Unknown A
At the end of the day, using reckless language and openly repeating lies like this about Ukraine, I think is ridiculous. It's negative about Ukraine. Ukraine didn't like. Ukraine got attacked by Russia.
Unknown B
Unknown C
I think that people are just ridiculous that they think that Putin's such this enemy. He isn't doing anything. He just wants back what was his.
Unknown D
But he invaded. He invaded. He invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of people.
Unknown C
That's fine. That's fine with me.
Unknown E
Do you have any message for Ukrainians.
Unknown B
Who, after three years of fighting, might.
Unknown E
Feel betrayed or disappointed at not having a seat at these initial talks in Saudi Arabia?
Unknown F
But today I heard, oh, well, we weren't invited. Well, you've been there for three years. You should have ended it. Three years. You should have never started it. You could have made a deal. I could have made a deal for Ukraine.
Unknown A
Ukraine got attacked by Russia. They got invaded by Russia. Like, there are Ukraine troops or, sorry, there are Russian troops trying to attack Ukraine. It's like Ukraine's trying to attack Moscow. Right. That's not what's happening. And so, like, I don't understand. It's more complex and. No, no, no. I'm sure that it's more complex than that. But at the end of the day, all of those complexities I think do have to level down to, like, one or the other. And I think that really, it's kind of up that Trump is saying this. Like, I'm totally against his perspective on Ukraine. I think that he's doing a massive disservice to us diplomatically. And, like, it doesn't mean that I support Ukraine about everything. And I want to.
Unknown B
I've been in the trenches and r asmongold, the whole stuff is turning against Trump over Ukraine. I'm surprised that he has this position on Ukraine. I wonder where this comes from.
Unknown A
Send troops over to Ukraine. I'm not saying that either. Right. But, like, I just. I don't see why you go on national television and you, as the President of the United States, just repeat things. Like, he's polling at 4%. Like, nobody said that. Like, he never said that. Like, it's so stupid for him to do this. And the problem. And, like, what?
Unknown B
A lot of Republicans are pissed about Trump's stance in Russia. Are conservatives r conservatives against Trump on Ukraine as well? Oh, his position on Ukraine has just been so unbelievable. It's not unbelievable. I keep saying that I need to play video games. I hate this. It's just he's doing exactly what he did. I don't think people realized I Don't think people realized exactly what happened with Afghanistan. Nobody actually knows. Donald Trump went to Doha with the negotiators of the Taliban and they made a deal. Part of it was secret, for negotiating total US Withdrawal from. From Afghanistan. And part of this deal was like, we released thousands of five, like 5,000 Taliban prisoners. It's. And the worst part was the Afghanistan government had absolutely no idea what this deal even was. Part of the reason why Afghanistan collapsed even faster than we thought it would when we were in the process of pulling out is because the Taliban would show up to areas and basically say, hey, this land has already been signed over to us.
Unknown B
I don't even know why you retards are defending it. You need to get the. And they'd be like, oh, shit, I didn't even know. It was just like. It was. This was this negotiated deal, quote, unquote, negotiation. This was just a complete and total and utter surrender of Afghanistan. Now, whether you think it was good or bad for us to surrender, it is one thing, but that's all this was. And what we're seeing play out right now with Ukraine and Russia is the exact same thing. Trump flies to. I'm assuming they're in Riyadh, right? Because Saudi Arabia is overseeing the talks. Trump and Putin are in Riyadh. Riyadh. Riyadh. Zelensky is not invited. And what's the negotiation going to happen? What is Russia going to be giving up here? Like, who the f. Knows? Like, so it's just. It's just like a total surrender. Except now Trump isn't even surrendering a US Position.
Unknown B
He's surrendering on behalf of. He's surrendering on behalf of another country. What the does Elon mean when he says Zelensky killed an American journalist? That one guy that we hate that we used to debate who said I would kill myself in 10 years. I don't know how many years I have left. Coach Red pill. He was a journalist in Ukraine. Journalists. I'm giving the biggest air quotes ever when he went to Ukraine. Ah, I'm so triggered. I'm so sorry. Hold on. Because somebody brought up the Abraham accords in YouTube chat as well. You don't get credit for negotiating when you cut out the most difficult party to negotiate with. Like, who did I argue with last on stream that was saying the Abraham Accords? Well, actually they were pretty good. You gotta give them some credit for that. Fuck. This was an actual debate I had.
Unknown B
Who was it recently? It's not. It's not like it's not impressive that you managed to negotiate some kind of Middle Eastern peace deal with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Morocco when these guys all have a super common enemy, which is Iran, and you cut the Palestinians out of the negotiated deal. Like, the Palestinian is the biggest issue right now when it comes to negotiating peace. What's like a fancy thing, I could say south of the whatever, south of Iraq and Syria, whatever the fuck. Like, that's not. That's not like a. It's not very impressive. Like, that was the hard part. We swearing at the Palestinian issue. Kicking that can down the road is not. That's not really that impressive of a deal. Same thing with the Doha Accord. Is it accord or agreement? Or I Google agreement. But these talks, this is not impressive. Good job.
Unknown B
You surrender to the Taliban. That's not an impressive negotiation. Oh, I think I might have spoken to. It was Coleman about that. I don't know if that full video is posted yet. And then same thing with what's going on right now with Russia and Ukraine. It's not gonna be that impressive to negotiate peace if we just say, okay, well, we're gonna make Ukraine do a full surrender and then, boom, we negotiate. Like, where are these great negotiation skills? Like, at the very least, in an ideal world, at the end of four years of Trump, and this is what really pisses me off about conservatives, I should be grumbling and like, oh, I hate him, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But then conservatives should be able to be like, yeah, you hate him, but look what he did for this country. How mad are you that our economy is rocking, that we've got the strongest alliance ever, that we trashed Russia with Trump's crazy negotiating abilities, Right?
Unknown B
That we've got some of the most favorable fucking like, how about you? And it's like, ah, you, Trump, that should be me. But it's not. Instead of just like, watch my country being destroyed and our alliance with Europe being destroyed. That speech that Vance gave was crazy. That's like historically insane speech to go and to go over to Europe. Like, you guys don't have freedom of speech anymore. What I saw X. Right? That was an insane speech for advance to give. It was an insane speech. What are we getting for all of Trump's crazy negotiating strategies? Give me one thing like, just show me something that we're getting for. This is nothing. We're not getting anything. We're not getting anything for any of these strategies anywhere. It's not. We're not getting anything at all except triggered. We should read the Heart of The deal. True.
Unknown B
What the fuck? Maybe it's all in there. Maybe the art of the deal is just giving up fucking everything until somebody does you a favor in the future. I don't know, man. Jesus Christ.
Unknown A
Annoys me about this the most, is that there are a lot of things that Trump does that I agree with, right? Like, a lot of things I'm happy about. And I think the problem is that, like, I'm not a cultist, right? Like, I've never been a cultist. And so. Well, not yet, at least. And anyway, I think some people are, and they.
Unknown B
Have you looked at the German elections? Supposedly I don't follow Germany close enough to know, but this is what I've been told by people that seem to follow, and I trust them. The Center Party basically did really well for the elections. The AfD came in second, but they're not part of, like, the governing coalition, so they're not gonna be part of the government, which is good. Apparently, Trump, I saw truthed out. He's trying to take credit for, like, oh, the conservatives rocked. Good job, guys. We're doing so well now. But they backed the AfD. The AfD did not win. They didn't perform as well as all these people thought they would or were saying they would on. That's good. So even though some conservatives in America are trying to claim that, like, oh, look, the party we back won, they did it. They didn't. The AfD did not do anywhere near as well as these people were hoping or praying they did.
Unknown B
And they're not part of the government now. So. I saw. This really makes you think, huh? Unfortunately, Community Notes is increasingly being gamed by governments and legacy media working to fix this. There is a whole lot of what in this sentence? What do you mean working to fix this? Because whatever this is kind of sounds like it's some form of censorship. No. Or regulating alternative media. No. It should be utterly obvious that a Zelenskyy controlled poll about his own approval is not credible. If Zelenskyy was actually loved by the people of Ukraine, he would hold an election he knows he would lose in a landslide despite having seized control of all Ukrainian media. So he canceled the election. In reality, he is despised by the people of Ukraine, which is why he's refused to hold an election. I challenge Zelenskyy to hold an election and refute this.
Unknown B
He will not. President Trump is right to ignore him and solve for peace independent of the dis. Mass massive graft machine feeding off the dead bodies of Ukrainian soldiers. Damn, bro. That's some good ass ketamine. He's really watching all of his words just float out there, huh?
Unknown A
And so. Well, not yet at least. And anyway, I think some people are and they feel the need to defend this. If you're a fan of Trump and you like what Trump is doing in America, it's completely okay for you to call this out and say, bro, this is too much. You need to tone this shit down. Stop doing this. You're causing us so much trouble.
Unknown B
What the right Jonathan Pai on Trump's Art of the Deal. Listen, Jonathan Pai both sides, way too much, which triggered me. But also I'm tired of the. His little gimmick is I'm good on it, okay?
Unknown A
And so that's really the way I think it and that's the way I see it. I really don't care. Well, like I kind of do in a way like I can understand you.
Unknown B
Were about to explain the Gonzalo. The Gonzalo Lira situation. Coach Red pill. So he moved to Ukraine of all places, like 10 years ago or something. Because that's where you could. The most 18 year old, whatever crazy women and sex cult shit. Basically everything people accused me of doing, he was actually doing in Ukraine. So he moves over there. He has some place he moves into. He does that. He wants to do that for his life. And then Russia invades like proper in 2022. So then when Russia invades supposedly allegedly now I don't know this 100%, I don't know if it's been proven, but allegedly he's informing on what's going on in the city of the Ukrainian troops to Russian military on telegram. Supposedly allegedly he is informing on the Ukrainians to Russian advancing troops. Now I think that the Russian troops get pushed back from wherever, wherever he was living.
Unknown B
And then he got arrested by the fsb. I think is the special forces, the Ukrainian or internal police or something. And then I think he died of some sickness or whatever in Ukrainian custody. But people are saying that the Ukrainian police killed him, which would be insane given that that's an American citizen. Unless he renounces citizenship. That would be crazy for Ukraine to just to just kill him. But was it for pneumonia? That was after he got deported and then came back. Oh yeah, I think that happened. And then I think didn't he tweet out or telegram out that he's like, I'm gonna try to flee now going into Romania. And he tried to like, I don't know, bro. Dumb. Yeah, he. Oh, did he livestream going to the border. Do you think it's impossible that he was killed? No, I don't think it's impossible and I think there should be an investigation.
Unknown B
Personally, I think US citizens dying in other countries is always a bad thing. And if unless something has come out that's different. Ukrainians have already been shown to be a little bit sneaky because I'm pretty sure in the beginning of the war I think it's accepted that the Nord Stream 2 attack that was done, I believe by parts of the Ukraine military, although supposedly Zelensky wasn't informed of that. I don't know how true that part is or not, but I'm pretty sure that's where we stand on that right now. So I thought we did it. There was some substack written by some. I wish I could remember the name. Some retard. There are so many journalists that get popular writing one good story and then they just produce dog shit for the rest of their life. But I don't know if it's been proven. I don't know if I'll ever prove it, but I thought that's where we were at right now in terms of what we expected or what we thought that it was.
Unknown B
They were Ukrainian. It's not confirmed if they were state or non state actors. Yeah, maybe he was arrested for regular revealing AA positions to Russia and was even caught red handed taking pictures. His crossing the border video. Damn. I don't want to make fun of.
Unknown A
Wait and not caring, but I do think that it's problematic and at the end of the day using reckless language and openly repeating lies like this about Ukraine I think is ridiculous. It's negative about Ukraine. Ukraine didn't like Ukraine got attacked by Russia.
Unknown G
They hey, how's it going?
Unknown E
It's been a while. I hope you have had.
Unknown B
I don't want to shit on appearances, but damn. Isn't he in his 40s or was he older than that?
Unknown G
Hey, how's it going?
Unknown B
You know what, I shouldn't even say that. It's not even that he looks like aged or that he's fucked. I think it's just that he probably needs to do something different with his hair because of, because of how recessed his hairline is and then he probably needs a shave. Was he 55? I don't know if there's a wiki where it shows his age, but after around six months of war I started supporting deploying US troops to Ukraine to support this. Unfortunately I don't think that's responsible. It's just too scary for nuclear powers to fight directly like that. But it would have been nice to help them more. Maybe, but that's hard to. I don't know. It's a rough situation. It's been a while.
Unknown E
I hope you've had a good time. I didn't have such a good time. I spent nine and a half weeks in prison here in Ukraine. I've been out on bail since July 6th. Today is July 31st and to prove the time, I just checked on my subscription Defense Politics Asia, which is a pretty good channel, just put out a video called Niger on the Brink of Regional War. That should prove the time that I'm recording this video. Now at the same time that I'm posting this video, I'm posting a long thread on my Twitter account. My Twitter account is Gonzalo Lira 1968 Gonzalo Lira 1968 can you explain how.
Unknown B
Russia would ever fire a nuke without them getting invaded? Wouldn't mad stop them from ever doing that unless their state is at risk of being destroyed it Once you've got two nuclear powers attacking each other, you're getting into an area where the public bro, I'm going into like international relation, military theory, stuff that I don't have the greatest comprehension of. So this is just how I've come to understand it. So I could be total wrong. I should just keep that in mind. But what happens is anytime a country is involved in military stuff, if you start losing soldiers or like big deaths start happening on your side, the public usually demands some kind of retribution. This is why every time somebody dies or gets killed by some country, there's immediately a statement saying we are going to retaliate, usually followed by some kind of measured retaliation.
Unknown B
The most recent example I can think of is when we killed the biggest one when we killed Soleimani in Iraq. Iran said we are going to respond and they attacked an embassy and then they blew up one of their own commercial planes on accident. And then it's obviously happened a lot between Israel and Iran. We're going to respond. We're going to respond, right? You just have to do that. The scary thing is that if Russia and the United States, somebody does an explosion and a whole bunch of troops die, well, now the US has to respond and it's like, okay, well, oof. If we start getting into a call and response, a back and forth between nuclear powers and nukes are somewhere along this chain of response. That's just a really scary world to be in and nobody wants to Risk that. Basically because the feeling of any potential nuclear conflict is just so not good to the world.
Unknown B
This is why. This is why Pakistan and India and China supposedly. I think, assuming I'm not spreading a meme, but I think we've looked at videos of this. But it's why when they fight each other, I think they have, like, areas where they don't even use guns. They just use, like, fucking spears and polearms and shit. This is a real thing. Okay? I'm not making this up. We always look this up every time. But I think this is a real thing. But they, like, agree not to use guns here, I think, so that things don't escalate or some dumb shit. It's only. But it's only on that border dispute area. It's not for any serious conflict. Sure, but this is. I think where people are scared of conflict happening is there's. I think there's six disputed territories. North of India, east of Pakistan, west of China.
Unknown B
The one that most people know about is called Kashmir. But there's. I think there's five other disputed. There's five other disputed, like, little things here, I believe. I don't know what the fuck they're all called, but there's, like, a handful of, like, disputed lands in here that, like, I think Pakistan, India and China all fight over. I don't know what they're all called. I think there's six of them, or maybe it's within Kashmir and whatever. That there are six different provinces or something. Something like that. He wrote a letter in which he stated that he had double pneumonia, pneumothorax and severe oedema. I don't even know what the f. All that shit is.
Unknown G
Hey, how's it going?
Unknown B
Like, one out of three, bro. I don't wanna watch all this shit.
Unknown E
This evil Russian propaganda. I was in prison and I told.
Unknown G
The other prisoners how I'd been detained in April of 22nd and told the known terms not to leave the country. The prisoners laughed and they said, you idiot, they were leaving the door open for you to leave. They wanted you to leave. You know, less hassle for them. And me, of course, you know, retrospectively, it's obvious. But at the time, I said, no, I can't do anything. They're telling me to stay. So I must say, you know, like a. Like an idiot. That's as simple as that. So anyway, insofar as my current, you know, status of being out on bail, and the judge was very clear that I could. I had to. I mean, it was very. I couldn't leave the city, I couldn't leave the country, and I had to surrender my passport. So I have two American and Chilean. And of course, they also confiscated these documents for my transportation.
Unknown G
And yet when I was released on bail, they gave me all the stuff back. They didn't put the electronic monitor and they allowed me to keep my passports. And what's more, you know, they have that saying that I forget the wording exactly. You know, I'm a little stressed out, as you can imagine. But they have that saying that people are fundamentally good, but for evil to triumph, all you need is the indifference of good people. Please don't be indifferent in my fate. I ask you this very humbly. Please recognize that. Well, the literal death that awaits me if this doesn't work out. Understand? What's going on?
Unknown B
Jesus. The literal death. Any recommendation for a good place to start for buying a firearm for self protection? I don't know, go to a shooting range in. Rent one and try shooting it. Do not, do not buy a firearm for self defense that you buy and you stash and you never, ever, ever shoot with. You will not be able to use it if you ever need to. And you've got a higher chance of either killing yourself or some kid grabbing it, killing themselves than you ever using it in a good situation. So whatever you get, make sure you enjoy shooting it and you're actually willing to go and shoot it. The Gonzalo Lira versus Laser Pig and Destiny Roundtable. Oh, I didn't even stay for that. I left. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Laser Pig debated though, so good for him, but I couldn't. It was just.
Unknown B
We had like already started on. It was just. It got. It's so cringe immediately.
Unknown E
The thing is, see, I want to do this conversation with you both as NATO supporters and in fact, you know, I want. I'm going to wind down and you guys will be able to talk all you want.
Unknown B
Are we having. Are we gonna have sexual discussion or.
Unknown E
Yes, natural discussion. That's structured as. I see said that's okay.
Unknown B
But then, like, I think, I think we can like walk through point to point. We don't have to be like, well, he's okay. Ukrainians.
Unknown E
The first thing that we're going to talk about, and if I have to mute you because you keep interrupting, I'll mute you. Why don't you talk about that? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Unknown B
Well, I love the fact that we're not even half an hour into this discussion and you're already trying to force this black and white fallacy on us. Part of that 16, 000 dead includes actual Russian troops on the ground. Oh, really?
Unknown A
Of course.
Unknown B
They call it a.
Unknown E
They call it.
Unknown B
What? Do you want to see the bodies?
Unknown E
This is me trying to find out if NATO supporters such as both of you are ignorant or evil.
Unknown B
Define evil.
Unknown E
The opposite of the good.
Unknown B
Define good.
Unknown E
The opposite of evil.
Unknown B
Okay. You told him not to get killed before you left. Did I? Good luck. Don't get killed. You know, don't get killed based. Okay. Could have taken my advice. Somebody said destiny. I truly don't know how to process all of this. As active duty military, at least half of people support Trump. My OIC does. Everyone sees against all enemies, foreign or domestic, through their own bias lens. I have no idea what can possibly be done. It is weird sometimes how people so rigidly compartmentalize their beliefs, but yeah.
Unknown D
And would it give you any pause?
Unknown C
I don't have a problem. I really don't. I have a problem with Ukraine. They're corrupt. I think that people are just ridiculous that they think that Putin's such this enemy. He isn't doing anything. He just wants back what was his.
Unknown D
But did he invaded. He invaded. He invaded Ukraine. That's killing thousands of people.
Unknown C
That's fine. That's fine with me.
Unknown D
As a veteran yourself, does it concern you at all that Russian aggression could move even beyond Ukraine?
Unknown B
I don't think Putin's a problem. I think Zelinsky is the problem.
Unknown D
Why do you think Putin's not the problem? He's the one that invaded Ukraine and it's killed thousands of people.
Unknown B
Putin is trying to save his country from the likes of idiots like Zelensky and the elitists. You know, this administration, Ukraine. One of the things when I had that debate, debate is the solution revelations is one of my issues. I noticed, because I was thinking about this again at that Bogoshin event, that I need to speak in narratives, more and compelling stories and all of that. And one of the other guys that was there with me kind of did that. Although I'm going to be the most autistic, discreet fact debater, obviously. But I noticed that that whole, like, well, you can't just argue the facts. You've got to tell a compelling story. I don't actually think that that is true necessarily. I think that can be helpful. But I think one of the reasons why it's easier for the other side to tell those compelling stories is because they've already established the entire factual foundation.
Unknown B
So for me to come and try to weave some story is really difficult when the other side's going to be looking at me. Like every single underlying fact is something they disagree with. As Faylor said, it's very easy to tell compelling stories because they already have all of the crazy conspiracy stuff as the foundation, and then they just have to tell a story, basically tying it all together, which is, I think, very, very, very fucking annoying. How would you counter the new land coup talking point? They'll spam it on Twitter under these videos. I mean, you just asked them. That came up again. And that. And the thing I did, there's. You just say, like, what? It doesn't even. We just said we would have preferred a certain leader. That's not evidence of a coup. It's fucking insane that we would take that as evidence of a coup because we're saying we prefer some leader.
Unknown B
Somebody sent me this, which I think was also funny. On that talking point, people always say Victoria Nuland call proves it was a coup, but they somehow completely missed that. In the call, they said Yatsenuk, I think, isn't how you pronounce it. Yatsenuk. Yatsanuk. Yatsanuk is our guy. Yatsenuk being the leader of opposition in parliament under Yanukovych. And yet Yatsenuk didn't become the president. Instead, Turchinov or Turkhanov, the next person in line, became interim president, and then Poroshenko was elected a few months later. So if you do go by that Victoria Nuland call, the guy that she said that they would support wasn't even the guy that was eventually the interim president and then the elected president. Like, no part of that phone call shows a coup or like a staged revolution. It's so stupid. And even if I. Even if that other guy did become president, it's just stupid.
Unknown B
Like, well, where's your evidence? Because we have so much evidence on the ground of all of the revolution shit, of all the corruption that they were fighting of the whole you are my Dan event. Like the weeks of months of protesting up to it. Like, all of this is so well documented. Oh, I keep saying Prime Minister. I'm sorry, I mean to say president, because in Ukraine, it's the president that holds the power, not the prime minister. My bad. So for who they would have preferred to be elected president. So he was the pm, but he wasn't the president, apparently. This was Gonzalo Lira's last written note. Oh, it was a poignant handwritten note Tell my sister I have had a double pneumonia, both lungs as well as pneumon thorax and a very severe case of edema swelling of the body. All this started in mid October but was ignored by the prison.
Unknown B
They only admitted I had pneumonia at a Dec. 22 hearing. I'm about to have a procedure to reduce the edema pressure in and my lungs. Oh in my lungs which is causing me extreme shortness of breath to the point of passing out after minimal activity or even just talking for two minutes. RIP Pneumothorax is a collapsed lung. Depending on the type of pneumothorax it can be a medical emergency versus just normal bad needs monitoring. It's definitely plausible that a 50 something year old maybe with medical comorbidities could die of pneumonia and pneumothorax. That's what my internal medicine friend said. Do you think Ukraine was criminally negligent regarding Serbia? I have no idea. I don't know any of the facts of how they were treating him in confinement.