  • Unknown A
    All right, we have an update in the unfolding saga of Congressman, Republican Congressman Corey Mills, who is facing assault allegations, serious assault allegations. And this is a really complicated story. It brings in the interim D.C. attorney General, acting Attorney General Ed Martin, who's a pretty interesting character from MAGA World. So I'm going to bear with me as we go through the details as we don't want to get anything wrong on this. We want everybody to have the specifics of this story because it's a big one and it's an interesting one. I'm reading from a report in the Independent which I think actually a lot of the different parts of these allegations. So right now the police department has said this is an active criminal investigation and there's no further information on the case to provide at this time. But last Wednesday, Shecori Mills, mistress, he is married.
  • Unknown A
    This is a woman that is not his wife. 27 year old woman called the police to his apartment in Washington, D.C. told a 911 operator that she had been assaulted by, by Corey Mills. Mills, quote, vehemently denies any wrongdoing whatsoever and is confident any investigation will clear this matter quickly. That's according to his office. In a statement to the Associated Press now, Mills told Politico both myself and the other individuals said what they had claimed took place and never took place. And that's been reported multiple times. Now, the independent says a police report that it was, that it was provided with describes the initial 911 call as alleging a simple assault with hands or feet involving the mistress, whose name is Sarah Raviani. She's the head of a group called Iranians for Trump as the victim in this case. Now, a previous police report that NBC Washington got said that Mills, who she's apparently been with for over a year, grabbed her, shoved her and pushed her out of the door, which left her with bruises.
  • Unknown A
    And then she let the police listen in on a phone call call between her and Corey Mills wherein he allegedly told her to, quote, lie about the origin of the bruises. When police, according to the report, encountered her, she was physically shaking and scared. Now, the independent says these are, quote, circumstances that would typically prompt an immediate arrest of an alleged assailant. The Independent goes on to say Raviani then recanted her claims, including about the origin of the bruises when officers said Mills would be placed placed under arrest. So when she was told that Corey Mills, Congressman Corey Mills would be arrested, she recanted his claims. People who have covered and worked with victims of domestic violence know that that's a familiar Pattern of people who are victims of domestic violence. Unfortunately, that's incredibly traumatic as a, like, emotional process to go through that can increase the pressures and, you know, it's enormously difficult to judge people in those situations who are legitimate victims of domestic violence.
  • Unknown A
    But obviously then recanting the claims takes away some credibility from the claims. Now, Mills has not been arrested. And this is interesting. Officers, as the independent says, quote, initially classified the call as a family disturbance, though after commanders reviewed investigative materials, it was reclassified as a domestic violent assault investigation. But Raviani now says that there was no physical altercation at all. She was drinking and sleep deprived. And that explains why she made the allegations. She says the bruises came during a recent trip to Dubai and were not from Corey Mills. Now, Ed Martin, who is the interim U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, so here in D.C. is really hardcore MAGA ideologue. Trump appointed him last month. He hasthe Florida Democratic Partywe'll add this from the independent has accused Martin of, quote, running cover ups for Republicans. But he is not obviously not bringing. He's not arresting Mills.
  • Unknown B
    So far he has, yeah, he has paused. The DC asked DC which is not.
  • Unknown A
    He's not charged.
  • Unknown B
    Right. DC which is not a state, asked Martin to sign off on an arrest warrant for Mills and Mills office. Not Mills office. Martin's office refused to do so and said they want further investigation here. What's so incredible here? It's not unprecedented, but it's unusual. They have him on witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Dead to rights. Because the police officers were there with Mills on the phone with Mills telling his girlfriend Raviani to, quote, lie about the origin of her bruises.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    That's witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Like just even if you don't have anything else, if you're told to lie.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    And also obviously.
  • Unknown A
    And then you lie or then you.
  • Unknown B
    Change your story, then obviously, if you're being. If he is telling her to lie about the origins, that is also a confession of where they actually came from. And also it doesn't make any sense. Like, according to the police report, which was altered twice, the bruises to the officers appeared to be fresh. Everybody in a jury would know what a fresh bruise looks like and you would know what a bruise that you got in Dubai the day before looks like. And so then when she comes back and says, actually it came from somewhere else. Not what I originally said. After she told, she let the officers listen to the claim.
  • Unknown A
    But what did they hear? That's the thing. Like, we don't Even know.
  • Unknown B
    Right. I mean, they should tell a grand jury.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Get an arrest warrant.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    But Martin is going to block that. Martin is the guy who yesterday, the day before tweeted, I am the President, we are the President's legal team and we look forward to defending the President at all costs. No. What? No, that's not what you are.
  • Unknown A
    Well, it's sort of true. In a technical sense, if you look at what the role is like, in a technical sense, if you are in that position, it is your job to like defend the executive branch and the Constitution, obviously.
  • Unknown B
    People versus yeah.
  • Unknown A
    Right. Yeah. So there's like a technical world in which. That's Right. The spirit of it though, looks like, from what he said, it looks like. What's the best way to put it? Like special privileges to the President and.
  • Unknown B
    Then also to his wife beating fellow party members. Because the key, as we talked about in the A block, they passed this budget by the skin of their teeth if one vote had gone in the opposite direction.
  • Unknown A
    So, so does he now bring charges after the budget resolution vote is over?
  • Unknown B
    But they're going to need him again. Over and over.
  • Unknown A
    But they could replace him pretty easily.
  • Unknown B
    Takes a while. And so then you're down a vote for that stretch of time.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    So I would imagine they're gonna just prop him up just cause they, they want his vote just like they did with Santa George Santos, even though they didn't want him there. He, he said, look, I'll vote. You have a tiny majority, I'll vote your way. Just keep me out of prison as long as you can.
  • Unknown A
    Well, actually they regret now most, I mean, I think if you talk to most like Maga Hill Republicans, they will say they actually regret getting rid of Santos when they did. They could have actually used him more.
  • Unknown B
    Now they got swozy in there.
  • Unknown A
    Well, yeah, but also they feel like they could have used him longer on votes and it would have been more beneficial.
  • Unknown B
    So this time. Yeah, let's see. It's if, if there's any equitable justice at all or if, if you're in D.C. and you're a Republican, laws don't apply to you. And what did Trump say? If you're, if you're saving the country, you violate no law.
  • Unknown A
    Yeah. He who saves the country.
  • Unknown B
    People assume that just applied to Trump. Why would Trump not apply that same rationale to anybody who's going to vote with Trump to, quote, unquote, save the country? Corey Mills gonna vote with Trump. Corey Mills can violate no law.
  • Unknown A
    That's actually a really good callback, an important callback. If that's the mentality of spreading in MAGA world. And there's again, they will. The charitable interpretation of it is you violate no law if you are acting in the spirit of the Constitution and you eventually it's upheld right in the court of law or whatever. But that's definitely not, that's definitely not the, I would say, best interpretation. Or that's definitely not. You can't just default to that charitable interpretation. In the case of Musk in particular, reposting that gleefully. So especially we were talking about Bukele earlier in the show and all of that stuff. So anyway, the last thing I want to say is it's rather interesting that she is the head of a group called Iranians for Trump that may or may not have anything to do with this, but it does add an element of potential foreign questions that are raised, espionage questions that can potentially be raised.
  • Unknown A
    But it also at this point just looks like there's clearly enough evidence if they have a police report where police are listening. The police are involved in a call, so they should have a record of a call. They have testimony of the officers who were listening to a call in which he instructed her to lie, meaning those bruises were not from Dubai. And then her story changes after the call. There seems to be plenty of evidence in that case to actually bring charges. Now, maybe Ed Martin and the police department know something that we don't. That seems unlikely at this point. It is always a possibility. Maybe they, you know, know something that we don't. But at the, at the same time, what we're seeing also does look like a fairly tragic conventional domestic abuse situation where you have a woman who is pressured and bullied out of holding to allegations that end up with her significant other going, being arrested.
  • Unknown A
    So it's not atypical of how people who are experiencing that kind of trauma handle the situation. Just appears on his face to be a really, really sad story and one with political implications.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. And also somebody who runs Iranians for Trump.
  • Unknown A
  • Unknown B
    Which is interesting in itself.
  • Unknown A
    It's a very interesting group.
  • Unknown B
    Washington is. Yeah, yeah. Washington is filled with interesting people.
  • Unknown A
    It sure is. It sure is. Ryan, I'm really looking forward to the Friday edition of the show. I'm sad that I can't stick around for you.
  • Unknown B
    I'm feeling for it.
  • Unknown A
    But this is a huge interview. I mean, Wall street should be eager to tune in to Friday Counterpoints Friday this week.
  • Unknown B
    If you're a banker, plunk down your, your, your Premium subs so you can watch this. Watch this one early.
  • Unknown A
    Curious what has because so we had Mackie on last week. People should go watch that edition of the Wednesday show. But I'm curious what he makes of what he thinks Andrew Ferguson will continue to do in his role at the ftc because he should have some good insight into you. The Neo brand icians so the so legal world and the maga legal world. The like new the conservatives call himself a Neo Brandeisian. Yeah. The conservatives, they mingle. They know each other. So that's an interesting. I wonder what he thinks about that.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. This is the guy that Jamie Dimon called an arrogant S.O.B. and Mark Zuckerberg said is just out to destroy America.
  • Unknown A
    So we will see how he responds to that because I know you're gonna ask him.
  • Unknown B
    Yeah. All right. Stick around. We'll see you on Friday.
  • Unknown A
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  • Unknown B
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