't wield a chainsaw. You also got this. Dear Elon, here's what I did last week. Got blitzed on ketamine, ignored my children, tweeted 1782 times, wore weird sunglasses inside. Got humiliated by astronauts. Also you got this. What do you did last week? And that's a response. So I guess people are trolling the Elon. One banged your mom in the back of a 99 Civic. Two, but not before we went to the Waffle House. Three, but not before we did well white powder off the koala charging changing station. Four, but not before we download our data and dropped it off at the Chinese consulate. And five but we but not before we donated our 401ks to Pfizer. You also got this. This is actually from our community.
Unknown A
You guys are funny as well. From Mark. Mark says I think my response would be something like this. Dear Mr. Dear Mr. Muskrat, in response to your email, here you go. One, wrote up a list of why I hate Trump. Two, made a list of why I hate Muskrat. Three, made a list of why our country is in the toilet. Four, made up flyers listing all the illegal stuff Trump and Muskrat are doing to give my co workers. And five made a list of things to think about when that will keep me from laughing every time I hear Trump or Musk Muskrat speak. Have A nice day. Someone else from our community from Woodless Wood says five things I did last week. One, finding material to make a voodoo doll. Musk and thump. Two, making voodoo dolls. Three, having voodoo doll cursed by witch. Four, striking infected pins into voodoo dolls and five, hammering voodoo dolls to the front door.
Unknown A
So I had to share with you guys because like I said, I know the news can be depressing daily, but understand, you're not alone. You're in the right place here. We are all sane and we're just trying to make it through this crazy time together. And get this, too, Trump, people are also resisting against Elon Musk. Already Patel told his people, ignore Musk. And now Tulsi is ignoring Musk as well, telling her people, this is what I guess. And she's the Director of National Intelligence, so this is what she sent out. Given the inherently sensitive and classified nature of our work, IC employees should not respond to the OPM email. I guess Rubio and P. Takeseth Christy Noam. So these are all various departments, State, Defense, and Homeland Security all said to ignore Musk. And you got this. And I said, I want you to understand that not everyone is playing along with the Musk game.
Unknown A
There's a lot of people clearly resisting. As I'm showing you guys in Canada, they're looking at revoking his citizenship. 200,000 people have already signed the petition. Canada, don't let us down. Get everyone on board to sign this thing. The basic gist of is they're like, yo, you got this Elon Musk guy working with a foreign government, right? And he wants to destroy our sovereignty. So actually, I think that's pretty good grounds for calling the dude a traitor. Why not? So I think this actually could have a shot in Canada, and I'll be really curious if they go through with that. So let me know what you guys think, especially Canadians, please sign this thing if you haven't already. On top of that, the must people are getting yet hands on more data. This is what National Institute of Health, a judge has blocked them, though, in a couple agencies.
Unknown A
The basic gist of it is, I think, and this is where they might really get them very quickly, is get them on privacy data. Right? Data privacy. I should say it, because when for those of you who work in the government, you guys know this, you usually do a whole bunch of training and these kind of things on, you know, the kind of things you look at, how to keep it safe, how to keep it from, you know, leaking into the wrong hands, etc. And on top of that, we don't really know what kind of training any of these people have had, what kind of clearances they've had. It's all done haphazardly. We found out like who the people are through the press because they tried to keep their name secret. And that was his doge hacker people. He would instruct them to just say their first name at meetings.
Unknown A
And many government employees were already calling BS on this stuff. So the judge is blocking them from getting data. And like I said, I think the data privacy laws may be what ends up nailing them early on. There's a lot of stuff they're breaking, but I'm saying this one is a thing. So again, that's the judges blocking them on that. On top of that, you got this. And I think this may be another way that sinks Elon Musk. And I've told you guys before, much of his wealth is tied to Tesla stock, right? Or you could say, you know the worth and it's not a stock per se. Well, it is. It's a privately traded company. So yes, he would have ownership of it, but not publicly traded. So Tesla stock, publicly traded, everyone could just dump it, theoretically, right. The other thing that people could do is they could just quit.
Unknown A
Like what if he doesn't have any employees over at Tesla or SpaceX? And I think that's something that could, that could actually happen. For example, today, SpaceX, key engineer is leaving Musk's team. This person here, she wrote a goodbye. It was Sarah Spangello and I guess she worked on with like the cellular program or something like that. And the multiple people have already left Musk. I don't think they really have much Left@Tesla. SpaceX. I haven't seen as many departures, but I think it is certainly a possibility as Elon Musk gets more and more. How can he say what's right? Where to say, we'll say embedded with the Trump people, embedded with whatever foreign money that he's taking and just committing crimes. I don't know other way to put it. And there are people going to be like, you know what, I just got to get out.
Unknown A
I don't want to be tied to this ship. And I'm just telling you guys, be on the right side of history of this one. It's clear as day that what the Musk and Trumps are doing are frankly really awful, illegal, et cetera, and you don't want to be a part of it. So my advice to anyone involved with Tesla or SpaceX is get out. That's it. Get out. Don't be involved with it. Don't be on the wrong side of history. On top of that, I want to point this stuff out because you have to understand who these people are. This is like, it's this crazy political drama mixed with like a soap opera and daytime tv and we see, like, who these characters are in this, you know, movie slash TV show. It's like the worst reality TV show ever because we all have to be in it, right?
Unknown A
It's fun to watch it on tv, but, like, we're all in this thing and we can ask, like, how do we get on this timeline? This was the drama today. MAGA influencers at war. After Ashley St. Clair's quote, Rocket babies. Musk text our leaked rocket babies that we're talking about now. Okay, so the basic gist of this one, this is a wild one. So Musk has a whole bunch of kids, okay? And one of the baby mamas, because he's not married to this person, she's claiming, hey, I got your kid. She's suing Musk to like say, hey, this is definitely your kid, et cetera, and then wants custody. And I guess the way that they're framing this now, and this is coming from another person on social media, I don't know any of these people. This is Isabella Moody. These are the kind of people that Elon gets involved with.
Unknown A
I don't know the sassy Sinclair person. I don't know this Moody person. But I do know that they're suing Musk, et cetera. Now, she's basically claiming that her friend is a gold digger and was seeking advice on how to get Elon's attention to have his baby. That's the kind of people these are. Let's read this together. It's how nuts this stuff is. Okay, so Isabella says, I agree with Lara Loomer, who's another right wing influencer person. I wasn't going to post these, but now that St Clair Ashley has leaked her private signal messages Elon Musk after lying and saying she wanted privacy. Here's more evidence Ashley planned to baby trap Elon. We're talking about baby traps. And I want to bring this up too. This also brings up a key point to where someone like a Trump or a Musk are inherently a security threat because they are so easily trapped in these kind of scandals, etc.
Unknown A
So this would be like, this is an example, say we're seeing play on social media, but what kind of dirt would various countries or entities have on Musk or Trump if they're so easily trapped in these kind of situations, I think that's worth mentioning. Anyway, it says here she sent these text messages in May 2023 when she first met Elon and started sleeping with him. Oh, okay. So I guess it wasn't an IVF thing. At least they're according to this person. She said, I need his rocket babies and I need a caption to seduce Elon in the May of 2023. She doesn't care about privacy. She planned to seduce him on her own admission, and now she's leaking his text. So I'm leaking her text to me now because of, as Lara Loomer said below, we need to condemn promiscuous gold diggers. I don't know.
Unknown A
So these are the texts from Ashley Sinclair. Elon followed me. I need his rocket babies. OMG. No way. That's awesome. He 100 or was that 10,000% saw my moon landing tweet? Look, I'll take one for the team, seduce Elon and get in the rocket to see what's up. Oh, yes, Sake of society. That's the kind of people we're dealing with here. I mean, I mean, this is stuff. Now, are these email or texts real or not? Who knows? You guys can ask them. I'm just showing you what they're sharing. Well, so we'll use the word alleged for now. I need a caption to seduce Elon, thinking about the dangers of AI, etc. Elon even responded to this whole thread thing saying, whoa. And again, this is all about some sort of, you know, right wing social media influencer claiming that they want privacy, right? In one way and then another way, her friends, I guess, are turning on her, saying, no, no, this person is attention.
Unknown A
What's the right word to say? You know the word I want to say, but we'll say attention lady who gets paid by night, or something like that. We use it that way. And this is the thing is, again, I want to repeat, these are the people that we're dealing with. The Elon, Musk, the Trumps, the people who they associate with, and these how easily these people can get trapped. So will the rocket baby thing become a scandal? This is one of many scandals involving Musk. And this is what's so crazy about Musk or Trump. You know, for a regular person, if any one of these things happen to us, like any one of these things, like, you know, we'd be totally shamed and lose all our friends, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But for these people, this is, like, on a daily basis. Like, be it crypto scam, baby mama scams, right?
Unknown A
You're talking with Putin scam or scandal, however you want to say it. Like, it's insane. And this drama just keeps on and going. And that's why I want to show you guys I'm not the only one. You're not the only one. We want this clown show to stop. There are people resisting, as you can see from here. And I'll catch you on the next video.