  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown A
    I don't want to even plug his new book so'I'm gonna mock it. The book is called Original Sin. President Biden's Decline its cover up and his disastrous choice to run again. Now some ways I'm actually pleased this is the direction that Democrats are going. It's not totally incorrect, it's just incomplete. Of course Joe Biden being a failed dementia ridden senile individual who was president and was gonna run and then had Kamala run, that played a role. But it's so much deeper than that. And at its core, elections are about values. Elections are about worldview. And the Democrats are gonna go all and saying oh we lost just because of Biden because he had bad mental decline. However, do you remember when you were not even allowed to mention that Joe Biden had senility or mental decline? That Joe Biden was. Joe Biden was losing it.
  • Unknown A
    The same people who helped cover up Joe Biden's senility are now writing books about their own misconduct because there is money to be made. It's so perfect that Jake Tapper is writing us. He is such a fraud. This is Jake Tapper. Oh by the way, Jake Tapper played into all of this like oh Charlie Kirks an anti Semite thing over the summer at the RN C. They were so close to crossing a line where I could sue them. So close. You all these blowhardss and they never apologize. I'll never forget that I was honored thanks to President Trump and Suzie Wiles and the whole team. They gave me a primeime address at the RNC and I had super honored it was amazing. One of the great moments of my life. CNN didn't cover the speech. That's fine. I don't expect them to cover it. But instead, while I was speaking, they went on a 10 minute diatribe calling me an anti Semite.
  • Unknown A
    Now there are a lot of things that you can call Charlie Kirk, but calling me an anti Semite, that's really rich. Blake laughs I said of all the different things that you could accuse Charlie Kirkov saying that I'm anti Semitic, I'm a Fileto Semite, I love Jews and Judaism and Israel. It's really something coming from Jake Tapper. This is the same guy who dated Mona Lewinsky. Not a great decision maker. Play cut 226.
  • Unknown B
    I think what we see on stage with Joe Biden, Jake, is very clearly a cognitive decline. That's what I'm referring to. It makes me uncomfortable.
  • Unknown C
    You have no's so amazing. It's so amazing to me that try.
  • Unknown B
    And figure out an answer.
  • Unknown C
    A cognitive decline.
  • Unknown B
    You're trying to tell me that what I was suggesting was think you were mocking his stutter?
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, I think you were mocing his stutter. And I think you have absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody's cognitive decline.
  • Unknown A
    Cognitive decline. And now he has an entire book dedicated to this exact topic. This book will all be spin. It's Gonna be total Bs. Obviously original sin. I will say though, I will, I will do this. Jake Tapper, if you want to sell books, you should come on the Charlie Kirkssh. You get a lot of clicks. If you really want attention and you really want to move books. Don't just do the View and all that. You were part of the COVID up. You were the ones that covered up the crime scene and said that we were disinformation artists. People lost access to their social media for saying that Joe Biden had mental decline and now it's oh, Joe Biden obviously has mental decline. Here's an entire book on notrageous. These people have no shame whatsoever.