  • Unknown A
    There's a very quick feminist backlash reaction to assume that she's being coerced, she's in an abusive relationship, and maybe she is. I don't know. If I had that body, I might.
  • Unknown B
    Be doing the same thing.
  • Unknown C
    You will see a. I'm not surprised anymore. We live in a world where wet ass pussy is the number one song. And you know, Megan thee stallion shaking her butt next to Kamala Harris. I mean, like, we are at a place where it's just the new normal.
  • Unknown D
    Men to woman, a woman to men, man to woman, from penis to vagina.
  • Unknown E
    You're basically taking away a best actress nomination from an actual woman. Everybody hates it. It managed to piss everybody off.
  • Unknown F
    Oh, God, it's horrible. So that's 2 hours and 12 minutes I'm never getting back. Wow.
  • Unknown E
    My apologies. The Justin Baldoni war with Blake Lively.
  • Unknown F
    She sounds like an absolute nightmare.
  • Unknown E
    For me, Captain America represents a lot of different things, and I don't think the term America should be one of those representations. If you're making tens of millions pretending to be a superhero called Captain America and you're American, big up, America.
  • Unknown A
    If you don't talk about this issue, don't do this movie. Go be in the weird trans movie and sing the penis to vagina song.
  • Unknown B
    It's a Marvel film. It's boom, boom, kaboom. Happy Days.
  • Unknown E
    President Trump's executive order that only two sexes exist marked a profound cultural shift. Hasn't, though, reached Hollywood yet, where a transgender star has been nominated for best Actress for the very first time. The musical drama Emilia Perez focuses on a Mexican drug lord transitioning from male to female, has been nominated for 13 awards, including best film and best director.
  • Unknown D
    To woman or woman to men? Man to woman, from penis to vagina. What would you like to know about it, madam?
  • Unknown E
    I want to know it all. What is the protocol, the techniques and the risks?
  • Unknown A
    How many operations?
  • Unknown E
    How much time do you need?
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown D
    Laryngoplasty? Mammoplasty.
  • Unknown E
    What have I just watched? I'd heard about this. I just said, is that what it is? Unbelievable. Anyway, is it actually any good? Well, based on that, I know my view, but maybe I'm just unenlightened. Or is this the last gasp of the virtue signalers? Joining me to discuss all that a great deal more is my culture panel, Will Jordan, AKA the critical drinker, the radio host, host James Barr, uncensored contributor Esther Krakow, influencer and YouTuber Shannon Lester, and The host of Popcorn Planet, Andy Signal. Welcome to all you, a stellar panel to debate all this stuff. We're going to come to Emilia Perez soon. I mean, it's quite a moment when a transgender actor is now up for best actress. That doesn't mean a biological male may win an award for women. We can debate that in a moment. You can all get your thoughts about that.
  • Unknown E
    Done. But I want to start first of all with the Grammys. And I want to start first of all with Kanye west and Bianca Censori, which is a weird name for somebody who is about as uncensored as my show. This is what happened on the red carpet last night. The evidence.
  • Unknown F
  • Unknown E
    Okay, let's start with. With the critical drinker. I mean, look, Kanye's been going down some weird places for quite some time. Taking your girlfriend to a red carpet of a major event like the Grammys and basically making it a strip off, pretty much naked. What do we think of this?
  • Unknown F
    I mean, I have no idea if he actually made her do it, but like, that has really taken revealing, attention grabbing dresses to their logical conclusion. Like, why bother wearing anything at all? I guess if you've got no particular talents and no abilities, well, that's a great way to grab headlines. Good luck to her, I guess.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah. I mean, Shalon, is it sexist? What do we feel about what do women think of this? I mean, obviously any woman could do that.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. I think that there's a very quick feminist backlash reaction to assume that she's being coerced, she's in an abusive relationship, and maybe she is, but there are a lot of women out there who would literally do this. Go to a NASCAR rally sometime. You will see a hefty representation in the population of women who are absolutely fine getting attention for their body. And I don't know, if I had that body, I might be doing the same thing. God limited me because he knew as.
  • Unknown B
    Beautiful as her body is, and I'd love to know who her fitness trainer is, she needs to be in a mental asylum. If you are leaving your house naked, you are mentally unwell and indecent exposure is still against the law, the last time I checked. I don't really know why we should have to tolerate this. I woke up this morning, sun shining, the birds tweeting, stretched, went on my phone, and I saw Bianca's bare ass. I don't know why anyone has to be fair.
  • Unknown E
    If you look at your Instagram feed with your pole dancing, I'm not naked. I quite often wake up to see Yours. And what's the difference? What's the difference?
  • Unknown B
    I'm not naked. And that is fit.
  • Unknown E
    Genuinely curious. You.
  • Unknown B
    I'm not naked.
  • Unknown E
    Parading around your pole, all that. What's the difference?
  • Unknown B
    I have clothes on.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, that's the difference. What about on your only fans, Esther.
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown D
    You wish you could trust me. I do not. I have not seen a woman that naked for that long since I exited the womb. And it was a very shocking thing to wake up, I'm sure.
  • Unknown E
    I mean, look, obviously Kanye is all about, well, yay. As you know, it's all about getting our attention. Now when he does it for his music, he's a genius.
  • Unknown D
    That's the problem, though, isn't it? Obviously said it's for him.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah. When it's inflammatory things he says, Obviously that's got him into terrible trouble recently for very good reason. When he's using his girlfriend like this, it just is a bit odd, isn't it, James?
  • Unknown D
    I mean, yeah, it definitely feels coercive. Also, a lip reader looked into what he said as she took the coat off, and he was like, I got you. So it does appear to be that he basically made her do it. It just feels a bit gross, doesn't it? But I was questioning it because I was like, if it had been Esther on the red carpet, like, owning her womanhood, if it had been lady Gaga, would I have the same opinion? I probably wouldn't. But I think because she's doing it with a man.
  • Unknown B
    Nothing to do with being naked and mentally unwell.
  • Unknown D
    It just doesn't feel.
  • Unknown B
    These two are mentally unwelcome.
  • Unknown E
    They don't seem the full ticket.
  • Unknown D
    Anytime piers, you want to hit a red carpet together and do the same thing, I'll happily take it off.
  • Unknown E
    You know what? I would not want to strip off in front of you on a red carpet because it would just humiliate you. It would, yeah. Andy, look, we're sort of laughing about it, but ye is. He wants to be called now. He's in a weird place. I mean, he just. Even by his standards, the last couple of years have been very weird. Do you think he's. I mean, is he all there? Is she all there? Are we watching some weird ongoing meltdown? What do you feel about it?
  • Unknown C
    I mean, nothing shocks me from ye anymore. He knows what he wants. Big boobs, big butt. And he wants a woman who's gonna splout it. I mean, I don't know. I'm not surprised anymore. We live in a world where wet ass pussy is a Number one song. And you know, Megan thee stallion shaking her butt next to Kamala Harris. I mean, like, we are at a place where it's just the new normal. I remember my parents being all scared when Elvis shaked his hips, like, it's just a new place we live in. I was more shocked that Beyonce won best country album. It's not a country album in Roc Nation.
  • Unknown A
    It's not a country album.
  • Unknown C
    This whole thing is a shock.
  • Unknown E
    But you know what I think about that? I'm glad you raised that. Here's what I think about that. She should have won best album before, right? She shouldn't have, and she's never won best album. How could Beyonce never have won best album at the Grammy?
  • Unknown B
    They're better artists. There's some artists that have better albums.
  • Unknown E
    Beyonce's one of the top three female artists.
  • Unknown B
    She has to win everything. She's hot. She's far from oppressed. I'm sorry. Her husband bought her a Grammy, and then she had the audacity to sit there looking shocked because Hollywood is full of a bunch of pretenders that I think should have a legitimate bone in their bodies. Oh, please. See her. I've seen her accent. I've seen her in films before. She's a much better actress than that.
  • Unknown D
    I just feel like the wardrobe malfunction would not have happened if she was expecting it. I mean, she literally pulled her top up because it was falling down. So I don't know. I think you have to watch the video. I think she was.
  • Unknown B
    I saw the video. She was definitely faking it, sir. She was not shocked. Her husband might be like, oh, happy birthday.
  • Unknown E
    I just. Look, I just think someone that talented should have won best album. I mean, Taylor Swift's won it four times, right?
  • Unknown B
    Also the album.
  • Unknown E
    Are we serious? I mean, I love Taylor Swift, but are we seriously saying as a musician, she's four times as good as Beyonce? I don't think so.
  • Unknown A
    Four times consistent.
  • Unknown E
    What was that, Shannon?
  • Unknown C
    Yeah, better than Beyonce.
  • Unknown A
    Four times is consistent. Like, Taylor can craft an album where almost every song is really good. Beyonce has hits. She has actual hits, like a few here and there off of every album, but she doesn't craft an entire good album that you can put on and listen.
  • Unknown D
    I think Lemonade might want to call you up and have a go at you for that, because Lemonade is an incredible.
  • Unknown B
    Jay Z can have another, and then maybe she'll be in the contention for best album. Jay Z should have another affair. Have Rebecca with even better hair.
  • Unknown E
    You know what I like? I Like the fact we're debating the quality of their music. Because once again, Lady Gaga's up there. I bow to no one in my admiration of her talent. She's unbelievable. Singer, songwriter, actress, everything, right? But she made this speech, which I just thought was so lazy. So let's take a look at what she said.
  • Unknown A
    It's such an honor to sing for all of you.
  • Unknown E
    And I just want to say tonight.
  • Unknown A
    That trans people are not invisible. Trans people deserve love.
  • Unknown E
    The queer community deserves to be lifted up.
  • Unknown A
    Music is love. Thank you.
  • Unknown E
    Now, critical drinker, has there ever been a time when trans people have been more visible? I mean, literally in the history of planet Earth? Also, we now have a gay month dedicated to gay people. I don't even get half an hour as a straight guy, right? So this idea that the most. The most forgotten people on the planet are gay and trans people is for the birds. I'm going to come to the gay member of our panel for this, but it's honestly for the birds. And the whole point about the trans.
  • Unknown D
    Debate, I can't say birds anymore, Piers. That's really gendered and quite offensive.
  • Unknown E
    But that's all done, mate. Since the Trump win, all the woke stuff's over. We're all back to normal. The IRS is the largest collection agency in the world and it's just stepped up enforcement. For 2025, you owe back taxes or if you've unfilled returns, do not wait for the IRS to come after you. Getting ahead of this is the smart move. But never, never contact the IRS on your own. Turn it over to the experts at Tax Network usa. Why? Because not all tax resolution companies are equal. Tax Network USA has a preferred direct line to the irs. That means they know which agents to deal with and which ones to avoid. Tax Network USA has proven strategies that are designed to settle your tax problems in your favor. Whether you owe $10,000 or $10,000,000, their attorneys and negotiators have resolved over a billion dollars in tax debt.
  • Unknown E
    You can talk to one of their strategists about your case for free. So put your IRS troubles behind you once and for all. Call 1-800-958-1000 or visit peers that's P I E R S and that's peers. Now on with the show. My point about her intervention was she's obviously appealing to the choir. I get that. And they all cheer and they all stand up and everything else, but actually, the whole point about the trans debate, I really feel for Trans people who's been. Been the victims of this, who didn't want anything to do with this, is that the relentless campaign by the trans activists to basically erode women's rights, that has been the problem, and that has been what has now been corrected. You know, things like biological men in women's sport and so on has been rightly corrected, but it's that that's caused the furore and the problem, and I think it's exposed a lot of trans people to a mockery they should not have been exposed to.
  • Unknown E
    But it's happened because of this relentless attack on women's rights. Am I wrong?
  • Unknown F
    Well, I mean, I just. I want to start by saying thank you to Lady Gaga, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. I too, support good things and condemn bad things. So brave stance there. But, yeah, as for the rest of it, I guess I would defer to actual trans people in terms of their opinions on this stuff. I don't know how it makes them feel. I don't know what their opinions on how they're represented in Hollywood and the music industry and so on. It does feel a bit pandering, but that's just me as an outsider looking in.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah. James, I mean, it is just. It's just virtue signaling, isn't it? It is. Come on.
  • Unknown D
    I mean, you've said a lot there, Piers. It's very difficult to, like, give you a snappy answer to what you just said, but I think really the issue is that, well, you're making it out that queer people, by protesting for trans rights, have caused this. They've bought this on themselves. No, no, that is sort of what you said.
  • Unknown E
    Once again, you've misquoted me.
  • Unknown D
  • Unknown E
    I said that I. I feel sorry for trans people who just want a quiet life again.
  • Unknown D
    Well, yeah, of course. Some people just want a quiet life. They don't want the attention. I agree with you on that, and that's completely fine. Some people do deserve that. But you can't victim blame trans rights activists and say that. Because they were trying to.
  • Unknown E
    But it can when they deliberately damage women's rights. That's the point. That's what the whole debate's been about.
  • Unknown D
    But what's the point of Trump is that he's just. He's decided. I mean, also his ChatGPT executive order about there only being two genders doesn't even make any sense because you can't be a male at conception. That just doesn't happen. By all means.
  • Unknown B
    Do you remember when David Beckham got all that Backlash during the Qatar World cup because he was going. And he was apparently supposed to be an icon for the LGBT until the Qataris waved enough money in his face to make him 10 million.
  • Unknown E
    I think.
  • Unknown B
    Exactly. I think this idea that, you know, celebrities are just trying to draw attention to a worthy cause and there's all the good and will in their heart is ridiculous. Lady Gaga is a known, you know, gay icon, and power to her, her music is popular amongst that.
  • Unknown E
    So am I. But I don't. But there's this idea I'm a gay icon. It doesn't make me make speeches about how. How invisible they are when they're literally the most visible people in the world.
  • Unknown D
    Trans women are not the biggest threat to women. Abusive men are the biggest threat to women. And there's a lot of them.
  • Unknown B
    Oh, really?
  • Unknown D
    Yeah. And if Trump wants to protect women, should write an executive order to protect women from himself because he's had over 26 people accuse him of abusive behavior.
  • Unknown B
    I'm sure that means he's guilty.
  • Unknown A
    Trans women are abusive men if they're in our spaces, even if they're just trying to live a quiet life that's still within our space. I don't care how quiet they are if they're in a locker room with us. I don't care if they're loud or quiet. They're in there. And in my purview, I don't know that they're all there. And I don't know what's going on behind the scene with someone who wants to chop off their genitals and turn them inside out, but I don't know that I need them up against me and me feeling guilty for feeling a little bit unsafe.
  • Unknown D
    I think anyone being in the same.
  • Unknown B
    Space, and also in the uk, over half of trans identifying prisoners in prison are there for sexual assault. So for you to sit there and pretend like women have no basis for feeling uncomfortable is ludicrous.
  • Unknown D
    I never said that. I never said that.
  • Unknown B
    Well, you just said that the biggest threat is not trans people. But.
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown D
    Well, there are way more, by the way, trans people.
  • Unknown E
    The First Minister. Look, just to remind you, the First Minister of Scotland literally had to resign because she put a male rapist into a woman's prison because he just went, by the way, I'm a woman. And they put him in a prison.
  • Unknown D
    Potential victim. It's really complicated.
  • Unknown E
    And it's not complicated.
  • Unknown D
    It is really complicated.
  • Unknown E
    Here's why. It's not copycare. I want fairness and equality for all trans people. Right to the point it erodes fairness and equality for women. That's it. That's it. If we reach that point.
  • Unknown A
    But they need to be in their own third lane.
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown A
    Like they are carving out something that has never priorly existed in nature. And that's fine. A pioneer. Don't come into our lane. Don't come into a man's lane or woman. You want to be in this third thing that has never existed.
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown E
    You just can't erode women's rights in the process. Let me. Let me turn to Andy about this debate raging, obviously, about the Best Actress nomination for the star of Emilia Perez. So it's career Sofia Gascon, who is a trans actress, a biological male at birth. What do we think of this? I mean, this has been part of my problem with it as well, that you're basically taking away a place there for a Best Actress nomination from an actual woman. I mean, shouldn't this be something that everyone should feel concerned about? I mean, is this fair? Is it right? Is it equal?
  • Unknown C
    We'll say she's good in the movie. The movie's pretty bad. Like, really bad.
  • Unknown E
    Well, that clicky show was diabolical.
  • Unknown C
    She has a really good scene where she's losing her kids and she's a woman and now. And I don't know, I don't want to step in all those landmines, but, yeah, it's a complicated issue. What's weird about that movie to me is like, the trans community hates it. The gay community hates it. The Spanish community hates it.
  • Unknown F
    Mexico hates it.
  • Unknown D
    Musical fans hate it.
  • Unknown E
    Everybody hates it. They managed to piss everybody off.
  • Unknown F
    The only people who like it is the Academy, which is weird.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah. But Critica Drinker, I mean, you're a movie buff. I mean, from a movie point of view, is it any good or is it being powered by virtue signaling this thing?
  • Unknown F
    Oh, God, it's horrible. Yeah. I literally had to watch it for this segment. So that's 2 hours and 12 minutes I'm never getting back. Wow.
  • Unknown E
    My apologies.
  • Unknown F
    Yeah, it's. All of the songs are terrible. I mean, I know you played that. That clip earlier, but, like, that's just a tiny sample of this. All of the songs have no melody. There's nothing catchy about them. They're just discordant noise throughout this. The plot is just a basic crime drama, but it's just got this layer of, like, the. The transgender main character with a bit of, like, weird Days of Our Lives soap opera mixed in, and it does not make for a good movie. None of those elements mesh together. So yeah, it's a horrible two hours. Too much.
  • Unknown E
    Did you like.
  • Unknown C
    Every character sucks in it, right?
  • Unknown F
    The main character is a cartel boss who is responsible for dozens, if not hundreds of deaths of innocent people. But then he becomes a woman and it's all forgiven and we just forget that about them and suddenly they're treated as this amazing person.
  • Unknown D
    That's exactly what I. That's a good.
  • Unknown A
    If you say you're trans, it erases any of your sins. You just say you're trans or gay or non binary and it's fine.
  • Unknown B
    This couldn't have happened to a more deserving.
  • Unknown E
    It's not real.
  • Unknown D
    You know that, right? It's just a movie. I'm so happy that it's literally a made up film.
  • Unknown C
    I'm sorry.
  • Unknown B
    I'm so happy that this man.
  • Unknown F
    Well, all films are made up, but it's like supposedly a serious movie, right?
  • Unknown D
    But Queen here is talking about it like it's true. It's completely made up.
  • Unknown A
    It's emblematic of what's going on in our culture.
  • Unknown D
    It's really not. Also, a minute ago you said that things that don't exist in nature shouldn't exist, which is a wild thought because McDonald's does not exist in nature. But I'm sure we still eat that.
  • Unknown A
    What have I eaten?
  • Unknown B
  • Unknown D
    I'm just saying you said you can't be trans because it doesn't exist in nature. But it's such a wild thing. Something can't exist if it doesn't exist in nature. What are you talking about?
  • Unknown E
    All right, you know, let's move on from trans stuff. I think it's just what I want to move to is the. Is my favorite story, I think in showbiz this year, the Justin Baldoni war with Blake Lively. Which seems to me, initially I felt quite sorry for Blake Lively. Then I've been reading all the messages between them all and which he's been putting out, obviously, and it just seems like a pair of absolute weapons grade narcissists now spray gunning each other with as much dirt as they could possibly do, having spewed lovey dovey stuff to each other for months on end. I mean, again, critical drinker, this is in your world. I thought it was a great film. I got to say, I've not been to the cinema and actually sat through a movie and been as quiet and as attentive as I was to that in a long time.
  • Unknown E
    I thought it was very, very well, well done. A, do you agree? And B, what do you make of these two now just trying to destroy each other in public?
  • Unknown F
    Well, I haven't seen the movie yet, so I can't speak.
  • Unknown E
    It's really good. Honestly. I highly recommend it. I thought it was great. And they're both great in it.
  • Unknown F
    Yeah. I mean, as for the drama between them, like, if what he's alleging is true, she sounds like an absolute nightmare. I mean, I get the impression that it's like a prima donna that's come in, tried to take over and hijack the movie and when she didn't get away, she brought her much richer, more successful and powerful husband in to lay down the law. And the result was a disjointed production that had all kinds of problems behind the scenes. And Baldoni, by the sounds of things, got completely shafted in this one. So if all of this is true, he's 100% justified in suing her. I don't know if it is like it's all coming out.
  • Unknown E
    I mean, Esther, we've been around the block longer than neither of us would care to mention. Me, certainly more than you. But in terms of these kind of stories. But it seems to me when you get to a stage where the guy who makes this huge blockbuster film that makes a ton of money and they should be basking in the glory of it and probably winning a lot of awards as well, that he's now got a website dedicated to spilling the dirty laundry about his co star in the film. It's unprecedented.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, it's shocking in many ways. I'm quite glad for like new media and all of that, because I can imagine how many people in the past have been victim to the kind of stunts that Blake Levy and her husband have pulled. Now, apparently in conjunction with Taylor Swift, who has oddly decided to distance herself from the couple, which is an interesting development. Look I through the 160 page timeline and evidence document that Justin published on his website, in detail, as well as what he presented to the court. Because it was fascinating.
  • Unknown E
    It was fascinating.
  • Unknown B
    I mean, if even only half of what he's saying is true. Blake Lively is a complete nightmare. This is an actress that was hired to be in the film and yet she's asking the director, who's also her lead for the cuts and the edits and she's decided to take over the wardrobe and she gets to choose her wardrobe and they pay for it. That's unprecedented. No one's ever heard of that. And then she has the audacity to call her husband and Taylor Swift of her Dragons. And that Justin Baldoni and the producer tried to sexually harass this woman, this mad hatter, who no sane man would go near with a ten foot barge pole. It is so offensive and so ridiculous. I mean, I urge everyone to just read through everything that Justin Baldwin.
  • Unknown E
    I mean it is utterly shocking, it's compelling. Andy. It's sort of unprecedented that stars of this magnitude would dish it all out in public to this extent. I mean, she began with I think the New York Times, very well orchestrated, obviously onslaught against him. And I read all that and thought, wow, poor Blake Lively. I've got to say I'm not really thinking that now. The more I read about this, the more I think staying on all your gruesome houses, the publicists involved, the actors involved, everybody involved seems to be absolutely horrible.
  • Unknown C
    Well, you say we haven't seen it before, but we kind of have with Johnny Depp. And Amber heard.
  • Unknown E
    Well that's true. Yeah, but that only came out in the end in court. Right.
  • Unknown C
    Johnny did something I think a lot of people took notes to like.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah, that's true.
  • Unknown C
    A receipt. He dropped all the evidence. And I think Team Justin, which, you know, same PR rep who rep Johnny was behind this, you know, Blake sort of saw that as, oh, you're trying to, to, to use an Amber Heard tactic. But she didn't even realize, like that's not a good defense. That means you're guilty. Because Blake, you know, Amber lied. It's been astonishing. Like I just jumped off my live with 30,000 people watching the new hearing because the judge is trying to reprimand Justin for dropping receipts. And I'm just sitting there like, how is this allowed? Like, Blake Lively dropped a lawsuit with all his texts, cherry picked those texts, removed emojis and like intent and backstory.
  • Unknown B
    To these texts, deleted, literally outright deleted certain sections of the text.
  • Unknown C
    Yes, 100% took it all is re edited. And now they're mad. They're mad at Justin for releasing the full context of those texts. It makes sense.
  • Unknown B
    And the worst part of all of this, she decided to promote a film about domestic violence by flogging her alcohol brand. Even though we know that most domestic violence cases are involved involve drinking by the part of the abuser. And she got her husband's PR company that wasn't signed off by Sony to take over the promotion of the film. What did Ryan Reynolds have to do with this film that Justin Baldoni's production team bought in the first place?
  • Unknown D
    I don't want to interrupt, but like I do think someone needs to Stick up for Blake's slightly.
  • Unknown B
    Go ahead.
  • Unknown D
    I've got to say, like, I'm not going to defend the decision to talk about florals on the red carpet or to promote alcohol or whatever, but I just think we should point out that a lot of celebrities are annoying. Like a lot of celebrities do promo products when they're promoing a film. That is quite normal in Hollywood culture.
  • Unknown B
    How many? If we drill this with the Holocaust.
  • Unknown D
    Promoting what?
  • Unknown B
    I don't know.
  • Unknown D
    What were you going to say? Well, I'm sure it was going to be wildly offensive.
  • Unknown E
    No, but.
  • Unknown B
    No, seriously, when you're promoting certain films, you don't, you don't.
  • Unknown D
    I'm not sure there's a rule about that. I don't know if that's a written rule.
  • Unknown B
    Would you promote an oven brand if you think about the Holocaust?
  • Unknown D
    The point is, this is a woman who said privately on set to various people, I'm not okay with this decision. I don't like that. We've seen the clip of them both interacting where she did feel like she was trying to take charge of a situation she was uncomfortable in.
  • Unknown B
    No, she wasn't.
  • Unknown D
    And I'm.
  • Unknown A
    She was trying to take charge of a situation. You could put the period there.
  • Unknown D
    She was not comfortable. You could view it with either lens, I think. I think, yeah, if you close one.
  • Unknown B
    Eye and then the other one.
  • Unknown D
    I think there's a hidden language when you feel uncomfortable. And if you've experienced something where you feel uncomfortable, then you can read into what she's saying.
  • Unknown E
    Do you know what, when I start.
  • Unknown D
    Here, I'm sorry, Jim, you can finish.
  • Unknown E
    A point when I hear all that kind of guff. So honestly, that's all been banned as well now.
  • Unknown D
    But listen, a woman is trying to say she's uncomfortable and then she's been hit with a retaliation.
  • Unknown B
    You know what she could have done? She could have, she could have pulled out of the film and retained her 400 million dollar fortune that she has with her husband.
  • Unknown E
    She could have done that. The real shame for me, Shannon, is that. Have you seen the movie?
  • Unknown A
    I have, yes. And I also.
  • Unknown D
    Amazing film.
  • Unknown E
    I thought it was great and I thought the acting in it from both of them was fantastic. And in fact I was. I remember thinking, wow, the chemistry here is, is wildly good, you know, and the twist is great and everything else. I mean, literally, I want to go and watch it again now. Thinking about it. It's such a great, well made film. And that's what's sad is like they should all be basking in the glory of this film, and instead they're just going to kill each other.
  • Unknown F
    Isn't that one of the allegations?
  • Unknown E
    Critical drinking, Shannon, like, none of this.
  • Unknown A
    Was ever about making good film. It was about power. It was about power, and now that power is backfired, Backfiring. They tried to play it out in the public. That didn't work. They don't want Justin playing the public. The only way Blake and Ryan could salvage what's left of their reputation, which they don't even realize. I truly don't think they realize how reviled they are. I don't think they realize they're losing if they did something that no litigious celebrity has ever done, which is come out and be like, we made a mistake. Suing someone is a nightmare. It's stressful. It's expensive. It's a life ruiner. And you know what, dude? Even if we're right, it's not worth it. We're going to back away. I bet Justin would call off the dogs also.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah. I mean, critical drinker. What's been fascinating to me, Critical drinker. What's been really interesting to me is the way the modern phenomenon of publicists, through useful journalists using digital outlets and social media stuff to just wage a kind of warfare against somebody surreptitiously under the radar, where it just goes viral. And before, I mean, I just remember reading all the stuff about Blake Lively thinking, what's causing all this? Why is she getting all this hate? Because I love the film now you look at it in totality and you think I was probably a little bit too sympathetic, given what's been now being published.
  • Unknown F
    I think ultimately all you need is a good PR firm and a few thousand bot accounts, and you can make pretty much any story turn into reality on social media. That's. That's the scary reality of the world that we live in now.
  • Unknown E
    Yeah, I think that's really true, and it's really actually quite disturbing. Andy, I want to play you a clip of Selena Gomez crying about Trump and his immigration deportations. I just wanted to say that I feel sorry.
  • Unknown B
    All my people are getting attacked.
  • Unknown E
    Children, I don't understand. I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something, but I can't. I don't know what to do.
  • Unknown B
    I'll try everything, I promise.
  • Unknown E
    I mean, Andy, that was genuinely one of the most pathetic things I've ever had to endure watching on social media in her moment of deep.
  • Unknown C
    That clip's clearly gonna solve it all, obviously.
  • Unknown E
    Well, it's the whole idea when you're crying like that and you're a massive star, your first thought is, I better just Instagram live this to the world, just in case they don't capture my full sincerity.
  • Unknown C
    And of course, look, my wife's in Puerto Rico. She's had concerns. I'm not going to say that people aren't allowed to have concerns. What I find frustrating about this is it's so performative. It's so unhelpful. It's like, why are you doing this? Why would you think that's. I think all social media needs are you sure? Button.
  • Unknown E
    It's so narcissistic. Yeah, well, she got. She got an are you sure? But it came in the response that came from the public who just bombarded him. What on earth are you doing? And it was just so.
  • Unknown F
    People are so over this. Yeah, this panel is so over this.
  • Unknown E
    I totally agree.
  • Unknown C
    Should be crying over Emilia Perez, if we're being honest.
  • Unknown F
    Yeah. This kind of performative activism, this, like, fake outrage and the fake tears, like it's done, like that sort of thing peaked several years ago, and people are just so, like, wise to it now. We've got no time for it. And she got rightly mocked for something like this.
  • Unknown E
    James, let's bring in the defender of the indefensible. I mean, there can't be a defense for this. Sure.
  • Unknown D
    I mean, I do agree that just going live on Instagram whilst crying is a choice.
  • Unknown B
    It's a choice.
  • Unknown E
    It's definitely a choice. Ultimate narcissism.
  • Unknown D
    I don't think she's acting, though. Like, we've seen her act. I don't think that is Selena Gomez acting. I do think that's real. Also, I just want to say Selena Gomez is not a fan of mine. And after a documentary that she filmed, she did an interview with me and came off the back of it saying that was really pointless. So if you.
  • Unknown E
    So she has got a brain like her.
  • Unknown D
    Yeah, exactly. I'm a fan of Selena Gomez, and it makes sense that she's. It makes sense that she sat. I mean, there's a lot of people being deported and losing their families.
  • Unknown E
    Well, actually, what's happening at the moment. Well, actually, this is the point, though. Again, I call it the TikTok information train, where she probably just watched a few TikToks. Right. Because the reality is, in this first phase of these deportations, they are almost exclusively illegal, immigrant, criminal. And by the way, as the White House pointed out, even if they weren't actually breaking new crime. Actually, let's listen to the White House press secretary, let's watch this. Say that I'm so sorry.
  • Unknown B
    All my people are getting attacked. Children seeing that video, it's hard to believe that it's actually genuine and real. Because she's an actress.
  • Unknown E
    You don't know who you're crying for. Sorry. By the White House press office. And the White House press secretary made another point, which was not withstanding the fact that these people there talking have actually lost their loved ones. And there's no Senor Gomez crying for them over illegal immigrants killing their loved ones. But the other point she made, which I thought was just very simple and powerful, actually, if you're an illegal immigrant to the United States, you are already a criminal. You're breaking the law. And I've just, you know, I've just renewed my visa today. Right. It's a laborious process, actually. Green card, even more laborious citizenship, even more laborious for all those who go through the legal process of doing these things. Why should people who just wander over borders, whether it's America, the UK or whatever, I think people are pretty sick of it, actually.
  • Unknown E
    Sick of people just abusing a system to better their lives. Great. You know, immigrants bring a wonderful. A wonderful thing to many countries in totality. It doesn't mean that illegal immigration should be tolerated.
  • Unknown D
    In some cases, they don't have a choice to wait.
  • Unknown B
    Do you know how much fraud you have to commit being an illegal immigrant in a country to actually stay there, to get employment, to get access to hospitals and public services? Like, on every single level, you are committing fraud. I think if it's a choice, the illegal entry.
  • Unknown D
    I think if it's a choice between being murdered where you currently live, and then you claim asylum.
  • Unknown B
    Claim asylum?
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. You claim asylum.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown E
    I mean, it's an asylum seeker program. It's specifically designed for that. Let me bring in Andy. Because you're American. It just seemed to me it was too early to do that anyway, because the narrative of the story at the moment is pretty restricted to pretty unpleasant people who've done pretty unpleasant crimes as well as being there illegally. That was the first tranche of this deportation movement.
  • Unknown C
    Yeah. I just think everyone's not as educated as need be. We're all reacting to TikToks. I don't disagree with you, and even I don't feel like I fully understand what's happening. So many things are promised or offered and then we don't know. I still stand by it. While I think some people have issues that they can be worried about, I know My wife, she has. I don't get the specifics of it, but my point is I know people are concerned about what's this mean and you know, I do get worried, but Selena Gomez is not helping it. I still stand by. That's incredibly performative and she should do more homework before she goes cries and rallies her base to get all emotional as well because she's clearly not as informed.
  • Unknown B
    She could put some of her hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, as they immediately was the cause.
  • Unknown C
  • Unknown B
    That could be nice.
  • Unknown A
    Let's turn to captain this outrage in the run up to the election. I mean, this election didn't happen overnight. Was she campaigning? Was she handing out leaflets, was she volunteering? Was she doing petitions foundations? Or was she liking mean tweets about Higley Baldwin?
  • Unknown E
    I just think we live in a very dumbed down world now, driven by TikTok, actually, which I like. TikTok's fun, you know, but it also is the number one news source for people under 25. And this is what happens is they see often deliberately slanted or edited or just completely disingenuous clips lasting 20 seconds. And I think that gives them a worldview about Trump's immigration policy. The truth is that Trump, under Biden, nearly 10 million people, it's been reported, came in illegally over the border and the southern border over four years. That's completely unsustainable. You don't have to be right or left wing or anything. You just have to accept that is completely unacceptable and it can't go on like that. So he's decided to start by deporting all those who are here illegally in America who break the law. Again, that seems to me completely reasonable. Anyone disagree?
  • Unknown D
    I mean, it's reasonable, but also let's have some empathy.
  • Unknown E
    I think that's what's happening for criminals.
  • Unknown D
    No, I just, I think for the people affected by these decisions.
  • Unknown E
    Who do you want to have a. Hang on, hang on, hang on, James. Who do you want empathy for?
  • Unknown D
    Well, we're talking about people who have families. Maybe their families are also with them. If they've broken the law, obviously they shouldn't be in America.
  • Unknown B
    We should have empathy for.
  • Unknown D
    But there are other people connected to those people.
  • Unknown B
    It affects a lot for the underage brides stuck in Afghanistan who are being pushed to the back of the queue of the asylum process to the United States because some illegal immigrant from Mexico that decided to jump over the border and potentially commit a crime is being asked for us to give them this. Our Sympathy by James Bond. Why don't you have?
  • Unknown D
    I'm not wrong. I never said have sympathy, I said have empathy.
  • Unknown E
    The point is, is there a clip of Selena Gomez crying for the victims of those mothers talking about their children being murdered? Of course not. Because it doesn't cross her mind to do that. And it's about. It's a bit like the argument with Israel and Hamas, right? When I've got a lot of sympathy for the pro Palestinians who start by saying October 7th was horrendous, I completely condemn it and then put their case. Fine. If they can't do that and the whole worldview about that story is driven exclusively by anti Israel sentiment and anti Jewish sentiment, I have no time for it. And it's the same thing. It's driven by TikTok. You see the anti Israeli stuff all the time and you never ever see the other side of it. And these people get brainwashed into thinking there is only one way of looking at these things.
  • Unknown E
    I see it on every one of these stories as well. One side pumped out Cindy Gomez. All she cares about is what she thinks are little children being snatched in the street and deported. That is not what's happening at the moment. Now that's not to say it may not happen, but who was the biggest deporter of illegal immigrants in American history as president Barack Obama. Yeah, he was the deporter in chief in Mexico. That was his nickname. Three million people he deported in eight years. You know how many liberal friends of mine know that statistic or care? Zero. I test them all the time. They do not know. And that's my problem with this. It's all bullshit, performative, ill informed crap and it serves nobody. Talking of which, let's go to Captain America.
  • Unknown D
    I literally just said let's have some empathy, Captain America. I don't like where you put the empathy.
  • Unknown E
    I've got no empathy. I've got my empathy. Vow for stupid people is extremely low. Anthony Mackie, Captain America, he described. Well, let's just watch what he said. Anyway, this is in Rome for me. Captain America represents a lot of different things and I don't think the term, you know, America should be one of those representations. Like it's about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity and integrity. Someone who is trustworthy and dependable. I mean again, let me start with you Andy, as the American looking puzzle there. What was he saying?
  • Unknown C
    I mean he's pandering to Rome. He wants to pander the non American countries that he's promoting his film in because Marvel's Tanking in all countries. And I can see why he did it, but I also just think it's so. He's such a bozo. Like, he knew that was going to get clipped. He knew how much people are looking at not only Marvel, but just movies in general. And it just sounds so anti American.
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown C
    But I do believe he was just trying to sell his movie abroad. So I'm not as offended as most, but I totally accept why people are upset with him. Because it's Captain America. We're the audience. Marvel is dying right now. I used to be so excited for every Marvel movie. I do not care about this movie at all. And that's really bad that even Marvel fans are like, maybe I'll catch it on Disney. And he needs to promote it heavily to make its money, but not on the expense of saying it's not American. That's.
  • Unknown E
    I just think if you're making critical drinker, tens of millions wearing tights, pretending to be a superhero, the least you can do if you're called Captain America and you're American is big up America. Right. If your basic marketing position is America sucks, says Captain America, this ain't a great idea.
  • Unknown F
    I tend to agree with Andy on this one. I don't think he was trying to necessarily bad mouth America. More so the fact that he knew he was in Europe and he was preaching to a European audience. And I think what he was trying to say was more just, this is a sort of universal heroic character that people all around the world can look up to. He doesn't. It's not uniquely American. I don't think he expressed it in the best way he could have. And I think he knew it in the middle of actually saying it, which is why he tries to then backtrack.
  • Unknown E
  • Unknown F
    There's a little bit more footage where he's kind of stumbling over his words and hesitating because he knows he said something wrong and he's trying to think of the right way to salvage it. He can't. Ultimately, it's just an unfortunate PR flop. It happens to everyone. It happens to the best of us.
  • Unknown E
    You know what, though, Shalin? I mean, that's very generous. I think a critical drink. Unusually generous, if I may say so. Yeah. Because honestly, you've got one job if you're Captain America in the movies. Right. Because everyone in America will love it if you say I love America. That's all you gotta say. I love America. And I couldn't be more proud to play Captain America.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah, they're not coming to see Captain Europe or Captain Rome. They just made that movie. It's called Conclave. They've got that film. This is like the Blake Lively thing. It's like, get on board. Get on board with the PR machine. If you don't want to talk about this issue, don't do this movie. Go be in the weird trans movie and sing the penis and vagina song. Like you have options out there if you didn't understand people.
  • Unknown E
    I'm actually going to have nightmares about that clip. We watched, and I only watched God knows what poor critical drinker went through two hours of.
  • Unknown F
    Was an experience. It really was.
  • Unknown E
    Esther, your thoughts on Captain America?
  • Unknown B
    You see, the thing is, it's a very cultural problem where these American celebrities feel the need to just overshare and to go off script and stuff. In other parts of the world, if you're promoting a film, particularly a film that they've invested hundreds of millions of dollars in, you stay on script. You say the film is great. It's been none of, you know, being part of this cast, whatever. But it's American celebrities and this culture of narcissistic culture in Hollywood that makes them say, oh, yes. This doesn't really represent what America is right now. Who asked you? Who asked you? Who cares? Did anybody ask you anything about what you think about America right now?
  • Unknown E
    Well, so this is why they should never get into politics.
  • Unknown B
    Who watched the great film that we.
  • Unknown E
    Spent a lot of time.
  • Unknown D
    Well, I guess he's not, is he? He's just, like, trying to skirt around the issue. He's not saying it with his face.
  • Unknown B
    No one's asked him about the issue. Your business there is to promote the film. Close your mouth.
  • Unknown D
    In a way, the movie in itself is kind of about Captain America versus government. When you see the film, that's kind of what it's tapping into.
  • Unknown B
    So it's a Marvel film.
  • Unknown D
    It's a comic book film.
  • Unknown B
    It's boom, boom, kaboom, Happy Days.
  • Unknown C
    Just like that.
  • Unknown E
    It's like James Bond.
  • Unknown D
    It's boom, boom, kaboom.
  • Unknown E
    It's like James Bond.
  • Unknown D
    Many fans channel.
  • Unknown E
    We've had this debate before. Look, we've had this debate before. It's like James Bond, right? You just want James Bond to be a hard drinking, wildly promiscuous assassin. That's it. With a twinkle in his eye. And that's a womanizer all you want. That's what women want him to be. It's what men want him to be. And if the wokies just leave him alone, right? Bring him back from the dead. He was last seen crying, not allowed to touch any women. The whole thing was just a complete fiasco. So now we gotta bring him back to the old franchise of Bond. We just need someone that's gonna take him back to the good old days.
  • Unknown D
    James Bond. I can't believe we're having this conversation again.
  • Unknown E
    What's about. He's our Captain America, isn't it? He is.
  • Unknown D
    They're very different. It's a completely different type of movie. They're not at all similar. I understand why you're drawing comparison there, but they are.
  • Unknown E
    I think it's because there's this ongoing thing about what has happened to the James Bond franchise.
  • Unknown D
    They killed, but we don't know.
  • Unknown E
    Supposed to bring him back. There's nothing going on with this movie franchise. I love James Bond and I want him to go back.
  • Unknown D
    Was an incredible Bond. So multi layered till the end until he became a modern man. And I think that's what we need from our man.
  • Unknown E
    He was a modern man. He was an emasculated drip by the.
  • Unknown B
    End he became a wetty. He was a wetty.
  • Unknown E
    And in real life he kept wearing a papoose. I mean it's just ridiculous.
  • Unknown D
    I don't want to hear about your.
  • Unknown E
    Anyway, great panel. Thank you all very much. Great to see you all. James, welcome back.
  • Unknown D
    Thank you.
  • Unknown E
    It's been a while. Don't leave us along next time. Cheers, everyone.
  • Unknown F
    Thank you.