  • Unknown A
    Let's get on to Joe Biden. So this just had to put this one on the show because it's like a little bit too perfect in terms of the way that this all works. So obviously what was the greatest scandal of the Biden administration if you're a Republican'renn to be. Oh, Hunter Biden. It's like. No, it was the fact that this senile dementia ridden old man was basically given a free pass up until six months before election. Yeah, up until you melted down in front of all of our eyes. And that we basically had some shadow morons like Jake Sullivan and others run the entire United States government. It was genuinely like a Republican fever dream of reality. And yet now we're allowed to talk about it. And that's perfect in terms of a new book that's being released. Let's put this up there on the screen.
  • Unknown A
    It was announced yesterday from CNN's Jake Tapper and axiosis, Alex Thompson. It's called Original Sin. President Biden's decline, its cover up and his disastrous choice to run again. Okay. And actually if you read the book jacket, it's even more shocking because they talk specifically on the back of the book where they're like, it wasn't a bad debate, it wasn't a cold, it was a systematic campaign to cover up. Yeah, here I have it. Front me. What the world saw in the 2024 debate was not anomaly, it was not a cold. It was not someone who was under or over prepared. It was not someone who was just a little tired. It was the natural result of an 81 year old man whose capabilities had been diminished for years. Biden, his family and his team led their self interest and fear of another Trump term justify an attempt to put at times an addled old man in the Oval Office for four more years.
  • Unknown A
    What was the extent of it? Who knew? Was it a conspiracy? We will let the facts speak for themselves. They say it was based on 200 interviews with Biden officials. So I wanna split the difference here for Alex Thompson. As people know, we had Alex Thompson on the show. Legit dude. Now did he call out the Biden stuff as much as I would'liked? No. But was he ever denying the reality of Joe Biden being an adult old man also? No, he took it seriously. He did a lot of reporting about it. And actually he was one of the only critical Biden reporters the entire time about how shit was really going on on the inside and about how people were terrified really of Biden's age. And so when Biden dropped out of the race. He was a go to for here on the show and for a lot of other people.
  • Unknown A
    Tapper, though, is a whole other story in terms of CNN and how they treated the Biden age allegations until it became undeniable. We're gonna show people a clip in a little bit, but I just think it's ridiculous that Tapper is acting as if he was some sort of like lone voice out there trying to tell the truth when he was just as complicit in attacking people who were bringing up Biden's age as all these other idiots in the mainstream media. So I'm gonna read the book. I'll be honest and honestly, Jake, it's.
  • Unknown B
    Gonna be a blockbuster.
  • Unknown A
    Jake, please still come on the show. I wanna talk to you, man. We can talk about this face to face. Alex, I know, come on. At least I hope so after all of this. But I just feel like if it's a little too cute right now to put something like this out there and just act like you had no idea the whole time. Jake, you're one of the best source reporters in Washington, man. Like, if you wanted to, you could've, but you just decided not to.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah, I think that's, for me, the biggest question, because we're gonna show K Clipa is really bad about him being like, oh, he has a stutter. Oh, my God. Anyone who engaged in that is like.
  • Unknown A
    Y stutter disc force. You're done. If you believe that, you're an idiot.
  • Unknown B
    In fairness, that was back in like 2020. It was, it was early. I mean, obviously we know how we covered at the time, right? Weeks. It was so obvious. If you looked even in 2020, if you compared him then when he was vice president, it was very clear. This was not about a stutter. This was about this is an old man. And guess what? Aging only goes in one direction. You're not gonna get younger over the course of your time. The presidency. So anyone who wanted to see the signs could see the signs. But even beyond that, because he wasn't the worst of the mainstream press in terms of covering up even into his presidency and running for reelection. Whatever. There's some clips floating around of him challenging Green, jumpier on his age and concerns around that, et cetera. But I think your point is a really important one, which is that you are deeply entrenched in the firmament of dce.
  • Unknown B
    You are very well sourced. You keep those relationships. Like, did they trick you? You, were you part of the COVID up? Like, how did this get by you to the extent that it did when just regular Americans across the country, Democrat, Republican, independent alike, were able to more accurately understand the extent of his decline than the Washington press corps and Jake Tapper being one of them. So that's my question here, like you said. That being said, I'm gonna read the book. I have no doubt it's gonna be a blockbuster. I know probably Alex wanted to have Jake on it because it will also. They'll get every media appearance they possibly want to with this. And it's kind of amazing to me that it still is not seen as the massive scandal that it truly was. I mean, this was a gigantic cover up. And if you're someone like me who's very upset about Donald Trump being back in the White House, you should care the most deeply, because I think if there had been a Democratic primary process of people been allowed to run and voters have been allowed to truly make a choice, Democrats
  • Unknown B
    would have been in a much better position going into this election. And given the closeness of the election, I think it's reasonable to say it's very likely they would have prevailed. So, yeah, it's gonna be interesting to read, it's gonna be interesting to see who knew what and when. But I have some questions for Jake Tapper. Like for you, what did you know and when? Why weren't you ask the questions? Why weren't you really taking it seriously? Were they just able to trick you or were you, you know, part of sort of intentionally, intentionally hiding just how bad the extent of the decline truly was?
  • Unknown A
    Absolutely. So with all that, let's take a listen to the Tapp clip. It's from 2020, but this is him on Biden's age.
  • Unknown C
    How do you think it makes little kids with stutters feel when they see you make a comment like that?
  • Unknown D
    First and foremost, I had no idea that Joe Biden ever suffered from a stutter. I think what we see on stage with Joe Biden, Jake, is very clearly a cognitive decline. That's what I'm referring to. It makes me uncomfortable.
  • Unknown C
    You have no. That's so amazing. It's so amazing to me that.
  • Unknown D
    And try and figure out an answer.
  • Unknown C
    A cognitive decline.
  • Unknown D
    You're trying to tell me that what I was suggesting was I think you mocking his stutter.
  • Unknown C
    I think you'cing. I think you have absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody's cognitive decline. I would think that somebody in the Trump family would be more sensitive to people who do not have medical licenses diagnosing politicians from afar. Plenty of People have diagnosed your father from afar and I'm sure it defends you. Your father in law from afar, I'm sure defends you. You don't have any standinggning him.
  • Unknown D
    What I'm saying about Cognitiveline. One last question on stage and it's very concerning to a lot of people that this could be the leader of the free world. That is all I'm saying. I genuinely sorry for Joen.
  • Unknown C
    I appreciate it.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. How do those kids, those persons inflicted with stuttering feel? But just this is the sanctimony, the attitude that that's the problem is that people like us and others, any reasonable person was able to be like, yeah, I don't think so. He's like, he miraculously had a stutter that materialized in 2020 even though he's been on a camera for 45 years. And I personally saw Joe Biden at a campaign rally in 2012. That is the Biden in my head. And I remember seeing him in 2019. He'like oh man. I attended Joe Biden's as a journalist, very last speech as vice president in 2016, which again is in my head three years later. And I was like, dude, this is totally the different person back then. And as he was president it was the most openly discussed thing by anyone who was not connected to institutional media.
  • Unknown A
    And this is the type of bullshitt that they used to basically silence into smear people who were bringing up the most obvious. So like, as you said, I'll buy the book.
  • Unknown B
    Okay, sorry, it.
  • Unknown A
    I will buy it. You got it.
  • Unknown B
    Maybe they'll let us a review copy.
  • Unknown A
    Some of us have pay. Yeah, that's true. Since we're. Yeah, we can probably get a free review copy. But maybe honestly at this point I should just buy it after this point I'm talking about it. But the point I guess of all of it is just to say you had the opportunity to know you did definitely participate in all of this and don't be coming around here acting like you're some'seymour Hearsh or whatever sniffing out the greatest story in the world. Like you're not and it's fine.
  • Unknown B
    Did he engage in any cheap fix discourse?
  • Unknown A
    I don't know. That would be. Surely I'm not one of those Twitter discourse guys who goes and checks everybody's past posting history and all that. But on this one I just think it's egregious to act as if you were a forward facing person with credibility. And I actually feel bad for Thompson because he genuinely was on the story at the time as opposed to Tapper. But I get it. It's Washington. You need to make some money, so we wish you the best. Hey, if you like that video, hit the like button or leave a comment below. It really helps get the show to more people.
  • Unknown B
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  • Unknown A
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