Unknown A
Well, folks, woke leftism is totally on the robees. The Democrats don't know what to do about this, but their entire centralizing philosophy is on the ropes. We get into all of that today, ranging from the Washington Post to the war in Ukraine to how Democrats are responding to everything that President Trump is doing. But we begin today with the Washington Post. So the Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, he's the owner of the Washington Post, he bought several years ago and he said at time he's not gonna get involved in the editorial side of the newspaper. And then the newspaper decided to basically become the repository of the most radical woke nonsense in all of American media. The Washington Post blew out its credibility more than any other major newspaper in the country. Was the paper of record. It was the paper of Watergate. It was the paper that broke an enormous number of serious scandals about American government.
Unknown A
And instead it turned into basically salon.com. it was just Jennifer Rubin whining about how Donald Trump was a mean, bad, mean man. It was Eugene Robinson whining about how America was terrible. It was all the usual suspects just saying most radical stupid things. And the Washington Post subscribership began to seriously d because they weren't making any of the same sort of smart business moves the New York Times made. The New York Times also became a liberal fan paper, but they also decided to diversify into wordle. That did not happen with the Washington Post. The Washington Post simply kept doubling down on the anti Trump radical leftism and the suggestion that boys weren't just girls. Boys, boys had to be girls. This had to be taught to kids. The idea that all politics could be boiled down to racial and sexual identity. The idea that capitalism was in and of itself bad.
Unknown A
Well, there is a new middle in America and the new middle in America is fairly pro free market. It's a middle that doesn't like the idea that the American economy is rigged on behalf of white people, a rigged on behalf of men. It's an American middle that believes in the American dream and thus believes in the idea, generally speaking, of capitalism. It's also an American middle that, well, fairly liberal about what their neighbors do is not completely liberal about what their neighrs do. Meaning that if their neighrs decide open a porn shop next door, the answer is no. If their neighbors decide the local public school is going to be teaching gender no. That's the new middle in America. I was thinking about this a lot last night about President Trump and the fact that as I said during the election cycle, it's not that President Trump is uniquely right wing.
Unknown A
It's that the left in the United States has moved so far away from the center that by occupying the middle, Donald Trump now appears to be right wing because the left has alienated everybody to the right of msnbc. So what does that mean? It means that there is now a real market possibility of newspapers like the Washington Post reorienting Jeff Bezos is by no stretch of the imagination traditional Republican. He is not somebody who believes in traditional conservative social values. He's not somebody, as far as I'm aware, it is particularly hawkish on foreign policy. But Jeff Bezos does exist in the business world and in the world of semi rationality. And so yesterday Jeff Bezos put out an announcement. His announcement was that he was going to be remaking the Washington Post Editorial boardote I shared this note with the Washington Post team this morning.
Unknown A
I'm ready to let you know about change coming to our opinion pages. We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars, personal liberties and free markets. We'll cover other topics too, of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. There's a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the readers's doorstep every morning a broad based opinion section that soughs to cover all views. Today the Internet does that job. I am of America and 4America and proud to be so. Our country did not get here by being typical and a big part of Americas success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical, it minimizes coercion and practical it drives creativity, invention and prosperity. I offered David Chipley, who I greatly admire, the opportunity to leadave this new chapter.
Unknown A
I suggested to him that if the answer wasnt hell yes then it had to be no. After careful consideration, David decided to step away. This is a significant shift, says Jetff. Basis wont be easy. It will require 100% commitment. I respect his decision. Well be searching for new opinion editor to own this new direction. Im confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. Im excited for us together to fill that void. That is a se change and it is a recognition, a true recognition, that the Washington Post was never one of these places that had a broad spectrum of opinion. The tacit recognition in what EP Peos is saying is sure, there might have been a time when you could claim that The Washington Post was a place that was sort of a platform for a variety of opinions.
Unknown A
Charles Crrauthamr and George William Useds write for the Washington Post. And then something changed. And so once the Washington Post became the exclusive preserve of the radical left on matters economic and social, once it did that, it was no longer a platform. It was now in the most real sense a publisher only of the things that the editorial board wanted to publish. And so he says, listen, that's gonna the way that it is then I want it to publish things I want. I spen 100 millionllars on this newspaper, I own this newspaper, I get to decide what's in this newspaper. And to this I say, of course that's true. As the co founder of a rather major publication, we publish the things on our publication that we think are appropriate and we don't publish the things that we don't feel are appropriate. So you're not gonna find pro abortion positions at the Daily Wire.
Unknown A
You're not, you are not going to find pro communism positions at the Daily Wire. That's not a thing. You're not gonn find pro sexxt trafficking or proetophilia positions. And there are lots of things you're not gona find at the Daily Wire. And what Jeff Asos is saying is the same thing saying this is my newspaper, I bought it, I get to run it. And good for him, good for him. I think that we are exiting the era. We have exited the era of quotquote objective journalism and we've now moved toward the realization that there is no such thing. Now you can make the case that there are in fact journalists who do their best to try to remove their personal bias from situations. However, the notion that writ large there is a quotquote objective news media was a lie and is a lie. It is untrue.
Unknown A
There's a prism of politics through which the news is refracted at every one of these major publications. Everybody knows Thell Street Journal editorial page obst toward the right and everybody knows the New York Times editorial page obst toward the left. For Bezos to say our editorial page is now going to promote ##dom for example, that's at least a perspective. Now you know who to call when there is a problem and the left is absolutely losing it. So as stated Washington Post opinion section editor David Shipley resigned suggesting of course that this is not what he want to stand for. Meanwhile, post chief economic reporter Justff Stein posted quote massive encroachion by Jeff Bezos into the Washington Post opinion section today makes clear to sensing views will not be published or tolerated there. Well, I mean, that's not his responsibility. It's his job to run the papers.
Unknown A
He sees fit. He owns it. Again, turnab about his fair play here gang. Old enough to remember when Twitter was owned by Jack Dorsey and when conservatives said that the standards that were being applied were unfair and that even the standards that Twitter said it was applying were not the standards they were actually applying, People on left said, well, then build your own. And then Elon Musk bought it and now theyre whining about it. The same thing is true here. And when people complained about the editorial direction of the Washington Postal, left said, well, you know, you don't know the Washington Post. You don't like it, build your own. So we here the day where we did build our own, okay? So Jeff Bezos coming around and saying, okay, well, now I'm gonna run this thing the way I wanna run this thing. That is not only laudable is it is highly useful because let's just be transparent about this.
Unknown A
Now, the Washington Post has a direction. The New York Times always had a direction. It was the lie that killed the mainstream media. It was the lie that killed the legacy media. Justein, however, the Chief Economics Report said, quote, I still have not felt enc prototach on my journalism on the new side of coverage. But if Bezos tries interfering with the new side, I will be putting immediately and letting you know, wow, what a hero. What an absolute hero. Now again, Bezos says he'not going to interfere on the news side of the business. And I will suggest that the sort of hard line, bright line division between news and opinion is not quite so bright. I think we're more honest about this. A daily wire, our news pages lean conservative. Everythings refracted through a system of values thats us being honest, not us being dishonest.
Unknown A
Well, the ex Washington Post editor, Marty Baron, who of course presided over the Spotlight scandal that was uncovered by the Washington Post, he went after Jeff Bezos attacked him for it. He put out a statement suggesting that it was just terrible. He said he was sad and disgusted. He said, Bezos argues for personal liberties, but his news organization now will forbid views other than his own. In its opinion section. It was only weeks ago the Post described itself as providing coverage for all of America. Now its opinion pages will be opened only the sum of America. Those who think exactly as he does. Again trying to preserve the lie. It was never for all of America. The Washington Post was never for all of America. It was a left wing rag for decades. Baron said Bezos himself his doneper personalon liberty at his service by cravenly yielding to a president who shows no respect for liberty.
Unknown A
One who aims to use the power of governments to bully, threaten, punish and crush anyone whos not in camp, especially the press. And then he said theres no doubt in my mind hes doing this. Had a fear of the consequences for his other business interest, Amazon, the sources, his wealth and Blue Origin, which represents his lifelong passion for space exploration. He has prioritized those commercial interests over the Post. Hes betraying the Post longstanding principles to do so. So first of all, if that's true, that would be terrible, right? You don't want actual journalism, conservative or leftist, being held hostage by any president. That it defeats the purpose of journalism. It defeats the purpose of opinion journalism too. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this is in fact the case. And the accusation, by the way, that anybody who does anything non leftist is motivated by money.
Unknown A
I know this is a favorite of people on the left. I know this is a. It's so funny. The people on the left who claim they'at least about money, they love money. All they think about is money. All they think about is quotquote income inequality. They never think about the poor, they only think about income inequality. Well folks, the left tends to think that everything is free. But the truth is that most things aren't, including freedom. Freedom isn't free and freedom has to be defended. What isn't said enough is that online freedom isn not free either. It too has to be defended not by military force, but by technological force. Encryption. Strong encryption can protect your right to privacy online and defend you from hackers. So how do you get this encryption with express at VPN intern Internet providers track and sell your data. Hackers pram on public Wi Fi.
Unknown A
Governments monitor every move online with ExpressN and powerful encryption reroutes 100% of your online activity through secure servers, making your data invisible to prying eyes. Now, I'm constantly on the go. I'm constantly using public WIF fi in an airport, for example. And I don't need hackers checking my email for me. Don't take my word for it. They invited the worlds at top orders, PwC and KPMG to verify their own reolutionary trusted server technology. It's the only system that physically cannot store your data because it runs entirely on volatile memory. While other companies profit from invading your privacy, ExpressV VPN goes the extra mile to protect it. So if you wa want to join me in defending your online freedom, get expressvpn. You can use my special links. Get four extra months of Express VPN for free at express vpn.com Ben that's E x p r e s s v pn.com Ben Also, as you'all know, the Holy Land is under threat of attack every single day.
Unknown A
In fact, this morning there's another car ra attack Israel surrounded by enemies who got never to stop until Israel has been destroyed. While still recovering and rebuilding from the devastating October 7th attacks, the people of Israel are suffering along with many Americans who stand with Israel. I want to help in any way I can and that's why I partner with the International felwship of Christians and Jews. The Fellowship has been on the ground in Israel for more than 40 years providing food, shelter and safety to those in need. They deliver meals to the elderly. They place bomb shelters in the most vulnerable places, bulletproof ambulances and life saving equipment to hospitals. That's only scratching the surface of what they do. As antimitism continues to rise around the world, the people of Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters need us now more than ever. Please join me in supporting the Fellowship in this life saving work.
Unknown A
A gift of dollars hundred will help provide bomb shelters and other security equipment for the people of Israel as the world turns its back on Israel. Join me on faithful listeners like you in standing with Israel for..ship org. That's www.BenfortheFellLowship.orgt thank you and God bless. Bend forthfelllowship.org. the same people who claim that the people who are in favor of free markets are greedy are the people who spend all day trying to figure out how to prime money out of people who've actually earned it. So you see Marty Baron suggesting the only possible reason Jeff Bezos, you know, one of the richest people on earth would be doing this is for money. Namama dude, that is not what is happening here. It is not. Bernie Sanders, of course one of the greedies leeches in American society put out a tweet saying quote, this is what oligarch ownership of the media looks like.
Unknown A
The second richest guy in the world. Bezos owns the Washington Post. He is now declared the editorial page of that paper is going Trump right wing surprise. Mr. Musk agrees. We must support independent media. Um question. It is independent media. Bezos is the owner. It'not owned by the government. Independent media typically means media that is not owned by, you know, the government. That's typically what it means. Also, nothing in Bezos note actually says that its'going to be pro Trump. You can be very pro free market and very pro liberty. And you can object to some of the things that Trump is doing. The notion that these two things are coincident is because the left has so lost the plot that simply saying you like capitalism and free markets and liberty. Apparently this now makes you Trump coded. Well, thats your fault gang. Not anybody else is good for Jeff Bezos.
Unknown A
I hope he puts his money where his mouth is. I hope that he actually starts hiring columnists. You know'be great. Seriously, it'd be great if somebody at one of the major newspapers have voted for Trump. That would d be great. I'm not sure I can name a single op ed columnist for the New York Times, Washington Post who voted for Trump. Maybe at the New York Times, Ross do that voted for Trump. Maybe no one else did. So, you know, over 50% of the country voted for Trump. It might be nice if the Washington Post actually gave some exposure to those views. That might be good. But this is all part and parcel of a radical sea change that is happening in American politics. Again driven by the Democrats who are totally disconnected from reality. They're all on blue sky, mentally stroking themselves to left wing idiocy.
Unknown A
And then they're surprised that everybody is running screaming away from them. And meanwhile, other big news. Yesterday President Trump had his first big cabinet meeting. Obviously a lot of famous people in that cabinet. And while the left is really quite exercised about Donald Trump's cabinet now, all these people were individually powerhouses in their own right before they joined the Cabinet. Trump had a lot of good things to say in this cabinet meeting. He began, of course, with his sort of signal issue, the border. He said we'be closing the border. He was flanked on one side by his Secretary of Defense, Pete Hecet, and on the other side by Marco Rubio, his Secretary of State.
Unknown B
We also having tremendous support from Border Patrol, from ice. The ICE agents have been unbelievable. Border Patrol, their leadership at Border Patrol has been incredible and they're working very well. And as you know, and I saw you reporting it this morning, actually we set records on the least number of illegal aliens coming in, migrants coming into a country that we've had in more than 50 years. And we did this all within a period of weeks. Ca becausee we took over a mess.
Unknown A
Okay, so he's right about all that. President Trump also continues to push forward on the layoffs of large numbers of executive branch employees. He Said we could fire up to a million people in the executive branch, about 3 million who work for the executive branch right now.
Unknown B
Those million people that haven't responded though, Elon, they are on the bubble. You know, I wouldn't say that we're thrilled about it. You know, they haven't responded. Now maybe they don't exist. Maybe we're paying people that don't exist. Don't forget we just got here. This group just got here. But those people are on the bubble ass. They say, you know, maybe they're gonna be gone, maybe they're not around, maybe they have other jobs, maybe they moved and they're not where they're supposed to be. A lot of things could have happened.
Unknown A
Hey now, one of the sort of big questions here was whether Elon Musk was leading doge was going to have a seat at the table because he actually does not have an official governmentally approved position at this point. The answer was no. He showed up for the cabinet meeting, but he wasn't given a seat at the table with the other secretaries. Here was Elon Musk suggesting that he was essentially President Trump s tech support. I actually just p myself a humble tech support here because this is actually as crazy as it sounds. That is almost a lal description of the work that the DO team is doing is helping fix the government computer systems. Many of these systems are extremely old. They don't communicate. There are a lot of mistakes in the systems. The software doesn't work. So we are actually tech support. It's ironic, but it's true.
Unknown A
So again, Musk acting sort of an outside actor is the best version of all of this. Meanwhile, as polit Politicalo points out, the layoffs are just getting started. Qu federal agencies are being ordered to submit plans by mid March for laying off employees in large scale reductions in fours, an escalation of President Trumps efforts to reshape at the federal workforce. According to an Office of Management and Budget and OPM Office of personalne Management memo released on Wednesday, quote, pursuant to the President's direction, agency should focus on the maximum elimination of functions that are not statutorily mandated while driving the highest quality, most efficient delivery of their statutorily required functions. And so they're talking about laying off a bunch of people. As President Trump suggested yesterday, he was left with a government that was bloated, fat and disgusting. Sort of typically colorful language from the President.
Unknown B
This country has gotten bloated and fat and disgusting and incompetently run. I think we had the worst president in the history of our country. He just left office. I think he's a disgrace what he's done to our country by allowing millions of people to come into our country like that and all of the other things, the inflation which he caused because of energy and stupid spending to spend hundreds of millions, trillions and trillions of dollars on the green new scam, a total scam. I have the best energy people, the best environmental people in the world around this table and they can't even believe he got away with it.
Unknown A
##Kay Meanwhile, other secretaries also spoke up. Secretary of Defense Hecseth who is excellent, he said that one of the chief goals that he had as Secretary of Defense was to fully investigate every aspect of the bot Afghanistan withdrawal. One while shameful moments in American history. We're doing a complete review of every single aspect of what happened with the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan and plan to have full accountabilityilities. It'one of the first things we announced in the Defense Department for that reason, sir. Certainly General Raisan Cain who was on his way in, was not a part of that. Instead was a part of leading the effort against ISIS by untying the hands of warfighters and finishing the job properly and bring our troops home. So we're taking a very different view obviously than the previous administration and there will be full accountability. Howard Lutnik, his Commerce Secretary all spoke up about President Trump's new proposal for the so called golden cars which apparently will be wrapped around chocolate bars and stowed all around the United States in various handy shops.
Unknown A
But actually it's like 5 million bucks you get a citizenship. Anyway, here is s Howard Lutnick explaining.
Unknown B
If we sell, just remember 200,000, there's a line for EB5 of 250,000. Right now 200,000 of these gold green.
Unknown A
Cards is $1 trillion to pay down our debt.
Unknown B
And that's why the President is doing it, because we are going to balance his budget and we are going toa pay off the debt under President Trump.
Unknown A
Ok, now let's talk about that debt because this is a serious question and the big budget that the House is pushing forward is in fact going to add to the national debt. Why is it going to add to the national debt? Well, because by preserving the Trump tax cuts, supposedly there's less tax revenue to the federal government. It's not about the tax cuts. It is about the simple fact that the debt is going to keep going up and to the right because of our embedded Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid programs. That's all the means tested welfare programs, things like SNAP and TAMP and all the various other gigantically bloated programs that funnel literally trillions of dollars a year from one segment of society to another segment of society. Vi the American taxpay dollars and mostly via debt that is going to eat the American economy. It is.
Unknown A
And herein lies a bit of the problem. And here's where I think conservatives ought to be wary. Not that President Trump is't doing amazing things, not that Doge''t doing useful things, but the systemic underlying problems of American politics are not going to get solved by either party right now. That is just a fact. Okay, President Trump yesterday, he was talking about Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. He said we're not gonna touch them and we won't. He's right. We're not going to touch them. At the same time, there are consequences to not touching them. Can you guarantee that Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security will not be touchhinged?
Unknown B
Yeah, I mean, I have said it so many times. You shouldn't be asking me that question. Okay, this will not be read my lips. It won't be read my lips anymore. We're not going to touch it now. We are going to look for fraud. I'm sure you're okay with that. Like people that shouldn't be on people that are illegal aliens and others criminals in many cases. And that's with Social Security. We have a lot of people. You see that immediately when you see people that are 200 years old that are being sent checks for social, some of them are actually being sent JC So we're tracing that down and I have a feeling that Pam is gonna do a very good jobot with that. But you have a lot of fraud.
Unknown A
Okay? So no matter how much Frau do I identify these programs and literally every dollar a fraud should be cut. It ain't even a drop in the bucket compared to the kind of spending America has done. This is a bloated legacy of FDR and lbj. It is eating the American economy and it is going to cause a crash in the American economy sometime in the very near future. Again, one of the things that I suggested about the Trump administration is that they have to focus laser like on ensuring increases in productivity, cutting regulations, ensuring ease economic transaction. Right. These are the only things that Trump can do. He is unwilling to touch the actual systemic drivers of America's national debt. And the reality is, without touching those drivers of America's nationals debt, Deb's just gonna keep going in the wrong directions. When President Trump says that he's gonnaalance the budget.
Unknown A
That is not a real fiscalibility. You can't do it without touching any of these big programs. So one of those two things is untrue. I'm gonna go balancing the budget.
Unknown B
We want to balance a budget. We want to have a balanced budget within a reasonably short period of time, meaning maybe by next year or the year after, but maybe even sooner than that.
Unknown A
Oay we're not gonna do zero base budgeting going back to like the 2019 budgetus to be real about this. None of this stuff is s gonna happen. Both parties, both parties are going to spend like drunken sailors until austerity measures are forced into place about five years from now. That is actually what's going to happen in the United States. That train is coming down the track. Ain nobody getting in the way of that train because it's politically dangerous to actually try to stop the train right now. So instead we'll just run right off that cliff. That's actually one of the things I like least about working in the news industry. Y know, actually having to cover the fact that most of our politicians will not do the things we need to do. But there are things I do love about working in the news industry.
Unknown A
The thing like for example I get connect every day with millions of listeners and share these breaking stories and work with incredible talent. Are just as passionate about the political sphere as I am. There's nothing quite like the energy and thrill of creating content that not only in informums but also resonates with people around the country. If you're doing what you love to do, there's nothing better than being surrounded by people who also love doing that thing. And if you own your own business, you wantn hire employees who love what they do to boost the overall success of your business plus a pret great place to work. But how do you find passionate employees who are a good fit for all your roles? ZipRer right now you try it for free at ZipRecruiter.com DailyWire Zip Reccruiter is the hiring site employers prefer Most based on G2 and their powerful matching technology.
Unknown A
Work fast to find top talent. It't waste time, you know waste money Higher experienced people who are excited about what they do with zip recruiter 4 out of 5 employ to post on zip reccruiter Get a quality candidate within the very first day. See for yourself. Go to this exclusive web address and try ZipRecruiter for free. Ziprecruiter.com DailyWire Again that's ZipRecruiter.com DailyWireZipRecruiter is the smartest way to hire. Also, victory is in the air and so is the sense of renewal. Behold, a candle. Yes, yes. You see here at the Daily Wire we also in fact have candle companies and we light a candle in memory of the stupid leftist ideas that Donald Trump is destroying. Well, Donald Trump's first joint seion of Congress since his historic election is almost there. America is already winning. Celebrate the triumphs of a new era from Doier's major cuts to protecting Americ's borders to major cabinet confirmations and more with my all new Smells Like Victory candle from the candle club.
Unknown A
Again, I already read it. I already showed you up. But here it is again. It's really cool and smells good. Capture the essence of American renewal with a fresh and bigating scent. A burning reminder that with strong leadership are best days still lie ahead. Don't wait. Right now you get 20% off when you order by Friday. Bas the smell of order now@the candlelub.com Ben that's thecandleclub. Do. Com Ben theandleclub.com Ben Meanwhile, again, the big danger to President Trump's presidency would be things like inflation. Inflation is in fact going the wrong way in the United States right now. It is not headed in the right direction. The agriculture secretary, she suggested yesterday, Brook Rollins, that they have a five point plan to bring down the price of eggs'what she had to say.
Unknown C
So just this morning we announced the plan to first of all attack the avian flu and how we pull it back out of our poultry producers. But secondly, how we bring the cost of eggs down. So that plan has five parts. The first part is a biosecurity part and what that means is that how do we lock our poultry barns down, how do we ensure that our egg laying chickens aren't getting this disease? Secondly, we're going to work to move much more quickly on repopulating the 160 million birds that have been cold in just the last few months. Third is a deregulation effort that is ensuring that the rules that have been layered on our producers, our egg producers over the last really four years that we begin to peel those back. The fourth is we're looking to import eggs in the short term. This is just on the cost piece.
Unknown C
And then the final, more long term is putting significant funds into vaccine and therapeutic research.
Unknown A
Okay, so will this have a massive impact on eg, prices? Well, it could have some impact. It's gonna have mass impact if the inflationary pressures continue, we blow too much money into the American economy. And it appears that's not going to stop anytime soon, despite the relatively high interest rates by sort of historical standards. Now, President Trump didn announcedce yesterday that tariffs are back on the table, although he says that theyre re not going to be kicked back in place on Canada and Mexico until April 2nd. And if hes s using this for lever, I just want note on the other side of leverage, Im fine with President Trump using tariffs as leverage. Hes s done it successfully against the country of Colombia, for example, to get them to take deportees. Hes s done it against Mexico to get Mexico to pledge to put 10,000 troops on the boder.
Unknown A
All thats fine. What are the deliverables that we can look forward to from Canada and Mexico that justify the threat of tariffs? That's all. That's all. Because then maybe Canada delivers and we don't have to do the tariffs. The problem with tariffs, folks, trade wars are not good and they're not easy to win, as a matter of fact. And they'not good for inflation because when you restrict supply and demand remains the same, prices go up. This is just basic Econ 101. Here'President Trump saying that the terrorist will kick back in place it on April 2nd.
Unknown B
We've lost millions of people due to fentanyl. It comes mostly from China, but it comes through Mexico and it comes through Canada. And I have to tell you that, you know, on April 2nd. I was going to do it on April 1st, but I'm a little bit superstitious. I made it April 2nd. The tariffs go on. Not all of them, but a lot of them. And I think you're gonna see something that's going to be amazing. We've been taken advantage of as a country for a long period of time. We've been, we've been tariffed, but we didn't care.
Unknown A
Okay. Now again, reciprocal tariffs as a way of driving down tariffs to get everybody to go weapons down, that's fine with me. But tariffs is sort of an America strengthening policy. Do not have a long and storied history. And if you want the Trump administration to be successful, you need the Trump administration to actually keep the economy humming. You need inflation to come down. It's really important. The other thing you need is no distractions. I've said this over and over and over. President Trump is doing right now is way too important for there to be stupid distractions. I bring this up because the big distraction of the day that grifter's extraordinaire, the Tate brothers, are apparently now arriving in Florida. And this is happening because apparently the Trump administration put significant pressure on the country of Romania to release them from house arrest. Now, I don't need to get into sort of the legal vagaries of what house arrest means in Romania.
Unknown A
Does this mean that they're never gonna go back to Romania and it won't be prosecuted? There are criminal allegations in Roman they under indictment in Romania. 4 Allegations of sex trafficking. One of the allegations apparently includes rape of an UN underage girl. Put all that aside. Androw Tate is an American citizen. He was born in the United States, his father was an American citizen, his mom was a British citizen. He's always considered himself more British than American. But the real question is, is it good for America for the Tates to be here now? Again, that's not a sort of legalistic question as s whether they should be released from house arrest. I have no actual opinion on release from house arrest for American citizens who are accused of sex trafficking in foreign countries. I'll leave that ones the lawyers. The question is gonna be whether it is good for the Trump administration.
Unknown A
For example, heict takes to go walking around with all these people who are very closely associated with the Trump administration. My suggestion is no. I'm not sure what the popularity rating there would be. My guess is not particularly high. If you wanna give a spate of bad headlines to your opponents, make sure people who are self professed pimps, who literally ran a pornography industry and made millions of dollars off it, alleged sex traffickers, radical Muslims who are self proclaimed terrorist supporters, including supporters of Hamas, running around the United States with some of your closest allies. If that sounds like a winning proposition, I'm just wondering where's the political win there? Forget about the morality of it, okay? The morality of it. I've spoken about the T brothers before. I think they're disgusting. I think that they have diagnosed many problems with feminism and they have diagnosed many problems with left wing thought that are easily diagnosable.
Unknown A
And then all of their solutions are not just wrong, but perians and ugly. The question as to why the Trump administration would expend political capital to do this, that's a bizarre one. And again, if you think that the left wing pressing go hangs around Trump's neck. Yeah, another thing coming. Apparently Andrew and Tristan have left the country for the United States. They are supposed to arrive early Thursday morning in southern Florida. Apparently the Romanian prosecutors said in news release they are still pursuing criminal investigations against the two British American citizens and they said theyd been allowed to leave Romania and had to appear before judicial authorities whenever a summoned. The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Again, this raises legal questions about when if they return to Romania at any point. But I really dont t care about the T brothers.
Unknown A
I do care about the effect on the Trump agenda of association between these kind of scumbags and members of the Trump administration. That does not seem like a particular win in a time when you're going to need political capital to expend on actual serious projects. So from a practical point of view, don't see it from a moral point of view, I'm just gonna say I don't think that America needs more self professed pimps who hate marriage, believe that impregnating tons of women is the mark of manhood, who preach support for actual terrorists, have outstanding criminal allegations of sex trafficking with a proud history of pornography distribution and make their money today on a grift university that effectively sucker young men and giving them thousands of dollars for basically no return. I donun t know, call me strange. I'm just not sure what the upside is there for anybody and for people who are going to now tout these folks as some sort of heroic characters which undoubtedly will happen.
Unknown A
The right has a massive problem with this. The right has a massive problem with touting grifters as actual heroes now. And this is, this is, shall we say, not salutary to the goals of actually making America great again. Okay. Meanwhile, President Trump is doing something pretty phenomenal with regard to Venezuela. So the President announced yesterday that he'd be terminating the Biden era oil deal of Venezuela. So Biden, in an attempt to lower oil prices before the election had essentially given concessions to the Venezuelan government which is again a dictatorship, a socialist dictatorship, in order to get the oil prices down. Supposedly that was contingent on Venezuela being slightly nicer to the United States. While the President made the announcement Wednesday afternoon claiming Venezuela is transporting violent criminals deporting deported from the United States at a rapid pace, Trump lasted Biden for making the concession agreement with the evil regime of Nicolas Maduro.
Unknown A
He said we are hereby reversing the concessions that crooked Joe Biden gave to Nicolas Maduruo Venezuela on the oil transaction agreement did November 26, 2022 and also having to do with electctoral conditions within Venezuela which have not been met by the Maduro regime. So again that is a positive. He said the regime has not been transporting the violent criminals they sent back into our country, back to Venezuela at the rapid pace they agreed to and therefore ordering the ineffective an UNT Biden concession agreement be terminated as of the March 1st option to renew. Thank you for your attention to this matter. That of course is a good move. Okay, just a moment. We'll get to the latest negotiations surrounding Ukraine important Supreme Court case plus the actual revival of a segment we used to do called Uncle Ben's story time. If you don't remember it, you're gonnanna hear it.
Unknown A
But first, this is the one you don't wanna miss. Tuesday, March 4 President Trump addresses Congress 9pm Eastern laying out his America first divisionion tackling immigration reform, economic revival, national security. We're not gonna set this one out. Join us for backstage live at 8:30pm Eastern. Our pre show breakdown the full crew at the Daily Wire. Then we'll watch the entire speech together live at Daily wireplus. And when Trump is done we'back but unfiltered no by's reactions you won't get anywhere else. This is an event shaping America's future. So be there. Watch it all live on DailyWirePlus this Tuesday night. Subscribe right now at DailyWire.com. meanwhile, there's a lot of talk about the possible end of the war in Ukraine. Apparently Vlodyimyr Zelensky is going to show up in the United States and he is going to be holding a meeting with President Trump. According to the Post, President Trump and President Znsky offered differing expectations on Wednesday for a high stake summit later this week.
Unknown A
The Ukrainian leader underscored his need for American assurances about Kyiv's future security. The US President stressed the benefits of deal to reap Ukraine's vast mineral wealth. Trump said that he and Zelenky would use a hastily arranged meeting at the White House on Friday to finalize that mineral compact his administration has pushed on Kyiv. Now again, that mineral compact actually is a pretty good deal for Ukraine. It is a mineral compact in which the United States invests in future development of rare earth minerals that have yet to be basically identified in Ukraine, Trump told reporters. Qu my number one thing is to get the war stop. My number two thing is I dont wanna have to pay any more money. Ye well I mean that was always his priority. President Trump also said yesterday Ukraine will not be joing NATO. That is not a shock. And the sort of possible membership in NATO that had been dangled before Ukraine for years and years and years, that was bad American policy.
Unknown A
If you're not going to do it then don't threaten it. In any case, he was President Trump saying yesterday, what concessions would you like to see?
Unknown B
Oh, I don't want to tell right now, but I can tell you that NATO you can forget about that's been, I think that's probably the reason the whole thing started. And I think JD we can say that you have a statement on that. You've been very much involved. I gave him the beauty.
Unknown A
Maybe the hardest question, sir. I mean look, as the President said, we're not going to do the negotiation.
Unknown C
In public with the American media.
Unknown A
He's go going toa do it inve private with the President of Russia, with the President of Ukraine and with other leaders. And I think that's how this has to go. So President Trump did say I'm not gonna make security guarantees beyond very much. We're gonna Europe do that because Europe is their next door neighbor. And so the question is whether the Europeans are actually going to pick up the ball. Kirst Starmer is also visiting. He is the labor left wing Prime Minister of the uk. He apparently is gonna try and convince President Trump to continue to support the war in Ukraine. According to the New York Times, Starmer will face the same balancing act as Emmanuel Macron did without the benefit of years of interactions dating back to 2017. Unlike Macron, StarM will arrive in the O office armed with a pledge to increase his country'military spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2027 to 3% within a decade.
Unknown A
And StarMr is going to par back on Britain's overseas development aid. Echoing actually some of what President Trump is doing. Apparently Starmer is going to show strong support for Vladimir Zelensky. He's going to tell President Trump that they should't rush into a peace deal with Vladimir Putin that doesn't establish security guarantees for ukra. Again, here is the reality. The Europeans can in fact take a le here. If the Europeans say, listen, we're going to keep funding this forever, our economy is 10 times the size of Russia'we're gonna keep funding this, we're gonna keep making sure that Ukraine has the hardware. And so, you know, we're part of this equation as well. And this negotiation is basically done like what is it they are asking the United States for that Trump is unwilling to do at this point that they can't do themselves. That is sort of the big question going forward.
Unknown A
Because realistically speaking, if Russia believes that Europe as a whole is going to continue to fund the war, what Putin is gambling on is that Basically the entire Westero gets tired and you walks into Kyiv. But I've yet to see a unified Western belief that that is the next thing that is going to happen right here. Okay. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of the United States is making a couple of fascinating moves. First, yesterday, John Roberts, Chief justice, granted the Trump administration's request to put on hold a lower court order that required its to pay an estimated $2 billion in foreign assistance funds for State Department in US aid projects by midnight on Wednesday. So Roberts is getting t Supreme Court is getting very tired district court who are putting nationwide injunctions on presidential actions. Which of course is correct whether or not the Supreme Court rules with the president.
Unknown A
In the end, he's saying, listen, that's up to us. It's not up to random district court judge appointed by Joe Biden to shut down the workings of the American government. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is also now hearing a case about whether in fact you can sue for discrimination under anti discrimination law if you are not a member of a qu unot discretted insular minority. So there's a case from Ohio that was heard where a person named Marlene Ames claims a state agency where she works denied her promotion and then demoted her because she'heterosexual instead giving both her old job and the one she had sought to gay people. A federal appeals court in Cincinnati had thrown out Ames'lawsuit finding she failed to show the background circumstances suggesting the employer was hostile to straight people, a threshold step that wouldn't have been required if the gay employee hadl claimed discrimination.
Unknown A
So in other words, the law did not require you to show, for example, you were gay persons suing that the entire agency was anti gay. It just had to show discrimination in this particular case. But the judge in this case said you have to show a evidence of the entire agency is anti straight. But that is stupid. As Justice Samuel Alito said during oral arguments, that rule was apparently based on intuition about the way most employers behave. Maybe it was sound at the time, but it'no longer sound today. Justice Bret Kavanaugh suggested the case could be resolved easily by, quote, a really short opinion that says discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, whether it'because you're gay or because your'straight is prohibited and the rules are the same whichever way that goes. The double standard that is implicit in so much of our discrimination law has been part and parcel of the left wing reorientation of the United States for decades.
Unknown A
Christopher Calwell wrote an amazing book called the Age Entitlement, all about this about how anti discrimination law particularly parts of the Civil Rights act completely rest strructured the way that American law was done, how regulations were done in the United States. Well, that douil standard should not apply. If discrimination is wrong in one direction, it is wrong in all directions. It should be that simple. And the Supreme Court looks like it's going to make that clear as well. We'll joining us online to discuss everything going on at the White House is our Daily Wire White House correspondent Mary Margaret Ol he Mary Margaret, thanks for joining the show.
Unknown C
Thanks for having me. Byn it's great to be here.
Unknown A
So let's talk about a story that Dailywire actually broke a little bit earlier this week. There's this big confrontation that happened at a governor's meeting with President Trump at which President Trump basically told the governor of Maine that federal money was going to go away unless they got on board with the executive order saying that men can't play in women's sports and then they meltdown a card. Can you detail exactly what this was? Yes.
Unknown C
So on Friday, that was when that governor's meeting was when President Trump told the governor of Maine to her face that she needed to comply with federal law when it comes to men in women's sports. Didn't like that. She said we'll see you in court. And Trump told her, yes we will. And this is an issue, Ben, obviously where 80% of Americans do not want men in women's sports. It's not a popular issue for Democrats be pushing. It actually was a major issue in the 2024 election and for some reason it continues to be a popular Democratic cause when it comes to the governor of Maine staff Maine has very left leaning Democrat lawmakers. The governor of Maye herself obviously is but her chief of staff, Jeremy Kennedy also is a Democrat who is a former Planned Parenthood worker. He also worked for LGBTQ groups.
Unknown C
He's legally married to a man who is also a former worker for Equality Maine I believe. So he's literally in bed with a Democrat activist now, Jeremy Kennedy. Over the weekend I was told by a White House senior official that he had a meltdown when he was having a conversation with a White House senior official about this very incident, about this very law banning men from women s sports. And I was told that he cursed at this White House official and said of words that I'm not gon toa say on air but basically f u u a hole and stormed out of the room. Now the governnor of Maine'office has denied this story to me, but I'VE followed up multiple times. They denied that he cursed, but would not deny that the altercation occurred or that he stormed out of the room. So we're continuing to ask questions on this.
Unknown C
But from the looks of it, the Trump administration is really coming after Maine on this issue. They are determined to keep men out of women's sports. We saw the USDA taking action on this, the Department of Education, and I'm hearing that there's more to come as well.
Unknown A
The fallout is obviously going to continue. Meanwhile, the fireworks continue at the White House. So one of the controversies over the course of the last week or so was the White House Correspondence association being basically barred from deciding who's in the press pool for people to understand this issue. Mary Mararegan why plan what the press pool is used to be decided and now what the news sort of regime is?
Unknown C
Yes. So of course I'm a member of the whca. I'm allowed to go into the briefing room, ask questions of the President. I'm allowed to attend what they call open press events. Now for the press pool, those are the people that go in the Oval Office. They're able to have much more access to the President and other events at the White House. A couple days ago, White House Press Secretary Caroline Leavittt announced that the White House is going to be deciding who's allowed to attend such events or who's allowed to be in the press pool, meaning that new members of the media, or what we call new media like myself, will potentially be allowed in the Oval Office for certain events. Obviously, Ben, we're delighted to hear that we're gonna be able to access the White House in such a manner. We're gonna have more access to the President.
Unknown C
We're going toa have more access to all these events that we know our audience deeply cares about. But there's been some serious media hysteria over it. Last night, the head of the White House Correspondence Association, Eugene Daniels, announced that he was technically going to blow up the entire system that we have for learning from other reporters what's going on in the White House. So there's a series of emails that reporters will send out, it's called the Pooler, and they'll send out information to help us understand what's going on in the White House. Now, not everyone's on board with this. There's even some reporters who are more left leaning that have expressed their concerns about not being able to access this information that we formerly had. So big drama here at the White House today. I know this is the end of it. But I have to say, you know, after the last four years of the Biden administration, of watching President Biden's very obvious cognitive decline and really not hearing anything about that decline from the White House press corps, I'm a little emarrassed by the media hysteria.
Unknown C
In particular, when you look at how infrequently President Biden interacted with the media, how infrequently former White House Press secretary K. Jeanpre called on conservative press. Like my friends Reagan Reese at the Daily Caller, Deiona Globboa at the New York Post, there was very little access for conservative press. And when President Biden did call on reporters, he often had a picture of the reporter in front of him and the very question they were about to ask. So, you know, more drama on this for sure in coming. But the hysteria, I hope will also calm down because frankly, it's a little embarrassing.
Unknown A
It is pretty embarrassing, especially considering that the head of the WHCA is now going to go work at MSNBC and was supposedly a representative of the unbiased press PO Mary Margaret'doing a great job over the White House. We'll check in with you soon.
Unknown C
Thanks man.
Unknown A
Meanwhile, the left continues to just be incompetent. Michael Moore is somehow still being trottded out as a moral voice at this point. It'kinda of amazing. So apparently Michael Moore put out a substack post on Tuesday and he's making the claim that effectively speaking, we need illegal immigrants everywhere because otherwise you're not going to have the people who are going to stop an asteroid on a path to decimate the earth. Quot who's really being removed by ICE tonight? The child who have discovered the cure for cancer in 2046. The 9th grade nerd would have stopped that asteroid that's gonna US in 2032. And then he cited the late Apple CEOd Jobs whose dad was born in Syria. He said we get nothing from that Syrian Muslim who sired a junior Abdul Fataahh A nothing migrant with a nothing out of alock by except that nothing baby soon adopted.
Unknown A
Give an American name Steve Jobs. Yes, that ste Jobs. I'grateful for that Muslim migrant baby being born here 70 years ago today. Okay, well, I mean first of all, Steve Jobs'story is largely about his adopted family, not about his natural birth. It so you gonna give credit to anydy for Steve Jobs? You really should talk about his adopteive family. That's exactly who Steve Jobs gave the credit to. But if the case is that illegal immigration is somehow similar to legal immigration. Im just wondering why. Hilariously, in his list of various people who should have been allowed to immrate because theyre re making America great he includes congresswomnan Rashida Tlaib, an actual terrorist supporter. He also includes Linda Sarsueer. I don't think your're making the case that you think you're making Michael. I really really do not. Meanwhile, at the same time that Michael Moore is trying to make a case for open borders and open immigration, a representative named Marcy Captor of Ohio she is questioning whether Elon Musk is loyal to America.
Unknown A
Guys you are gonna to pick one lane here are gonna be xenophbes, are gonna be borders people. Pick one.
Unknown C
Mr. Musk has just been here 22 years and he's a citizen of three countries. I always ask myself the question with the damage he's doing here when push.
Unknown A
Comes to shove which country is he loyalty to?
Unknown C
South Africa, Canada or the United States?
Unknown A
And he's only been a citizen, I'll say again 22 years only that's a long time be a citizen 22 years. I know American born citizens who've only been citizen for 21 years. They're 21 years old. What the. What the. Yeah right. Elon is loyal to Canada. Nail that one lady. That's really good. But the left has no capacity to stand up to its own radicals. That was made clear yesterday over at Barnard. Barnard College of course which is part of Columbia. The New York Post reports it dozens of KFYA clad anti Israel protesters took over a building at Barnard College for several hours Wednesday evening assaulting a school employee while protesting the expulsions of two students who stormed a Columbia University class in January and threw around flyers loaded with hateful rhetoric. Videos circulating online posted by ex by Columbia Students for Justice and Palestine, which is in fact a pro terror group showed the mass students lining a hallway in Milbank hall, the oldest building on campus beating drums and loudly chanting through the microphones.
Unknown A
By the way, they did this on the same exact day that in Israel a eulogy was being held for the Bebo family. The Bebo family is the mother and two babies who were murdered point blank in cold blood. The babies with the bare hands of Hamas. This is the day that the pro Palestinian protesters decided to take over Barnard. At college hundreds of thousands people showed up in the streets. Up to perhaps 10% of the entire Israeli population showed up in the streets to pay tribute. So the family of Yardanb Bas is the surviving father who was released as a hostage. His Wife was murdered by Hamas again. His four year old and his one year old were murdered in the captivity of Hamas apparently according to autopsies. But the bare hands of Hamas and their bodies were battered with rocks to make it try and look like they were killed in an airstrike.
Unknown A
Here are some of Yardin Bbas eulogy. He sayingg in Hebrew ill give the translation I love. Sure you're everything. Sure. I'sorry I can t protect you all. If only I know what would happened I wouldn't have fire. I think about everything went through together. There's so many beautiful memories fear. I remember Arian Kefir'birth Those are the two kids. I miss those times deeplyl. You made me into a father. You transform us into a family. You taught me what truly matters in life and about responsibility. T me so much about myself. And I want to thank you. So thank you, my beloved. Okay, so the same day that was happening, these truly evil protesters showed up at Barner College and took over the hallways in solidarity with pro Hamas students who are expelled because they are foreign exchange students who actually support terrorism. This led to the Columbia University spokesperson Christina Miller offering concessions to the protesters.
Unknown A
Again, the absolute incompetence is notompetence. They're on the side of the protesters, that's all. They are pro Haomsnik. Half these adminrators are prohamomsik. Cut the student aid to these universities. Taxpay dol should not be flow following to universities that teach pro terrorism tripe and make room for it just gross. The dean is happy to meet with some representatives from your group, but as she has some conditions and she expects that you'll have too. So I'm here to kind of report back. She wants the people that she meets with to be unmasked and uncovered. She can offer a listening here and that she says she feels is about what she can offer. So it sounds to me like some of these are not things that you are willing to accept as conditions forting with her. If not, I mean, if you would.
Unknown C
Like me to take back some counter.
Unknown A
Proposals, I would be fine with doing that. You ridiculous people just kick them out of the building and then expel the people who are foreign exchange students. It's that simple. But they never will do that because they have to concede to the pro terror side. They must. It is apparently in their Columbia University contract. Okay, speaking of leftist idiooccy, now, we used to have a second on the show called Uncle Ben's storyt time which we went through some of the wokest children's books in America. And we decided for the hell of it to bring it back. So here, without further ado, Uncle Ben's storyt time. All right, let's see. Girls on the Rise. Oh, yes. By Amanda Gorman. Oh, no.
Unknown C
The loss we carry A C We.
Unknown A
Must wade we crave. Love is wise. Love is wise. Love is wise. Get it? Who are we? We are girls on the eye Today everyone's eyes are on us as we make waves, pave the way and save the day. Today we finally have a say. How about I just go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay I just me M so U Bad rhyme scheme. A BB C kind of C C waves day and say don't rhyme at all. Like waves is kind of a your rhyme. Kind of. But that's Amanda Gorman, who is truly a terrible poetess. Liberation, freedom and respect. Apparently these girls just carry big banners in the forest or some stuff. We are girls like never before. What do you mean, like never before? I don't understand. Like never before. What does that mean?
Unknown A
Like, girls have existed for literally all human history, speaking out more and more because when our quiet is broken, the world must hear us roar. That doesn't even make sense. Like, this is terrible poetry. When our quiet is broken? No, when you break your quiet, okay, like, you have to be the active participant in the sentence if you wish to be the person who is now speaking out. If my quiet is broken, that means I'm reading and my kids come screaming in my ear. That's what happens. When my quiet is broken, the world must hear us a roar again. A, A, B A before more broken roar. Hmm. Who are we? We are a billion voices, bright and brave. We are light standing together in the fight. How is this personnaard hell? Okay, so here we have girl in the hijab. We have girl with a wheelchair.
Unknown A
We have bird and a vei person. AI which again, makes no sense. What? Why wouldn't it not be they them? Your're only plural half the time. Like what in the actual F? A billion voices bright and brave we are light standing together in the fight. Oh my God. No rhyme. The meter isn't good either. There's no rhythm. We've been here for generations shining across all nations. I don't understand. You say that you''been here for generations shining across all nations, but also your girls like never before. So which is it? Are you historically rooted or are you like never before? We are different people. Wow. Theres A revelation. Each of us a different shape and size, a different wonder and a different whyise. How are you? A different lies. That doesn't even make. I keep saying it doesn't make sense, but none of it make sense.
Unknown A
Doesn't make sense. How can be a different lies? Also, these pictures are bad. You can put that out there. Some of us go, oh, here we go. Some of us go by she and some of us go by they. Well, how do you know that? Days are she you're gonna have to def find. But no matter our names or from where we came, in our hearts we are the same. We are a power, a movement. Pretty powerful. Pretty powerful. Wow. Cause you see, it's like a Punus. They're pretty and powerful. They're pretty powerful. And some of them are they. And this looks like the most tendentious dinner of all time. Also just a teapot. And I don't understand. No cold beverages at this particular dinner. We are beautiful not because of how we may appear, but how we look straight into the face of fear.
Unknown A
And apparently the face of fear is just eyes. Just eyes. I didn't realize that. Not like a big scary monster, just like randomly floating eyes. Like the Cheshire Capba with eyes. We are beautiful not because of how we may appear. Yeah, I'm getting that. But how we look straight into the face of fear. That's what and everybody's really pissed off, right? Super mad. This is they she person is making an awful lot of appearances. Like this person's in every pure. Gotta make sure they, she, all of her appears. Yes. Being a girl takes a brave heart. Sometimes you might feel scared, lost. And in the dark, some days it feels too hard. You stand up on our own. Once again, rhyme scheme. Cause it's poetry. Heart scared dark, hard own. Do any of those rhyme any? What is the meter? Sometimes we might feel scared, lost and in the dark.
Unknown A
So she's trying to. The line is too long. So she's trying to rhyme heart and dark. They she is having problems. They she is over in the bushes for no reason. Yeah, I don'know. What's happening in the bushes. They first at like a dinner party and then they're just wandering around the forest all by themselves. But here'the thing. When one girl stands up, she is never alone. Well, I mean, never ever. What about when they're in the bathroom? I feel like sometimes you're alone when you stand up. But here'the thing first went to Harvard and graduate C laude and then was a poetess at the Biden inauguration in 2021. Skipp it and flipping dipp. Oh boy. The wages of dei. We are like wings, lifting each other up, making each other strong. Wings don't lift each other up. None of this makes sense. That's not what wings do.
Unknown A
Wings lift the body of the thing that the wings are on. Think of a plane. Does one wing lift the other wing? No, that is not how that works. Doesn't work that way for animal. Doesn work out way for airplanes. Like some basic physical knowledge would be good. Here we are like wings. Make a metaphor that makes sense. Make it make sense. And again, great rhyme scheme there. Wings up strong. Wow. Solid stuff right there. When a girl writes what's wrong, she brings others along. Ithymes. There we go. See that? You could do it wrong. And a lot. Good, good. We might have our own voices, but we're singing the same song. Three of them rhyme. Wow. It's an aaba. Wrong along voices and song. Wow. That was like the best page yetet. And we've got the full diversity contingent here. We have storm over here with the white streak in the ha.
Unknown A
And then we've got some lady playing a giant drum and another lady wearing gym shorts and playing a guitar and some person with giant arms playing the triangle. This person has the wingspan of gianis. And that person could definitely block a 16 foot jumper. And then we have legless lady over here because everyone must be represented, including those with only one leg. Do you hear it? Our spunk and spirit. Ah, hear it. And spirit. Ah, there it is. And then apparently what you hear and spunkin spirit just look like random shapes. So cool. Oh boy, here we go. We are gutsy. We are gorgeous, gleaming, giving and gifted. Glorious glitter and grit. The lumphing gee. This page brought to you by the letter G. Gutsy, gorgeous, gleaming, giving, gifted, glorious glitter and grit. It's so truly awful. It's truly awful. Glorious glitter and grit. Why glorious glitter?
Unknown A
I mean, you'd better off with gleaming glitter because theoretically glitter could gleam, but doesn t matter. Hi. It's so bad. And then over here we have my body, my mind, my liberation. And again, Thatie had some giant arm. I don't know why all the women in this book have misshapen arms. It's kind of strange to me. We have some woman wearing a press outfit. We've got what appears to be an Olympian, but the medals are tiny. We have tennis player, a gymnast over here, one mother with a baby. That's nice. So apparently there's like one mom among all women that's Exciting Good news. We are girl. No, it is not'not plural. We are girl. Capital G, girl. Singular, platonic girl. Glowing and growing. Ah ah. Glowing and growing. Knowing where the wind is blowing. We are where change is going. Where's it going? 2 Girl, where'change going?
Unknown A
What is the object of the change? We are where change doesn't go anywhere. That's not how change operates. Again, this is not how words work. Where is the change going? Have you ever used that phrase ever? Where's the change going? You've never used that. Unless you're talking about receiving change from a restaurant or a cashier or something. We are where change is going. That doesn't. These words are meaningless. They're like the sort of chomsk and sentences that have form but no content. We are girl. We girl. We all win. When one girl tries, when she defies with her rallying cries, tried and true. See, you had all the momentum going with like the tries, defies and cries and then it just falls apart with tried and true. Because tried and true is a meaningless statement at the end of that particular phrase. And you have defeated the purpose of a line that is going to.
Unknown A
And by the way, that's an easy one to rhyme. Tries, defies, cries, flies, justifies, dies. Surprise. We have so many people doing. Every single picture is a quilt. Basically there's another one. Rise. They should goa use rise there, right? She uses rise on this page, right? Cries rise. Nop. Nope, we're saving it for here where it makes no sense. Because when one girl is on the rise, it means everyone else is. S2 Any girl, like anyone. How about like just like Maxwell when she was on the rise, was everybody else also on the rise? I feel like not liberation, freedom, respect and giant giant ass flowers. Whoa. Apparently these girls are hiny so apparently all their self esteem could not make them larger than you know, like a flower. Cause at the end of this horrific book it is but there is a dedication at the end from Amanda Gorman to all my sisters.
Unknown A
Rising, radiant and revolutionary. And from love is wise for all of us folks. Growing, dreaming, liberation and shaping change. Wow. I'm sure that there are so many parents who will love this book for their child and your child will be stupider for having been read this book and may God have mercy on your soul. Thank you so much to Amanda Gorman, literally the most overrated poet in the history of poetry. In the history of poetry. And I'm not even a poetry person. And whoa. Is this worse than anti racist baby? I mean in terms of content. It's not as bad as Anti racist Baby because anti racist babies like overtly raciston. But in terms of like the actual aesthetic quality, Anti racist Baby is in many ways less bad than this book by a professional poetist. Whooo. What a stinker. Al right guys, coming. We're goingn jump into that vau to Ben Shiro show mailbag.
Unknown A
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