Unknown A
Folks, there is a myth that pervades Western societies and it's an unbelievably dangerous and stupid myth. That myth is that all cultures are like ours and all people underneath are really just like us. They think the same way, they want the same things, and all it requires is a little bit of kindness and education for everyone to blossom into a good Westerner. That is a lie. And it is a, a really dangerous lie. Because when you grant that credibility to people who actively want a different thing, who, who actively foment evil, who teach their children evil, when you say, well, they don't really want evil, they're not really evil, they don't believe evil things, really, it's just about us not being nice enough. What you end up doing is surrendering to the evil. And that is the story of the Palestinian nationalist cause for the last 80 years.
Unknown A
The Palestinian nationalist cause is based on an evil supposition which is the destruction of the State of Israel. That is what it is about. It's about the extirpation of the Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel. How do we know this? Well, because the call for a Palestinian state ended originally with the creation of one in Jordan. The original territory of Israel was supposed to include both Jordan and Israel. And then under the British Mandate it was sliced off Jordan and was made into a Palestinian state for the Arabs. And then under a variety of negotiations and white papers from the British, the supposition was that the west bank and the Gaza Strip would eventually become an Arab state in the partition plan of 1947. That was then rejected by the Arabs. The Arabs said there can be no Jewish state here under any circumstances at all.
Unknown A
Palestinian nationalism is rooted in rejectionism of Jewish presence anywhere in that area. And in fact the extirpation of all Jews from that area. Which is why every two state solution that has ever been proposed by anyone has included the complete Juden Rhine nature of a Palestinian state. No Jews living within an Arab Palestine, despite The fact that 20% of Israel is actually Arab Muslim. In any case, this was also made clear by the fact that between 1948 and 1967, when Egypt was in control of the Gaza Strip and Jordan was in control of the so called West Bank, Judea and Samaria, there was no attempt at a Palestinian state. And in fact in 1964, when the Palestine Liberation Organization was originally founded calling for a Palestinian state, the west bank and Gaza Strip were not in Jewish hands. So the call for a Palestinian state when the PLO was founded was for the destruction of the State of Israel.
Unknown A
The Palestinian cause has always been about the destruction of the State of Israel. It is why the Palestinians will simultaneously insist that Gaza is their home, but also a refugee camp. It's a refugee camp. From where? From Tel Aviv. It's why the Palestinians have always called for a quote, unquote right of return that would allow them to enter Israel and destroy it from within. This has always been the Palestinian nationalist clause. And the west has decided, because of its own stupid idea that everyone thinks like the west, that this is just a territorial dispute in which if the sides could just get over themselves and if you drew the lines in the right places, everybody would go home happy. What everybody wanted was two states side by side in peace and prosperity. That was a lie. It is a lie. It will always be a lie.
Unknown A
Because the Palestinian nationalist cause is, in its essence, a rejection of the possibility of a Jewish state. It is a mutually exclusive proposal and it always has been. Now that is the only way to understand what happened yesterday. So yesterday in Israel, Hamas, which has an ongoing hostage deal, a so called ceasefire with the Israelis, that deal is that Hamas is supposed to trickle out live hostages and dead bodies of people that it kidnapped on October 7th. And in return, Israel is supposed to turn over murderous terrorists. That is the deal. And Israel foolishly has agreed to these sorts of deals in the past and is agreeing to those deals now because Israel puts a high priority on getting not only its live citizens home, but also on getting dead bodies out for proper burial. It is a policy with which I disagree. I think it is a stupid policy.
Unknown A
I think it's a bad policy because all it does is incentivize further hostage taking. But that is the policy of the State of Israel. That's why that ceasefire is, is in place. So yesterday it became clear that the Hamas terror group which runs the Gaza Strip with the acquiescence and support of the civilian population, let's be very, very clear about this, the civilian population in the Gaza Strip is supportive of the destruction of Israel, Period, Full stop. The same thing is true in the West Bank. It's true in Judea and Samaria as well. This is true by every available polling statistic, literally ever in this area. There's no desire for a two state solution. There's no desire to live side by side in peace and security. In fact, there's an inculcation into children of the idea that the Jews must be wiped out. And that is why you saw what you saw in the Gaza Strip yesterday.
Unknown A
So yesterday, Hamas had Announced a couple of days ago that the Beboss family. There are four members of the Bebop family who were kidnapped on Oct. 7 that included the father, included the mother, and included two children, one of whom was 3 at the time of the kidnapping and one of whom was nine months at the time of the kidnapping. And I want to introduce you to these children because it's important to the story. So here are these children. One is named Ariel Bibas and one is named Kfir. Kfir is coming home from the hospital because just born, Ariel at this point would be barely three years old. Here is Ariel's reaction to meeting his baby brother for the first time. Suppose you can't see is a small child approaching a baby and smiling big. This is a baby brother hugging the baby. And here is the baby brother, a little bit older, just laughing and giggling as babies will.
Unknown A
On October 7, this baby and his slightly older toddler brother were taken along with the mother, Shiri Bibas, into kidnapped captivity. Not by Hamas, not by Hamas, by Gazan civilians. A huge number of Gazan civilians joined in with Hamas on October 7th to participate in the rape, kidnapping and murder of civilians. And they purposefully kidnapped a toddler and a baby back into Gaza. And we found out a couple of days ago that mom and both of those babies are dead. And now we know through forensic analysis apparently that the two kids aren't just. They didn't die of malnutrition. They were apparently murdered about a month into their captivity. Now, the IDF this morning actually announced, after doing the autopsy of the two babies of the toddler and the baby, they announced that actually these kids were not killed in an airstrike. So Hamas had lied, apparently, they had said that these kids were killed in an airstrike.
Unknown A
Now, here's the thing. Even if they'd been killed in an airstrike, that would still be on Hamas. It's like saying that the Americans are somehow responsible for the death of Anne Frank because she died of typhus in the camps as opposed to the Nazis, you know, just stuffing her in a gas chamber or something. And if only the Americans had somehow gotten food to her. Like, that's not how it works. Okay, but that's actually not what happened. What actually happened here, according to the idf, and they have now made public the physical details of the bodies of these babies to various other countries. They've made that public so that it's transparent. According to IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari, Ariel and Kfir were murdered in cold blood, savagely In Gaza in the first weeks of the war, they didn't shoot them, they murdered them with their bare hands and afterwards did horrific things to hide it.
Unknown A
They mutilated the bodies to make it look as though they were not in fact beaten or strangled to death. But these were actually. And remember, they were taken by people not in Hamas uniforms. They were taken by Gazan civilians. This is, that's what evil sounds like. True, true evil. I mean, there's no other word for it. There are no synonyms that do justice to this. The barbarity and the cruelty and the horror of what this ideology generates. So Hamas was supposed to release the bodies of these children, babies that they had murdered along with their mother. They're supposed to release the bodies back to Israel in exchange for live terrorists. Now, just understand the moral logic here. You have one party that is seeking to bring back the dead bodies, the corpses of children who were just murdered and kidnapped, and the other side is celebrating the release of terrorists who murder children.
Unknown A
Not all cultures are the same. Not all people think the same way. Not all people inculcate the same values in their children. That is a stupid, idiotic, foolish, counterproductive, and dangerous Western conceit. That is the only way to look at what happened yesterday in the Gaza Strip. So Hamas held a parade, an actual parade, with the coffins of babies, of Jewish babies. Here is what that looked like in the Gaza Strip. Giant crowd showed up, by the way. Giant crowd. Here's some of the footage of Hamas parading around with the coffins of dead babies, with the music, playing, celebratory music. And by the way, you're seeing representatives there from all of the various terror groups, including Fatah. Fatah is the military wing of the so called moderate Palestinian Authority that, that is supposedly ruling the west bank at this point. People are cheering the movement of these bodies, of these dead bodies.
Unknown A
Music, celebratory music is playing in the background of all of this. You can hear the voices of children. And in fact, again, here's a shot of the size of the crowd. It was a massive crowd. They showed up to cheer, to celebrate the dead bodies of babies. This is a culture of death. It is in fact an evil culture. There is no culture. I've never even heard of a culture that celebrates the death of babies. Like literally celebrates the actual murder of children. Not civilian casualties, which are tragic and awful and should be avoided, but the actual purposeful murder of babies. There's no culture on earth that I've even heard of that does this. And yet that's what it was. Listen to the cheers and the whistling. You can hear the cheers and the whistling. This is thousands of Gazans who are out there. Civilians.
Unknown A
Civilians, right. The innocent, starved, genocided Gazan civilians out there cheering the coffins of babies being moved. And by the way, it's the kids too. Now, kids are not responsible for their actions. Their parents are responsible. The awful, evil tragedy of children being indoctrinated into something like this is so beyond words. It is unspeakably, unspeakably malicious and horrifying. They put children on stage where the baby's bodies were one second ago to dance and sing. Here's some of the footage. These are children. Those kids are no more than 10 years old. Those kids are somewhere between 5 and 10 years old, smiling, cheering, dancing up and down and behind. Hamas has put up a poster. Apparently their printing facilities were not wrecked in the war. They printed out giant banners, including one of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime Minister of Israel, as a vampire supposedly responsible for the death of these babies.
Unknown A
Those are children. Children. And then you have the exhibits with the coffins. Okay, so they went up there, they built out a full stage. They had a full sound production. Here they are. Here's a Hamas terrorist standing on stage flanked by all sorts of posters, including one poster that says, we're gonna murder the rest of your hostages if you try to come in here. These are the people that Western leftists support. These people, these human pieces of debris. This is the. These are the people that Kamala Harris said, hey, maybe had a point. These people, Western self flagellation, Western self hatred, Western belief that all sins in the world can be laid at the feet of the west is not just self defeating, it is wrong. It foments evil. It makes evil more common. Understand, Hamas initiated this war knowing full well what was going to happen.
Unknown A
And they did so knowing the western left would come to their defense. And indeed, they were not disappointed. The western left did come to their defense. Because the western left is of the opinion that the more barbaric, evil and angry a group of people are, the more they must have been victimized by evil overlords. That is where the left wing stream of thought crosses streams with the jihadi stream of thought. It gets worse. By the way, Hamas actually labeled the coffins with the supposed date of arrest. That's what it literally says here. Date of arrest, October 7th. Arrest. These were. There's a mother and her babies arrested and murdered. Arrest. Okay, but you think, you think it gets. It can't get any well, no, actually, it gets worse. So a couple of details from this. These coffins were locked. The Israelis had to run them through metal detectors to make sure that they weren't actually booby trapped with bombs, because that is something that Hamas absolutely would do.
Unknown A
Hamas gave them keys to the locks. The keys did not match the locks. They gave them false keys and false locks. Then when Israel finally opened up the coffins, it turns out that Hamas had put a bunch of leaflets with Hamas propaganda inside the coffins. And then as a final indignity, as a final. And the indignities are so strong here, as a final indignity, Israel had to do forensic analysis on the charred bodies of a baby, a toddler and mom. It turns out that the forensic analysis found that these were in fact the children, that the babies. These were the corpses of babies murdered by Hamas in November of 2023 and held for a year hostage to free terrorists. It's just unspeakable. I mean, the level of evil is unspeakable. They didn't do this by accident. They did this on purpose. They kidnapped babies to murder them and then they held their bodies to free terrorists.
Unknown A
That's evil, full stop, period. And a culture that celebrates it in the streets, every aspect of it is celebrated by a huge percentage of the population in the Gaza Strip. That doesn't mean that civilians ought to be treated as members of the military. It does mean that any sort of quote, unquote, two state solution is, was, and always will be completely unworkable because one side wants to completely kill everyone on the other side. In any case, the final indignity here, that the mother's body, Shiri Bibas, was then analyzed and it turns out it is not her body at all. Hamas handed over a random woman's body instead. So Shiri Bibas body is still being held hostage inside the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the cruelty of the Hamas monsters knows no bounds. Not only did they kidnap the father, Yarden Bibas, who by the way, was never told what happened to his family.
Unknown A
He was never told what happened to his family. He only found out that his family was dead after he was released from captivity. His entire family slaughtered when he was released from captivity. Not only did they kidnap the father, Yarden Bibas, the young mother, Shiri, and their two small babies. In an unspeakably cynical manner, they did not return Shiri to her little children, the little angels. They put the body of a Gazan woman in a coffin. Hamas said that they would examine the claims very Seriously, and would announce the results clearly. And then they told Israel they should return the body of the Palestinian woman. Sick, sick, sick. But don't worry, the horror didn't end with that. The International Red Cross took part in it. The International Red Cross literally sat on stage during the ceremony and signed documents to receive the bodies. The International Red Cross, by the way, is a horror show of an institution.
Unknown A
The International Red Cross, by the way, funded by taxpayer dollars all over the world. 82% of their budget is provided by various parties to the Western Geneva Conventions. So some of your taxpayer dollars have in fact funded the International Red Cross. The International Red Cross provides aid to Hamas. Basically, they visited the hostages zero times. And of course, this is all part and parcel of the International Red Cross's horrible record over the course of decades, dating all the way back to World War II when they were being shuttled around Theresienstadt during the Holocaust and then vowing that the Nazis were treating people half decently. As this was happening. As this was happening. There were five buses yesterday that were loaded with bombs in Israel. Three of them blew up in the area of Batyam, which is near Tel Aviv. The initial assessment from the security establishment is that the plan for the attack came from Iran and was carried out by Hamas terrorists from the west bank, from Judea and Samaria.
Unknown A
So remember, Hamas is not just in the Gaza Strip, Hamas is also in Judea and Samaria, and they're quite powerful in Judea and Samaria. So apparently Hamas loaded, as best we know, five different bombs onto five different buses. And it is only through the grace of God that this did not kill hundreds of people. One of the bombs on the bus was identified by one of the women on the bus, and she told the driver, there's something on this bus we need to get off. They got off the bus, blew up two other buses then blew up. Apparently that is because the terrorists were stupid enough to mistime the bombs. They put analog clocks on there, and instead of setting it for 10:00am during rush hour, they set it for 10:00pm and so they blew up in a parking lot without anybody aboard, which is a miracle.
Unknown A
Israel then stopped every bus in the country and searched all of the various buses. There's speculation that this was supposed to be the lead off for another October 7th style attack, because Hamas, knowing exactly what was going to happen after they had a celebratory event surrounding the murder of babies, knowing that the war is going to restart in the Gaza strip, wanted another October 7th style event from the West Bank. The goal There would be, presumably to set off bombs simultaneously around Israel, draw troops to those areas, and then breach fences between the Arab areas of Judea and Samaria and the Jewish areas, and then start to rush into various Jewish villages and do another October 7, this time from the Judea and Samaria area. Again, it's only through the grace of God that that was thwarted because the Shin Bet, which is Israeli's domestic security service, completely, completely failed.
Unknown A
Apparently, explosives, this Jerusalem Post weighing 4-5 kg were found intending to explode on Friday morning in order to kill hundreds of civilians. And again, a Hamas west bank battalion appeared to claim responsibility for the mass bus bombings. So what are we to make of all this? Well, the first thing we're to make of all this is that Donald Trump is absolutely right. The time to unleash hell is long past. It is long past. President Trump acknowledges realities on the ground better than any politician I have seen. He recognizes that this two state solution nonsense is precisely that. It is nonsense. It is rooted in wishful thinking. It is not rooted in reality. When President Trump suggests that Gaza be cleared of its population and people be allowed to go elsewhere and that the place actually turned into a place of investment and decency, that is the only decent solution that I have heard to this entire situation for literally decades.
Unknown A
When it comes to the so called West Bank, Judea and Samaria. And I always say so called west bank because that is not the proper name of this area. Judea and Samaria are the historic names for this area. The reason that the Jews are called Jews is because they spring from, wait for it, Judea. Right. That is the biblical heartland of Israel. Pretty much every place mentioned in the Bible is in the so called West Bank, Judea and Samaria. It is called the west bank because it is the west bank of the Jordan River. It was called the west bank this particular area when it was under Jordanian control from 1948 to 1967. Israel should annex all of it. Israel should say there will be no Palestinian state. There can be domestic home rule in some of these areas for purposes of picking up trash and collecting taxes.
Unknown A
Anybody associated with terrorism will be expelled or jailed. Security control must retain in Israeli hands. And as for voting, nope. It's just like Puerto Rico. The United States and Puerto Rico have a wonderful relationship and Puerto Ricans do not vote in American national elections. It's exactly the same thing. That is the only proper answer to what is going on here. Because the evil that we saw in Gaza is not relegated to Gaza. It exists in Tulkarm exists in Jenin, it exists in Nablus, it exists in Hebron. Hebron exists in all of these places. And so this bizarre, stupid Western notion that you can project your own values onto people who celebrate, cheer and train their children to cheer the death of babies, the purposeful murder of babies. Again, the false equivalence, the sick false equivalence by some people in the media infrastructure who suggest that there is somehow an equivalent between attempting to target a terrorist who's hiding behind a child and the child being a civilian casualty and breaking into a family's home, kidnapping babies back to terror tunnels and murdering them.
Unknown A
If you are that sort of person, you have a moral perversion inside you that I'm not sure how to solve. The Western left and even some on the Western right who agree with this particular mentality, that is a moral perversion. President Trump certainly doesn't agree with that particular mentality. The moral equivalence is non existent. And because there is in fact no moral agreement on the basic things of life, in order for there to be any agreement, there have to be. There has to be some sort of agreement on interests. There is no agreement on interests. There is no agreement on what this war is even about. Israel believes that the war should be about setting territorial boundaries. The Palestinians and the Palestinian cause is that Israel should disappear. End of story. End. As my friend Dennis Prager has frequently said, if Israel were to put down all of its guns today, every Jew in the area would die.
Unknown A
Everyone. That was proved on October 7th. It's proved every single day. And if the Palestinians had put down their guns 30 years ago, they'd have a state. And instead they've not. They've decided they would rather that their own children die in war. They'd rather train their own children to whistle, cheer and sing at the death of Jewish babies. That is not a situation that is fixable. Other ideas must be considered. And this is why President Trump is right. And this is why all hell should, in fact, break loose on Gaza. Israel should do precisely what President Trump has suggested in the Gaza Strip. They should waste no more time on this. And they should do exactly the same thing in Judea and Samaria as well, because Hamas is in control of Judea and Samaria too. In fact, Hamas right now, bipolar data is more popular in in Judea and Samaria than they are in the Gaza Strip.
Unknown A
Well, speaking of the evils going on in the Middle east right now, in the wake of the ongoing conflict, Israel continues to face profound humanitarian challenges. The international fellowship of Christians and Jews remains steadfast in providing vital support to those affected across the Holy Land, offering hope and healing to communities in crisis. Your compassionate gift today will deliver essential aid to the devastated communities in both northern and southern Israel. Your generosity will directly impact those most vulnerable, displaced families seeking refuge from conflict zones, dedicated first responders and volunteers, recovering soldiers, elderly Holocaust survivors, families who've lost their homes and livelihoods, and countless others in desperate need. In these uncertain times, your support becomes a beacon of hope. Join us in bringing comfort and relief to Israel by donating@benforthefellowship.org that's one word. Benforthefellowship.org your kindness makes a huge difference. What's going on in Israel is truly horrifying.
Unknown A
Israel is facing existential threat, not just from Hamas, not just from Hezbollah, also from Hamas in the West Bank. And the suffering continues day in and day out. Your help does in fact, help. Benforthefellowship.org thank you and God bless once more. Benforthefellowship.org to help out the suffering people in the Holy Land. Also, this country was founded on freedom, of course. Freedom from another country that forced us to buy their overpriced tea and then they blockaded us when we dumped their tea into the ocean. Well, now we're a separate country in Great Britain. What do they do lately? Well, here's the thing. It's time to throw out your overpriced big wireless contract at as well. You don't need to pay $100 a month just to get a free phone. PureTalk, my cell phone company, says no to inflated prices. With a qualifying plan. You can choose an iPhone 14 or Samsung Galaxy for $0.
Unknown A
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Unknown A
The actual policy that President Trump is pursuing is, in fact the only rational policy, and everyone knows it. Security guarantees that are durable enough to ensure that Vladimir Putin does not reinvade Ukraine to Ukraine, and an acknowledgement that without a massive expenditure of resources that no one is willing to undertake, the Donbass and Crimea are going to remain in Russian hands for the foreseeable future. Okay, that is just a reality, and everyone acknowledges that that is the reality. It's been true for years at this point. Again, one of the very weird things that's been happening on the right is that if I agree totally with President Trump's agenda, but I disagree with some of his rhetoric surrounding the agenda, apparently that is some sort of heresy. I don't quite understand why. I don't quite understand why, in order to agree and actually in order to propose an alternative that I have been proposing for years and that the Trump administration actually mirrors why, in order to do that, I also have to believe that Volodymyr Zelensky is a CIA asset or some such nonsense.
Unknown A
How about both these things? How about Russia is the aggressor in this war. Vladimir Putin is an evil dictator. Vladimir Zelensky is not, in fact, a dictator. He may be venal, he may be a problematic personality on the international stage in terms of how he approaches various countries, including the United States. All those things can be true. And also the end sort of lines of the deal are exactly the same. Why is it that there has to be some sort of loyalty test about mirroring sort of the excesses? It seems to me a foolish proposition. But in any case, the Europeans are adjusting to the new vision of the world proposed by President Trump. He's basically saying, listen, you guys want a different deal? Why don't you pony up now, get in here, pony up. Show us the money. This is in Europe. This is not in the United States.
Unknown A
According to the Wall Street Journal, American and European supporters of NATO said that by siding with Europe's long standing adversary, Trump has done serious damage to its greatest asset, the deterrence that comes from the alliance's ironclad commitment to collective defense. But of course, President Trump has not suggested that NATO ought to be abolished. President Trump has suggested that the war in Ukraine ought to come to an end. It would be a mistake to abolish NATO because again, withdrawing forces from, say, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia will lead to further Russian predations in those areas. If they believe they can get away with it, they'll do it in the same way that removing the American trigger force in South Korea would presumably lead to North Korean predations in South Korea. It's a rather cheap deal to keep some military bases in Eastern Europe to prevent a Russian invasion of those areas, pushing deeper and deeper into continental Europe.
Unknown A
However, I've not seen any proposal, a serious proposal that is like that. But if it causes the Europeans to step up, that's not a bad thing. The United States, Pete Hegseth said that NATO will no longer tolerate an imbalanced relationship which encourages dependency. Rather, our relationship will prioritize empowering Europe to own responsibility for its own security. Now, I don't understand why that's a bad thing. That all seems perfectly reasonable to me. And some of the messaging that's coming out of the Trump administration, in fact, is not the sort of radical Russia is right messaging that is being mirrored on X. So, for example, Scott Besant, the Treasury Secretary, has asked about sanctions on Russia. He said, listen, we can ratchet them up, we can ratchet them down. We haven't decided yet.
Unknown B
You mentioned sanctions.
Unknown A
So do you have both on the table ready to go, a sanctions ramp up or wind down on Russia, depending.
Unknown C
How these talks go?
Unknown A
I think that'd be a very good characterization. Okay, so again, a lot of options are still on the table, but the foreign policy freakout is happening. There's a piece in the Wall Street Journal that kind of is fascinating about this because it talks up a failed foreign policy while talking down Trump's foreign policy. Quote, since the end of World War II, the American led system of alliances has bolstered US power, most foreign policy experts say, by vowing to defend allies in Europe, the Middle east and Asia. The United States, more than any other country, took on the role of global guarantor of free trade instability, a mission that included countering first the Soviet Union and more recently China. Trump has a different take. Allies take more than they give. Instead of relying on the US Military and its nuclear umbrella for their security, other countries should spend more on their militaries while providing economic incentives to stay in America's good graces.
Unknown A
Trump's is a far more transactional win lose vision of foreign policy. Well, I mean, I don't see why that is cutting out the best parts of the prior foreign policy, meaning if our allies contribute to their own security and strengthen their own war making capacity. That means we have to pay less and we achieve the same end. Trump is not saying that China should overrun the Far East. He's saying Taiwan should arm itself and we should help them arm themselves. He's not saying that Europe should surrender to Vladimir Putin. He's saying Europe should stop free riding on our coattails. That all makes perfect sense to me. Victoria Coates, Vice President for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage foundation, said, quote, it's not that President Trump is abandoning the post World War II order. It's that we're no longer in the post World War II era.
Unknown A
We have to accept the geopolitical landscape has shifted. So, I mean, that's clearly true. Why can't Europe afford to spend more of its own money on defense? Why are we paying for all of its defense in the face of a reality which is that Europe as a combined entity is significantly more powerful than, for example, Russia. The Russian GDP last year was about $2 trillion. The EU's GDP in 2024 was about $17 trillion. So I'm confused as to why precisely the EU and NATO countries can't pony up more in order to defend their own collective security. Like, why do we have to pay bill? That is, that is Trump's actual proposal here. Now, as far as the Vladimir Zelensky of it and President Trump's statements about Zelensky, and some of this is personal, some of this is that Zelensky has made an awful lot of boo boos when it comes to offending President Trump preemptively.
Unknown A
This is a point that Mike Walz, the National Security Adviser, was making yesterday.
Unknown B
With President Zelensky is that you've heard is multifold. One, there needs to be a deep appreciation for what the American people, what the American taxpayer, what President, President Trump did in his first term and what we've done since. So some of the rhetoric coming out of Kyiv, frankly, and insults to President Trump were unacceptable, number one. Number two, our own Secretary of Treasury personally made the trip to offer the Ukrainians what is can only be described as a historic opportunity, that is for America to co invest with Ukraine in their minerals, in their resources, to truly grow the pie.
Unknown A
So again, the Trump administration is trying to actually cut a deal with Ukraine in which the United States invests in Ukraine. Now, Ukraine might not like the terms of those deal, but if that's the case, then they should make a deal with Europe. Nothing Trump is doing here is actually crazy in terms of actual policy. And so all of the Rhetorical flourishes and excesses aside, the actual policy being pursued is significantly more real world than anything Joe Biden was pursuing in the first place, which is this sort of bizarre wish casting in which there was no end of the war and we were going to eternally fund it. Which again, made no sense on any level whatsoever. Well, the truth is that all over the world and domestically, your dollars are generally not safe during tax season. Your sensitive information travels through countless hands and systems from payroll to tax preparers to data centers before ever reaching the IRS.
Unknown A
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Unknown A
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Unknown A
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Unknown A
It'd be good in the sense that would actually restructure again that blue pipeline we've been talking about between the federal taxpayer and a bunch of left wing permanent organizations in and out of government. But DOGE isn't gonna be the cure all for all of this. The real question for the Trump administration. Trump was elected for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason, the single biggest reason he was elected, was the inflationary policies of Joe Biden. Inflation has to be coming down. It has to be in order for Trump to get his agenda done. The inflation has to drop, the economy has to keep chugging, and the inflation has to drop. Because whether Trump is responsible for it or not, presidents get the blame for the economy over which they preside, sometimes fairly, as in the case of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and sometimes unfairly, as in the case of, say, George W.
Unknown A
Bush after 9, 11. Okay, but presidents always get the blame. They get the credit and they get the blame. That's the way this works. And so the economy needs to continue chugging. President Trump is doing his best with deregulation via Doge, but if inflation keeps clocking along at 3%, that is going to be a serious problem. According to Politico, President Trump's approval ratings have in fact been sinking. Two new polls from cnn, SSRS and the Washington Post, Ipsos, show the president is now at 47% in the CNN poll and 45% in the Post says positive approval rating is now. It's flipped. It's now in slightly negative territory. Again, these are not like disastrous approval ratings or anything, but they're not great. And when it comes to the actual economy, which is going to be the bellwether, that's the problem for President Trump. He currently has negative numbers on the economy for the first time in years.
Unknown A
President Trump has always been considered a good bet on the economy. But the inflationary signs continue to mount. According to Axios, bond markets are betting that inflation will stay elevated in the years ahead. Some evidence from business surveys and forecasters points in the same direction. This belief suggests the Trump administration and Federal Reserve face a headwind in securing a return to low inflation. Concerns that have escalated just in the last few weeks as the President has threatened tariffs on a variety of U.S. trading partners. And again, whether you like the tariffs or not, will they have some minor inflationary impact? They absolutely could. I like his illegal immigration plans, for example. That will have some impact on inflation. Why? Because when you limit the labor supply for good or ill, and I believe for good in this particular case, that is going to have economic impact.
Unknown A
And here we are just talking about the economic impact of various Trump policies, which means a few things. One, the Federal Reserve needs today to actually increase the interest rates. 3% is not sustainable. The Federal Reserve needs to increase the interest rates. I understand that President Trump doesn't want that to happen. Republicans are wary about all of that. It's very, very early. It is February of the President's first year in office, in his second term. Now would be the moment to take the pain for the long term gain. The interest rates should increase. There's still too much money floating around the economy. The price earnings ratios of the Dow Jones Industrial Average are totally out of control. Those Big seven companies, which are right now driving an enormous amount of growth, are trading at PE ratios, meaning the price of the stock to the earnings of the company.
Unknown A
They're trading at PE ratios in excess of 40. A proper PE ratio, typically speaking, according to Warren Buffett, is around 16. His mentor Benjamin Graham said 16 to 18 would be a normal price equity ratio price to earnings ratio. The Dow Jones Industrial Average right now is currently at 27. That is way too high, Way too high. That means there's a lot of money chasing around, not as much opportunity. We happen to be in an AI bubble right now. The amount of money that's being spent on the semiconductors from Nvidia, a lot of people chasing AI. The return on AI is not nearly what the actual investiture into AI has been. That doesn't mean that AI isn't important. It's very important. But just like the Internet bubble didn't mean the Internet wasn't important. It just meant that at the very beginning of a new technology, tons of money follows the tech and most of it gets wiped out.
Unknown A
The same thing right now is happening in the AI Space, an enormous amount of money that's being invested in the AI space is just going to get wiped out. So what, what does that mean? It means that the economy is actually a lot more tenuous than I think people are recognizing it is. The Fed is reluctant to cut interest rates, but actually it should be. The Fed should be increasing the interest rate right now. According to Axios, longer term measures of inflation expectations look less worrying. The bond market break even for annual inflation in a window of five to ten years from now is down slightly this year at levels consistent with the Fed's 2% target. But let's be clear about this. If inflation stays at 3% or if it increases from there over the course of the next five years, inflation is an invisible tax on people's savings.
Unknown A
It means that your wages are degraded. President Trump needs to put significant focus, and I think he is into passing a bill, passing that one big, beautiful bill that is going to make clear that the Trump tax cuts are not disappearing. He needs to continue to allow Doge to do its work. He needs to pursue business opportunities that make it easier, not harder, for costs to come down. All of those things need to happen because the success of the Trump administration rides on all that. Now, there's some misplaced worries over here. One of those misplaced worries, people suggesting that President Trump's idea to donate basically to give back part of the savings from Doge to the American people, that will be inflationary. Kevin Hassett did a good job of explaining why this is false yesterday on.
Unknown D
These potential checks that you might send out from Doge.
Unknown A
Is there a concern, as you're thinking.
Unknown D
Through this, that they could be inflationary?
Unknown E
Oh, absolutely not. Because imagine if we don't spend government money and we give it back to people, then the, you know, if they spend it all, then you're even, but they're probably going to save a lot of it, in which case you're reducing inflation. And also when the government spends a lot, that's what creates inflation. We learned that from Joe Biden. And so if we reduce government spending, then that's, you know, reduces inflation. And if you give people money, then they're going to save a bunch of it. And when they save it, then that also reduces demand and reduces inflation.
Unknown A
So again, he's correct about that. You're basically taking money that is already being spent by the government and you're putting it back in the American people's pocket. That's not what inflation is. That doesn't inflate the prices. Government spends all of that money, that money being spent in the private sector is actually significantly more efficient. He's the director of the National Council of Economic Advisors, by the way. Well, meanwhile, President Trump is trying to negotiate a budget bill. The House version is one big, beautiful bill. The Senate, led by Senator John Thune, has been proposing the possibility of two separate bills, one that would basically do a bunch of border security and ancillary measures and one that would be the tax bill. The problem, of course, with that proposal is that it is very difficult, difficult under reconciliation rules to get two of those bills through a single Congress.
Unknown A
It hasn't happened anytime in the recent past. I suppose the idea is that it'll be easier to get the budget bill through as an immigration matter and then the tax bill can be taken up and at that point you'll get a cleaner tax bill. But again, that's a high risk proposal. Mike Johnson, who's the one who has to work with basically no majority. I mean, it's like one seat majority, two seat majority, depending on how many House members he has. On any given day, he's going to have to cobble something together. That is why he's going for this sort of big, beautiful budget bill. There's a lot of talk at the White House about what is the proper strategy. Joining us on the line to discuss is Mary Margaret Olahan. She's our senior White House correspondent. Mary Margaret, thanks so much for joining us.
Unknown D
Good morning, Ben. Thanks so much for having me.
Unknown A
So let's talk about the budget bill. What are you hearing from the White House about their approach to the budget bill? One big beautiful bill or two separate bills via the Senate?
Unknown D
Well, what we've been hearing is Donald Trump really praising efforts on both sides of the aisle, or I should say in the House and the Senate on his budget bill, pushing and encouraging speaker of the House Mike Johnson and his efforts. I actually saw speaker of the House Mike Johnson last night having dinner at Hawk and Dove. He looked a little serious and stressed, but he was enjoying dinner with his wife. And, you know, I think it remains to be be seen how this will play out on Capitol Hill. But I can tell you here at the White House, there's a lot going on today. President Trump will host the swearing in of at least one of his cabinet members. We're hoping that Cash Patel will also be here and be sworn in probably today or next week as well. And I believe also on the schedule, President Trump will be having lunch with Vice President J.D.
Unknown D
Unknown A
So, Mary Margaret, as our senior White House Correspondent at the White House. White House. Let me ask you about the differences in access from the Trump administration between the Trump administration and the Biden administration, because obviously Biden, his level of access was not high. Many members of the media were upset about that. And now things have radically changed.
Unknown D
They have radically changed. In fact, White House Press secretary Caroline Levitt was just speaking about this yesterday. I believe in Trump's first week, he took 12 times the amount of questions as Biden did in his first week. And the White House is, of course, keeping tabs on this because they're really interested to see. But, you know, just speaking with people who have covered the Biden administration and were in the White House during the last administration, I've spoken to multiple conservative reporters who told me that they were not able to get any questions into the president or into the White House press secretary under the last administration. Whereas we've had press briefings multiple times a week. The pool has access to President Trump on his plane in the Oval Office after press conferences in the East Room. I've been able to ask President Trump a question.
Unknown D
I've been able to ask Caroline Levitt a number of questions during press conferences. And I would call this unprecedented access over the past several years. And look, Ben, you know, when we're in the briefing room, there's all of these reporters packed so tightly in there. Yesterday, for example, there were so many reporters that it was hard to get your hand up and ask a question. I'm fighting group my life in there as these reporters try and stand in front of me when I get there two hours early to represent the daily wire. So all these reporters are eager to cover Trump. And we know, of course, that covering Trump is good for their views, it's good for their networks, and there's a lot more interest than in the last administration.
Unknown A
Mary Margaret is the person on the ground asking those questions. Really appreciate the time, Mary Margaret, and we'll check back in with you.
Unknown D
Thanks, Ben.
Unknown A
So, again, these are very important things. I mean, there's a lot of important stuff going on inside the Trump administration. Cash Patel yesterday was confirmed. That's excellent. It is funny to watch Democrats lose their mind over Cash Patel being confirmed as the head of the FBI, an uber qualified person for this particular role. The final vote was 51 to 49. All the Senate Democrats voted against Cash Patel. Two Republicans, Collins and Murkowski, of course, voted against Cash Patel. Patel then posted, quote, the politicization of our justice system has eroded public trust. That ends today. My mission as director is Clear. Let good cops be cops and rebuild trust in the FBI. Democrats, including Adam Schiff, were out there freaking out about all of this. Adam Schiff talking about the evils of weaponization of law enforcement is just beyond. It's. It's beyond parody. He can't do the job.
Unknown A
He won't protect the public. He will misuse the resources of the Bureau. He will weaponize it against the President's political opponents rather than the protecting the safety, the public safety of the American people. Listening to Adam Schiff, who is the head of the Russiagate witch hunt, talk about the weaponization of law enforcement is insane. Insane. Meanwhile, Dick Durbin, another foolish senator from Illinois, he was out there in front of the FBI talking about how it's just terrible. It's just terrible that Cash Patel has joked about turning the FBI into a museum for memorializing the evils of things like mass surveillance. Here's Dick Durbin. We stand outside the building. Mr. Patel, on one day plans to, quote, shut down and reopen the next day as a museum of the deep state. That is one of many of the bizarre political statements made by the man who is asking for 10 years as director of the FBI.
Unknown A
Okay, I mean, I'm confused. It's called the J. Edgar Hoover Building. And so you wanna talk about the evils of government surveillance of people and how you don't care about that next to J. Edgar Hoover Building. Good luck with that particular situation. Here's the thing. A lot of very serious things are going on, and we can either take our politics seriously or we can treat them as a joke. If you treat politics as a joke, there are some downsides. President Trump is trying to do very serious things on the economy, on foreign policy, he's trying to do very serious things on illegal immigration, for example. All these things are very serious things. And it seems to me that we should treat our politics seriously since it has incredibly serious consequences. This is why I'm slightly annoyed by some of the response to Mitch McConnell announcing that he's not going to seek reelection.
Unknown A
So McConnell, of course, should not. He is 83 years old at this point, and he's had a couple of health lapses over the course of the last several years. He's sort of a bizarre celebration from the right in the retirement of Mitch McConnell. The single most effective Senate majority leader in modern American history is beyond recognition for me. I don't understand it. I don't agree with Mitch McConnell on a lot of stuff. Also, the job of Senate Majority leader is to cobble together bare majorities to do the best that you can. And three quarters of President Trump's legislative triumphs would not have happened without Mitch McConnell in the background pulling strings. That includes, by the way, the stacking of the Supreme Court. The only reason Merrick Garland is not on the Supreme Court right now is Mitch McConnell. So this sort of bizarre hatred of McConnell, it's deeply unserious.
Unknown A
When I see unserious people who really have never accomplished anything in politics ripping on Mitch McConnell of all people, who again, is single handedly responsible for the overturning of Roe versus Wade, I just, I don't get it. I've critiqued Mitch McConnell. I've criticized many of the stances he's taken. I disagree with him on some of the things that he's done. But this bizarre idea that Mitch McConnell is somehow the enemy, it's just chicken feed for people who don't watch closely. Here's McConnell announcing his retirement yesterday. Seven times my fellow Kentuckians have sent me to the Senate. Every day in between, I've been humbled by the trust they place in me to do their business right here. Representing our commonwealth has been the honor of a lifetime. I will not seek this honor an eighth time. My current term in the Senate will be my last.
Unknown A
So, again, a lot of problems with Mitch McConnell, but the kind of overall judgment on the right that Mitch McConnell was an obstacle to victory, when in fact he was a tool for victory many, many times, including most specifically on the Supreme Court, Trump's tax cuts, all of his legislative accomplishments. That's an unserious point of view. The best reason to become a Daily Wire plus member, you're directly supporting the fight. Every dollar goes right back into building a real alternative to the mainstream. More shows, more movies, more investigative journalism. This is how we continue to reshape the culture. But there's another reason. If you like this show, there's more of it waiting for you. Ooh, mysterious. Only DailyWire plus members get exclusive content at the end of every episode, the show, after the show, and live chats and more. Don't just listen, be a part of it.
Unknown A
Download the Daily Wire plus app or go to DailyWire.com subscribe and become a member today. Well, folks, it is a Friday, and that means it's time to do a little bit of culture talk. I know, I know. But the good news is my production team is filled with people who actually care about this stuff. And so we're gonna go through it for your viewing pleasure or suffering, depending on the kind of thing that you like. So apparently Denise Richards, you remember her, maybe you don't. She was in a Bond movie at one point. She's in Wild Things with Nev Campbell and all the rest of that crew, Matt Dillon. And now she has a reality show with her kids called Wild Things and her daughter apparently has an only. Apparently that is a thing. So here is Sammy Sheen who again, Denise Richards had her kids with Charlie Sheen.
Unknown A
So that is a pairing if ever there was one. By the way, Charlie was the one who objected to Sammy joining OnlyFans. When Charlie Sheen is the responsible one in a relationship, you know you got a problem. Here is Sammy Sheen explaining why she joined only fans in June 2022. She was 18.
Unknown F
I think what made me start an Only Fans in the beginning is because I really wanted to get an apartment and I knew that working at the candy shop I was working at wasn't going to cut it. So I went to the next best thing and made an OnlyFans. It opened so many doors for me and I've met really cool people doing it and it's been really nice and rewarding being my own boss and making my own hours and being able to do the things I've always wanted to do.
Unknown A
This is so sad. I'm sorry. That's so sad. She's met some really good people. Really? Is that that are those are the people you meet when you are stripping for money on Only that's hint. Also, by the way, she is the daughter of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. I assume that there is some money available to help pay for the apartment. Like this was your best job opportunity available was stripping or working at the candy store. Those were the two big job opportunities. Well, never you fear. Denise decided that after watching the success of her daughter, she too would join. Only because the family that strips together stays together.
Unknown G
When I saw that Sammy was getting so much backlash, it really upset me as a mom and also as a woman in this business because of I've done roles where I have been. You know, I did Starship Troopers, very conservative and a totally different role from this was very beginning of my career and when I did Wild Things. Totally two different roles and people could judge either one. And so and then after Wild Things and then to be perceived as a sex symbol and doing photo shoots for that and people can have opinion about that. I didn't want it bothered me that she was getting backlash for owning her own sexuality and her being a woman and doing what she wanted to do. And that's why I joined it. I Had I didn't understand it before, and then I quickly learned, but that's ultimately why I did it.
Unknown G
And I kind of had made a sort of a joke about it. I posted something. When she did join, when she was. People were making comments because it's hard because she's so young, and she was 19 or 18 when she joined.
Unknown F
I just turned 18 when I.
Unknown G
She was 18 years old. That's crazy for me. I thought, oh, my gosh, for her at 18, to have people have negative comments about her, it really bothered me. So that's why I, you know, decided to do it.
Unknown A
Mm. Wow. That sounds like a reasonable explanation. I mean, to be fair to Denise Richards, basically all she's doing on Only is what she was doing in Wild Things when all the teenage boys had to go to Blockbuster Video and then pause the tape. So, I mean, nothing particularly shocking happening with Denise Richards over there. I do feel horrible for their sister. So Sammy's sister. So Sammy's sister is a person named Lola, and Lola was recently baptized in the Christian church. And she looks so uncomfortable during these clips. She looks just uncomfortable, which she should. So Denise Richards was asked, you know, how do your kids feel about mom joining Only, which, again, is stripping for money. That's all it is. How do you both feel about your mom opening up an account?
Unknown F
I think it's. I think it's great. I always just tell her I wish she waited a little bit because she started it right after I did. But, yeah, it doesn't bother me at all. Lola might say something else.
Unknown C
Whatever she makes, I don't know what.
Unknown G
More I could do.
Unknown A
Mm. She didn't know what more she could do. Well, she could not do that. Maybe she could figure out a way to, you know, help her daughter so she doesn't become a career stripper. Maybe that, you know, this sort of mainstreaming of Only is one of the worst things that has happened in American public life. It's just horrifying. The turning of normies into stars who sell their bodies for money is just gross. It's truly gross. And if you don't think it's gross, well, I have some more gross only content for you, so hope you're ready. And you can blame producer Jessica for compiling all of this. So apparently you remember there was an announcement that Bonnie Blue, who is an Only creator, which is to say she's a On camera. I mean, I don't know what else you call it. She literally has on camera for money.
Unknown A
That is what she does. And if she's Insulted by that. I would wonder why. Because definitions of words exist. In any case, Bonnie Blue, who had with 1057 men in 12 hours, which is 10 men an hour. No, I'm sorry, 100 men an hour. That is 100 men an hour. Somewhere in that 80 men an hour. I have some logistical questions that are probably not air appropriate for how precisely that works. Is it just like an assembly line? What is the average time? In any case, she suggested that she was pregnant. And this led to all sorts of memory, particularly from the Maury show, which, like this is the ultimate Maury show, is that Bonnie Blue said that she was pregnant after having with 1057 men. It did lead to one of the great tweet exchanges of all time where somebody said, well, wasn't she using birth control?
Unknown A
And somebody said, well, it's 99.9% effective and she had with 1,057 men. So you do the math, Right? Fair, fair statistical analysis that you have made, sir. But it turns out that she wasn't actually pregnant. She faked the pregnancy, which I have to say I'm relieved for the potential child that doesn't exist, a Bonnie. Like, I'm glad for children to be born, but I don't think that everyone should necessarily have to be mothered by Bonnie Blue. That's it. That seems bad. Like, if the child were already created, I'd be very happy that the child was created. But if Bonnie Blue could not have a baby with a random stranger, I feel like that's also not a terrible thing. In any case, she apparently faked it to raise funds for a stranger's ivf. It's all for charity, folks, for a stranger's IVF treatment. Again, she is the least decent model for IVF I've probably ever heard.
Unknown A
But this is. This is. So I guess we're just gonna do like biblical conundrums now. Like, can you use money to pay for temple dues? And that sort of stuff. Like, we're really gonna do like talmudic debates over this sort of thing now. Great. How exciting. By the way, she wasn't the only, only girl this week who faked a pregnancy. Apparently Lily Phillips, who had, you know, held the title of person who slept with the most pregnant people in a particular time period until Bonnie Blue decided to, you know, outshine her. She slept with 100 men. She announced that she was pregnant, and then it turns out that that was fake and it was role play for her subscribers. It was role play. Don't worry. Only is only enriching the lives of Americans and the health of women. Oh, boy. This is the culture you have created, and I hope that you wallow in all of it.
Unknown A
Okay. Other pieces of culture today. So I have been told. Again, I'm just informed of these things and then told that people want to hear about them. I'm not sure I share the sentiment, but in any case, apparently Alec Baldwin and family now have a reality show because why the hell not Everyone needs a reality show. Everyone. So Alec and his wife. Hilarious. She. Her name is Hilaria Baldwin. I guess she's actually just from Boston. And she, I think, changed her name and then changed her backstory and changed her accent and maybe everything else about herself. I'm not really sure. Apparently they have a reality show now. I don't know where they shot the reality show. I know where Alec Baldwin typically does his shootings, but I'm not sure where they. In any case, we have a bit of the trailer for the Baldwins, which is a thing that is happening in all of our lives.
Unknown A
Here we go.
Unknown C
Seven children, six animals, two parents, a wild family. Why are we eating chocolate?
Unknown A
Oh, it's your fault.
Unknown C
Unknown A
Don't pee in that pool.
Unknown C
Gross. What's the matter? Happy face. A son lost his mom in the most unthinkable tragedy. This is never something to forget and we're trying to parent through it.
Unknown A
When the world is getting sad music.
Unknown C
Know that I'm honestly.
Unknown A
Wait, he shot somebody? Why is this about him? I don't know where I'd be if.
Unknown C
I didn't have you in these kids. It's okay. Just ignore him.
Unknown A
And then the music turns inspiring.
Unknown C
But we found our foundation. She says, you should look like this. We're solid and we're here together.
Unknown A
Wow, that sounds meaningful. That sounds great. Also, remember when TLC was the Learning Channel? I remember that. And now it's just random celebrity family who. Maybe somebody shot somebody. So that's. That's great. By the way, again, Hilaria Baldwin is in fact one of the most hilarious people in impossible human history. Flashback clip. Here is Hilaria Baldwin and her widely variant accent.
Unknown C
Hi, I'm Hilaria Baldwin.
Unknown A
And I'm Alec Robert.
Unknown C
And we have an announcement to make.
Unknown A
Good God, no.
Unknown C
No, definitely not. We're done having kids. This is about our show. When I was growing up and in this country, I would use the name Hillary, and in Spain, I would use the name Hilaria. And my family, like my parents, they call me Hilaria. My whole family is called me Hilaria. And. And it was something that was always kind of like a I see other people do it. And it always kind of bothered me that, like, neither name sounded good.
Unknown A
She went by Hillary, her original name, until 2009. That's when she started using the name Hilaria instead of dropping the Spanish accent. Her original name is Hillary Lynn Hayward Thomas. In other words, the whitest name that has ever been whited. And yeah, so that's all great. Everyone needs a reality show that's exciting. Speaking of reality shows, in just a moment, we're gonna get to our 51st state because tragedy occurred last night in a hockey game between the United States and our arch enemy, the Canadians. We'll get to that. First, you need to be a subscriber. And again, we have tons of great content over at dw. We've got our kids content, Ben Key, we've got all of our movies, we've got Matt Walsh's films. We've got all access. We have all sorts of amazing Jordan Peterson's content. Like, the content is nearly endless. If you're not a member, become a member.
Unknown A
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